Death By Chocolate

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The kids file miserably into the front entrance of the shop where Mrs. Scrubitt is waiting.

"My my, what a lot of long faces we have this morning. It's almost like you lot had a sneaky plan to wriggle out of your contracts... which spectacularly backfired." Mrs. Scrubitt said and they all exchange looks, realising she's onto them.

"Oh I know everything that goes on in my Wash House. Mr. Slugworth doesn't think nasty little urchins like you should be out on the streets, So he paid me this money to keep you all down in the Wash House for good. And I'm only too happy to oblige." Mrs. Scrubitt explains.

Wolf gets angry and jumps on her but was grabbed by Mr bleacher, who grabs the other kids.

"Look at them go, Lord Bleachowitz." Mrs. Scrubitt said, laughing.

"Lord Bleachowitz? You don't still think he's a lord, do you?" Snake asked and Mrs. Scrubitt's smile drops.

"We made it up, you stupid old hag!" Wolf sneered.

"They're lying! I am a lord!" Bleacher said to Mrs. Scrubitt, as her face contorts as she goes from horror to embarrassment and finally rage.

"Right! That's it! You're all going in the coop." She said, grabbing the kids dragging them out past Bleacher, who is just as stunned by the revelation.

"And take them dungarees off, you... you peasant!" Mrs. Scrubitt yelled at Bleacher in tears.

"But... Puffy-wuff! I wuv oo." Bleacher said, reaching out for her.

They were all thrown into the pigeon coop and Mrs. Scrubitt slams the door behind them.

The kids panicked, wolf begin to tear up Then he shivers and hugs himself for warmth.

Suddenly, a familiar face pops into view at a hatch.

"Hello, kids" Willy greeted, smiling at them.

"Willy!" The kids exclaimed.

"I thought you left!" Wolf said.

"I did. Slugworth promised you guys a better life... but he didn't exactly keep his word. So I came back!" Willy said.

They pop their head out the hatch to see Willy has roped four ladders together.

"Is that safe?" Snake asked Willy, looking at the four ladders roped together.

"Probably not." Willy replied, cheerfully.

"Slugworth wants to locked us up forever." Wolf revealed.

"Well of course he does." Willy said, getting a screwdriver out of his cane and starts dismantling the coop from the outside.

"Why? What's he got against us?" Wolf asked.

"I don't know, wolf, not for sure. All I know for certain is you won't be safe until he's behind bars." Willy replied.

"And how exactly is that supposed to happen?" Snake asked.

"Shark! You said the Cartel keep a record of all their dirty deeds..." Willy said.

"In the greed ledger." Shark said. "Or so if I remember"

"So if we could get ahold of that we could prove they pay Scrubitt and Bleacher to poison our chocolate. They'd all go to jail and you guys would be free." Willy said, excitedly.

"Yes, but may I remind you they keep that ledger in a vault..." shark begins.

"Guarded by a corrupt cleric." Webs said.

"And five hundred chocoholic monks." Piranha said.

"That's all true. But I went for a long cold swim this morning. Cold water's very good for the brain. Stimulates the neural pathways. And after just four miles I figured out how an ingenious son of a criminal, an son of  anaccountant, a baby tarantula, a piranha and a son of a musician those skills and pull off the heist of the century." Willy explains.

"But even if we could get our hands on that ledger, the Cartel will simply bribe their way out of trouble. It's what they do." Snake said.

"The greedy beat the needy every time, remember? It's just the way of the world." Wolf said, shaking his head.

"You're right, wolf. I hate to admit it, but you are. Which is why there's one other thing to do." Willy said.

"What's that?" Wolf asked.

"Change the world." Willy replied and the hatch springs open when he unscrewed the last one and everyone jumps on him and they went crashing landing on something.

"Where do we start?" Wolf asked, smiling.

It's 8AM as the Priest approaches the Cathedral and knocks.

While he waits for the Monks to open the doors, he's approached by a beggar shark in a shawl.

"Couldn't spare a piece of chocolate for a starvin' orphan, could ya?"

"I'm sorry, my child, I don't have any on me." The priest replied.

"Oh that's a shame, Father." The beggar shark said sadly, looking down.

