Chapter 17: Earth-257 Galaxy🌎

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21  WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 ScarletQuakeWitch SuperNinjaDragon7 Thunderslash721 Miraculousgaurdian09 williamsmaurice1254 LivingNomad41803 95nicholasnm Blazefire19
BetaTheAutobotNinja MidnightConcepts

Sonic the Hedgehog, Ladybug, and Cat Noir were now standing on a tower far away from the town of a city before they jumped down with Ladybug and yuCat Noir swinging in the air and Sonic bolted off at high speed.

🎶Miraculous, simply the best🎶

Sonic is seen running lightning fast through the fields as his friends run alongside him.

🎶Up to the test when things go wrong🎶

Sonic's gear of gloves and shoes changes each time as he enters different universes with his friends as they travel through the Multiverse.

🎶Miraculous, the luckiest🎶

Up above them is Eclipso, along with some villains, glaring at the Superheroes in a blaze.

🎶The power of love always so strong🎶

Ladybug and Cat Noir jump over each other as they switched back to Marinette and Adrien.


Ladybug was now standing with her Miracle Box in her hand in the center of a bunch shadow silhouettes of some new Miraculous Holders who will help them in the different Earths.



Drago is seen being splat out of a breach into a desert. He looks around to see he wasn't in his universe or on Earth anymore.

"Where the hell am I?" Drago said to himself.

Drago knew that standing still wouldn't figure it out. He spread his wings as he took off into the air. He starts flying faster, seeing if he could enter the Still Force. As he enters, he certainly gets a massive headache, as if he's hearing multiple voices all around him. He feels overwhelmed by another Force in this universe.

"Gah! Stop it!" Drago shouts as he teleports through time.

"... They're swamped. You'll never get an answer in time." Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios said to Captain Teva.

"Then I'm just gonna have to go there and talk to them myself. They can't ignore me face-to-face." Captain Teva said as he left.

"I like your attitude. Good luck. You're gonna need it." Zeb chuckled.

Suddenly Drago appeared behind him, startling him.

"Karabast! Where the blazes did you come from?!" Zeb said.

"Look! I need—GAH!" Drago groaned as he disappears in a crackling wave of green energy.

Rey was seen training with BB-8 in a forest when Drago appeared.

"Who are you?" Rey asked pointing her lightsaber at him.

"Whoa! Look, I'm not an enemy." Drago said with his hands up.

"You with the First Order?" Rey asked.

"What? No! What the hell is—ACK!!!" Drago groans again as he teleports away in time, leaving Rey confused with what just happened.

Master Jedi Plo Koon was currently fighting off some Battle Droids with his batch of Clones.

"General Grievous has fled." Wolffe reported.

"Very good. Finish off the remaining droids." Master Plo Koon said to the commander.

Drago then appeared behind them as he startled them. The Clones aimed their weapons at him.

"Look... I'm not your enemy. I need help." Drago moaned as he struggled standing up.

"What's is the problem?" Master Plo Koon asked as he tried to help him up.

But as Plo Koon touched Drago, he suddenly gets force pushed back from Drago. He felt a huge surge of energy from Drago.

"What are you?" Master Plo Koon asked astonishingly.

"I'm... I'm the Still Force." Drago said weakly as he then again teleported in time.

Master Luke was currently training Grogu as Ahsoka watched. Drago appeared behind them as he tried to stand up.

"I... can't... focus." Drago growled as he teleported again in time.

This time he was in the present, he landed in Coruscant. He tries not to draw attention as he tries to control himself.

The Void

The heroes were now scanning through the Multiverse for Drago. The Bad Guys were very determined to find their last member and best friend.

"Oh Drago... where are you?" Webs wondered.

"Don't worry. We will find him." Oliver said.

"Ummm... guys? I'm detecting temporal isotopes in universe-257." Ray said looking at his tablet.

Suddenly Barry, Mason, and Hubert groaned in pain as they held expressions of shock as they felt a great shockwave.

"Whoa! Are you guys okay?" Lou asked.

"The pain... the confusion... it was Drago." Mason said in pants.

As this happened, the Waverider is then teleported to that universe as it crashed on the ground as it knocked everyone unconscious.


The team of heroes began to wake up from crash landing.

"Ummm... where are we?" Sonic asked.

"It would appear that Earth does not exist in this universe, but many galactic systems do." Gideon said to them.

"Well, that's just great." Mick groaned.

Everyone got outside to see a battle happening. White armored soldiers fighting against robots.

"Well, this just got interesting." Draal said sarcastically.

"Best if we go help." Marinette said as they suit up.

The battle continues on at the capitol of Naboo. Clones and Droids shooting at each other. Just as a Super Battle Droid was about to kill a Clone Trooper when Flash short circuited the droid.

"You're welcome." Flash said as he sped off with the League in tow.

"Uh... Any idea who those guys are?" Said the first armored soldier closest to them in their comm link.

"No clue." The Second one spoke with a shrug of his shoulders. "They Seps?"

"Don't think so." Said the first soldier. "Sergeant Buck, any idea what to do here? They don't look threatening."

Sergeant Buck was much easier to distinguish amongst the six armored soldier as out of all of them he had his helmet and shoulder pads accented with green markings.

"Standby boys, I'll get this all sorted out." Sergeant Buck said, moving forward to meet with these strangers.

"Ummm... Identifications sirs." Sergeant Buck said politely enough.

"Green Arrow."



"White Canary."

"We're the leaders of our team." Oliver said. 

"Uh, would you mind telling us where we are?" Nya asked.

"You're on Naboo." Sergeant Buck answered.

"Naboo?" The heroes repeated in confusion.

"What's that?" Toby asked.

Buck stared at the two of them, somewhat disbelieving in their question. "The planet of Naboo. You know, the Naboo? One of the Republics strongest allies and supporters."

Hearing this shows that they're definitely in a different universe.

"Oi, you two alright? You're both stiff as stone right now." Sergeant Bucks accented voice cut through their thoughts.

"Oh right, sorry. Look, it's hard to explain but how about we focus on the fight here and talk later?" Blinky suggested.

"Agreed." Sergeant Bucks said in agreement.

"Halt! Surrender!" One of the Battle Droids shouts to the heroes.

The superheroes looked at each other and smirked as they charged at the Battle Droids.

Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight of the Ancient Order stood upon the bridge of his personal ship the Resolute. All around him were Clone pilots and troopers going about their own business of maintaining ship functions, communications as well as making sure to stay on alert for any Separatist movements or attacks. It was a stressful job but such was the life of a Jedi.

It was strange to think that more than ten years ago, Anakin was nothing more than a slave boy on Tatooine who was just a little pod-racer to now being a commanding general in the Grand Army of the Republic. At the thought of Tatooine, Anakin envisioned his lost mother and closed his eyes trying to conceal the pain he still held at losing her.



Anakin glanced to his side to see his young Padawan Ahsoka Tano looking up to him in concern.

"Are you alright?" Ahsoka asked.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." Anakin waved off.

"Are you sure?" Ahsoka pressed on. "You got all intense there for a second."

Anakin was internally touched by his Padawans concern for him, playfully shoving her head down slightly before pulling her in for a side hug while giving her a noogie.

"Aw, my little Snips has already grown to care for me." Anakin teased.

"Ugh, Master." Ahsoka whined childishly, attempting to free herself from Anakin's grasp. "Let me go."

"Not unlikely, my young Padawan for I have the high ground."

"You only say that because you're taller."

