Chapter 1: Discovery

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I hope you all enjoy this.

27 Years Ago
Before the Bad Guys were born

The battle against the Burning Legion was upon them. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Cyborg, Aquaman, Shazam, Vibe, Supergirl, Green Arrow, White Canary, Heatwave, Atom, Black Wolf, Atom Smasher, Black Canary, Frost, and Firestorm were sent to help.

"Justice League, let's go end this threat." Batman said as they charged into battle.

"Let's rumble!" Atom Smasher said as he grows bigger and destroys many of the Fel monsters.

"For the Horde!!!" Blackhand roared as he slices through a Fel demon. Alongside him was Grommash Hellscream, and Orgrim Doomhammer.

A boulder was thrown to them, but before it could hit them, someone slices through it with fire. It was a woman with red-brown hair in mage armor, in her hand was a red dragon Palisman.

"The name's Amber." Amber said with a smirk as she then goes into battle.

Blackhand, Grommash, and Orgrim Doomhammer watched in shock as she annihilated her enemies with her magic.

"Come on guys! What are you waiting for?!" Atom Smasher asked as he grows and attacks.

Grommash and Orgrim focus back on the fight as Blackhand watched Amber fight. He then refocused and goes back to fighting.

With the Justice League's help, the war between the Alliance and Horde finally ended at the Fourth War. All was left was defeating the Jailer, with Saurfang as the new Spectre's host, they defeated the Jailer. The war was finally over. The Alliance and the Horde began to rebuild what the war destroyed. But the JL had to leave, to go back to protecting their home cities. Ever since then, they never came back again.


Today was the anniversary of the war in Azeroth ended. When the Alliance and the Horde stopped the fighting. Members of the Alliance and the Horde were at Stormwind outside where King Anduin would give a speech to everyone. Alongside him was Thrall, Jaina, Baine, and Orgrim Doomhammer.
Down in the crowd were four Pandarens. Chen Stormstout, Strongbo, Li Li, and Shisai.

"I can't believe it's been 27 years since the war ended." Shisai said.

"You know, I've heard a rumor that there's a speedster running around Azeroth. I also got to see it for a moment." Li Li said.

"A speedster? There hasn't been a speedster in Azeroth since the war ended decades ago. I mean, Flash, Kid Flash, Jesse Quick, Jay Garrick, XS, Impulse, Accelerated Man, Fast Track, and Ghost Wolf. They're all gone. So what you're suggesting, highly unlikely." Shisai said to his sister Li Li.

"I know I saw one earlier today. It never hurts to believe in the highly unlikely." Li Li said.

"Hush you two! The king is about to make his speech." Strongbo said as Anduin stood up.

"Today, we honor those all those who've sacrifice their lives to protect Azeroth and to end the war. I also thank the Justice League, who've aided us through our darkest times... who've help those in need on both sides. Though I wish they could be here to celebrate—" Anduin spoke as he got cut off.

A burst of energy flew down to the center. Coming out of the smoke was a armored tan-skin orc.

It was Lo'gosh the Frostwolf Orc, older brother of Go'el or Thrall. Lo'gosh is a meta-orc who can copy anyone's powers including other metas and magic. During the First War, he was trained and made a member of the Justice League. A powerful hero he was, now a days he just travels around the world.

"Lo'gosh... it's good to see you again, brother." Thrall said. Lo'gosh nods as he heads to the pedestal.

"Fellow people of Azeroth, I am Lo'gosh of the Frostwolf Clan, member of the Justice League. I am here in their spot since they couldn't make it here. I know most of you miss the JL, but during my travels, I got to see them and see that they've been busy protecting their homes. So I am honored to stand in their place honor them." Lo'gosh said.

"Thank you Lo'gosh. As I was saying, today we honor all of those fallen heroes who have gave their lives to ending the war..." Anduin said as he goes on.

In the crowd, Genn Greymane watched his king give the speech as someone arrived.

"Spymaster Shaw, back so soon." Greymane said.

"I need to speak to them... now." Shaw said. Greymane saw he was serious.

"...and so, many more peaceful years will come as long as we stand united as one. FOR AZEROTH!!!" Anduin shouts as the crowd roars with cheers.

