Scrub scrub

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The clock on the mantle chimes six as Willy walks in. "Evening, Mr. Wonka! How'd it go?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked.

"Not quite as well as l'd hoped." Willy replied, sadly.

"Oh shame. Well I'm afraid we do have to settle up now." Mrs. Scrubitt told him, faking sympathy.

But webs looked worried and wonka could see it, she backed up to hide.

"Thankfully, the room's taken care of. I believe we said a sovereign?" Willy said, putting his sole sovereign down on the counter.

"For the room, yes. But you have incurred one or two extras during the course of your residency with ourselves." Mrs. Scrubitt revealed.

"Have I?" Willy asked, confused and Mrs. Scrubitt opens her ledger and starts totting up his bill.

"Yes, you have. There was that glass of gin you had on arrival. And if I remember rightly, you warmed your cockles by the fire."

"He did indeed, Mrs Scrubitt." Bleacher said, entering the room and shutting the door behind him, Willy begins to get nervous.

"Cockle-warming is extra, see?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked.

"Used the stairs to get to his room and all." Bleacher added.

"Oh and you've got your stair charge, and that's per step, I'm afraid, up and down. Now tell me, Mr. Wonka, did you happen to use the mini-bar?" Mrs.
Scrubitt asked.

"There's a mini-bar?" Willy asked, with a puzzle look.

"Mini-bar of soap." Bleacher clarified.

"By the sink." Mrs. Scrubitt said.

"I might have... briefly." Willy muttered.

"Ooh hoo!" Bleacher exclaimed.

"See, even Bleacher knows you never touch the mini-bar and he was raised in a ditch." Mrs. Scrubitt said and snorts.

"I-I didn't mean to.." Willy tried to explain.

"And add in your mattress hire, linen lease, pillow penalty and you're looking at... ten thousand sovereigns." Mrs. Scrubitt said, smiling.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Willy said, dumbfounded.

"All in the small print, deary." Mrs. Scrubitt said, sweetly as she points at the bill.

"I don't have ten thousand sovereigns!" Willy said, then suddenly Bleacher locks the door.

"Then we have a problem, Mr. Wonka." He said, in a rough tone as begins approaching the young man, who backs away.

"You'll need to work it off in the Wash House, ain't ya. At a sovereign a day!" Mrs. Scrubitt told him as Tiddles the dog, barks at Willy.

"But ten thousand days is..." Willy begins.

"Twenty seven years..." Mrs. Scrubitt said and Bleacher pushes Willy, who stumbles backwards.


"Four months." Bleacher said.

"And sixteen days!" Mrs. Scrubitt said.

"But..." Willy attempted to say but Bleacher shoves him into the laundry chute.

Willy yells as he falls down the chute into a laundry basket.

The Wash House is staffed by four of Mrs Scrubitt's other 'guests', all dressed according to their old professions.

A 10 year old shark looks up as Willy pops out of the basket, panting.

"Hi ya,Ah! You must be Mr. Wonka." He said.

"Who are you?" Willy asked.

"I'm Lou shark but you can talk my Mr shark..."

"Well, it looks like we got a new one" wonka looks around to hear a strange voice, "We runs the place. And you'd best do as we says or you'll answer to me.." teenage snake said, walking over to help Willy out of the basket with shark.

"This is Mr snake and that piranha" Shark said, pointing to piranha, who stares and waves to Willy.

"And of course you meet webs" he shows her crawling on his shoulder.

"They got all of you too, did they?" Willy asked, astounded.

"I'm afraid so. We each of us found ourselves in need of a cheap place to stay and neglected to read the small print." Snake said.

"One moment of stupidity followed by endless regret." Piper said, despairingly.

"But you're all just kids"

"Kids they took in the goodness of their heart and charged us for it, I was on their doorsteps when they took me in, webs...she was just a egg sack, her mom thought she lost her when webs webs fell out and when  Mrs scrubbit found her she nearly smashed webs but saw potential in her, shark's folks left him here till they would return, and he still thinks they'll come back

"I know they'll come back"

"And piranha....hai family got washed away by a storm and he landed here he still writes to them hoping they would find him"

"There's gotta be some way out of here." Willy said, heading for the stairs.