"I see the two of you are getting along in your usual way of passing time." Said an amused sage like voice from behind.

Both Jedi turned to see Skywalker's old master and friend, Obi-wan Kenobi.

"Just a friendly little lesson in humility." Anakin said offhandedly, making an over exaggerated grunt from being elbowed lightly by Ahsoka.

Shaking his head at their antics, Obi-wan gestured for them both to follow.

"Come on, the others are awaiting the three of us." Obi-wan said, walking towards the main meeting area of the Resolute with Ahsoka and Anakin in tow.

Approaching the holo table, Clone Commander Cody along Clone Captain Rex were awaiting for their three Jedi Generals and Commander.

Both wore customized Clone Trooper armor to distinguish themselves amongst their brothers with Cody sporting orange markings and armor plating while Rex had blue accents and plated shoulder armor over his right side.

"They're waiting on us, General." Commander Cody addressed Obi-wan directly.

"Then let's not keep them waiting." Obi-wan said and turned on the holo comm link.

Many individuals appeared around the table through transmissions. It was a large assembly of both Jedi and their Clone Commanders that were paired up with them.

Jedi Master Plo-Koon along with Commander Wolffe were beside Cody and Obi-wan. Aayla Secura and Commander Bly beside Anakin, Ahsoka and Rex. And around the table were Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, Luminara Unduli, Eeth Koth and Jedi Grandmaster Yoda. With them were also their Clone Commander and Captains Ponds, Bacara, Gree, Lock and Thire. While all were attentive and present within the meeting, Yoda appeared distant as his eyes were faced downward with his expression conveying deep thought.

"Master Yoda." Mace Windu spoke to the green Jedi. "We are all here."

"Hmmm?" Yoda perked up, noticing the meeting has begun. "Apologies, friends. Deep in thought, I am. The Force, a change has occurred."

While the Jedi wished to ask just what it was that Yoda detected, they knew that now was not the time for such a thing with Aayla Secura deciding to begin the meeting.

"After Skywalker and Tano's successful mission on Teth and Tatooine, we have established a firm route within Hutt Space." Aayla supplied, a map of the galaxy appearing in between the meeting and highlighting the outer rim and Hutt Space.

"We've managed to create several bases along several key access points and strongholds here, here and here." Commander Bly added on, gesturing to several areas within their newly acquired areas.

"We've been having to deal with some pirates and other outlaws every now and then." Clone Commander Bacara stated." But that's usually been on the outskirts of Hutt Space."

"What of our own individual missions?" Mace Windu inquired to the collective.

"My fleet has moved in assisting the 224th legion on Mimban." Eeth Koth stated.

"We'll be scrapping the clankers with the Mud-Jumpers for the time being." Commander Lock stated.

"Successful I have been, yes." Yoda declared. "Negotiated into an alliance with King Katuunko and his people hmmm. A strong ally, the Republic has gained."

"More good news." Anakin said with a smirk of admiration at the little master.

"Dooku and Grievous have been relatively silent however." Luminara mused aloud. "After their failure in securing the Hutts allegiance, my fleet has only picked up on sporadic movements."

"The same on my end." Plo Koon said.

"And mine has yielded similar results." Windu said with a frown.

"The Count awaits for an opportune strike, he does." Yoda said stoically, closing his eyes at the mention of his old student. "To throw the Republic off balance, his goal is."

"Throwing us off balance would be his next play after his recent failures." Obi-wan said, thinking over what the Sith lord may attempt next. "He's been successful in doing so since the start of the war. It's why we're still stretched so thin even after consolidating our new regiments and legions of Troopers."

"He may go for a more unpredictable target and attack then." Commander Cody surmised, following along with the thought process of his commanding general.

"So then were would he strike?" Mace Windu asked to no one in particular.

The assembled Jedi and Clones were silent in these regards, all trying to figure out as to what the Count and by extension the Separatists might pull next within this war. It was at this time that Yoda let out a grunt, something several Jedi and the Grandmasters Clone Commander noticed.

"What's the matter General?" Thire asked straight away.

Yoda was about to speak when all assembled Jedi either held expressions of shock or let out gasps as they felt a great shockwave within the Force strike them all.

Their Clone Commanders, Captains and other nearby troopers from all of their individual ships were all by their side due to the simultaneous similar reactions each one of them had.

"What was that?" Bly asked aloud.

"Is everyone alright?" Cody inquired somewhat panicked, standing closer to Kenobi as he seemed as though he were about to pass out.

"Commander, can you stand?" Rex was crouching next to Ahsoka who had actually fallen to her knees, clutching her head.

Anakin was also rubbing his forehead, gritting his teeth to fight off the oncoming headache.

"By the Force, what was that?!" Luminara exclaimed somewhat tiredly as she leaned upon Commander Green for support.

"A great disturbance, no, great change within the force something had occurred." Yoda said solemnly with Thire kneeling down to him in case the master may have a similar reaction like the other Jedi.

"That was something else entirely." Mace said, patting a silent appreciative hand upon Ponds' arm who had helped in keeping him standing.

"The Force..." Plo was leaning upon the table on his end. "It was not a warning. It did not feel like one."

"What did the Force tell you then?" Bly couldn't help but ask as he hovered over Aayla Secura who was recovering now. "Cause it looks to me like it hurt all of you more than it gave you a heads up."

He got nods and grunts of agreement from the rest of his Clone brethren.

"Appreciate the concern, give us you have." Yoda spoke on behalf of the Jedi. "But dwell on such a matter, we must at a later date. Rages on, the war does as we speak."

"Generals, incoming transmission." Rex announced to all present, not waiting for a response as he activated the link.

In the center of the table appeared a holo-transmission of Senators Padme Amidala, Bail Organa and Riyo Chuchi.

"Padme?" Anakin said in surprise and underlying worry. The look in her eyes and her tense posture. Something was wrong.

"Attention all Republic forces within the area, this is an open broadcast message of Senator Padme Amidala. The Separatist Forces have launched a full-scale attack upon Naboo and they've been assaulting the planet and the orbital defense fleet. We've been holding out, but more Separatist forces have been arriving as the assault went on."

Organa then added in his part of the message.

"The Republic forces are holding out but if help doesn't arrive soon, Naboo will be overrun and taken by the Separatist army."

Riyo Chuchi then added.

"There are many Civilians, Senators, Noblemen and the Queen hold up in the palace with many others still in danger across the capital city."

"Please, to whoever can help, Naboo needs you." Padme finished, the message ending.

Panic exploded from within Anakin whilst the rest of the Jedi were greatly disturbed by the sudden attack upon Naboo.

"To think the Separatists would strike again so soon after their recent loss." Windu murmured.

"And to target the Chancellor's and Senator Amidala's home world on top of that." Obi-wan added, frowning at the prospect.

"She wasn't alone either." Cody noted aloud. "She was with other Senators when sending out the distress call. There could be other Senators on Naboo as we speak."

"A literal pen of Bantha fodder for the Droid army." Plo said grimly.

"We need to act fast." Anakin declared. "Both mine and Obi-wans fleet is a jump away from Naboo."

"My fleet is not that far off neither." Aayla said aloud.

"As is mine." Plo chimed in.

"Then go, the four of you all must." Yoda said, not allowing any room for further debate. "The force... answers we all seek begin at Naboo."

"One step at a time then." Mace said, facing the Five Jedi Knights and Padawan about to undertake the counterattack against the Separatist invasion of Naboo. "May the Force be with you all."

