For a moment

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Willy is now hiding the laundry bag when the dumb waiter reach the top.

Wolf see Mrs. Scrubitt and Bleacher through the window, sitting by the stove and giggling amorously.

Willy's bag leaps out of the dumb waiter into the laundry cart.

Wolf drag the cart down the hill and into a deserted alley just out of sight of the laundry.

"All clear!" He announced, untying the laundry bag.

"Really?" Willy asked, gazing up at wolf.

"Yeah." He said, nodding.

"We did it! Well done, wolfie!" He praised, climbing out of the cart.

"I can't believe it worked!" Wolf said, grinning.

"And wait 'til you see how much chocolate I made last night!" Willy said, taking off his hat and reaching inside it.

"We sell this and we're gonna be... oh no!" Willy has magicked a jar from his hat, but it is empty.

"What's going on, Willy?" Wolf asked.

"Not again." Willy muttered.

"Where are the chocolates?" Wolf asked.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but... they've been stolen." Willy said, putting his hat back on.

"Stolen?" Wolf said.

"Mm-hm." Willy hummed, nodding.

"Who by?" He asked.

"The Little Orange Man." Willy said, as if it was the most important thing in the world.

"What?" Wolf asked, giving him a look of doubt.

"The Little Orange Man. Didn't I tell you about him?" Willy asked.

"No, you neglected to mention little orange men exist." Wolf said, finding this just as hard to believe.

"He's my nemesis! He's about yay high, comes in the dead of night and steals all my chocolate. Been happening every few weeks for the past three... four years now." Willy explains.

"Really?" Wolf said in disbelief.

"Sometimes I spy him in that strange realm between sleep and wake, green hair glinting in the moonlight." Willy muttered to himself, in his own little world now.

"Green hair?! What, does he got white eyebrows too?" Wolf asked sarcastically.

"Perhaps. I never get a good look of his face." Willy replied. "One day I shall catch him, and when I do..." He said, vengefully.

"Willy? WILLY!!" Wolf said.

"Yes?" Willy said, giving us his full attention again.

"You don't actually to expect me to believe this, do you?" Wolf asked.

"Course I do! What other explanation is there?" Willy asked.

"I don't know. That you go to sleep, dream about a little green man..." wolf begins.

"Orange man, green hair." Willy corrected her. ".....and while you're dreaming, stuff your face with chocolate!!" Wolf finishes.

"Stuff my.." Willy said, offended but then he pauses. "That does make a lot more sense." He said in realization. "Have I been eating my own chocolate?" He muttered to himself.

"Why did i ever think this would work?" Wolf said, shaking his head and turning away from Willy.

"I don't think so." Willy continue muttering to himself.

"Stupid Silver Linings." He grumbled, walking along side Willy.

"Hey! There's nothing stupid about my chocolate." Willy said, taking his cane out of the cart.

"If Mrs. Scrubitt had spotted us, I'd be in the coop right now!" Wolf said, angrily as he turn back to face him.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? But we can make more chocolate. The only problem is I'm all out of milk." Willy said.

"Well that's not a problem. There's milk over there" he points to a bottle of milk from the nearest doorstep.

Willy's eyes widen in horror, "That's stealing! And Willy Wonka does not use any old cow's milk. For this particular creation, I require the milk of a giraffe." He said.

"Oookay, fine. As matter of fact, there's one at the zoo." Wolf said, giving into his crazy plan yet again cause it's just easier not to argue.

"Bingala!" Willy exclaimed and he strides off down the alley.

"But the zoo's not that way.." wolf  said.

"Great." Willy said, turning back and as he starts to pass us, wolf grabbed his arm. they're not just gonna let you just walk in there and milk it."

"Mm. That, my dear wolf, is why we're very lucky the little orange man didn't find this." Willy said, leaning in close beside me and he taps the top of his cane.

It opens up like a Fabergé Egg, revealing a single chocolate in a tiny box.

That night we went to the zoo and wolf went up to the security lodge to give the guard inside the chocolate box.

The security guard eyes the box, suspiciously. "What is it?" He asked.

"From Zoo Management. In recognition of your years of service." Wolf said, smiling sweetly.

"But I've only been here a year." The guard said and wolf paused for a second. ".....which is why there's only one chocolate." Wolf said, thinking on his feet.

"Oh. Well, thank you very much." The guard said.

"You're welcome. Good night!" Wolf said and he lowers the blind.

Wolf ran back over to Willy, who were watching from a little way off.

"Hey, well done, wolf " Willy praised as he beamed a smile at him.

"Thanks. What is it really?" Wolf asked.

"It's called A Big Night Out, a single chocolate that perfectly mimics a night on the town. The outer layer is champagne truffle." Willy explains as we watch the silhouette of the guard through the frosted glass, put the chocolate in his mouth.