The monks open the door and as the priest pushes past her, surreptitiously popping a piece of chocolate in his mouth.

"Then have some acacia mints." The beggar shark whispered and slips something in the priest's pocket as he enters the Cathedral... a handful of acacia mints.

The beggar shark turns away, revealing herself to be Mr shark.

The zoo security guard eyes another big night out chocolate which has been delivered with a note.

"Basil Bond, Employee of the month! Well that's lovely..." He puts the chocolate in his mouth and passes out. Willy, wolf, and snake slip into the security lodge and grab some van keys.

Afterwards, wolf is driving the tall, rickety zoo transport van. In the back, Willy and snake tends to the giraffe.

"Everything alright back there?" Wolf asked.

"Everything's fine, isn't it, Abigail?" Willy asked and the Giraffe snorts.

They then approach a low bridge. "Ooh! Tell her she might want to duck." Wolf said.

"Might want to what?" Willy asked.

"DUCK!!" Snake shouted and Abigail ducks as the tall van just scrapes under the bridge.

The priest stands by the great doors, addressing the hundreds of assembled monks.

"Good morning, Brethren." He said.

"Good morning, Father." They replied in unison.

"Now as you all know, it's Baron Von  funeral today and his widow is a bit of a pious type, so I don't want anyone eating chocolate during the service." The priest instructed.

"Yes father." The monks said.

"We all know that one day we shall be judged for our sins, but it's not going to be today." The priest said.

"Amen." The monks said and the priest turns as two monks open the doors.

The priest steps out through the door and freezes. Because standing in the middle of the street in front of him is Abigail, who can smell acacia mints.

The Giraffe realises the smell is coming from the priest's pocket and starts walking in his direction.

"There there. Nice giraffe." The priest said and backs away a few steps, then turns and runs back into the Cathedral, Abigail charging after him.

"Everybody out! Save yourselves! Judgement has come in a most unexpected form! Run away!" The priest screamed and the monks flee in panic while the priest runs up the steps into the pulpit.

He grabs a telephone beneath the lectern and frantically makes a call.

"What have I done to deserve this? You know what you've done, Julius! Sold your soul for twenty pieces of chocolate! Operator? Operator!"

At the telephone exchange, webs hacked into it, has taken the call from the Cathedral.

"Hello, Operator! How may I direct your call?" She asked.

"I need the zoo! It's an emergency!" The priest exclaimed.

"Putting you through to the escaped animal department now." Webs said and beams as she connects the call but instead of putting him through to the zoo, she connects him to...

Piranha has taken the call on a public telephone in the alley.

Wolf, snake, willy and shark all stand around him.

"Hello, zoo?" Piranha said and the rest of the group make various animal noises.

"Quieten down, you animals." Piranha said, then speaks in his underwater voice. "You too, octopus!" He then goes back to his regular voice. "What? Oh yeah, I think we did lose a giraffe. Well it's easy to do. They're hard to spot, you know! Okay! I'll send the guys round!"

The priest hangs up then hears breathing behind him. He slowly turns to see Abigail inches from his face. He freezes in terror as the giraffe sniffs him, seeking out the acacia mints.

Finally the priest vaults over the edge of the pulpit, his pocket tearing as he goes, and flees, leaving the giraffe munching happily on the mints.

"I'm a sinner! A wicked chocoholic sinner!" The priest cried.

The priest, now looking distinctly dishevelled, makes it through the door and two monks close it behind. He looks up to see an entire congregation of mourners including a widow in a veil and pallbearers with a coffin.

"Good morning, everyone! Baroness, so sorry for your loss. We're just having a few technical difficulties so you might want to pop the late Baron down for a moment.." The priest said nervously and the pallbearers set the coffin down as the zoo van arrives.

"Ah! The cavalry!"

Snake and shark climb out and wheel an enormous cage inside the empty Cathedral.

"All clear." Snake said, then Willy and wolf emerge from a pile of straw in the cage.

They go into the Confessional and shark presses the button in the priest's side of the confessional and the elevator side starts to descend.

As it sinks below them, Willy and wolf step on top of the car.

The congregation start clapping as snake and shark emerge with Abigail now happily back in her cage.

"Here you are, Father. One giraffe." Snake said to the priest.