The transmissions all cut off save for Plo's and Aayla's that remained on.

"There was more to the transmission then just a message general." Rex said whilst all around them the preparations for hyper space and battle were being set. "They managed to get a gauge of the amount of ships the Separatists."

"And?" Anakin asked. "What are we dealing with?"

"Damn near close to an invading force." Rex said, throwing up a display of nearly several dozen Separatist with mix of three Capital Ship Star Destroyers along with frigates, Lucrehulk Battleships, Dreadnoughts and Gozanti-Class Cruisers.

"They've gone in prepared." Obi-wan noted with utter seriousness.

"The Naboo defense fleet can only hold out for so long." Cody said militarily. "If they've already got forces on the ground then unless we don't hurry, the fleet is going to be completely overrun and destroyed."

"Then we must make haste." Plo said. "Skywalker, Kenobi, the two of your fleets are on the northern end of the jump so my fleet shall come in from behind theirs with Aaylas hitting them on the side."

"A three pronged attack then." Anakin nodded. "Let's do it."

The Jedi sent out commands to all their ships to prep all fighters and Gunships for landing and have all crew standby for battle.

Anakin was tense the entire time, thoughts occupied by the safety of his wife. He knew that she was more than capable in handling herself in a life and death scenario as she had already been in more than enough for one lifetime. But still, as a husband it is only natural for him to worry because of course Padme has admitted the same since the start of the war. But right now, he was on his way to save her, and he'd be damned if anything stood in his way. However, a thought occurred to him something that was shared amongst his fellow Jedi next to him were now thinking on as well.

Yoda spoke of answers being found on Naboo, or at the very least the start of it.

What did that mean?

"Answers will start to be found upon Naboo." Obi-wan said aloud, breaking the silence of the Jedi and their Clone counterparts that stood with them.

"You too huh?" Anakin said knowingly.

"What did Master Yoda mean by that?" Ahsoka asked the two veteran Jedi.

"We'll know when we get to Naboo." Obi-wan said firmly. "Or an idea, at the very least."

"Let's hope so." Anakin said, grimacing slightly. "With Naboo and the whole Force seizure, I'd like to know just what's going on."

"We all do Anakin." Obi-wan said, placing a hand upon Anakin's shoulder. "We just need some patience."

Anakin rolled his eyes good naturedly. "By we you really mean me, don't you?"

"Well if you insist." Obi-wan retorted with a wry grin.

Meanwhile the Justice League was busy handing the Battle Droids as they do their best to protect the capitol.

"You ready?" Barry asked.

"LET'S GOOOOO!!!!" Snotlout shouts as the speedsters sped off full speed.

["Salute Your Solution" by The Raconteurs playing]

Streaks of red, yellow, green, and blue lightning shot across the battlefield as they punched or pushed every enemy they came across.

♪ I seem to think I think I got a little situation ♪

Flash goes around as he throws lightning at the enemies. Jay does a quick Spinjitzu kick as he slashed through multiple Battle Droids. Gorzak runs around as he bashed every foe he came across. Snotlout smirks at Gorazk who saw him shoot lightning fireballs at the enemy, burning and electrocuting them.

The two Green Lanterns began creating huge constructs as battle their way through. Cutting through the Battle Droids like weeds.

♪ I think I gave a lot of Problems my consideration ♪

Wolf growlers he transformed into his bigger wolf form as he smashes the Super Battle Droids as he uses one as a batting stick to bash the other droids.

♪ But not for me It always seem to be For someone else ♪

Sonic and Shadow run towards as they grabbed hands and spun each other in the opposite direction as they Spin Slash through a bunch of Battle Droids.

♪Why all the people always Seem to just be on vacation♪

Green Arrow continues to fire arrows in his hidden spot as shoots down multiple Vulture Droids.

♪What do I get from it I don't get anything at all♪

The Ninja use all of their Spinjitzu and Elemental Powers as they tore through the Battle Droids.

♪I'm like a trash can Holding all the information♪

Cat Noir uses slides under a tank as he uses his Cataclysm to destroy them.

♪And every single time It leaves me Feeling two feet tall♪

Supergirl then lifted one of the tanks and threw it at another tank.

♪And only one I'm taking♪

The speedsters run around the battlefield as they spin backwards with their backs facing each other as their feet touch each other and boosted off with a huge shockwave, knocking Battle Droids into the air.

In Flashtime, they began to bash the heads and limbs off each Battle Droid they flung into the air. Draal knocked a Super Battle Droid up in the air as he then slammed the orc down on his knee, pulling off a "Bane". Rykarr rushed in he does a Spin Dash knocking into the enemy like a bowling ball. Piranha goes all frenzy on each one as he hits them with lightning daggers he creates.

"CHAOS ARSENAL!!!"  Shadow shouts as he fired multiple spears that destroyed most of the enemies.

Kilowog flies around bashing each Battle Droid with his hammer before flying down to Green Arrow.

"Even with us backing up the troops Ollie, we can do this all day, but unless this Republic isn't gonna come soon, we're all just holding back the inevitable." Kilowog said.

"I know, Kilowog." Oliver said in frustration, lashing out to grab a B1 by its scrawny neck and throwing it at another few B1's. "But right now, all we can do is keep fighting."

"INCOMING TANKS!" A random clone shouted.

A line of AAT Tanks were now seen coming right towards them. Several were immediately destroyed by detonators and rocket launchers but the rest began firing back, devastating the Clones defensive line. Jessica dived down to one of the tanks, priming some detonators and throwing them down the primary cannon.


Padme and Oliver were now fighting alongside each other with Sergeant Buck and Rook when an AAT targeted them in mind.

"Fire at the Senator." The nasally voice of the droid commanding the tank ordered.

"GET BACK." Oliver roared, jumping forward to protect Padme.

Suddenly, Atom grew to full size in front of them and chucked a tiny disk at the tank.


"Wha-Where'd it go!?"

"Holy crap, I can't believe that worked!" Ray Palmer exclaimed in awe. "That actually worked! Thank you, Scott Lang!"

"What the hell was that?!" Sergeant Buck yelled in bug-eyed disbelief.

Walking forward, Atom bent down and picked up a small sized tank which rested at the palm of his hand. "Oh, I just shrunk it down."

"...JUST SHRUNK IT DOWN!?" Was the collective response of the Clone troopers and even Senator Amidala.

The other heroes on the other hand chortled at their responses when he noticed that the shooting had stopped around their area. There was still a firefight over on the other side but it appears that both sides within this vicinity were momentarily stunned into pause as to find a way to process what they had just seen.

"Did you know they could do that?" A Clone asked Sergeant Buck who only shook his head in silent shock.

Ray all the while was observing his new little tank and the tiny B1 battle droids that had jumped off his hand in an attempt to flee their new giant overlord. It was then that he got an idea.

"Oh, hey." Atom said to a nearby trooper. "Can I borrow a grenade?"


Without getting a response, Atom snagged the explosive and tossed it to Lloyd. "Hey Lloyd. Aim for this disk I have in my hand."


"Trust me, it'll be good." Atom said.

Choosing to follow his friend's order, he reared his arm back before throwing it once Ray tossed the small disk rather high. The two objects soon made contact before-


"Umm... Roger, Roger." Was the meek final words of one B1 battle droid at the site of a now gigantic Thermal Detonator.


The explosion rocked the whole area and utterly devastated the battalion of battle droids the Justice League and Padme were fighting. Asides from a large portion of the tanks destroyed -almost all- there was quite the massive hole made in the middle of the clearing leading up to the capital palace.

