Jessica rabbit

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Valiant steps out of the car when..."oh and shark's going to joining you on this case"

Eddie stops in his feet, when he hears shark has to go with him.

"What!? Oh no way buddy, you see I work alone"

"Look if you going to find princess, you need shark for information and besides you could use the extra muscle"

But Eddie was still baffled, "princess? What kinda of name is that for a child"

Then shark gets testy, "we told you she's adopted, she had the name when we got her, now let's go" shark shoves him.

"And Mr. Valiant?" He turn to wolf, "don't let me down" he growled and took off.

"Princess? What a stupid name"

"Hey!" Shark smacked him at the back of his head, "I heard that"

Shark took him to the school, he investigated the scene.

"This is where princess was last scene, usually everyday, she would stand out here waiting for us or the limousine to pick her up...But when he heard that she wasn't home or at the school, we started to get a little worried"

The two looked around the school then Eddie stops to face shark.

"Do you have any idea who would want to kidnap "Princess""

"Yeah a cat name Thomas but he's locked away in prison"

"Does he have a grudge with you guys"

"Yeah we put him away after he tried to murder princess"

Eddie looks at him shocked, "what?"

"Yeah he tried to hurt her"


"Yes" shark was getting impatient.

Then Eddie walks away, "ok I got everything I need"

"Hey! Where do you think your going" shark asked.

"I got another case to work on"

"WHAT ABOUT PRINCESS" he yelled when Eddie was far from him.

"I'll get to it when I can"

Valiant walks down a gloomy alleyway and knocks on a door. A hatch slides open and a bloodshot eye appears in the hole.

"Got the password?"

"Walt sent me"

The hatch slides open and after a moments delay the door slowly creaks open. Behind the door hulks the massive body of a gorilla in a suit.

"Nice monkey suit"

"Wise Ass!"

Valiant walks down a short corridor towards a door behind which can be heard the sound of a piano playing. As Valiant opens the door there is an explosion of sound of piano playing. On a stage opposite Donald and Daffy Duck are playing a dueling pianos. Watching this are numerous people seated round small tables and being served by toon penguins from Mary Poppins. At the bar an octopus is serving several customers at once.

"Quack, quack. Cut it out!"

"Anyone understand what this duck is saying?"

"Mmm, most amusing"

"A bit more wine?"

"I've worked with a lot of wise quackers, but you are despicable!"

"Doggone, stubborn, little..." Donald stutters.

"This is the last time I work with someone with a speech impediment!"

"Oh yeah?!" He grabs Daffy, throws him into the piano and slams it shut on him, leaving only his beak sticking out.

"This means war"

As Valiant stands watching all of this a bald man squirts ink on Valiant's shirt with a pen.

"Ha, ha, ha!"

"What, you think that's funny?"

"Oh, it's a panic!"

Valiant then Grabs him, "You won't think it's funny when I stick that pen up your nose!"

"Now calm down, son, will ya. Look, the stain's gone. It's disappearing ink. No hard feelings I hope? Look, I'm..."

" I know who you are. Marvin Acme. The guy that owns Toontown. The Gag King"

""If it's Acme, it's gasser!" Put it there pal. The hand buzzer! Still our biggest seller! Ha, ha, ha"

Totally unamused, Valiant sits down and a penguin from Mary Poppins comes up to take his order. Valiant slams the menu back on the tray without looking at it.

"Scotch on the rocks. ...And I mean ice!"

Donald playing both pianos at once, "This is hot stuff"

Daffy takes over and behind him appears a devilish Donald who nearly blows Daffy's head of with a cannon.

"Heh-Huh! Hoo! Heh-Hoo! Hoo! Heh-Hoo! Heh-Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Two hooks appear from either side of the stage and pull the ducks off the stage to the applause of the audience.

"Hey, those ducks are funny! They, they never get to finish the act! Ha, ha, ha"

"Right" a Penguin from Mary Poppins gives Valiant his drink.