The elevator arrives in the crypt and the Mistress of the Keys looks up, surprised, as the elevator doors open.

She walks over to see a box of chocolates, wrapped in a ribbon, has been placed on a little stand.

"With thanks for all your hard work, Father Julius and the Chocolate Cartel. Oh that's sweet." She said and eats one of the chocolates. Willy and wolf hidden above the elevator, watch as she starts singing and dancing before reaching the whisky fudge.

"I've wasted my life! Could've been happy but I threw a pearl away! I'll give him a call." She said and picks up a phone and dials.

Meanwhile at the zoo, the security guard is still sleeping off Willy's chocolate when the phone rings.
He wakes up and picks up. "Hello?"

"Basil? It's Gwennie." The mistress said, causing Willy, and wolf to share astonished looks.

"What are the chances?" Wolf whispers.

"You were right. Those days in Chemistry class were the happiest of my life." The mistress cries but then she passes out. The zoo security guard looks at the phone, astonished and once more passes out.

Willy, and wolf leap down from their hiding place and head over to the vault door.

They take the key from around the Mistress and unlock the enormous door.

They pull it open to find themselves in the vault, face to face with a mass of pipes, controls and machinery.

"Cool!" Wolf said, amazed.

Later Willy and wolf are desperately hunting for the ledger but it's nowhere to be seen.

"Anything?" Willy asked.

"Nothing." Wolf said. "I can't find anything"

"Keep looking." Willy told him.

"It's not here, Willy." Wolf said, giving up.

"It's gotta be! Shark said that..." Willy said, but wolf interrupted him.

"Shark has been in the Wash House for the past four years. Maybe all the scrubbing has gone to his head.
Because all that's down here is a bunch of stupid old chocolate!"

Frustrated, he throws a box at the wall and a secret panel opens.

She steps over, scarcely daring to believe, and finds the green ledger.

"Willy, look!" Wolf said and Willy came over.

"That's it, wolf. We've got them." Willy said, excited.

But then a gun is fired and they spin round to see the three chocolatiers standing in the doorway.

Slugworth has fired into the air and then slowly steps forward, his gun raised.

"Naughty, naughty, Mr. Wonka. You've caused us quite a bit of trouble, you and your tramp urchin."

"But he isn't just an urchin is she, Mr. Slugworth?" Willy said, "and I think you knew him"

"What? What are you talking about, Willy?" Wolf said, looking up at him confused.

"I think Mr slugworth knew your old man"


"Your father was a businessman, the best security guard I hired him to keep my company safe but the moment I meet him, all I saw was a monster a freak I couldn't have that ruining the reputation of my company so I came him money and called the cops on him"

"My dad was never a criminal, you framed him, You're a monster." Wolf sneered.

"No, I'm a business man." Slugworth retorted.

A flashback plays of wolf's dad meeting Mr Slugworth, but when they shook hands Mr Slugworth face dropped and he hands wolf's dad a bag of money, which he smiled but then he sees Mr Slugworth calling the police on him, he panicked and ran trying to escape the police while he was carrying his newborn.

"What did you do to my dad"

"I dropped the charges after he was caught he told me he had a son but I could've cared less-"

Willy has been looking in the ledger and then speaks up. "You sent him working on a boat till he paid his bills" wolf looks over, moved.

"Your dad has been working to get you back, in fact that's what happened to you and your friends parents, Mr Slugworth only saw them as poor and a threat, shark's dad was getting to close to he send him on a cruise, webs mom owed a company but Mr Slugworth saw her as a threat so he took her egg sack and send her on a paid Cruise vacation, they did the same with snake's dad"

"And what about piranha's family"

"Flood drainage, he flooded them away"

"They were illegal immigrates that overflow our stores, too many poor of them"

"And that's how piranha ended up being an orphan"

"Well this is all very touching but back to business. We'll take that, thank you very much." Slugworth said and Fickelgruber takes the ledger from Willy and returns it to its secret compartment.

"How much chocolate have you got at your factory, Fickelgruber?" Slugworth asked.

"About eighty thousand gallons." Fickelgruber replied.

"Prodnose?" Slugworth said.

"Seventy five." Prodnose answered.