"I... I..." Padme tried saying with a twitch of her widened eyes. "I don't..."

"Senator." Barry's firm voice cut through her stuttering, making her look to see a rather amused Flash. "I think it's best for you not to dwell on it. Otherwise, you'll be here all day."

Padme blinked, trying her best to school her features yet her mouth opened and closed several times until she finally stammered out. "Y-Yes, Of course yes, yes, let's not dwell on it."

"LAAT GUNSHIPS." Rook abruptly shouted, pointing above. "It's the Republic!"

"Oh thank the Force." Padme breathed out. Looking back up, she looked at the Clone Troopers. "Don't relax too soon. Naboo's citizens still need to be brought to safety."

"She's right." Oliver said in agreement. "We can't let up now. Even with reinforcements here, we might get overwhelmed and defeated without them getting here in time."

The Defense of the palace commenced once more, a renewed offensive defense on the droid army.

LAAT Gunships plowed through the fighters of the CIS, going down directly to the palace while others engaged in taking on the Separatists air forces.

Two Gunships dropped off two AT-TEs whilst the rest deployed reinforcements in the form of the 501st, 212th and 327th all being led by...

"Jedi." Many clones yelled out with glee and relief.

And leading at the vanguard, heading straight towards the palace, was Jedi Master Obi-wan, Jedi Knight Anakin and his Padawan, Ahsoka.

"Looks like we got dropped right into the fire." Ahsoka commented, deflecting blaster bolts left and right. "Just the way you like it master."

"You know me oh so well, my young Padawan." Anakin said whimsically, moving to slash apart a few droids close by to him.

"Don't get to excited Anakin." Obi-wan jokingly chided.

Right behind the three Jedi were Captain Rex and Commander Cody, blasting away at the Separatist droid leading their men by example. Rex saw a droid aim at Anakin and wordlessly shot him down without any prompt.

Skywalker saw this at the last second and looked back to give his Captain a grin of appreciation which Rex nodded in return.

"Palace is just ahead, Masters." Ahsoka said to Anakin who schooled his expression, leading his men and Padawan forward.

Coming closer and closer, the group soon stopped when seeing not only the destruction near the palace but also-

"Woah! What caused this hole?"

"...Your guess is as good as mine, Rex."


Skywalker snapped his head at the source, smiling when seeing his secret wife coming towards him. As she got close, he quickly buried the urge to embrace her.

"Padme." He happily said. "Glad to see you are alright."

"I should be the one saying that." Padme said, looking to him and then Kenobi and Tano beside her secret husband. "You don't know how much it means to me you all came to my home planet's rescue."


Padme turned around and it was now that the trio of Jedi and their Clones laid their eyes upon a very strangely garbed man jogging up to her with a perfect circular shield in hand.

"Green Arrow." Padme nodded her head, turning back to the Jedi and Clones. "Everyone, I'd like to quickly introduce you to Captain Steve Rogers. Him and his men have been aiding the people here and protecting all of us."

"Really now?" Kenobi said with intrigue, taking a moment to analyze this Oliver Queen.

"Hey, Ollie."

All heads then turned up with those unfamiliar either blinking or tilting their heads at the sight of a man sporting a green and black outfit fly down to them.

Landing beside Ollie, the flying man spoke with him. "Those new gunships tore through the Droid forces. They're in disarray."

"Glad to know that." Oliver said, looking to the Jedi and Clones. "Much as I'd like to get to know you, we still got a battle to win."

"Agreed." Anakin and Obi-wan said at the same time.

The odd collection of the JL, a Senator, three Jedi and their Clone units moved to engage the remaining Droids forces still in the area.

"Say, what caused that hole back there?" Ahsoka innocently asked, voicing the same thought as the newcomers.

"Oh you can blame Ray for that." Rykarr answered.


"Over there." Orgrim pointed over to a group of droids marching towards them. "The A.T.O.M."

"...I don't-" Ahsoka quickly shut up when seeing a man wearing an unusual suit appear from nowhere only shrink down and disappear from sight. "What!?"

Droids suddenly began to jerk about violently, being hit by an invisible when the A.T.O.M. grew in the center of the droids greatly startling them. Grabbing a droid by its arm, Atom moved in for a hip toss and shrunk down in the process. It added more momentum and power to the throw which flung the poor droid forward, all the while having its arm torn off. He then batted several droids left and right with the severed limb before disappearing once more.

Ahsoka and even Rex, Cody and the Clones were all staring at what they had just seen trying to make sense of it all.

"Is that what my face looked like?" Padme whispered/asked Barry who shrugged.

"Pretty much the same. Except they didn't see the explosion." Barry replied.


"Skywalker, Kenobi." A female voice cut through the battle and both Jedi saw it was Aayla Secura cutting a swath through the droid forces over to them being backed up by Commander Bly and the 327th corps.

"Nice of you to join us, Aayla." Anakin joked, lightsaber deflecting more blaster bolts.

"Apologies. We had to take a detour. Bly couldn't help it." Aayla teased. "He just loved the scenic route."

"The Architecture is surprisingly sound." Bly couldn't help but go along with his general's joke.

The Jedi and Clones were now fighting in complete unison, completely decimating the CIS army. Arc-Wings, Z-95s and LAAT Gunships were beginning to turn the tide up in the air whilst several Venator Class Star Destroyers and Acclamator-class Assault ships moved to engage the Separatist Capital Ship over Theed.

Back down below, the group of the Justice League helped with the newly arrived Republic forces in completely wiping out the remaining Droid forces who were now in full retreat.

Cap was fighting alongside Aayla Secura, Commander Bly and Ahsoka Tano taking down a squadron of Super Battle Droids.

"We're pushing them back, General." Bly said to Secura.

"Good." Aayla said with determination in her eyes.

"Grenades!" A clone shouted with several primed detonators in the air sailing towards them.

Before any could responds with evasive maneuvers or the force, a blue blur of sorts shot forward and caught the grenades with his lightning and slammed them to the ground.

The grenades exploded with the slight amount of force nudging Jay up a bit but leaving him and the surrounding Troopers and Jedi unharmed.

"Whoa." Bly whispered a sentiment shared by all, including Tano and Secura.

"Thank you." Aayla said sincerely.

The battle went on for an undetermined period of time but by this point, it was nearing sunrise.

Some who had been battling for so long hadn't realized that a near entire day had gone by with the brief invasion of Naboo. Republic forces came down in droves with food and medical supplies along with many other resources in assisting the Republic allied world. All the while, The Jedi, their Clone Counterparts, the senators and queen were all in the meeting hall of the grand palace. It was a circular room with a circular holo-table. Right now, all aforementioned parties and individuals stood around the table with everyone's eyes on the strange group specifically.

"You have our eternal thanks and gratitude in assisting Naboo in its time of need and fighting back against the Separatist army." Obi-wan Kenobi spoke for the assembled Republic party.

"I can't express to the group of you what this means to the people of Naboo." Padme said earnestly.

"Well..." DK said coyly only to get silenced by Bowser nudging him.

"With that being said." Anakin went on. "I think the main question on everyone's mind right now is...well, just who are you people?"

Obi-wan ran his hand down his face, slightly cringing. "As much as my friend here lacks his tact, I do find myself agreeing with him."

The Justice League exchanged glances silently speaking with one another.

"That's a bit of a long story." Sonic stated.

