Chapter 5: BlackViper Returns

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BlackViper was now standing all fearsome at his friends who were shocked and heartbroken to see their friend succumbed to the darkness.

"Snake... what did you do?" Wolf said in disbelief.

"Snake's gone. There's only BlackViper. The Dark One has chosen me to be his Avatar." BlackViper said as he blasted them away to escape.

"Snake!" Wolf shouts. Snake then stops running as Wolf tries to convince Snake to stop.

🎶 This has to stop now
Whatever it is that you're going
We'll fix it together, me and you
Just like we've always done🎶 Wolf

🎶No! This has to stop now
This thing where you think that
you've been my friend
And don't even hear how you
The way you've always done!🎶Snake

🎶Snake, listen (I'm listening) Snake
I know it isn't true (Isn't it?)
Just look into my eyes now🎶Wolf

(Well?)Snake glared at his face as he looked at Wolf's eyes and starts to regret what he's doing.

🎶I know you feel it too (Perhaps I

Snake, listen (I'm listening)

🎶I swear it's not too late
So before another line gets
And everything we've had is lost
Just... wait🎶 (Wolf)

Wolf goes to touch Snake, but he backs off.

"Wait? No, I won't wait." BlackViper said. He then creates Dark Metal spikes to block the path.

"SNAKE!!!" Wolf yells as the spikes blocked the way. Wolf could only watch as Snake slithered off.

BlackViper now running back to entrance to complete his master's plan.

🎶There's a line between the
winners and the losers
There's a line between the chosen
and the rest
And I've done the best I could
But I've always known just where
we stood
Me here with the luckless
You there with the blessed🎶

Wolf and the others try to get through the metal spikes to reach Snake. BlackViper down makes it to the exit.

🎶And that line between the
beggars and the choosers
Is a line you've never let me quite
How I've tried to jump that great
But I've never got the chances
you were given🎶

BlackViper looks at his reflection in the Dark Metal shards and thinks back to his childhood, on how much pain he felt being alone.

🎶You don't know how much I've
been denied🎶

BlackViper then uses that pain to fuel his rage. He pushes through to the doors.

🎶Well, I'm not being patient
I'm crossing the line!🎶 Snake

BlackViper finally felt free. Free to choose who he wanted be. No restrictions. He can truly be bad again. The way he wanted to.

🎶And I'm done holding back!
So look out, clear the track
It's my turn!
I'm taking what's mine!🎶

BlackViper spins around the metal and heads off. Wolf and the others see him and try to catch up to him. BlackViper however felt so alive and free to be bad again.

🎶Every drop, every smidge
If I'm burning a bridge
Let it burn
But I'm crossing the line!🎶

BlackViper now has the Dark Metal creating a bridge to let him across the hole. Wolf manages to catch up to him.

🎶And for us, if we're over
That's fine!!!!🎶 BlackViper as he holds up the Dark Metal Blade.

"Snake! Wait!" Wolf cried out to his best friend but Snake gave him a glare.

🎶I'm crossing the line🎶 BlackViper as he then destroys the bridge, preventing Wolf to cross over.

Wolf watched as his best friend left, crying to see his best friend/brother gone. Soon they were flying back to the Hall of Justice, as they did, the ride was quiet.

"I can't believe Snake betrayed us." Shark said sadly with Hyena upset.

"I should've seen this coming! His aggressiveness, his power growing stronger, his dark forms... I could've saved him." Wolf said.

"Wolf... this isn't your fault. The Dark One is to blame. We'll get him back, I promise." Drago said to him.

"How? Snake now has the Darkstone. Now we have no idea how to stop the Dark One and bring Snake back." Wolf said.

"Maybe there is a way. Before Cade Yeager and the ghosts disappeared on their journey... Cade discovered a ancient scroll that he gave us that he said: would be needed in times of darkness. Unfortunately we couldn't translate it so we sent it to a friend who could." Barry explained.

"Okay, who has the scroll now?" Webs asked.

Fishlegs was working in his lab below one of the JL's house bases. Along with him was Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut with their dragons.

"The results are in! Who will win first prize for best metal? Will it be steel for it durability and thermal conductivity, or... Iron! For its lustrous shine and high melting point?" Fishlegs said he works hus experiments.

Meatlug then gave Fishlegs his favorite mug.

"Thank you, Meatlug. This is perfect! Warm coca will really hit the spot." Fishlegs said as he drank his cocoa milk.

"Hi, Fishlegs!" Wolf said startling Fishlegs in him spitting his drink in scare.

"Oh! Ah! Hi! Hi! I, uh, wasn't, uh, expecting you... so soon. I mean, we did agree that I need at least 5 weeks of solitude to decipher this scroll Cade gave us, so I thought I had some privacy, hm." Fishlegs said in embarrassment.

"Fishlegs, don't be embarrassed." Kara said to him.

"Oh! I see you still have that scroll Cade gave us." Wolf said in relief.

"I do! Oh, I do. And it took a while, but I managed to compose this key to translate the text in its entirety. Turns out it's a list of formulas to making different types of cosmic metals. And it was written in our Viking's old language." Fishlegs said.