"Thanks" but he Finds stones in it, "Toons"

"Cigars! Cigarettes! Eddie Valiant!"


"Long time no see!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Work's been kinda slow since cartoons went to color. But I still got it, Eddie. Boo boo bedoo. Boop!"

"Yeah, you still got it"

There is a growing commotion behind Valiant. He turns to indicate Acme who is gesticulating towards the stage.

"What's with him?"

"Mr. Acme never misses a night when Jessica performs"

"Got a thing for rabbits, huh?"

The room goes suddenly quiet and the silence is broken when a huskily voiced woman begins to sing. As she appears from behind the curtains the men go wild.

"'You had plenty money in 1922. You let all the women make a fool of you, Why don't you do right, like some other men do? Get out of here, get me some money too"

Valiant Unable to take his eyes away from Jessica.

"She's married to Roger Rabbit?"

"Yeah. What a lucky goirl" she covers his mouth.

Now if you had prepared twenty years ago. You wouldn't be a-wandering now from door to door. Why don't you do right, like some other men do? Get out of here, give me some money too. Get out of here, get me some money too. Why don't you do right, like some other men... doooo?"

After the show, Valiant follows Marvin to Jessica's room.

"Who is it?"

"Jessica dear, have no fear, your Marvin is here!"

The door closes behind him, muffling his words. Valiant tries to peer through the keyhole.

"You sure murdered 'em again tonight, baby. I really mean it. My darling, you were superb. You absolutely, truly and honestly fashmolyed that audience. You killed them. You slayed them. You belted them into little pieces..."

Then A large shadow casts itself over Valiant's back and a large hand taps him roughly on the shoulder.

What do think you're doing, chump?"

"Who you calling a chump, chimp?"

The gorilla throws Valiant out of the door over by the dump.


"And don't let me catch your peeping face around here again, got it?!"

"Ooga booga!"

Valiant dust himself off and is about to leave when he hears Jessica and Marvin talking through one of the nearby windows. He pulls up a box and peers through a gap in the curtains.

"Come my dear, Jessica. I'm over here. I've got everything you need, right here, on the bed

"Oh, not tonight, Marvin. I have a headache"

"But, Jessica! You promised"

"Oh... alright. But this time, take off that hand buzzer"

"Patty cake! Patty cake! Patty cake, patty cake..."


"Patty cake, patty cake..."

"Marvin! Oh!"

Midway through taking pictures, Valiant is visibly stunned at the event.

"Patty cake! Patty cake! Patty cake! Patty cake!"

"Oh Marvin!"

"You've gotta be kidding me"

"Patty cake! Patty cake!"

Maroon's Office and Roger is rattling the blinds.

"Patty cake! Patty cake! Ahah! I don't believe it!" He crying loudly then Headbutting himself on the desk, "Patty cake! Patty cake! Is that true?"

" Take comfort, son. You're not the first man whose wife played patty cake on him"

Maroon hands him a handkerchief which Roger blows into with gusto. He hands it back dripping with water and Maroon hands it to Valiant.

"I just don't believe it. I won't believe it. I can't believe it. I shan't believe it!"

Valiant Drops the hanky into the bin with a splash.

"Believe it, kid. I took the pictures myself. She played patty cake"

He hands Rodger the pictures, Flicking through the pictures faster and faster so it looks like they are moving.

"No... not my Jessica! Not patty cake. This is impossible. I don't believe it. It can't be. It just can't be. Jessica's my wife! It's absolutely impossible!!!" Then he Throws the pictures into the air.

"Jessica's the light of my life, the apple of my eye, the cream in my coffee"

"You better start drinking it black, 'cause Acme's taking the cream now"

"Hard to believe. Marvin Acme's been my friend and neighbor for 30 years. Who would've thought he was a sugar daddy?"

" Somebody must have made her do it"

Maroon Hands Roger a glass, "Now, drink this, son. It'll make you feel better"

"Ahh... Eech! Gaahh! Brblbllllllll..." He turns a variety of different colors and his eyes bulge.