"You don't think we've tried? There's bars on the windows, the dog's on the door..." snake said, causing Willy to freeze in place on the stairs.

"And even if you could get out, that contract is watertight." Shark told him.

"If you're not here at roll call, Mrs. Scrubitt'll call the police, they'll bring you right back and she'll charge you a thousand for the inconvenience." Snake said, rolling his eyes.

Tiddles the dog appears on the stairs and barks menacingly, scaring Willy.

"Alright everyone, back to work. Come along, Mr. Wonka." Snake said and Willy steps off the stairs.

"You come with me." Shark said, grabbing the laundry basket and began pushing it.

"You're in here. On suds." Shark leads Willy into his section of the Wash House, dominated by two enormous copper vats.

"Whoa." Willy muttered.

Shark: "First you pick up the apparel
Then you stick it in a barrel Scrub Scrub!"

Shark sings as he shows Willy what to do. The others join in the song as Willy discovers the drudgery of life in the Wash House.

Kids: "Then you take it to the mangle And you turn the giant handle Scrub Scrub! Then it's hung up really high Until it's nearly dry Scrub Scrub! But when we sing this song The day don't seem so long Scrub Scrub!"

"It's still long though." Piranha said and the song continues as evening turns into night.

Kids: "Gotta press out all the creases From the dresses and chemises Rub Rub! Gotta fold 'em like they told us Or they'll scold us and withhold our Grub Grub!"

Bleacher unlocks the door and the kids trudge wearily upstairs to the Staff Quarters.

Kids: "We all signed the dotted line
So we've gotta do our time"

Snake: "Scrub Scruuuuuuub!"

Kids: "Scrub Srub!"

Mrs. Scrubitt and Bleacher follow the workers into the staff quarters, smiling at them wickedly.

Mrs. Scrubitt: "And if you don't agree"

Bleacher: "See Clause 5" Mrs. Scrubitt: "Section 7a Paragraph 22"

Mrs. Scrubitt: "Part d"

Bleacher: "Which says..."

Kids: "Scrub Scrub!"

The song ends as they go into their individual rooms. Bleacher slams the door and locks them in for the night.

Willy walks into his tiny room, examining how to rundown it is.

He goes over to the barred window and looks out across the rooftops of the slums.

The golden dome of the Galeries Gourmet seems a long way away.

Then he sees another bed, and underneath it was a tail and a pair of yellow glowing eye who stares at him, curious as the creature purrs lightly at him.

"Oh hey little guy you lost" he reaches down to pull him out.

But then, "ah!" He sees it was a small 11 year old wolf he panicked when Willy grabbed his tail.

"Ah I'm so sorry I didn't see your tail" Willy apologize when wolf holds his tail.

"It's ok I'm just the room service, just cleaning up the rooms and getting ready for bed, you must be the new guest I heard about, webs Told you to read the small print." Wolf said, as he begin to make Willy a bowl of slop.

"Slight problem with that." Willy said, looking away.

"You can't read, can you?" He asked.

"I focused my studies almost exclusively on chocolate." Willy replied. "For everything else, I've relied on the kindness of strangers." Willy explains.

"And look where that's got you: the Staff Quarters." Wolf said, gesturing to the room. "It's not so bad. You've got a bed." Wolf said and right as Willy sits on the bed, causing it to collapse underneath him.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed as the mattress falls to the floor.

"You had a bed." Wolf muttered.

"Desk. And wash basin slash toilet. Water comes in two temperatures. Cold and Colder." Wolf said, filling up a cup of colder water at the sink.

"How much do you owe them?" He asked Willy.

"10,000." He replied.

"Count yourself lucky. I owe 30." Wolf said. "What? How do you owe them money?"

"When I was a pup my dad was in trouble so he left me here and they found me down the laundry chute. They Took me in out of the goodness of their hearts and charged me for the privilege." Wolf said.

"You're kidding me." Willy said, standing up from his collapse bed.

"What a pair of monsters." Willy said, crossing his arms.