"Ooh! Lovely!" The guard exclaimed.

"The next is white wine. Followed by red. That's when the singing and dancing starts." Willy continued and right on cue, the guard starts singing and dancing.

"We're gonna have a party tonight!"

"It's when he hits the layer of o' whisky fudge he'll get emotional." Willy said and the guard slumps into his chair, weeping. "She was the only woman I ever loved!" He cried.

"He might do something reckless." Willy said, right as the guard picks up a phone and dials. "I'll give her a call. What harm can it do? Hello, Gwennie? It's Basil. I just wanted to say, I always loved you. I love you so much! ....What? Basil Bond! We sat next to each other in Chemistry at school. No, no, don't hang up!"

"Finally, some old port from the back of the cupboard, and..." Willy said and the guard passes out as wolf look on in shock.

"That's a pretty powerful chocolate!" He said, impressed.

"Thank you." Willy said, looking at wolf with a giddy smile.

"Let's go." Willy said, heading for the security lodge but wolf stayed put, still looking on in shock of the emotional whiplash the guard just went through.

"Wolf, let's go."

They enter the zoo and begin walking around with flashlights. Noodle gazes around at all the animals, entranced, then frowns as they pass a lake filled with flamingos.

"Why don't they fly away?" Wolf asked.

"I don't know. Perhaps they haven't thought of it." Willy replied.

"You're kidding." Wolf said.

"No, I'm serious. That's the thing about flamingoes. They need someone to show them the way." Willy said.

"Huh." Wolf muttered.

They slip into a backstage corridor, seeing various doors open onto different enclosures.

"Where are we? Giraffe... giraffe... Ah! Giraffe!" Willy said and he opens a door clearly marked: TIGER.

He is immediately confronted by a great snarling beast, who charges at him.

Willy screams until wolf slam the door in the nick of time.

"You have got to learn how to read." Wolf said.

"Why?" Willy asked.

"You were nearly eaten by a tiger!" Wolf exclaimed, pointing at the sign above my head.

"Nearly is the key word there, wolf I've nearly been eaten by a lot of things. And none of them got more than a nibble." Willy boasted.

Wolf shook his head and continued on with Willy.

"Giraffe." Wolf said, pointing at the door marked: GIRAFFE.

"Okay, I'll learn how to read." Willy said, trudging behind them.

Willy walks into the stall while wolf hanged back a bit. He look up at the elegant great creature.

"Good evening, Miss um.." He said, bowing to the giraffe and wolf shines his flashlight on a sign by the door.

"Abigail." He said.

"Abigail." Willy said and the giraffe starts, alarming wolf as he stands behind Willy who held up his hands.

"Whoa! Easy now. I've brought acacia mints." He said.

The Giraffe reaches down inquisitively and snaffles a handful of mints.

Wolf, enchanted, as Willy starts to scratch the Giraffe under the chin. "Giraffes are just crazy about my acacia mints. Love them more than anything else. Except being scratched under the chin, you see?"

The Giraffe does indeed seem to be enjoying the experience.

"You wanna give it a go, kid?" Willy asked.

"Me?" Wolf asked, pointing to himself.

"Yeah. Why not?" Willy replied.

"Okay.." wolf said, being much braver and step forward. His smiles broadly as the Giraffe responds to her touch.

"It's alright, wolf No reason to be afraid." Abigail, who enjoying being scratched by wolf.

"Now, Miss Abigail, if my colleague here gives you a good scratch, do think you could possibly spare us a pint or two of milk?" He asked the giraffe, who blinks at him.

Willy stands his coat magically on the ground. He presses a button and the arms of a coat hanger flip out from the side.

He hangs his coat and hat over the cane then sits on a stool to milk the Giraffe.

Wolf went up a rickety step ladder to continue scratching Abigail's chin, who is loving it.

"So, have you done this before?" Wolf asked.

"Once. In Africa. Magnificent beast." Willy replied.

"Was she wild?" Wolf asked, sitting next to Willy as he watches him milk the giraffe.

"Wild? She was absolutely furious!" Willy said and wolf smiles fondly, shaking his head.

"You sure can be silly, Willy." Wolf said and giggled, suppose that's truely wolfie" Willy said.

"True-ly?" Wolf asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That doesn't work, does it? Nothing rhymes with wolf. Where'd you get that name, anyway?" Willy asked.

"My dad but it Doesn't matter." Wolf muttered.

"No, go on." Willy encouraged wolf.

He thinks for a moment, then looks up at Willy. Then wolf pulls out a grandfather pocket watch.

"See This." He said, showing Willy the amber and gold engravings that ge keeps on a string around his neck.

"It's all I have from my real parents. See? Or at least my only parent 'w." Stands firm wolf because my dad was known as the deadly and greatest criminal of all time: the black paw" wolf muttered, looking down at the ring longingly.

