Pure Imagination

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In the confessional booth, the Priest takes a bite of his chocolate.

"Ooh that is better. Honestly Julius, you mustn't get all worked up. As if some weird creature was going to come and punish your sins. It was just a bit of chocolate."

The door opens, bathing the Priest in light.

"Correction." The Priest looks down to see a furious little orange man holding the empty jar that the cartel threw in the trash can.

"It was actually my chocolate." The Oompa Loompa throws the jar at the Priest's head, knocking him cold, then he grabs the secret lever and pulls it.

The elevator arrives back in the basement and doors open to reveal the Oompa Loompa wearing a pair of aviator goggles and a backpack.

"You made a big mistake, gentlemen." He pulls a cord and mechanical wings unfold from his backpack! He leaps off the bench seat and soars through the crypt.

He lands by the control panel and examines it. "You steal from an Oompa Loompa, we take back a thousand-fold!" He pulls the lever marked emergency drain.

Chocolate starts to drain from the tank. It seems to take far too long, but Willy and wolf finally break the surface and take an enormous breath of air! As the chocolate drains, they start being spun around the vortex of the liquid and scream for joy!

"What's going on? What's happening?" Wolf asked.

"It's draining wolf, we've been saved!" Willy exclaimed.

"Who by?" Wolf asked.

"Who by? The Little Orange Man, of course! The Little Orange Man!" Willy replied.

Wolf looks up and see the Oompa Loompa in the skylight, doffing his hat. Astonished, he shrieks with glee. "Thank you, Little Orange Man!"

The Cartel emerge from the Cathedral as the Chief finally arrives in a car.

"Gentlemen! Thank goodness you're alright! I came as fast as I could." He said and tries to get out of the car... but he's so enormously wide now, he doesn't quite fit through the door.

"Car shrunk."

"Don't you worry, Chief. It's all under control. Couple of thieves broke in, but I'm afraid they met with a little accident." Slugworth said, smirking.

"In which they died." Prodnose said, smiling.

"For once, Prodnose, well said!" Fickelgruber said, grinning.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Willy said and the Chocolatiers and the Chief turn to see Willy and wolf standing on the steps, dripping with chocolate.

"Wonka!" Slugworth exclaimed in shock.

"Officer, would you kindly take a look at this?" Willy asked as he hands the green ledger to Officer Affable.

"It details every single illegal payment these men have ever made. Thousands of them. Behind them, the Priest sidles out of sight." Wolf explains.

"Don't listen to her, Affable. he's lying!" The chief exclaimed.

"Well of course he is!" Slugworth yelled.

Officer Affable's eyes widen as he leafs through the pages.

"he's not, sir. he's absolutely right, it's. incredible."
The Chief tries to take control of the situation.

"Oh. Well. Then it sounds like a case for the Chief of Police. Give it to me, Affable. I'll take it from here." He said but Officer Affable keeps a tight hold of the book.

"I can't do that, I'm afraid, sir." Affable said.

"And why's that?" Chief asked.

"Your name's in here too. A lot." Affable replied, glaring at him and the officers move to arrest him.

Slugworth, Fickelgruber, and Prodnose sense the game is up.

"Gentlemen? Run!" Slugworth exclaimed.

But as they run, they begin to float up off the ground just as they did in the Galeria.

They desperately grab at the fountain and cling on to the frozen water spout.

"You didn't eat any of those chocolates did you, Mr. Slugworth?" Willy asked, strolling over to them.

"Why?" Slugworth asked.

"Because they're Hoverchocs. Delayed action. But extra strong." Willy replied, slipping his hands into his pockets.

Slugworth grabs hold of a jet of frozen water sticking out of the fountain.

Fickelgruber clings to Slugworth's foot and Prodnose grabs Fickelgruber's.

"You think you're so clever, don't you, Wonka? Well there's a billion sovereigns of chocolate beneath our feet. We'll get the best lawyers, bribe the judge, rig the jury if we have to. We'll be fine." Slugworth growled at Willy.

"I wish l'd thought of that." Willy muttered, looking towards the ground. Then his eyes flick up as he smirks, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Wolf?" He said, turning away from the three distress men.

Wolf clangs a wrench against a fire hydrant and 100ft underneath the storm drain, the other kids are waiting for the signal.

"Now!" Snake exclaimed and they start to turn a huge valve.

Just then, the ground starts to tremble. The Chief's rolls of fat start to jiggle, then his belt bursts.

The fountain in the middle of the square begins to shake.

The icicles of frozen water which have hung from the ends of its water spouts for years start to crack and fall.

And a rich, brown liquid shoots from the water spouts, sending the Cartel spinning away into the air.

"What is that?" Prodnose shouted as the three of them begin floating away.

"It's our chocolate!" Slugworth exclaimed in horror.

