Hatful of dreams

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on a cold, foggy sky. The only sounds are the lapping of the ocean waves and the distant tolling of a ship's bell.

After seven years of life upon the ocean,
It is time to bid the seven seas farewell,
And the city I've pinned seven years of hopes on
Lies just over the horizon. I can hear the harbour bell!

"Land ahoy!!"

Got a tattered overcoat and battered suitcase!
Got a pair of leaky boots upon my feet.
Got to drag myself up by my one good bootlace!
Gotta work my rotten socks off if I wanna make ends meet!

He leaps onto a create as it is Craned up out of the hold. The crate is hoisted round over the wharf.

I've poured everything I've got into my chocolate. Now it's time to show the world my recipes.

The Captain throws him a small bag of coins.

" Good luck, Willy!"

I've got twelve silver sovereigns in my pocket And a hatful of dreams!

Willy drops from the create onto the back of a passing truck and rides out in the docks in style.

WILLY LEAPS off the back of the truck, Grabs Hold of a lamp post and Slides Down into the resplendent town square.

♪ There's a famous restaurant On every street here ♪

♪ There's Brandino's And the bar Parisienne ♪

"Restaurant map, sir?"

"Thank you"

♪ Got a little map to tell me Where to eat here ♪

♪ Had a dozen Silver sovereigns ♪

♪ Now I'm somehow down to ten ♪

♪ Want the finest produce? ♪

♪ This is where They stock it ♪

"That's three sovereigns, mate"

♪ Though the prices Are suspiciously extreme ♪

"Break my pumpkin, you pay for it."

♪ I've got... ♪Five, six, seven...♪ Six silver sovereigns In my pocket ♪ ♪ And a hatful of dreams ♪

"Brush your coat, sir?"

"No, thank you"


"No. Leave me alone"

♪ At last ♪ ♪ The Galeries Gourmet ♪ ♪ I knew that We'd see it one day ♪

"It's everything you said, Mamma"

♪ And oh, so much more ♪ ♪ Each way that you turn, Another famous Chocolate store ♪ ♪ Here's my destiny ♪ ♪ I just need to unlock it ♪ ♪ Will I crash and burn ♪
♪ Or go up like a rocket? ♪ ♪ I got nothing to offer ♪
♪ But my chocolate ♪

♪ And a hatful ♪ ♪ Of dreams ♪


"No daydreaming"

♪ In this city, Anyone can be successful ♪ ♪ If they've talent And work hard, or so they say ♪ ♪ But they didn't mention It would be so stressful ♪ ♪ Just to make A dozen silver sovereigns ♪ ♪ Last more than a day ♪

"Could you spare a sovereign for a place to sleep, love?"

"Of course. Here. Take all you need"

"Thank you"

♪ I've got one silver sovereign In my pocket ♪ ♪ And a hatful of dreams ♪

From inside he Magics a Bedside Candle. He blows on it -- and the flame lights! He then produces an alarm clock and Glass.

"Hmm. There we go Time for a little nightcap"

He pulls A Pot and pours Steaming Hot Chocolate into the glass, puts his hat back on and stirs his drink with a spoon.

A hulking great Bull Mastiff approaches and starts snapping at Willy's trousers. He nervously tries to shoo him away.

"Oh! Hello there! Shoo! Shoo!"

The dog takes no notice of him -- but then an authoritative Voice booms out from nearby.

"Stop! Sit!"

The dog immediately sits. A tough-looking, broken-toothed old bruiser emerges from the shadows. This is Bleacher.

"Sorry about Tiddles. He seems to have taken a shine to your legs"

"Must be these pants. I got them from a mailman in Minsk"

"That'll be it. Tiddles'd spend all day pursuing postal workers if he could, wouldn't you boy?" The dog agrees. Bleacher casts a glance at Willy's set up.

"You're not planning on sleeping there, are you, son?"

"It's only for one night. By this time tomorrow, I plan to have made my fortune"

"By this time tomorrow, you'll be frozen solid"

"Oh don't be ridic--" Willy goes to stir his hot chocolate but it has Frozen Solid.

"Perhaps it is a little cold for camping. But unfortunately I'm no longer in a position to pay for a room"

"I'm sorry to hear that. But as luck would have it, I know someone who might be able to help you out"


Bleacher leads Willy through the winding, cobbled streets of a poorer part of town, bottles clinking in his pocket.

"Here we are, Mr Wonka. Home sweet home"

Tiddles paws at the door to a laundry, shuttered for the night.

On the wall is its name: "SCRUBITT AND BLEACHER"

A harsh, grating voice shouts from within.

"Get your filthy paws off my front door, you miserable mutt"

Bleacher chuckles indulgently, "If that's you, Bleacher, you'd better have that gin!"