"You see when I was a puppy my dad had me but the cops were getting close on him"

A flashback plays with a big black fur wolf holding two things, a bag of stolen money and a baby pup wolf wrapped in a blanket, he looks up at the old wolf and smiled reaching out for him.

The black paw aka wolf's dad looked down and smiled but then the cops shoot him on his back.

He winced in pain, and he had to slow down, dropping the money.

Worried for his son, the black paw looks around trying to figure a way out.

Then he sees a a laundry chute, he takes the bag and looking down at his son he puts him in, the pup cried and reaches out for his dad.

The black paw clams him son by hugging him and kisses his forehead and gives his son the pocket watch.

As he hears the police getting closer, he looks around and he says goodbye to his son and says to him.

"I'll be back jr I promise" he drops his son in the chute for Mrs scrubbit to find him.

"When I was a kid, I always hoped my dad would come back, I'd run into his arms and he'd give me this big hug like he wouldn't ever let me go. But then I realised it was just a stupid dream. My dad is never coming back for me" wolf explains as Willy watches him.

"There's nothing stupid about dreams." Willy said, softly.

"Isn't there?" Wolf asked.

"I know things haven't been easy for you, or your friends. But they're going to get better. I'm not going to let either of you rot in that wash house forever." Willy said, getting up from his stool.

"You promise?" Wolf asked.

"I can do better than that..." Willy said, walking over to wolf with his pinky extended.

"I pinkie promise! And that's the most solemn vow there is." Wolf stares at him for a moment, then wraps his furry pinky finger around Willy's finger.

"Get scratchin'." He said, climbing back down.

"We don't have long until the guard comes to-dle wolf." Willy said, returning to his stool.

"Oh... I'm gonna keep working on it." He muttered and wolf giggled, going back to scratching Abigail's chin.

Wolf: "For a moment
Life doesn't seem
Quite so bad
For a moment I kinda forgot To be sad"
He turns night to day
But don't get carried away
Never let down your guard
Let them into your heart
For a moment Not for a moment"

Willy has finished milking Abigail and turns to wolf.

"I got it wolf! Listen to this." He said and turns to where his cane stands, his coat and hat handing from it like a shop mannequin.

He picks up the cane and dances with it as if dancing with himself as wolf giggled at his antics.

Willy: "Noodle, Noodle!
Apple Strudel!
Some people don't and Some people doodle!
Snakes, Flamingos, Bears and Poodles!
Singing this song will improve your moodle!
Noodle-dee-dee, Noodle-dee-dum!
We're having oodles and oodles of fun!"

Willy slips his coat and hat on then begins spinning the ladder.

"Willy!" Wolf shrieked joyfully and caught the lantern.

The lantern lowered wolf to the ground and they all run out together, hand in hand.

"Thanks, Abigail!" Willy said.

Willy and wolf race through the zoo. Willy grabs a bouquet of helium balloons from a stall and the lift from the balloons makes us almost weightless.

Wolf: "For a moment
My life has turned upside down!
For a moment
I can't keep my feet on the ground!"
He's the one good thing
That's ever happened to me
Should I drop my defences
Give up the pretence For a moment?"

Willy: "Noodle, Noodle! Apple Strudel!
Some people don't and Some people doodle!
Snakes, Flamingos, Bears and Poodles!
Singing this song will Improve your moodle!
Noodle-dee-dee, Noodle-dee-dum!
We're having oodles and oodles of fun!"
We run across the flamingo lake and our fe the surface of the water.

The flamingos wa the water, floating up and over the wall and they land on the glass roof of the Galleria al glass dome.

Eventually a gust of wind take and the two are blown off the roof.

When they land on the ground, wolf lets go of his hand and backs off as Willy slips his free hand around his waist and rest it on the lower part of his back.

Wolf place my other hand on his shoulder as they begin to slow dance by the frozen fountain.

During the dance, Willy held his arm up to spin wolf, which cause my heart to flutter in a way it never has before.

Wolf: "For a moment
Life doesn't seem quite so bad And for a moment I kind of forgot To be sad..."

Suddenly they heard a loud BRRIIINGG sound. They look up to see the Chief getting out of his Police Car.

"Mr. Wonka! A word in private, if I may." He said.

"Certainly, officer" Willy replied.

"Be on your way, Affable." The Chief said.

"Are you sure, sir?" Affable asked.

"Oh yeah. This is between me and Mr. Wonka." Chief replied.

Willy takes off his hat as he turns to Wolf.

"You better get out of here, buddy." He said, reaching into his hat to magic the container of milk out.

"But Willy..." wolf begin to argue.

"Don't worry about me, I've talked my way out of tighter spots than this. I'll meet you back at the cart." Willy said, handing me the container of milk.