"Fishlegs, you're a genius! What's it say?" Piranha said as they look at the key on the wall.

"This is the formula to making 8th Metal, the kind of metal that Wonder Woman's bracelets are made of.

This is the formula to making 9th Metal, the kind Hawkman and Hawkgirl's weapons and powers come from. Useful against the Dark Knights.

And this, oh, is the formula to Dark Metal, Lord Barbatos' metal. Each of these shows how to make more of the metal." Fishlegs explained.

"That's why the Dark One wants it. That's why he needs Snake to get it. They need more Dark Metal." Wolf said.

"Yes, yes, but there's more! It says that's there are four formulas, not three! The formula to making 10th Metal, the strongest of all metals also known as Element X. But I can't seem to find it it on the scroll." Fishlegs said.

"Uh, guys, you might want to stop talking about the...(coughing) ...secrets of the scroll." Shark pointed.

They look at where he's pointing and see a anthropomorphic snake looking down at them.

"Don't stop on my account." BlackViper said.

"Snake...?" Wolf said surprised to see Snake with a body that has arms and legs.

"Surprised to see me again?" BlackViper said.

"How are you—"

"The Darkstone... it helped evolve my body, making stronger than I ever felt!" BlackViper said.

"Fishlegs! Hide the scroll! We cannot let him get his hands on those formulas." Wolf said.

"But the scroll is worthless without the Translation Key." Fishlegs said.

"Well, then it sounds like I need two things." BlackViper said as he pulls out his Shadow Blade.

"Get the scroll out of here, we got this!" Supergirl said as she charges at him but BlackViper hits her with a Kryptonite claw.

"Nice try, Kara." BlackViper said.

Flash, Green Arrow, and the other heroes charge at him, but BlackViper used each of their weaknesses against them.

"I've fought alongside you guys for a long time to know each of your weaknesses. Better luck next time." BlackViper said.

BlackViper then goes to grab the scroll but Wolf manages to grab it.

"Give me that scroll Wolf!" BlackViper shouts as he clashed blades with Wolf.

"Snake, let's talk!" Wolf pleaded as he threw the scroll to Fishlegs.

"Oh, sure, let's have another chat about how miserable my life has been. I'm tried of being good! It's time I be what I was meant to be! A Bad Guy!" BlackViper said.

"That is not true! We can be more than villains, Princess and our kids showed us that." Wolf said.

"I don't care about my Princess or my family! Not anymore!" BlackViper roared.

Wolf gasped at hearing what BlackViper and pushed back. The two former friends clashed against each other as they fought.

"Look at me! You know me, Snake! I have always supported you! You've been many things to me in my life: a friend, a father figure, a brother. Whatever this anger is, come on, let's face it together." Wolf said.

BlackViper just continues to look at Wolf with hate and anger as Wolf tries to reason with him.

"Snake, somewhere inside you know this isn't right. Just come back home with us, we can figure this out. This Darkstone is corrupting you. Princess, your wife and kids miss you." Wolf said.

"Don't want to fight... FINE!" BlackViper said as he then slashed one of the pillars to crumble on the rest of the Bad Guys.

"NOOOO!!!" Wolf shouts as he dashed over and uses his Strength Force to hold the pillar.

"Come on guys, we got help Wolf!" Piranha said as they move out of the way.

"Hello, Vikings... missed me?" BlackViper said.

Their dragons growled in protecting their riders, but Snake Psychic Blasted them away leaving Fishlegs.

"Snotlout! Catch!" Fishlegs shouts as he throws the scroll at Snotlout who runs to the key.

"You want this key? Too bad!" Snotlout said as he blasted the key to pieces which makes BlackViper pissed.

"Hah! Good luck translating the scroll because it's written in our language and YOU can't understand it. Boom!" Snotlout taunted.

"Guess that means you're coming with me." BlackViper said with a smirk.

"Hah ha... I should have kept my mouth shut." Snotlout said as backs away. Hookfang projects his fire at BlackViper only to have it sent back to him.

"HOOKFANG!" Snotlout shouts as he tends his dragon.

BlackViper was about to get him when Drago knocked him away from the Viking teen.

"Snake STOP! This isn't you! It's that Darkstone that's corrupting you. You're not a monster. I understand what it's like having a bad childhood... I was feared by everyone. I didn't have any friends then. We can't let the past decide on who we become. Please, don't let the darkness win." Drago pleaded.

For a moment BlackViper's eyes turned back to normal for a moment.

"I like the darkness." BlackViper said as he slammed Drago against the wall, knocking him and Snotlout out.

Wolf and Supergirl managed to stable the place and checked on everyone.

"Is everyone okay?" Wolf asked everyone.

"Yeah... we're okay." Hiccup said.

"Uh... guys? Snotlout and Hookfang are gone." Astrid said.

"Same with Drago." Webs said. Wolf and the others realized that Snake took them.

BlackViper was seen using his psychic powers to care the three unconscious heroes to a open hidden area in the forest.

"Soon Master... you will be free." BlackViper said to his master, the Dark One.

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