Anduin then sees Greymane and Shaw go behind. Soon he, Jaina, Baine, Thrall, Greymane, and Shaw were together.

"We've observed an unusually large cluster of goblins in Slilithus and the docks. And the numbers are increasing." Shaw reported.

"Goblins aren't the most charming people, but they do things for a reason." Anduin said.

"And those reasons unusually involve money." Greymane said.

"I should know, since we've worked with goblins." Thrall said.

"So... the criminal underworld are shipping and have something valuable." Anduin said.

"They have indeed, this." Shaw said as he handed Anduin a small orange crystal.

"What... what is this?" Anduin asked.

"We don't know. It's not even magic." Shaw said.

"It would seem they do, and we need to know more." Anduin said.

All of a sudden, thunder crackled in the air. White lightning streaks zoomed through the area creating chaos. Warriors got knocked down by the blurs. When they stopped, it showed what they were. It was Godspeed, clones of him. Here in Azeroth.

"Speedsters! I knew it!" Li Li shouts pointing at them.

The Godspeed clones knocked and pinned Anduin, Greymane, Jaina, Thrall, and Baine with the sonic vibrational bursts on the ground.

"Who are you?" Anduin shrugged. Godspeed spoke modem-speaking clicks. They started to feed off their Magic until Lo'gosh knocked them away.

"Taste my mighty hammer!" Orgrim Doomhammer shouts as he knocks them more.

The Godspeed clones roared in beeps as they then ran off into the distance, leaving everyone confused.

"What the hell was that?!" Greymane asked.

"Speedsters. But none of which I'm familiar with." Lo'gosh said.

"We need the JL here. Now." Thrall said.

"Agreed. I know who to send to them." Anduin said.

Central City

The Bad Guys, Flash, Dragon Flash, Speedquick, and Zombie fighter kids were now chasing 5 trucks that belong to criminals. The leader was a meta called Blast Ray who's an expert with explosives.

"Faster! Come on!" Blast Ray said.

Dirk rides his bike and fires at them, knocking down two of the trucks. Dirk Savage dodges as the two of the trucks fell down

"Nice try, kid! You almost had me!" Blast Ray teased.

Dirk growls as he then saw what those trucks were carrying. It was Dark Matter Crystals! Tons of them.

"Dark Matter Crystals?" Dirk Savage said puzzled.

"Dirk, LOOK OUT!!!" Quint Baker shouts as he pushes him out of the incoming truck's way.

"Thanks bud." Dirk said. They see the trucks getting away.

"Jack, Miko, Garble, Frost, Shark! They're heading your way. Cut them off. We'll catch up." Flash said.

"We're on it!" Frost said as she and Shark stayed together as the others split up against the crooks.

"I got this! Ready Flare?" Jack said to his red dragon named Flare who nodded.

"Take this!" Jack said as he fires a blast of flames at the trucks, hoping to stop them. Blast Ray blocks it with his plasma shield.

"Nice try kiddo!" Blast Ray said as he blasted Jack away. Jack falls back as he injured himself.

"Jack!" Miko said as she and her boyfriend Garble rushed to him.

"Are you okay?" Garble said as he used his magic to heal him.

"Go faster! They're trying to cut us off!" Blast Ray said.

"Shark, need a little water power!" Wolf said.

"I'm on it!" Shark said.

"Frost, get ready. As soon as Shark douses the trucks, flash-freeze everything!" Flash said.

"Got it!" Frost said. Shark then stood in front of the trucks as they head towards them.

"Here I go!!!" Shark said as he creates a tornado of water and sends it towards them.

The truck Blast Ray was on dodged easily but the two other got splashed. Frost then immediately froze them, in casing them in ice.

"Better luck next time losers!" Blast Ray said.

Minutes later, they were now at the Hall of Justice.

"You found what in those truck?" Oliver asked.

"Dark Matter Crystals. A huge shipment." Dirk said holding one of the crystals.

"Five trucks loaded of them." Garble said.

"Hmm. Very peculiar. Dark Matter has few practical uses. Why would anyone be smuggling Dark Matter?" Oliver said.

"Other than making people into meta-humans, who knows. Probably something not good." Wolf said.

"We've been noticing large numbers of crooks stealing the crystals and shipping them across the sea to a different continent." Batman said.