He suddenly shoots into the air and emits a whistling sound so high pitched that it breaks all the glasses in the room including the one held by Valiant and the glass awards on the shelves, broken lamp and the bottle of beer. As the whistling dies down Roger collapses back into the seat and mutters..."Thanks, I needed that" before falling face down on the table.

Valiant Shakes the liquor of his hands, "Son of a bitch. Look, Mr. Maroon, I think my work here is finished. How about that carrot you owe me, huh?"

"A deal's a deal" maroon Hands Valiant the check.

"Great... Thanks, now that my work is finish I got to go work on another case about a missing girl"

"Oh missing kid?"

"Yeah the daughter of the bad guys"

"Whoa! did you say the bad guys"

"The one and only and get this, they pay 10,000 clams Just to bring her back safe"

"Well they aren't kidding, they're super protective of her, willing to pay anything for her"


"Yep, Roger. I know all this seems pretty painful now. But you'll find someone new. Won't he, Mr. Valiant?"

"Yeah, sure. A good looking guy like that" Eddie chuckles, "The dames'll be breaking his door down"

Suddenly Rodger comes to life again, "Dames?! What dames?!" He grabs Valiant by the collar and shouts at him forcing Valiant back onto the desk. He broke and smashed the windows.

"Jessica's the only one to me! You'll see. We'll rise above this pickling peccadillo! We're going to be happy again. You got that? Happy! Capital H-A-P-P-I!" He loses it and He crashes through the window leaving a rabbit shaped hole in the glass and the blinds.

"Well, at least he took it well..."

"Yeah but now I got to go find that kid"

As Valiant and Maroon stare dumbfounded out of the window the blinds crash down. Roger is across the road at the Acme factory looking at his photos. One is of him and Jessica on their wedding day. Another is of the two of them on their honeymoon on a beach. The last is of the two of them hugging each other in the Brown Derby.

Roger starts crying, "Oh Jessica... P-p-pllllease tell me it's not true" he sobs, "P-p-p-p-pllllease!" He continues crying.

Valiant was walking when shark followed him.

"Hey! HEY!"

He was heading to his office when shark gets in front of him.

"What about princess"

"I'll get to get when I can, I'll get you the results tomorrow"

But when he gets inside his office, shark glared at him.

In his office. He takes off his jacket and starts to take the photos down from the line where he had hung them. When Valiant goes through the photos of 1946 back at his office he finds old pictures of him and Dolores mucking around on a beach. Smiling, he flicks through them. However he finds pictures of him and his brother and seems close to tears. He gets drunk. On the other side of the desk is a chair covered in dust. In front of this on the desk is a sign reading Theodore J. Valiant. Covering the desk are numerous newspaper clippings of toon cases they solved. One of the pictures of his desk depicts the brothers and their father in the Ringling Brother circus in 1906.

Soon it's morning and shark is in the room. Valiant is asleep with his head on the desk. Shark throws the empty bottle in front of Valiant into the bin and drops it on the floor.

"Zzzzzzz....Yarghh!" He leaps upright in his seat and stares groggily at shark beside him.

"How did you get in?" He asked still sleepy.

"You left the door open, mr. Wolf is getting patient, he wants answers now are you going to find our daughter or get drunk"

"Yeah yeah, I'll get to get when I can Alright"

Another man came in as shark storms out the door.

"Just Don't forget we paid you half of the 10,0000, if you want the other half, I suggest you do your dam job" he growled and slam the door hard.

"Lieutenant Santino. Where'd you come from?"

Santino Looks at the photos, "Gee whizz, Eddie. If you needed money so bad, why didn't you come to me?"

Valiant Tries to pour the last dribble from the bottle, "So I took a couple of dirty pictures. So kill me"

" I already have a stiff on my hands, thank you!"


"Marvin Acme. The rabbit cacked him last night"


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