"The greedy beat the needy every time, Mr. Wonka. Guess it's just the way of the world." Wolf said as he goes to lay down.

"Oh come on, kid, that is nonsense, what's your name kid" Willy said, dumping the bowl full of slop.

"Wolf and What are you doing?" He asked as Willy picks up his case and puts it on the table.

"Making chocolate of course. How do you like it? Dark? White? Nutty? Absolutely insane?" He said, smiling and tilting his head.

"I don't know. I've never had any." Wolf said.

"You never had any?" Willy asked, sounding like he's about to have a stroke. "You've never had chocolate?" He muttered.

"No." Wolf replied shrugging my shoulders.

"WHAT?! You've never had CHOCOLATE?!!" He shouted, looking at him in astonishment.

"Still no." Wolf said, in a deadpan tone.

"Well this is unbelievable, I mean this is just outrageous. Luckily for you pup, I have a selection of the world's finest ingredients right here in my travel factory." He said, opening his case which concertinas out like a magic toolbox.

Inside is an almost impossible array of flasks and beakers, a miniature gas stove, and jars of ingredients.

"Woah!" Wolf  muttered in awe.

"Where to start, that's the question... Ah! I know! Silver Linings! Made of condensed thunder clouds and liquid sunlight. Helps you see that faint ray of hope beyond the shadow of despair. Just what we need, wouldn't you say?" Willy asked, selecting some jars of ingredients as we watch on, curious.

"Did you always want to make chocolate?" Wolf asked.

"Oh no. Back when I was your age, I wanted to be a magician. My Mom was the cook. We lived on the river, just the two of us, in a perfect little world of our own...." Willy said, playing a little flip book show in his case, that was made up of several photos.

"The way I remember it, I spent every waking hour trying to come up with some new trick or other to impress my Mom. But the real magic came from her. We didn't have a lot of money but each week she brought home one cocoa bean, and by the time my birthday came around, there was enough to make a single bar of chocolate. But it wasn't just any old chocolate. Far from it. It was the best chocolate in the world! My mom said she had a little secret that even the fancy pants here don't know. And that she would tell me it when I'm older." Willy explains as wolf and I sit down with him.

"So what was it, Willy? What was the secret?" Wolf asked, intrigued.

" I never found out. Soon after, she fell sick. Before I knew it, all I had left was her bar of chocolate." Willy said, in a quiet and sad tone as he held the bar of chocolate that his mother left him.

"I'm sorry, Willy." Wolf said, softly, giving him a look of sympathy and understanding.

"That's why I'm here, wolf, so I can feel the same way I did back then, eating chocolate with her." Willy said, raising his head.

"What do you mean?" Wolf asked.

"My Mom once promised that when I share chocolate with the world, she'd be right there beside me. And I know it sounds crazy, but I always hoped she'd somehow keep that promise. She might even tell me her secret." Willy explains and I smile gently, feeling his pain.

Suddenly Willy's suitcase pings and two chocolates uniquely shaped as thunder clouds pop out. "Here, try one." He said, handing wolf  a piece of chocolate.

He tentatively puts it to his mouths and nibble a small bite.

His eyes widen and smile as wave of new amazing flavors filled his mouth.

Willy smiles, resting his chin in the palm of his hand as he raises his eyebrows at wolf.

Then wolf frown and set the chocolate down on the table.

"Wish you hadn't done that." Wolf said and Willy drops his smile.

"Don't you like it?" He asked, concerned.

"No, I like it. It's just..." wolf muttered, looking down.

"What?" Willy asked, softly.

"Now each day we don't have chocolate will... be a little harder." Wolf muttered, sadly and nodded.

"Then how would you like to have all the chocolate you can eat every day for the rest of your life?" Willy asked us.

"A lifetime supply?" Wolf asked, lifting my head.

"A lifetime supply." Willy replied, smiling at him brightly.

"What would i have to do?" Wolf asked, suspicious.

"Not much. Just get me out of here." Willy said.

"Are you crazy?!" He exclaimed, jumping up to my feet.

"Shh!" Willy said, jumping up too and covers his mouth with his hand.

