Chapter 6: Metal Power

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ReptileEdge Drago is going to be the one singing in this part of the story. Play the video above with the lyrics of the song. Hope you enjoy it.

Drago and Snotlout wake up to see that they're in a forest. They turn to see that they're tied in Vengestone cuffs with BlackViper looking at them.

"Where are we?" Snotlout asked.

"I need the formula for the Dark Metal, Snotlout. You speak this language so translate it." BlackViper demanded.

"Never! Even though you're my friend, I won't!" Snotlout said.

"I knew you'd say that." BlackViper said. He then forces the metal to tighten around Hookfang's neck.

"HOOKFANG!!!" Snotlout cried.

"Snake stop! Don't do this!" Drago begged only to get slapped in the face.

"Snake... IS DEAD! There is only BlackViper. So start talking, Viking." BlackViper said as he tightened the metal around the dragon's throat.

"Snake, please stop!" Drago pleaded as Hookfang began to lose access to air, making Snotlout tear up seeing Hookfang about to die.

"OKAY! OKAY! STOP! I'll... tell you the formula." Snotlout said in defeat.

BlackViper stopped, releasing the dragon to breathe. He then gave Snotlout a pencil and paper to translate it. After Snotlout finished, BlackViper layer out the ingredients and began to make more Dark Metal. Once he finished, he then uses the Darkstone to create a stronghold. As the Dark Metal builds, the area around shakes, alerting everyone. The Dark Metal then created a giant castle made from the pure Dark Metal. BlackViper's new stronghold.

"Home sweet home." BlackViper said darkly as he took his prisoners in.

The Heroes then saw the saw the castle as darkness began to draw over the entire place, even though it was daylight out. They then activated the Red Alert to call in every available hero to their location. Meanwhile, back at the Dark castle, BlackViper was walking with Drago and Snotlout in handcuffs. Hookfang was wearing a muzzle with a chain like a leash to BlackViper's hand.

"Look, I know none of this is your fault, and I don't want to hurt you both. So when Wolf and the others come for you, don't try anything foolish." BlackViper said as he broke their bondages.

"Snake, you're angry, I get it. Believe me l know what it's like. But you are making a mistake." Drago said.

🎶The path of hate is a dangerous
You take one step and it's hard to
turn back
It pulls you along
And though it seems wrong it
feels right🎶

BlackViper sharpened his potent Shadow Blade with a stone, each scrape electrifying the sword with renewed vigor, it's sheer dark material reflective like a mirror, he was heedless to Snotlout and Drago.

🎶Don't you see this path you're on
leaves a permanent mark
It feels good at first, then it slowly
turns dark🎶

🎶With each passing day
You're further astray from the
Suddenly, you lose your way and
lose the thread🎶

He was cheerless, comfortless in his reflection. He
was beseeched, genuine and expressive. He rested his sword on a conjured boulder, walking away from Drago, from the light in the dark, as he was metaphorically obscure and he was under the Sunlight's glare rebounded off his spires.

🎶Lose your cool, then lose your
Every loss is harder to excuse
Then you'll see you'll lose your
faith and lose your soul🎶

BlackViper almost halted but irritatedly shook his head, his armor blending in with the shadows of his fortress.

🎶'Til you lose complete control
And realize there's nothing left to
Nothing left to lose🎶(Drago)

Snotlout grabs Snake's hand trying to stop him.

"Snake, trust me. Becoming the villain isn't the
answer—" Snotlout started but Snake snapped at him.

"Is that what you two think I am?!" BlackViper asked.

🎵The path I'm on is a path paved in
I'm taking that road and I'm not
looking back
Each twist and each turn
Leads straight where I'm yearning
to go🎵

Crooked fangs of rocks straightened and grew
together, supporting his from underneath, rising and ascending, and BlackViper lived it, reveled in it. His foot stomped once, twice, his arm outstretched and clawed the sky. A new set of rocks spun around the ground, their pointy limbs aimed on Drago and Snotlout, but he didn't move, nor did his expression waver.

BlackViper's fingers caressed the Darkstone,his eyes brightening proudly, pleasured and fulfilled, appearing fleetingly like the persona he once had, like when he was Wolf's best friend. His irises dimmed distastefully, and BlackViper jumped backwards on a colossal slab of glowing earth.

🎵Yes, it's true, my path is dark but I
see where it ends
My rivals will fall as my power
Despise me, that's fine
I'm taking what's mine even so🎵

BlackViper dropped and tumbled on a slide of moving rock, his athleticism was one thing about him that stayed and he curtly brushed past Drago, his shoulders refraining from bumping his own, and he dropped the care for a moment and hardened his light yellow eyes to golden, his demeanor now steely and serious.

