A Werewolf and a Canary's Night Out

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Main characters of this story

Flasheart Lupin aka Black Wolf

Brave, very strong, fatherly, fast, kind. Flasheart Lupin is the father of Freddy Lupin and the leader of the Werewolf Night Patrol. He is heroic, fatherly, encouraging, selfless, friendly, confident, competitive, kind-hearted, inspirational and a strong leader.

Flashheart is the leader of a werewolf pack, in werewolf terms 'High Howler'. He's a big hero. He lead the werewolves and protected a small town. At the beginning, he and a few werewolves were out on patrol and Flashheart saved an unconscious woman from a burning building. He gives his son Freddy Lupin rides when he was a child, and he told him "Humans fear what they don't understand, and what they don't understand, They Destroy." Then, an ice cream driver discovered him and Freddy. The driver thought the werewolf was going to hurt him, but he didn't know that the boy was the werewolf's son. Flashheart tried to tell him that he wasn't going to hurt him, but the driver was so scared he fell off the cliff. Flashheart jumped and managed to save the driver, holding on to the side of the cliff.

Unfortunately, the driver made Flashheart fall down the cliff. Many thought that Flashheart die, but in truth he was alive, but injured. He tried to find his way back, but animal control kidnapped him and they locked him up under the shelter. Hotspur Lupin the youngest brother, discovered his older brother in the shelter, but instead of helping him, he betrayed him. He put a sliver band on his wrist, to keep him from transforming back into his Human form. He's been trapped under the shelter ever since. Until his son Freddy, in his werepoodle form found him and they reunited. After meeting Freddy's doggie friends, they help get back to the pack and defeated both the obsessive ice cream driver and the traitor Hotspur Lupin

He's the leader of a pack of Heroic werewolves, Known as The Night Patrol. He's benevolent, fearless, and fatherly. He lead his team like a true alpha. Many werewolves respect him.

Laurel Lance aka Black Canary

Laurel Lance is a reformed meta-human criminal-turned-district attorney and later vigilante. Originally from Earth-2, Laurel was a citizen of Starling City and later Central City. She is the daughter of a late Quentin Lance, the sister of Sara Lance, the maternal aunt of an unnamed child, and the girlfriend of the late Oliver Queen. After exposure to the dark matter released from Harrison Wells's S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator, Laurel gained the power to scream at high frequencies. Bitter and heartbroken due to both her father and boyfriend's deaths, she chose to use these powers for evil, adopting the name Black Siren, and became a high-ranking lieutenant of a meta-human group led by the speedster known as Zoom.

Laurel was brought over to Earth-1 to participate in the Metapocalypse and personally fought The Flash until she was defeated by Team Flash and imprisoned in the S.T.A.R. Labs pipeline. Half a year later, she was released by the serial killer, Adrian Chase and aided in his vendetta against Oliver Queen, culminating in the destruction of Lian Yu. Surviving this, Laurel was rescued by Cayden James and joined his cabal; until he was killed by Ricardo Diaz and the group disbanded. Afterward, Laurel revealed herself to the public, pretending to be her late Earth-1 counterpart; in order to get protection from Diaz.

In a misguided attempt to protect herself and her father's Earth-1 counterpart, she joined Diaz's criminal organization, acting as his mole inside Team Arrow. But having grown fond of Quentin and Oliver, Laurel soon betrayed Diaz in favor of Team Arrow. After a battle against Diaz, Laurel was devastated; when Quentin; who she had come to see as her own father, was killed while saving her. After Oliver was sentenced to prison, Laurel became the new district attorney of Star City, replacing Sam Armand. Her relationship; with Team Arrow remained strained aside from Felicity Smoak; who she became close friends; with.

Laurel briefly returned to her criminal activities after Emiko Adachi framed her for murder, but was ultimately successful in pursuing redemption; with the help of Felicity, Dinah Drake and Sara Lance. Upon deciding to return to Earth-2 to right her wrongs, Felicity gave Laurel her Earth-1's counterpart's suit; allowing her to take up the mantle as Black Canary of Earth-2, where she formed her own team of vigilantes. She later returned to Earth-1; in order to help Oliver and Team Arrow in the final battle against the Ninth Circle. Sometime later, Laurel's Earth was completely destroyed by antimatter, forcing her to return to Earth-1 as a refugee.