"It's easy! I'll get someone to cover my shift and you can smuggle me out in your laundry cart... just for a few hours, mind. Nobody would even know I was gone." Willy explains, removing his hand from his mouth.

"What's the point of that?" Wolf asked.

"To sell chocolate, of course! We'll split the profits and pay off Mrs. Scrubitt in no time!" Willy announced.

"It's a nice idea, Willy..." wolf muttered.

"It's a great idea, wolf" Willy told him as he walks over to the window.

"But it'll never work!" Wolf said.

"Course it will! Eat your chocolate." Willy instructed and wolf eat the rest of the Silver Linings as he looks out the window.

"You don't understand. Mrs. Scrubitt's like a hawk. She keeps her beady eye on everything that comes in and out of the Wash House.....well Except... huh." Wolf said.

"What is it?" Willy asked, turning back to him.

"No, it's nothing." Wolf replied. "Oh, okay." Willy muttered, disappointed and turns away again.

"Huh!" Wolf said again.

"A DOUBLE-HUH! That's not nothing. That's the Silver Lining. It's given you an idea!" He said, strolling back over to him.

"Okay So the one time she dropped her guard was when this aristocrat came into the laundry. He was only asking for directions but she was all over him like a rash. It was gross." Wolf explains.

"That's it, wolf! All we have to do is find an aristocrat and slip out while she's distracted." Willy said, eating a Silver Lining for himself and turns away again, thinking hard.

"Yeah, but where are we going to find an aristocrat?" Wolf asked and the light over Willy's head turns on.

"Huh." He muttered.

"Huh?" Wolf repeated.

"Huh!" Willy said again.

"A double-huh!" Wolf said, pointing at Willy.

"Do you have a pencil and paper?" Willy asked, turning back to him.

"Always." Wolf replied.

"Alright! Because I've got an idea..."

In the morning, Bleacher bellows out the roll call as the workers trudge past him into the Wash House.

"Snake. Webs. Piranha. Shark. Wonka."

"Bleacher? Toilet's blocked again!" Mrs. Scrubitt yelled from the boarding house and Bleacher rolls his eyes.

"Ah! The unmistakable sound of love." Willy remarked, smiling.

"You what?" Bleacher asked and Willy, turns to him.

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed. She's madly in love with you!" Willy announced.

"Mrs. Scrubitt?!" Bleacher asked, in astonishment.

"Besotted. And why not? Look at you: a fine figure of a man. You just need to tidy yourself up a bit, get some new clothes, have a bath." Willy said.

"A bath?" Bleacher asked, seeming to not like that part. "You do know what they say, right?" Willy said, smirking.

"What do they say?" Bleacher asked and Willy beckons him closer "She'll be thankful for an ankle..."

"Yes?" Bleacher asked, intrigued.

"...and pleased to see your knees..." Willy added.

"Right." Bleacher muttered, nodding.

"...but if you want to make her sigh..." Willy said.

"Tell me." Bleacher commended.

" her some thigh!" Willy replied.

"Ooh!" Bleacher said, grinning. But the mood is broken by Mrs. Scrubitt's bellowing.

"Bleacher! It's overflowing now!"

"Get in there! Back to work!" Bleacher said, showing Willy towards the Wash House door.

"It's up to my ankles!" Mrs. Scrubitt yelled. "Time waster."

Bleacher said, locking the door to the Wash House.
Mrs. Scrubitt comes down into the shop, still calling for Bleacher, who's nowhere to be seen.

"Bleacher?! Curse that idle peasant!" She notices wolf, who has stopped scrubbing and is looking at a sheet of paper.

"WHAT DO YOU GOT THERE?!" Mrs. Scrubitt asked, startling poor wolf.

"Nothing." Wolf replied, hiding the paper behind his back. "Do you like that coop, wolf?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked, giving him a fierce look.

Immediately, Noodle gives in. "Alright. I was collecting laundry from Professor Monocle the other day." He said.

"Yeah?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked, not actually seeming to care.

"He's writing a book about the Bavarian Royal Family." Noodle continued.

"Boring." Mrs. Scrubitt remarked.

"Got sketches of noblemen all over his wall." Wolf said.