Wolf frowned, not wanting to leave him. But he have to do so he raced off as the Chief approaches Willy.

"Now Officer, if this is about Abigail..." Willy begins and before he can continue, the Chief grabs Willy by the collar.

"I've got a message for you, pal!" He said and plunges Willy's head into the freezing cold water of the fountain.

"Don't sell chocolate in this town!"

The Chief pulls Willy's head back up. "Got it?!" He asked.

"Not really, I'm afraid." Willy replied, in shock.

"Oh, so you got a mouth on you, huh Candyman? I said..." The Chief said and pushes Willy in the water again.


He pulls Willy back up. "You hear me this time?" He asked.

"I had water in my ears." Willy announced.

"Oh." The Chief mutters and looks down at the water.

"Yeah, that... does make sense. Listen, I'm sorry. I'm all outta whack. Truth is, I don't want to be doing this."

"I don't want you to be doing this!" Willy expressed.

"But I still gotta give ya a message. Sell chocolate in this town again, you're gonna get more than a bonk on the head." The Chief told him.

"I don't have a bonk on the head." Willy said, puzzled.

"What is with me today?! Can you wait just a moment?" The Chief asked.

"Sure." Willy replied and the Chief proceeds to get his nightstick out and bonks Willy on the head.

Mrs. Scrubitt and Bleacher gaze lovingly at each other while wolf sneak past with Willy hidden in the laundry cart.

"Mrs. Scrubitt! Your eyes are like two rabbit droppings in a couple of bowls." Bleacher said.

"Oh! You have a way with words!" Mrs. Scrubitt said, charmed by his words.

" See you downstairs!" Willy said as his sack leaps down the laundry chute.

"Geronimo!" He exclaims as he falls then lands back down in the Wash House where the other workers are finishing their shift.

Snake looks up sternly. "Ah, Mr Wonka. Good of you to join us."

"Not late, am I?" Willy asked, popping out of a laundry basket.

"Well, no. Cutting it a bit fine, but..." shark said.

"Has Tiddles been pulling his weight?" Willy asked, climbing out of the laundry basket.

"As a matter of fact, Tiddles has been a very good boy and productivity is up 30%." Shark announced.

"We even took the afternoon off." Snake said. "But that's not the point." Snake said.

"This is the point!" Piranha joked.

"Not now, piranha." Snake said, slightly annoyed.

"Sorry." Piranha muttered.

"The point is, where have you been?" Snake asked Willy.

"What've you been up to?" Shark asked.

"And why do you smell of giraffe?" Webs asked as piranha nods defiantly.

"Guess I do owe you an explanation. Truth is I'm a chocolate maker." Willy admitted.

"Not just any chocolate maker. The best in the world."  Wolf said as he come down the stairs to join everyone.

"Ah well, wolf flattering me, but she's right. They're exquisite." Willy said, smiling at wolf returns the smile as their eyes remain lock on each other for a long moment.

"The plan is to sell chocolate and pay off Mrs. Scrubitt. At least, that was the plan until..." wolf said.

"Oh, let me guess. You had a little runin with the Chief of Police." Snake said.

"How did you know that?" Willy asked, surprised.

"Don't ask me, ask shark" snake points to shark who looks nervous.

"Because that's what happens to anyone who sells chocolate in this town." Snake stated.

"Why?" Wolf asked.

"Three reasons, wolf. Slugworth, Fickelgruber and Prodnose. The Chocolate Cartel." Shark said.

"How do you know all this?" Willy asked.

"Because my dad was Slugworth's accountant. For a week at least... It seemed a straightforward job until I realised there were two sets of books: one for the authorities... and one which told the truth. Slugworth, Fickelgruber and Prodnose have been in cahoots for years. They've been watering down their chocolate and storing the excess in a vault deep beneath the Cathedral, guarded round the clock by a corrupt cleric and five hundred chocoholic monks. The only way to get in is to go down a secret elevator and past the Mistress of the Keys... a subterranean sentinel who hasn't seen sunlight in years. There's thousands of gallons of chocolate down there and they use that chocolate to bribe, blackmail and bludgeon the competition. My dad had took my story to the Chief of Police but they'd got to him first. My dad was charged with slandering a Captain of Industry and fined every penny he had. My dad couldn't take care of me and we needed to get back with mom and my other siblings who were far away, All I needed was somewhere to lay my head until my dad could work out how to get back home"

"But That was four years ago." Snake explains.

"That's how I ended up here, my dad left me in the care of Mrs scrubbit, she even gave him his word that I would be take care of but look where it got me"

Wolf exchange horrified looks with the rest as Willy is disheartened to hear all this.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wonka, but they've got you right where they want you. You can't get a shop without selling chocolate, and you can't sell chocolate without a shop." Shark told him.

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