"And to be honest, we've got some questions of our own." Kara said. "We threw ourselves into a war we know nothing about honestly."

"Then why did you fight?" Aayla couldn't help but ask.

"We couldn't let innocent civilians die in a battle they have nothing to do with." Oliver said in total seriousness.

The Jedi, Clones and Senators couldn't help but balk at the declaration in slight awe and admiration.

"Perhaps then..." Obi-wan spoke up after several seconds of silence. "We could help one another then."

"How so?" Lloyd asked.

"Exchange of information." Obi-wan said. "We tell you what you want and need to know, and you tell us exactly who you are."

"We can even tell you about the war and everything in between." Anakin added. "You've earned that much after helping out while going in blind."

"And if you need any assistance, feel free to ask." The Queen of Naboo stated. "You have all been champions in protecting my people, it's the least I can do."

Seeing that they at least had options now, Oliver stepped forth.

"So, what would you like to know?" Oliver asked.

Soon the superheroes of the JL were now on a Republic Cruiser heading to Coruscant. Soon enough, the blue tunnel that was faster than light travel ended abruptly as a planet with many ships surrounding it quite literally stretched into full view. All the members of the Justice League blinked at the affect with their eyes widening.

"This is Coruscant." Obi-wan said. "The entire planet is one large encompassing city connected by many means with many levels across the entire planet."

"Unreal." Darryl blurted out, jaw dropping slightly as the Venator went past the defense fleet of the planet and down to the surface.

Soon, the city became more distinct and clear along with the many flying vehicle, tall skyscrapers and gigantic landmarks that could be seen in any and all directions. All around them were ships whizzing by and if one looked closely enough, the dozens of alien species that populate this galaxy could also be seen piloting these flying cars.

"Cisco would love to see this place." Barry said in wonder making both his companions nod in agreement.

"Bet Tails would to, this is insane." Sonic said.

"That right there is where the Senate of the Republic meets." Senator Organa pointed over to a large building shaped in what the Avengers could only describe as large metallic mushroom with another dome shaped building more to the ground beside it.

"And where we're going..." Obi-wan picked up for Organa. "Is the Jedi temple, the seat of the Jedi order."

"You keep on mentioning this Jedi Order." Lloyd spoke up. "That you yourselves are all Jedi and members to this organization. What is it exactly?"

"I think that it would be best suited if the entire council were present to explain to you but to put it simply, Jedi are the peacekeepers of the Galactic Republic overall as is our duty to the galaxy and to the force." Obi-wan said in a lecture-like manner.

"Peacekeepers huh?" Lloyd said to himself, thinking back to Earth and its most recent conflicts.

"We're arriving." Anakin said. "Come on, the rest of the council and Chancellor should be waiting for us."

They all followed after the Jedi and soon arrived down to one of the many docking bays that had been customized near the Jedi temple to accommodate for larger ships such as the Venator-class Star Destroyers. Soon all were transported within two LAAT gunships to another hangar bay, this one being directly linked in with the temple. Landing there, the Justice League were greeted with sight of an additional collective of some of the strangest beings they had ever laid eyes on. One of them was an elderly man then turned to Oliver and gave him a pleasant smile.

"Greetings to you Oliver Queen the Green Arrow. I have heard much about you but let me just say and personally thank you in your noble defense of my home planet of Naboo. You have put a great deal of ease upon this old man's heart. It is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Sheev Palpatine." He said to them.

Holding out a hand, Oliver accepted it giving him a firm shake.

"Oliver Queen." He introduced himself. "Though you already knew that."

"Yes, my fellow Naboo Senator Amidala spoke of you and your companions brave and valiant actions on our home world." Palpatine said softly, a show of admiration. "Truly heroic of you."

"Think nothing of it sir." Oliver said humbly. "Just doing our duty."

"Speaking of duty." Windu cut in. "I think it is high time we all got some answers as to what happened on Naboo."

"Yes" The small green alien said solemnly. "Much to discuss, we have. The Force calls to us, directing towards you it does."

The superheroes shared a look whilst Oliver stared down at the green creature.

"We'd like answers of our own." Oliver stated firmly. "Something about an 'inter-galactic war' that we apparently roped ourselves into."

"Then let's find a place more comfortable for us all." Obi-wan stepped in. "I'd rather us not stand around here for another few hours with one revelation after another with no explanation."

"Agreed." Was the collective response.

Meanwhile in the streets of Coruscant, Drago was struggling with trying to keep himself together. As he walks, he runs into some thugs.

"Hey buddy. Where are you going?" A pirate asked.

"Look, I'm not in... the mood." Drago groaned.

"What? Afraid we're gonna hurt you?" One of the thugs asked laughing as they mess with him.

"Get... Away... FROM ME!!!!" Drago roared at them.

He blasted them away, one of them he erased from time. The thugs were shocked by this as they ran away in fear from the angry Komodo Dragon.

Drago growls in pain as he tries to stabilize himself as his power spreads all over the planet.

"I need... help." Drago growled in pain.

All were now present within a spacious meeting room of sorts within the Jedi temple. It was ovular in shape with steps elevating upwards acting as seats for many. The Justice League were officially introduced to the Jedi High council.

The council consisted itself of Grandmaster Yoda the small green creature. Mace Windu, Obi-wan Kenobi whom they have already met. Then of course were the more unique humanoids such as Ki-Adi-Mundi with a large cone-dome shaped head. Next came the equally aquatic green, tentacle headed Kit Fisto who held a disarming mischievous grin. Followed by Plo Koon wearing a strange respirator mask type contraption. Then was a dark-skinned woman with a strange head piece that was akin to a crown of sorts named Adi Gallia. And lastly was the strangest one of them all, the one named Oppo Rancisis, an alien with a bushy long beard, elongated finger nails and a snake like body from the waist down.

Three Jedi council members however were apparently absent. The ones referred to as Eeth Koth, Shaak Ti, Saesee Tin and Even Piell. All were off world conducting their own missions in the war effort.

"Introduced ourselves, we have." Yoda spoke for the collective Jedi, and Clones. "The same in turn, you do."

"Right, right." Oliver nodded. "So some of you already know but in full, my name is Oliver Queen. Back on our home world I'm also known as the Green Arrow."

"Green Arrow?" Aayla said in confusion. "That seems more akin to a title if anything."

"Why the code name?" Anakin asked.

"It's to protect our identities." Toby butted in, not allowing Oliver a chance to explain. "There are enemies of ours who would hurt the ones we love and care about if they knew who we really were under the mask."

"Oh! And he's our world's first superhero." Jay added chipperly whilst Oliver hung his head a bit from not being able to explain it in his own way.

"Superhero?" Obi-wan questioned with a raised brow.

"We all are." Toby proclaimed until slumping a bit.

"I'm the Flash."

"Obsidian Claw."

"Cat Noir."

"Earth Ninja."

"Er..." Ahsoka was speaking for all when she said. "What? Aside from you names and hearing you guys say you're heroes..."

"That's all we really did say." Darryl pointed out.

"Look, we don't exactly know how to condense a lot of craziness down to span of about 20 minutes so..."

"Take your time then." Obi-wan said, now seating himself. "We have some to spare at this very moment."

Glancing at one another, the JL both gestured for Oliver to start for them. Nodding, Oliver faced the Jedi Council, Clones and Senators.

"Well, are any of you familiar with the Multiverse?" Oliver asked.