"So?!" Mrs. Scrubitt asked, wanting him to get to the point.

"And this one looked rather familiar." Wolf said, handing the sketch to Mrs. Scrubitt, who examines it closely.

"Oh. Blow me! It's just like..." Mrs. Scrubitt said, amazed.

"Mr. Bleacher." Wolf instructed.

"Are you telling me Bleacher's a Bavarian aristocrat?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked.

"Uh-huh" wolf said, nodding.

"Go get my gin." Mrs. Scrubitt commended, kicking wolf, who falls.

Downstairs in the Wash House, the kids are back in the laundry, singing their work song, like any other morning.

But today, something is different.

Kids: "First you pick up the apparel And then you stick it in the barrel Scrub Scrub!"

Willy comes out of his section and starts loading bits of old laundry equipment into a cart: rope, mangle rollers etc.

Snake notices and stops singing to watch Willy, perplexed.

At the mangle, shark, distracted by the strange goings-on, gets his tie caught so piranha cuts it off.

"Then you put it through the mangle Making sure you don't get strangled Scrub Scrub!"

Webs is up a step ladder hanging laundry on a rack when Willy grabs the ladder, leaving her dangling, to which snake races over to save her.

Upstairs, wonka peeks into the kitchen, seeing Tiddles is eating his breakfast in his dog bowl.

He smiles and holds out square of cloth cut from the seat of Willy's trousers.

"Oh Tiddles, here's your chance To chew Willy's mailman pants!" He said, in a singing tone. Tiddles smells the pants and raises his head to see what she has.

He races after Willy, who runs to the door that leads down into the Wash House.

The kids watch with puzzled expressions as Willy runs past them with Tiddles following him.

Kids: "Something must be going wrong Cos we never change our song Scrub Scrub!"

Meanwhile, Mrs. Scrubitt, who is half way up a ladder on wheels, hears Bleacher coming into the room.

"Oh! I see you finally manage to dragged your lazy..."

She stares, amazed when she sees Bleacher has transformed himself.

He has shaved, slicked back his hair and is now wearing lederhosen.

"Have you done something with your hair?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked him.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Bleacher replied and she watches as he struts towards tge door and bends over to unlock it.

"Where'd you get them dungarees?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked.

"Lost property. Why? Suit me?" Bleacher asked, propping his leg up to show off his thigh.

"Yeah... not bad, I suppose." Mrs. Scrubitt muttered and Bleacher goes over to the stove.

"What you doing all the way over there?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked.

"Keeping my knees warm." Bleacher replied.

"Why don't you come over here and have a glass of gin?" Mrs. Scrubitt suggested.

"Why don't you come over here? Where it's all hot." Bleacher retorted and pulls on a rope.

This sends the ladder whizzing along the wall, depositing a shrieking Mrs. Scrubitt in Bleacher's arms.

"Oh my lord!"

The kids have gathered in the main part of the Wash House.

Sounds of construction come from Willy's section. Willy opens the door to reveal a Rube Goldberg washing machine, powered by Tiddles running on a treadmill, chasing the square of Willy's trousers which hangs just out of reach.

"Lady and Gentleman, may I present a brand new contraption of my own creation, an innovation in laundrification." Willy announced, proudly.

"Scrub Scrub!" The kids continued singing in shock.

"Now let me ask you a question. How does Tiddles want to spend his time? Chasing after mailmen! And what do I have to do all day, fellow Scrubs please?" Willy asked.

"Scrub Scrub!" The kids sung.

"But now, with Willy Wonka's Wild and Wonderful Wishy-washy Wonka-Walker! Please don't make me say it again. Tiddles gets to run and I can have fun." Willy announced, gesturing at the machine.

"Scrub Scrub!"

"Willy, we gotta go." Wolf told him and the two head over to the dumb waiter.

"I'm just popping out for a bit with wolfie." Willy said, slipping on his coat and hat.

Wolf grabs an empty laundry bag and  jumps into the dumb waiter.

"I'll be back by roll call. Until then, Tiddles has agreed to." Willy said as the workers followed them over, watching them leave.

"Scrub Scrub!"

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