"All our chocolate!" Fickelgruber shouted.

"We're ruined!" Prodnose cried.

"Don't worry, gentlemen! You'll come down eventually, I think. Probably." Willy said, his voice growing quieter as he went on.

"But until then..." He takes various ingredients from his pockets and sleeves and throws them into the fountain.

The chocolate bubbles and turns a gorgeous colour. Wolf watches, enchanted, from one side of the Cathedral.

The Wash House gang emerge from an entrance on the other side.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Willy Wonka and friends invite you all to enjoy our chocolate!!" Willy exclaimed.

As the crowd gather around the fountain, the Mistress of the Keys emerges from the Cathedral, blinking in the sunlight.

She spots the Zoo Security Guard in the crowd.

"Basil?!" She called out.

"Gwennie!!" He called out and they run into each other's arms.

Later, a clean Willy sits on the steps of the Cathedral watching the whole world enjoying the rich chocolate flowing from the fountain.

He feels a warmth he hasn't known since his mother was alive.

He reaches into his pocket and takes out the old chocolate bar, somewhat the worse for wear.

He slowly opens the wrapper and is amazed to see, slipped in alongside the chocolate, a piece of golden paper.

On it is a message from his mother: The secret is... It's not the chocolate that matters. It's the people you share it with! Mamma xxx Willy stares, completely still, his eyes full of tears.

Then he looks up and spots a familiar figure in the crowd.

It's his mother, looking just as she did all those years ago.

She promised she would be with him when he shared chocolate with the world and she kept her word.

She smiles at him and he smiles back, overjoyed to see her one last time... and finally ready to let her go.

The crowds pass between them, and she disappears forever.

Wolf walks up the steps and takes a seat next to Willy.

"Hey." He greeted, in soft tone.

"Hello." Willy greeted, smiling at him looks at the golden paper in his hand.

"Is that a golden ticket?" He asked, squinting his eyes it is and Willy chuckles.

"I suppose it is." He said, gently running his thumb over the paper, then tucks it away in his pocket.

Then he looks up to see the rest of the kids coming over to join them.

Willy and wolf stood up as Willy breaks off a piece of chocolate and hands it to them, They eats it, and a look of pure joy spreads over their faces.

a moment of pure happiness. "How does it feel, Willy? Is it as good as you remember?" Wolf asked him.

"Every little bit. I wish it could last forever.." Willy replied then he looks up at the Cathedral clock.

"But I guess it's time." Willy said and wolf and his friends notices Willy at them excitedly.

"Time for what?"

What's going on?" Wolf  asked, confused.

"Well after everything while I get changed I pulled some strings and I found the cruise your parents were on"

They were all stunned. "You found our parents?" Wolf asked, quietly like ge can't even believe it as much as the others.

"Come on, kids." Willy said and the Cathedral Clock strikes as the bells sound out a familiar first notes of very old but beautiful song.

Willy lead the kids through the docks where a boat stops.

Wolf stops, too nervous to go on, Willy turn to him. Willy smiles at him gently and starts to sing a song.

Willy: "Come with me..
And you'll be...
In a world of pure imagination!"

Wolf smiles and starts to follow them again. they leads her towards the boat.

Wolf stares, a strange sense of recognition washing over him.

Willy: "Reach out, touch what was once just In your imagination."

People started stepping out from inside the boat and a few parents: a red skim cobra with a guitar and fedora, a big bear in a black suit who is a bodyguard has a female tarantula on his shoulders she hears a business suit wearing glasses, two piranha parents and some little ones too all boys, a male and female shark and final a big black fur wolf.

They all look around anxiously, then spots their own children.

Wolf looks to Willy happy and sad, excited and scared, unable to process the mess of emotions inside.

Willy: "Don't be shy, it's alright If you feel a little trepidation!
Sometimes these things don't need

"Mommy" webs ran to her mother which her bodyguard puts her down and she opens her arms and caught webs hugging her.
Piranha ran to his parents who hug him and he was greeted warmly by his brothers.

Shark ran to his parents who hugged him, "son" his dad says.

"Son" called his mom.

Snake slithered up to his dad who did the same thing, the two stare at each other till his dad wraps his tail around him and pulls him in a hug.

And finally wolf approached his own dad, nervous to see him for the first time.

His dad looked nervous but then he gets down and wolf hugs him who returned the hug back, seems to be like forever.

At that moment, wolf stops and looks back. Willy smiles reassuringly and he turns once more to his dad.

Willy: "If you want to view Paradise Simply look at them and view it
Somebody to hold on to... it's all we really need
Nothing else to it"

"Dad." Wolf whispered in her father's arms and his dad gently petted her fur.

Willy watches as the kids and their parents go find a place to stay, delighted for their friend, yet tinged with sadness at what they have lost.