Anakin gave them a slight look of surprise. "The Multiverse?" He took a moment to reflect on his knowledge. "The concept of parallel universes, alternate realities, different versions of the same events. The idea that there could be countless existences co-existing alongside our own."

Everyone then gave Anakin a weird look.

"What? When I was a little boy, I heard tales and stories about it that were told from pilots who came to Tatooine." Anakin explained.

"Yes, we're from a different universe. To put it plainly, myself along with my team here are part of a bigger team called the Justice League: Earth's Greatest Heroes." Oliver said with a hint of pride. "We were formed as a fast acting response team in the face of an overwhelming threat and enemy no lone hero could face alone. Each individual both present and past came from different walks of life, each with different agendas, personalities and egos."

"And we had some real big egos." DK said knowingly making Oliver snort actually.

"It wasn't easy at first." Oliver said plainly. "I myself know that as the original iteration of the team when we band together to face a world threatening event."

"I feel like a lot is missing here." Anakin interrupted aloud.

"I could show you. I mean, we have advanced technology, but nothing like what you guys have." Shard said looking out the window.

"We're getting off topic." Mace Windu said somewhat irritably. "This isn't about us getting to know each other and our civilizations. This is also about the how you are here as well as the fact that the Force gave a seismic warning shortly before we heard about all of you."

"Excuse me generals." It was at this point the relatively silent Captain Rex spoke up. "That whole episode involving all of you nearly passing out and giving us collective heart attacks. You're all saying, or really implying that it may have something to do with them?"

"Possibility is high, yes." Yoda announced. "The Force, speaks to us it does. These people, surrounds them it does."

"But I feel nothing from them." Obi-wan said squinting his eyes at them. "The Force surrounds them yes, now I can feel it. Yet, from them directly, from their very being... I feel nothing."

"Ok now we're confused here." Pepé interjected.

"What the hell are you guys talking about? What's this Force stuff supposed to be?" Miguel asked.

"Sounds almost like the Speed Force." Barry said.

"Or the Strength Force." Mason said.

"Or the Sage Force." Hubert said.

"Or the Still Force with Drago." Webs said.

"It feels that the more we talk, the more questions seem to pop up." Palpatine said humorously to Amidala and Organa making both chuckle. "And at an exponential rate mind you."

All conversation ended when Grandmaster Yoda tapped/slammed his cane down to the floor, expunging a kind of Force wave which effectively silenced all.

"Calm ourselves we must." Yoda said sagely. "And from the beginning we must start. Oliver Queen, if you may."

Giving a respectful nod, Oliver, along with the help of the League went on to give a decently detailed explanation of just who they were. From personal stories to an extent to the eventual formation of the Justice League and the catalyst to the event, Oliver was the primary speaker in regard to it all.

"So you're all on a mission to find the last of your missing friends along with stopping an evil demon from destroying the entire Multiverse?" Obi-Wan Kenobi said hoping he understood all of it.

"Yep. That... pretty much sums it all up." Jim said.

"Well, this is interesting." Kit Fisto said.

"Knowing that there ARE other universes besides ours changes everything we know." Ki-Adi-Mundi said.

"Indeed. The idea of other universes does sound very interesting." Palpatine said intrigued.

"Well, seeing that you guys are JUST hearing about the Multiverse... I guess you guys have any thought about building a portal to where the worlds?" Libby said.

"No. We haven't." Shaak Ti said admitting this.

"Ha! Now that's funny. Well, besides tech, some of us have powers that can actually open portals to other universes." Vortex said as he shows them his powers.

"Back on topic, the last friend we're looking for is Drago Komodo, the Avatar of the Still Force." Barry said.

"Still Force? What's that?" Ahsoka asked.

"Oh well, in our universe, we have four cosmic  forces of nature." Webs said.

"The Speed Force is an extra-dimensional source of dark matter energy that provides a particular variation of meta-humans known as 'speedsters' with their powers. It is also an elemental part of the universe. The Speed Force is comprised of positive tachyons particles that are infused with dark matter, allowing speedsters access to their main ability of super speed as well as their derived abilities such as time travel and dimensional breaching. Once a speedster makes a connection with the Speed Force, their speed is physically manifested through the lightning/electricity that trails from their bodies as they run. The color is different with every speedster, as it normally indicates the specific type of connection that they have achieved with the Speed Force. All chemical, cellular and neural processes, as well as brain activity, are far faster than normal, which enhances the speed and efficiency of physical healing and metabolism to superhuman levels. This causes users to be able to be completely healed from non-lethal injuries as severe as broken bones, burns and even paralysis, in a matter of hours or days without any linger effects, therapy, or treatment, unless the injuries are immediately lethal. Users are also more resilient to physical impacts and collisions, giving them immunity to being stunned, dazed, unbalanced or staggered by great forces, especially while moving at super speed. This healing is more than a simple boost given by the speed force as speedsters can recover from injuries completely that would leave normal people permanently debilitated or crippled. A user using super-speed while moving their entire body, or part of it in a repetitive motion, such as back and forth, spinning, or otherwise circular motions, can manipulate air flows and currents and therefore generate powerful winds and manipulating them with there repeated motions. These motions can also be achieved by the user moving or running back and forth or in a circle. The user can, therefore, create intense whirlwinds, cyclones, tornadoes, vortexes, and vacuums of air with these motions, or propel themselves through the air. This can allow the user to disperse the physical force from oncoming targets or propel them away. Since these enhanced movements and acceleration capabilities affected the user microscopically, it allowed the user to manipulate the movement and acceleration of their cells, and even their molecules, allowing them to shake and vibrate their bodies or parts of it by willing their cells to do so. These vibrations can enhance physical force produced by physical contact and distort the user's image to the point where the user becomes a vibrating blur of motion, even when they are not using their speed. A user can disguise their appearance with this, as well as their voice by vibrating their vocal cords, which can produce an electronic, distorted voice or a garbled, deep growl. Vibrating also allows a user to cause tremors and jolt through physical contact, enough to perform feats such as breaking metal locks or part of a mug by touching the object or generating enough friction to level a bridge by running on it repeatedly. By vibrating their hand, the user can generate the force of a buzzsaw, enough to effortlessly punch and smash through machinery and saw through metal chains. Some users can even use their vibrations to punch through flesh and bone, much like phasing through solid objects, though it is unknown how they accomplish this without harming themselves. Also by vibrating their bodies at different frequencies allows a user to become intangible and pass through solid objects, even people. Some users can even phase objects into people or infuse various objects with intangible with physical contact, though this is especially straining. through people can be lethal, as villainous speedsters will often vibrate their arms through a target and cause them to drop dead. With this, they are able to phase into people, while still being able to touch and grab tangible objects, which allows them to damage the victim from the inside. However, it is not always lethal, as a user could phase into someone to pull objects, such as bullets, out of the person, to put something they are holding inside of a person without breaching their skin, phase their momentum-enhanced punch into the targets of greater resilience to incapacitate them, or even run right through others without harming them. The ability could even cause an opponent's attacks to pass through the user, even if the attacker is someone as powerful as Supergirl. Vibrating through something electrical, such as a computer, can cause it to overload and fry. Alternatively, vibrational energy can be channeled in order to generate a powerful sonic boom able to repel or hold down people. Connection to the Speed Force causes speedsters' bodies to generate electricity, which they can learn to manipulate. It generally acts as a bolster, amplifying their running speed too much higher levels. By running within a circular motion with enough intensity, they are able to envelop their arms in electricity, that they can then throw at a target, though other speedsters may be able to solidify it through touch and throw it back. Primarily, the Speed Force gives users the ability to move at superhuman speeds. This ability allows the user's overall speed to rival the fastest vehicles at low levels, while advanced levels allow the user to break the sound barrier and moving at supersonic speeds. The user's speed usually causes them to appear as vibrating blurs or streaks of motion. Users are fast enough to move on vertical surfaces and ceilings, as well as on water, with ease. With enough speed, users can enhance their ability to jump, allowing them to leap or spring several feet through the air, to the point where they can jump across the length of a freeway bridge. Advanced users can create a hole in the fabric of space-time and travel through time. They do with by entering the Speed Force which is connected to all of time and space through the multiverse. This allows them to safely navigate the time stream while being protected from temporal alterations." Barry explained.