"And I've got one fifty. Should be just about enough." Slugworth said, with a sinister smile.

"For what?" Wolf asked, nervously.

"Death by chocolate!" Slugworth replied.

"And we don't mean the pudding." Prodnose added.

They gestures for Willy and wolf to head through the watertight door into the chocolate tank.

Willy marched across the retractable walkway towards the middle of the tank.

Beneath their feet, huge mixer blades stir the chocolate.

They reach the hub which stands, like a tiny metal island in the middle of a lake of chocolate.

"Considering the situation, I wondered if you gentlemen would do a good deed on my behalf." Willy said, turning back to face the only exit to the rank.

"A what?" Fickelgruber asked.

"A good deed? It's a sort of pointless act of selflessness..." Prodnose goes to say but is silence by Slugworth.

"Of course Mr. Wonka. What is it you want us to do?" He asked.

Willy pulls out a jar of chocolate. "I wonder if you could give these to someone... only if you happen to see him, you understand." He said and tosses the jar to Slugworth, who catches it.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"A little orange man." Willy replied.

"Eh?" Slugworth said, confused.

"He's about yay high, with orange skin and bright green hair. I owe him a jar and, well, I think these might be the best I've ever made." Willy explains.

"In that case, I'll see he gets them personally. Farewell, Mr. Wonka. Tramp orphan Urchin." Slugworth said and presses a button.

The walkway retracts, leaving Willy and wolf stranded. The chocolatiers seal the door to the chocolate tank and Prodnose makes a drowning face through the window of the door, mocking them.

Chocolate then starts to cascade from three outlets into the tank.

"Willy." Wolf muttered, frighten as he grabs Willy's arm and he places his other hand on top of one of his hands to comfort him.

The chocolatiers head down the hallway and into the elevator and Slugworth looks down at Willy's jar of chocolates.

"Best he's ever made, eh?" He said and they all start stuffing chocolate in their mouths.

In the tank, chocolate continues pouring into the tank. Willy and wolf are now having to tread water as the level inexorably rises.

"I've got it!" Willy exclaimed.

"What is it?" Wolf asked. "Did you think of something?"

"Yes I did!" Willy said and pulls ingredients from his various pockets and throws great handfuls of them into the chocolate. "If we're going to drown in chocolate, wolf... and let's face it, we're going to drown in chocolate... then it's going to be Wonka chocolate!"

"We're not going to drown, Willy, Look. There's light up there." Wolf said, pointing upwards.

Willy looks up and sees the middle of the ceiling is a skylight.

"We'll let the chocolate raise us up, bang on the glass and pray someone hears us." Wolf said.

"That's a much better idea." Willy replied.

The elevator arrives back up in the confessional. "Now gentlemen, it was a bit of a close shave today and I was wondering if we should rethink our arrangement or.." The priest said and Slugworth hands him the last of Willy's chocolates.

The Priest's eyes light up. "Or just leave things as they are." He said and the Cartel step out.

"That Wonka might be as nutty as a fruit cake, but he sure knew how to make chocolate." Slugworth said.

"Do you think we should have saved some for the little orange man?" Prodnose asked.

"Tell me you're joking." Fickelgruber said.

"Of course I am!" Prodnose said, defensively. "Why am I?" He asked, confused.

"Because there's no such thing as a Little Orange Man, you nincompoop." Slugworth said and throws the empty jar into a trash can.

"Oh I see! Well then I'm glad we ate his chocolates!" Prodnose said, cheerfully.

Willy and wolf are approaching the top of the tank. The rising level of the chocolate lifts them to the skylight in the roof. Desperately they bang on the glass for help, then shadows appear over the glass.

"Look, look, someone's coming! We're saved!" Wolf exclaimed in relief.

But then three faces appear at the glass: Slugworth, Fickelgruber and Prodnose. With evil grins they wave goodbye.

Willy and wolf look at each other, knowing this might be the end.

"I'm sorry, wolf." Willy apologizes.

"Don't be. You found my dad, in fact you found all our families. That's all I ever wanted." Wolf said and Willy smiles slightly.

"Deep breath now." Willy told them. The chocolate rises the last few inches, covering their heads as the chocolate rising to the top. The tank is full.

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