🎵Not like you
You lost your nerve, you lost the
But you and I, we're not the same
I'm not lost, this fate was mine to
So I chose to lose my doubts and lose my chains🎵

BlackViper didn't. He brought upon a row of spikes to lift a a picture of him with the Bad Guys and their families, and something caught Drago's attention. His hand shook, and he knew it wasn't from the weight. He didn't speak, he let him do the talking.

🎵Lose each weakness that remains
Now that I have nothing left to lose🎵

He lowered his hand, but only to snap back and fist
his palm, a concentrated blade stretching out of his
gloved hand, connected to his, and he made his
move, savagely whirling around to wreck the remnant of the Bad Guys. BlackViper goes to smash the picture but Drago tries to hold back his fist, his grip unveiling his strength on the outside and the inside.

🎵You have so much to hold onto🎵 (Drago)

🎵I only want my rightful dues🎵 (BlackViper)

BlackViper was losing some control, jerking his arm
away and smashing serrated orderly boulders in his
gut, hurling Drago away to the midst of the room, but he still got up.

🎵Listen please, you've lost your grip
And lost your mind (I'm not gonna lose)
All's not lost, don't be so blind (I refuse)
Cut your losses, drop the IOUs (I refuse)🎵

BlackViper stormed off, but it wasn't enough. He's saying too much, he's being pressured too much, and he was crossing the line, another line.

🎵Oh-oh. chooooooooooooose🎵(Snotlout)

🎵I lose no tears and lose no sleep
What I want I'll take and keep (It's
time for you to choose)🎵(Snake)

He twisted his hands, distorted his fingers, gesturing and controlling two connected hands, like when wringing a throat, an embrace to his entire being as he will very close to being squeezed, but he kept a menacing promise, with his hand hauling it closer to him, but Drago and Snotlout wouldn't show any apprehension. His dark yellow eyes glowed with authority, commanding him to stay put and to stay away, as he had no more business being in this tower, as they were an enemy and must be imprisoned, it's the least he could do. BlackViper then locks Drago, Snotlout, and Hookfang in cages made out of Dark Metal.

🎵You can't stop the turning on the

"You'll stay in that cage until this is done. And just in case you think of escaping." BlackViper said as the exit gaped like a ravenous beast, to devour a victim to the very skies, a track linked to Snotlout and Drago's spherical cage and swiftly transported him out, the gigantic stalactites and stalagmites clamping down their jaw, concealing him, carelessly hovering him, with his little prison constricted enough to make them claustrophobic, but their life wasn't fully on the line, for there were fissures of gratifying oxygen.

BlackViper outstretched arm folded into a raised hand, snapping a finger to shatter the held picture of the Bad Guys, another abrupt spike piercing an end to crumble it all, it's fragility collapsing like glass. And he didn't even look nor nod at what he's done, he felt it in his power, in his core that nothing left in this room will be a reminder of the people he knew and the things relating to them, like the Bad Guys.

🎵Now... I have... nothing... left... to lose.🎵(Snake)

He turned, faced his slope of an extended path of
narrow rocks, compressed and conjoined, slowly
walking up to his already constructed throne; it's back remarkably massive, it's seat sleek and made by faint obsidian stone, it's color like when night parts for the dawn. He sat silently for more than just a moment, his face didn't appear thrilled at his overpower, his advantage in imprisoning Drago, Snotlout, and Hookfang at the very peak of his tower, he was frowning contemplative; not grinning.

His body language was composed, unlike the turmoil in his turned heart. His emotions were a disturbance to his seated victory, he thought there was nothing more attaching to his old life, but if he was mistaken, he didn't have the knowledge of it. Diagonal spikes elongated on the ground before him, pointing towards the outside concealed world, where his challengers were coming. He clenched his cobalt fist against its armrest, his expressionless vulnerable face hardening into his defensive determination, as impenetrable as his materialized abilities.

Snake's eyes turned back to normal for a moment with a sad look before his eyes went back to dark yellow.
Wolf and his friends saw the new dark castle from far away. This was Snake's work. He had hoped he could reach him but he failed.

"We gotta stop Snake from freeing the Dark One. No doubt he's working on to free the Dark One." Oliver said.

"Agreed... but we're gonna need a snake since we lost one." Batwoman said.

"Good think we know where to find another one." Shark said proudly.

The Bad Guys were enjoying their time in the sun with their Princess. Suddenly a breach opened in front of their pool. Wolf, Shark, Drago, and Flash appears to them.

"Hey guys... what seems to be the problem this time?" Wolf-7 asked.

After explaining their situation, the Bad Guys' doppelgängers agreed to help them. They managed to call in as many available JL heroes to help them.

"Hang on, Snake... I'm gonna bring you back." Wolf said.

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