In an erased future in the original multiverse, Laurel maintains a close friendship with both Dinah and Felicity, and assists the Canaries in their fight to restore Star City.

In the new Multiverse, Laurel finds that she was restored on Earth-Prime; instead of the Laurel of Earth-1 (previously, the latter had died). She attended Oliver's funeral to honor the individual; who gave her a chance to be a hero. Laurel eventually traveled to Star City of 2040 to protect it as a member of a heroine team, alongside Dinah Drake/Black Canary and Mia Queen/Green Arrow.
Milford City

It was nighttime in the city and the full moon was brighter than usual. A wolfish howl echoed through the night sky as a few werewolves were running through the city. They soon stopped on one of the roofs. It was then shown that Flasheart aka Black Wolf and Hotspur aka Blaze Wolf were both there.

"Looks like another peaceful night, brother." Flasheart chuckled at his mayor brother. 

"Don't jinx it, brother." Hotspur said back to his brother.

They continued their patrol when they see a group of grown men working in a warehouse. One of them, a man wearing a black skull mask came out of the car and Flasheart instantly recognized.

"Black Mask." Flasheart growled.

"Who?" Hotspur asked.

"One of the worst crime bosses of Gotham City. He peels people's skins of their faces as trophies. Seems he managed to escape Batman. Well... not from us." Flasheart said.

Then the pack of wolves jump down by crashing through the glass, shocking BS and his gang.

"Look out, the big hero wolves will blow down your operation!" Black Wolf said with a smirk.

"Kill those beasts!" Black Skull shouted.

Flasheart Sonic Howls at the goons as he hits them hard, disoriented them long enough for him to land the hits on them and breaks their guns. Each of the werewolves fought against Black Mask's gang as they destroy their supplies.

"We need to get to Black Skull. Take out the source!" Blaze Wolf shouts as he launches multiple fireballs at the crooks.

As he fights off the criminals in his style, he didn't see Simon Diaz was about to shoot him from behind with silver bullets.

"Brother look out!!!" Black Wolf shouts.

Just as the crook was about to shoot, Black Canary jumps down and uses her Canary Cry to send Black Skull flying away.

"Black Canary?!" Black Wolf said surprised.

"Hey babe... missed me?" Black Canary said before she fights off one of the goons.

"Deeply." Black Wolf laughed as he fights.

Soon the werewolves began to have the advantage in the fight as Simon began to run away. He was just close to the exit when he sees Black Wolf and Black Canary jump in front of him.

"NOW! TOGETHER!!!" Black Canary shouts as she and Black Wolf Sonic Cry/Howl together at Black Mask, knocking him backwards unconscious.

"And stay down." Flasheart said.

Soon the police arrived to take Simon and his gang away. The Night Patrol along with Black Canary watched from above on the rooftops seeing their mission a success.

"Thanks for showing up, babe." Flasheart said to his wife.

"Hm, what would you do without me?" Laurel chuckled.

"I'd be gone without my sweet little bird in my paws." Flasheart said as they shared a kiss.

"Okay, okay, enough kissing. Come on, let's go. We still have work to do and I'd like to get some sleep." Hotspur said as he and the other wolves head off.

"After you, Black Canary." Flasheart said.

"Why thank you, Black Wolf." Laurel said.

The bird and wolf then head off as they're seen jumping from rooftops to rooftops as the moon shines brightly over the city.

Dragongirl04282004 This is the troll I was talking about. I don't know his name but I'm sure you'll come up with a great name for him. I called him in my stories Rykarr the Roar. You can use that name if you want. As you can see, he's seen a lot here and there in Trollhunters. I'm sure he would be perfect for Marianette and Adrien's team of superheroes.

Also, here's another cover I made for you. For the Battle against the Titans in the Ultimate Battle.

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