"According to the Algorithm I created to scan and locate the crystals, it seems that they are being brought over to... Azeroth." Cyborg said.

"Someone is smuggling Dark Matter Crystals across to Azeroth." Cisco said in surprise.

"Azeroth? We haven't been there since... the war." Barry said with the rest of the JL looking disturbed a bit.

"Hold on! You guys fought in a war?" Wolf asked. Oliver nodded.

"Whoa! You guys never told us you were war heroes as well." Piranha said.

"It was a long time ago... you guys weren't even born when it happened." Green Arrow said.

"Bad Guys... go to S.T.A.R. Labs and help the others there while we discuss what to do." Superman said.

They nodded as they helped the kids to S.T.A.R. Labs as the JL discussed on what to do.

Central City
S.T.A.R. Labs

Jack Sullivan and Flare was now in the Med lab with Caitlin patching him up from the fight.

"I'm fine, Caitlin. Really! I don't need a checkup." Jack said as Caitlin cleans up his bleeding.

"You're lucky you don't have any broken bones. Just some cuts and bruises. Be careful." Caitlin said.

"I will." Jack said as he joined his friends.

"So what was the war like then?" Webs asked.

"It was a rough time for us back then. The Orcs invaded our Earth after their world was dying. The one leading them was a dangerous warlock orc who wanted to conquer our world. So we joined the Alliance in hopes to end the war, but the war continued on. Here and there, we helped the Horde and worked together with both Alliance and Horde against bigger threats. The last threat was a being called the Jailer. After defeating him, the two began working together to rebuild what the war destroyed. But we left, headed back to our homes to defend them." Cisco explained.

"You guys didn't stay to help?" Shark asked.

"No, we didn't. We had our own cities to get back to protecting them." Cisco said.

As Cisco talked, Caitlin ran a DNA test on Jack's blood and discovered something shocking about him. Jack Sullivan was later called to the Med lab where he sees his friends, the Bad Guys, and Team Flash.

"What's going on?" Jack asked confused as he recovered.

"Jack... it's best if you sit down for this." Chester said. Jack then sat down.

"So, after I cleaned you up, I thought I run a blood test to see if you were healthy. You were, but I discovered something interesting about your DNA. Patterns of human and of another being." Caitlin said.

"What does that mean?" Jack asked.

"Jack... you're half human." Caitlin said which surprised everyone in the room, mostly Jack.

"What? What do you mean?" Jack asked.

"You're part orc, man." Cisco said which shocked Jack.

"So... my mom was a orc? Or was my dad?" Jack asked confused and scared a bit.

"Your father was a orc. If your mother was a orc, you would have been one as well." Caitlin explained.

"When Barry told me about you being an orphan, I decided to do some research about you. See what I can find about your birth parents and this is what I found." Ralph Dibny said holding a file for Jack.

"It turns out your mother died a few months after giving birth to you. But there's no death or much mention of a father." He said as he showed his birth file.

"The only thing I have of my parents is this necklace I was wearing when I was a baby." Jack said pulling out a necklace with a blackrock gem with a symbol grazed on it.

"Since there's no mention of a death of a father, then maybe..." Allegra said.

"Then it's possible that he's still alive. It's he's out there, I want to find him. I have to try." Jack said.

"We'll help you, kid." Wolf said as the rest smiles.

"It's possible that he's out there. But the only place orcs really live is... Azeroth." Cisco said.

"Then I'll just go there." Jack said.

"Whoa! Not so fast, kid. The orcs over there are known to be... aggressive. Trust me, I know, had to deal with a bunch of them before." Cisco said.

"I have to go. If there's any chance of me finding my dad, it's there. Please?" Jack begged.

"Fine, we'll take you there with the JL there when we go." Cisco said.

Meanwhile, back with the members of the Justice League, they were discussing their plans. The Bad Guys and the kids return to see them.

"Hey guys, we've been discussing on what to do about going to Azeroth." Green Lantern said.

"What about the Plague Squad? Maybe they can help us?" Cyborg said.

"They can't. They're kinda busy. Mating season. Good luck who ends up being with them." Barry said.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Quint asked.

"Oh, it means that how they're going to mate is by—" Zari started but was stopped by White Canary.

"Okay! We don't need to explain that, not until they're full adults." Sara Lance said.