"The Strength Force is a cosmic force based on extremely heightened physical prowess. Powers given by the Strength Force revolve superhuman strength and shapeshifting; all of which is centered around the emotion of its host. Through it, the user can change their form in relation to its emotions. Strength Force users have extremely heightened physical prowess, easily able to overpower some of the most destructive forces in the universe. Strength Force users are much stronger than normal humans and most other meta-humans. Strength Forces users are far more durable than normal humans and most other meta-humans; they can even tank an explosion of antimatter bomb, powerful enough to decimate a city, head on at point blank range and not suffer so much; as a scratch or light bruise. Strength Force users are far more agile than normal humans and most other meta-human. Strength Force users able to jump much higher and leap much further than normal humans and most other meta-humans. Strength Force users possess far more stamina than normal humans and most other meta-human, allowing them to remain physically active for long periods of time; without the need to rest. Strength Force users can absorb several different types of energy." Mason explained.

"The Sage Force is an energy source that radically enhances the minds of its conduits, as well as granting them psychic powers such as telepathy and telekinesis. Sage Force users are able to augments the user's mind, allowing them to access a multitude of psionic powers. Sage Force users are able to make other individuals feel what they want them to feel. Sage Force users are able to manipulate the emotions of other individuals. Sage Force users can absorb several different types of energy. Sage Force users are able to manipulate the fears of other individuals. Sage Force users are able to create realistic illusions, as shown when Bashir was able to create partial speed mirages of himself, as well as to conceal his presence and that of others. These illusions can be realistic enough to make recipients think they even performed actions into the illusion out of their own free will when in reality, it all just occurred within their minds. Sage Force users are able to trap other individuals within hallucinations with their fears and could cause physical harm to those individuals if hurt inside a hallucination." Hubert explained.

"The Still Force is the natural opposite of Speed Force, meaning that while the Speed Force is based around motion and moving forward, the Still Force is centered around stagnation, reversion and perpetuation. Still Force users can use the Still Force to travel back in time; though differently. Unlike normal time travel, they instead send their consciousness back into an earlier version of themselves; it's unknown if this is a personal choice or limitation. Still Force users can emit green blasts of Still Force energy to remove singular items and individuals from the time they're in. They can also send people back to their time and "rewind" their clothing. By rewinding time, Still Force users can bury memory of what has already occurred; though a mention of something yet to happen can return the victim's memories." Barry explained for Drago.

"Is it possible for anyone to connect with these Forces?" Anakin asked.

"Yes and no. You see, these Forces are living beings that decide on who is worthy of possessing its power." Pepé said.

"The last member we're looking for is Drago, the one who possesses the Still Force's power. We need to find him." Mason said.

"Ummm... Master? Is that normal?" Ahsoka asked.

Everyone turned around to look out the window to see the sky turning green. Green lightning crackles all around the planet as things from time poured all over.

"Oh no... it's Drago." Webs said in horror.

"Drago? Your missing friend? He's doing this?" Padme said.

"Not on purpose! He must be in trouble." Webs said.

Suddenly Barry, Mason, and Hubert fell on their knees in pain as they clutched their heads.

"Whoa! Are you guys okay?" Ahsoka asked.

"It's Drago. He's in pain. We can feel his pain." Hubert said in pain. "It's like he's overwhelmed by another Force here."

"Of course! It's the Force! The Force you Jedi are talking about. He's not familiar with the Cosmic Force here so it's causing him to feel unstable." Mason said.

"So how do we stabilize him?" Obi-Wan asked.

"The three of us need to go to him to fix him with our powers." Barry said. "Problem is... we'll need someone of the Cosmic Force to help us."

"Meaning?" Windu asked.

"We need a Jedi strong enough to help us." Hubert said.

The Jedi then looked at each other as they tried to figure out who should do it.

"I'll do it." Anakin said as he steps up.

"What? Anakin! You don't know what you're getting yourself into." Obi-Wan said to him.

"What? They need a Jedi, and I'm offering to help." Anakin said.

"Great. Then let's go." Barry said as they sped off.

They reached to the area of Drago to see a portal to the Still Force. All around it was green lightning sparking out all over.

"You sure you still want to do this?" Hubert asked.

"I'm sure." Anakin said.

"Good. Because where we're going... is nothing like you've seen before." Barry said to the Jedi.

Flash, Mason, Hubert, and Anakin then jump into the portal. They began to enter the Still Force.

Anakin opens his eyes to find himself in a strange realm with green lightning crackling all over. He suddenly gets dizzy as he felt how strong the Still Force was at its source.

"Where... Where am I?" Anakin Skywalker asked.

"Welcome to the Still Force, Anakin." Barry said.

"Whoa... not what I expected." Anakin said looking around.

"Come on, we need to find Drago before it's too late." Mason said.

They then started to look for Drago in the realm of the Still Force.

"This place looks so weird." Anakin said looking all around.

"That's because Drago made the physical form of the Still Force look like our world." Barry explained.

They saw people glitch from old to young. Anakin then finds a newspaper on a bench and picks it up. It read: 17 DEAD & DOZENS INJURED IN PARTICLE ACCELERATOR EXPLOPION

"You see, past, present, and future all exist here simultaneously, but now the balance is all out of whack. All because of the Cosmic Force you Jedi and Sith use." Barry explained.

Anakin lets go of the newspaper only for it to jump back into his hands again, and have a new headline that read: ZOOM AND GODSPEED DESTROY CENTRAL CITY

"See what we mean?" Mason said to Anakin as he understood.

He lets go of the newspaper as they continue on their search for Drago.

"All right, now, stay close to us, 'cause if we get separated——" Hubert explains.

"I could get lost too." Anakin finished.

"Or worse. You get trapped in a dead zone where time just repeats itself indefinitely. That happens? We'd never get you out." Hubert said seriously.

Anakin nods his head in understanding as the sensor starts beeping off.

"Sensor's picking up Drago's signature." Barry says as he follows it.

They continue on as birds in the air glitch in a loop. They then entered the Bad Guys' mansion. They see the whole area glitching.

"What is this place?" Anakin asked.

"Our home." Mason answered.

"Same with Drago." Hubert added.

They looked around each room as when they heard someone's voice. They then spotted the alien Bounty Hunter Drago blasted away.

"Help me! Please!" The Bounty Hunter begged.

"Who are you?" Anakin asked.

"I'm Oked. I'm trapped! Get m-m-ee—" Oked stuttered as he glitched away.

"What just happened?" Anakin asked.

"Drago must've sent him here when he was acting out of control." Barry said.

"We have to help him." Anakin said.

"We will. Once we find Drago, he'll be able to fix everything." Mason said.