"Oh I've got something better than gin, Mrs Scrubitt. A guest"

A slot on the door opens to reveal the narrow, suspicious eyes of Mrs Scrubitt -- which light up as she sees Willy.

"Ooh, well why didn't you say? Come on in, sir!"

Mrs Scrubitt ushers Willy into the shop. A counter runs along one wall. Behind it, shelves filled with bundles of laundry.

A Dumb Waiter leads to the Wash House below.

"Welcome to scrubitt and Bleacher, Guest House and Laundry. You make yourself at home, warm your cockles by the fire. Gin?"

"Oh, er--"

"Where are those pesky children run off too"

"Yes, Mrs Scrubitt?" A 11 year old tarantula crawls by.

"Ah there you are you little wretched urchin, fetch our guest a glass of gin. Poor man's frozen half to death!"

"Thank you, Mrs Scrubitt. You and your husband have been most kind"


"Oh you'd love that, wouldn't you?"


"I'm holding out for someone far superior to that idle peasant. A Bishop, maybe, or a Prince. Chin chin"

The tarantula has returned with glasses of gin for Mrs Scrubitt and Willy. They both drink -- and Willy gasps.

"That's extremely powerful stuff"

"You can run cars on that! Now what can I do for you? A room, is it?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked the young man.

"Well yes but er.." The man muttered. "Mr. Wonka is temporarily embarrassed." Bleacher revealed, from where he is sitting by the window.

"Oh no, you don't say." Mrs. Scrubitt said, feigning astonishment.

"I'm afraid it's true, Mrs Scrubitt, but all that's about to change." Wonka said.

"Oh yeah?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked, intrigued. "See, l'm something of a magician, inventor, and chocolate maker. And first thing tomorrow at the Galeries Gourmet, I plan to unveil my most astonishing creation yet. Prepare to be amazed as I present to you..."

Wonka reaches into his hat and pulls out... "A teapot?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked, confused. Wonka hums and sees the yellow teapot he's holding.

"No that's just for making tea. One second." He said, putting the teapot aside and starts rummaging in his hat.

He produces a bunch of carrots and stares at them, perplexed. "That's for my stew." He said and digs in again, pulling out a string of handkerchieves.

"It's in here somewhere."

"Er... don't you worry, Mr Wonka, I can see you're a man of great ingenuity and we've got just the thing for you: the Entrepreneurial Package..." Mrs. Scrubitt said and the tarantula gasps, running off to the backroom.

"Now sign here and we're done." Mrs. Scrubitt said, pushing a form towards Willy Wonka, who is prepared to sign it.

"Alrighty." Willy said, but then he notices Noodle peering through a hatch, staring at him. She points meaningfully at the form.

Willy frowns, not understanding what she's trying to tell him. "Read the small print!" Then the tarantula whispered to him.

"What?" Willy asked, confused and Mrs.
Scrubitt whips round, the tarantula disappeared due to her being small and hide-able.

She slams the hatch when she finds it open and then turns back to Willy with a smile.

"Ooh. Did someone said something?" Willy asked, pointing to the hatch.

" there does seem to be... a lot..." Willy muttered, picking up the form to examine it closer and as he does so the form begins to unfold until he is at the other end of the room.

"Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh... it just keeps on coming." He muttered in shock.

"These are just your standard Ts & Cs, but you're welcome to take a look if you want." Mrs. Scrubitt said, pointing at the form with a pleasant smile. "I'll just give it a once-over." Willy told her, pointing at the bottom of the form.

Mrs. Scrubitt chuckles dryly then glances nervously to Bleacher as Willy reads.

He stands up and pulls a small bat from his pocket as creeps up behind Willy.

"Well, that all seems to be in order." Willy said, looking up with a smile.

"Really?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked, surprised. "Uh-huh." Willy replied, cheerfully and turns to Bleacher, who hastily hides his bat behind his back.

"Hello." He said, grinning. "Oh! Then welcome to Scrubitt's!" Mrs. Scrubitt said and dings the reception bell as Willy signs the form.

Mrs. Scrubitt leads Willy up the main staircase and lets him into a charming little room with a four poster bed, a fire in the grate, even a mint on the pillow.

She leaves Willy to settle in, then unlocks another door and climbs up the backstairs, calling out sweetly.

"Webs! Oh webs!"

She finds a 9 year old piranha reading in the hallway. "Hi, Mrs Scrubitt?"


"I don't know I haven't seen her" the young piranha shakes in fear.

"If I find your hiding her, you'll be joining her, understood"

"Yes ma'am"

After she storms off to find webs, she was behind piranha's shaking.

"You ok?" He asked concerned as he holds her.

"Yeah, that man doesn't know what he's gotten himself into"

"It's not our business to say so you know what happens if we act up"

"I know, can I stay in your room tonight"

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