Suddenly the ground begins to shake, the air getting loud. They all go outside and are surprised to see what it was. A familiar black dragon who was an old friend during the war. Neltharion the Earth Dragon.

"Neltharion!" Flash said in surprise. Everyone rushed over to the Earth-Warder Dragon. Neltharion then transforms into his human form to greet them. Coming off his back was a blood elf warrior and a Frostwolf orc, it was Orgrim Doomhammer, and Valera Sanguinar close friends to the Justice League.

"Justice League! It's been too long since we last saw each other." Neltharion said.

"Indeed it has, Neltharion." Superman said.

"Valeera!" Wonder Woman said hugging her.

"Good to see you, sister." She said in joy.

"You too, Diana." Valeera said.

"Orgrim Doomhammer! It's so good to see you." Hal said as they bro hugged and fist-pumped.

"Still the same, aren't you Hal?" Orgrim said.

"Hey! Can't change perfection." Hal said.

"I see old and new faces among this place." Neltharion said.

"Neltharion, Valeera, and Orgrim, we want you guys to meet some of our new members; Wolf, Snake, Webs, Shark, Piranha, and Drago. The Bad Guys, former criminals who became heroes." Barry said.

"Nice to meet you." Wolf said as they shook hands.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Aquaman asked.

"Our king needs your help, there's been an attack on Stormwind." Orgrim Doomhammer said.

"What? By the Horde?" Wonder Woman asked.

"No, it was by speedsters." Valeera said.

"What? Speedsters?!" Flash said.

"I thought all of Azeroth is at peace." Cyborg said.

"It is, but there's lately been trouble with the criminal underworld. With the war going on, crime has taken advantage of it. Even now with the war over, crime manages to find a way to do their dirty works." Neltharion explained.

"Then what we need is an expert of Azeroth's criminal underworld." Batman said.

"Great. Do any of us have one?" Green Arrow asked.

"No. We don't." Orgrim Doomhammer said.

"Actually, I think I might know one." Vibe said.

In an apartment in Midway City, Harley Quinn and Hogger were relaxing there. Harley was eating some ice cream when she heard a knock on the door. She opens it to see the Bad Guys, Batman, Vibe, and Flash.

"Hello heroes, what are you doing here?" Harley Quinn asked.

"We're here to see Hogger, where is he?" Batman asked.

"Hey babe, do you know where I put my hairbrush?" Hogger said as he came out in the open... naked.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Cisco said covering his eyes, along with the rest.

"What?" Hogger asked confused.

"Dude! You're naked! How about putting on some pants!" Shark said blocking his view.

"Come on, now. I'm an animal, and this is my home with Harley, clothes are restricting for me. She doesn't mind." Hogger said as Harley smiled.

"Yeah well, we mind!" Drago said. Hogger groaned as he puts on some boxers. 

"So why are you here? Other than ruining my alone time with my girlfriend." Hogger said as he drank some beer.

"We need your help in Azeroth with it's criminal underworld." Batman said. Hogger splits his drink in shock.

"No way! Nuh-huh! It's my homeland, I left for a good reason." Hogger said.

"You're the only one we know who has experience with the underworld there. Please?" Flash said.

"Come on, Hoggy. It would be great to see where you came from." Harley said as she kissed him.

"Oh, fine. I can't say "no" to my girlfriend. As long as you guys make sure I don't end up in a cell." Hogger said seriously.

"You got a deal." Mr. Snake said. Hogger then got suited up.

"Let's getting going then!" Hogger said as he cackled.

"Adventure here we come!" Harley exclaimed.

The Justice League was now ready to head off to Azeroth to help their friends in this meta attack. 

Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Green Arrow
Optimus Prime
Black Wolf
Mega Man
Atom Smasher
Harley Quinn
White Canary
Dragon Flash
John Constantine
Canis Rex
Jack Sullivan
Quint Baker
Dirk Savage
June Del Toro
Orgrim Doomhammer
Valera Sanguinar
Neltharion the Earth Warder Dragon Aspect

"Get ready Bad Guys and kids... we're heading off to Azeroth." Batman said as they headed off in the JL jet. They had no idea what lies ahead in that land.

"I'm coming dad... I'm coming." Jack said determined as he gripped his necklace.

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