"So goes a good deed in a weary world." A familiar voice said.

Willy turns to see the Oompa Loompa has appeared. "I was wondering if I'd see you again." Willy said, smiling.

"Oh I'm not going anywhere, Willy Wonka, not til you've paid your debt. Now I know you tried, but Loompa Law is very clear on this subject. Until such time as the chocolate is physically in my ha..." The Oompa Loompa said, holding out his hand.

Willy produces a jar of chocolates and hands it to him and it rather takes the wind out of the Oompa Loompa's sails.

"Oh thank you." He muttered.

"Thank you for saving our lives." Willy said.

"Well I suppose that concludes our business. I now consider your debt repaid and shall return to my beloved Loompaland... where the cocoa beans grow in disappointingly small numbers and my friends look down on me." The Oompa Loompa said, turning to leave.

"I thought they called you Lofty?" Willy said.

"As a matter of fact I am a quarter inch below average. They call me Shorty-pants. Still, good day sir."

The Oompa Loompa replied and he begins to walk away.

"It's a shame you have to go." Willy called after him.

"I said good day." Oompa Loompa said, over his shoulder.

"If I'm going to share my chocolate with the world, I'll need more than a shop." Willy continues.

"I'm sure you will." The Oompa Loompa said, continuing to walk away.

"We'll need a factory." Willy said.

"Good luck with that!" The Oompa Loompa said, trying to sound uninterested.

"And someone to head up the tasting department." Willy said and the Oompa Loompa stops in his tracks, intrigued.

"The tasting department?" He asked and Willy starts singing.

Willy: "Come with me.."

Oompa Loompa: "Alright."

"And you'll be..."

Oompa Loompa: "Where?"

Willy lead the Oompa Loompa into a ruined castle.

Willy : "In a world of Pure Imagination!"

Oompa Loompa: "This is a ruined castle."

Willy: "Take a look and you'll see
Into your imagination!"

Oompa Loompa: "I very much doubt it."

Willy race to the center of the ruin castle.

Willy: "We'll begin With a spin
Travelling in the world of my creation What you'll see will defy explanation!"

The Oompa Loompa starts to see the world through their eyes.

The walls are repaired and a great glass roof covers the courtyard.

Willy pulls a lever and a chocolate waterfall spouts from the wall forming a chocolate river at their feet.

"That does defy explanation!" The Oompa Loompa said.

Willy begin jumping on rainbow color mushrooms as he cross the chocolate river without falling in.

Willy: "If you want to view Paradise Simply look around and view it!
Anything you want to, do it!
Want to change the world?
There's nothing to it!"

Chocolate grass and flowers sprout from the floor as a bridge is colored into a rainbow.

The Oompa Loompa picks a flower and uses it as a teacup to sample the chocolate flowing through the river.

"Not bad." He said and eats the cup.

Willy press various buttons, sending great vats of rainbow coloured liquids into a machine which compresses them into a perfect little chocolate.

The two of them together, cross the rainbow bridge to reach the machine.

Willy: "There is no life we know That compares with pure imagination!
Living there, you'll be free
If you truly wish to beeeeeeeeee!"

Willy hands the Oompa Loompa the finished chocolate, who tries it and a look of pure joy crosses his face.

He offers his hand to Willy, who shakes it enthusiastically.

A flock of flamingoes fly overhead and at the front entrance of the factory, is a neon sign which lights to show the word: WONKA

But it wasn't over just yet....

Back with Ms scrubbit, "Shoes, facelift, nose job, Ibiza, big old house in the country, lingerie"

"It's the Cartel. They've gone down"

"We ain't done nothin'"

"Oh, except poison all them chocolates"

"Police. Open up"

"Quick! Drink the evidence Oh, just a second, Officer"


"I'm on the toilet, Officer"

"Open up"

"One wipe, and I'm done"

"Oh, there's more coming, hang on a minute"

"Right. Wow"

"How can we help you, Officer?"

"You two are coming with me"

"But we ain't done nothin'."

"You're going away for a very long time"

Suddenly the door burst open and coming in were the angry parents of the bad guys.

Wolf's dad held him as he looked furiously at Ms scrubbit and Mr bleacher.

"Right after we beat them for what they did to our kids" Mr wolf says as he hands wolf to snake who holds him.

Snake's dad joins him as he slithers away from his son, shark hands his son to his mom.

"Here hold on up our son" he rolls up his sleeves.

Then webs mom snapped her finger and her bodyguard marched over to them, and piranha's parents marched off with pounding fist.

"Ah Mr wolf so good to see you again" Ms scrubbit panicked.

"This is how you took care of my son I'll teach you not to hurt him"

"Now wait a minute just wait-AH!" Mr bleacher tries to calm him.

The kids watched as their parents beat up Ms scrubbit and Mr bleacher.

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