"Guys. Come on, I could sense Drago's mind. We're getting close." Hubert said.

They searched deeper as they then found Drago in his room, levitating over his bed. His eyes glowed green as he murmurs things, like if he's in a deep trance.

"Drago?" Barry said to him.

Mason goes to touch him, only to get pushed from him.

"Whoa!" Hubert said looking at him.

"Let me try." Anakin said.

Anakin then concentrates on using to the Force to calm and stabilize Drago's energy. Drago soon landed on the bed as he snapped out of his trance.

"Barry? Mason? Hubert?" Drago said confused.

"DRAGO!!!" The three shout as they hug him.

Drago sighs in relief being reunited with his friends and family. He then looks up to see Anakin Skywalker.

"Who are you?" Drago asked.

"Oh, this is Anakin Skywalker. He's the one who helped us save you." Hubert said.

"Thank you... I owe you." Drago said shaking his hand.

"You're welcome." Anakin smiled.

"What happened to you?" Mason asked.

"I... when I entered this universe, I tried to breach myself to a different universe through the Still Force only to be infected by the cosmic force here. It infected me like... a virus a bit. But while I was touched by its power, I saw the entire timeline of this universe. The past, the present, and the future. So much violence. I've seen deception, betrayal, and so many deaths in the future. But out of all of this darkness, I have seen that heroes will rise up and that Darth Sidious will fall. The Sith Lord will die in the future and balance will be restored." Drago tells his friends.

"Wait! So... you know who Darth Sidious really is?" Anakin asked.

"Yes... I do." Drago answered.

"Then tell me... who is he?" Anakin asked.

"I'm sorry... but I can't. Knowing too much about the future could change the future events that have yet to be played. Right now, we need to get out of here and fix my mess." Drago said.

Drago then snapped his fingers as he teleported him, his friends, everyone and everything out of the Still Force. But they soon saw that the damage was already done. The five Forces were all unbalanced as they were gonna tear the fabric of this reality.

The Cosmic Force Storm continues rage on as it was gonna destroy everything.

"Concentrate... let Anakin be the anchor to balance all Forces." Barry says to his friends.

The Four Avatars of the Forces then connected with each other as they connect with Anakin.

Barry Allen then focuses as Nora, the true Avatar of the Speed Force would on Anakin.

Drago Komodo then focuses as Deon, the true Avatar of the Still Force would on Anakin.

Mason Wolf then focuses as Alexa, the true Avatar of the Strength Force would on Anakin.

Hubert Snake then focuses as Bashir, the true Avatar of the Sage Force would on Anakin.

Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Green lightning strikes Anakin as absorbs all the energy as he balances out all the energies of the Forces. The Cosmic Force Storm ceases to exist as they saved the universe.

"We did it... it's over." Anakin said.

Soon the entire Justice League were now standing in front of the Jedi Council and the Senators.

"For everything you've done for us, thank you." Master Yoda said.

"It was our pleasure." Oliver said.

"We finally have the whole team together." Orgrim Doomhammer said.

"Sorry about the mess I created." Drago said sheepishly.

"Your friends told us you possess the power of manipulating time. Is this true?" Shaak Ti asked.

"Yes, when I was infected by the Cosmic Force, I saw the entire timeline stream of your universe. The past, present, and future." Drago said.

"So, you know how we win the Clone Wars?" Obi-wan Kenobi asked.

"Yes... but I cannot tell you. One can never reveal too much about the future. But even with the Clone Wars over, more battles and wars will come to be played. So much deception, betrayal from those you thought you can trust, and many deaths. But in this darkness, I have seen that new heroes will rise up against the darkness. Darth Sidious will fall. The Sith Lord will die in the future and balance will be restored." Drago tells them.

"Well, that is something we're glad to hear." Kit Fisto said.

"So now what?" Ahsoka asked.

"Now, with our team united, we must now find Eclipso." Lloyd said.

"And what does this demon want?" Padme asked.

"To sink all Earths into the Dark Multiverse, leaving only darkness. He already sank Earth-696, Fang's world. We need to find him." Barry said.

"But Eclipso used highly advanced technological bombs to sink Earth-696 into the Dark Multiverse. Eclipso is not one who's good with technology." Webs said.

"He has a partner then. Someone who is assisting him with tech and weapons." Kate said.

"But who?" Mick asked.

"We still need to deal with the Nega Monster Eclipso will create to cause chaos here." Marinette said.

"Problem is, Eclipso could've created one already and we have no idea where to look." Jeff said.

Suddenly a clone trooper barged in, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Sorry for interrupting it, but our troops on Balith are suffering greatly. Reports of dark monsters with tentacles attacking them." The trooper said as he shows them.

The hologram then displays the Clone Troopers fighting Shadow Banshees.

"Shadow Banshees." Draal growled.

"You know what those creatures are?" Captain Rex asked.

"Creatures of evil. Eclipso's pets. If they're attacking, that means Eclipso's puppet is also there." Molly said.

"We need to go there now." Lloyd said.

"Then we'll need to get you all there now." Windu said.

"I'll take you guys there." Anakin said with Ahsoka by his side.

"I might as well join you." Obi-Wan said.

"I will also accompany you all." Plo Koon said.

"Good luck, may the Force be with you." Master Yoda said.

They nodded as they headed off. Soon they were at the planet Balith where they saw the Clone Troopers fighting Battle Droids and Shadow Banshees.

"Looks like your troops could use some help." Rykarr said.

"I'll will go assist our troops." Plo Koon said.

"I'll help as well. Cody, you and your troops are with me." Obi-Wan said.

"Our team of heroes will then go help you guys on the ground. Sonic, Draal, and Flash, you guys will make your way onto that Separatist ship to clear a path for Oliver, Lloyd, and Anakin's team." Sara said.

"Got it." Sonic said as the three Speedsters sped off.

The team of heroes leaped into action. Sonic, Flash, and Draal were now running through the Separatist Ship as they destroyed every Battle Droid in their path.

"Man, these droids are so much like Dr. Eggman's robots. Easy to smash." Sonic chuckles as he does a Homing Attack.

"Indeed they are!" Draal laughed as he does a Spin Dash at some Super Battle Droids and Droidekas.

Flash then shoots a streak of lightning at a bunch of Battle Droids as they continue to push on.

"How's it going down there?" Flash asked.

"So far so good. Thanks to you heroes, we're managing to push back the Battle Droids." Obi-Wan reported.

"And thanks to my Technokinesis, I managed to control the Battle Droids to make a path for us." Tara said to them.

"Thanks Webs." Sonic said as he jumps on a rail, sliding upwards.

"So where are we going exactly?" Cat Noir asked on comms.

"The Nega Wisp's signal is coming from right in the bridge. Head there now." Lloyd said on comms.

"On it." Draal said.

Soon Sonic, Draal, Lloyd, Anakin, Ahsoka, Ladybug, Cat Noir, Green Arrow and Flash managed to make it to the bridge and destroyed every Battle Droid on sight.

"Okay whoever is controlling this ship, you're gonna surrender or this is gonna get messy." Sonic said.

They walked over the chair to be surprised who's sitting there. It was Eobard Thawne! The Reverse-Flash. The original Avatar of the Negative Speed Force. He was alive!

"Well, well, well... looks like someone is trying to interfere with my great plans. Eclipso said you would. You are just as annoying as Barry is. No matter, I will make sure—"

"Whoa-whoa-WHOA! Save the rant, faker." Sonic said stopping him.

"Faker?" Thawne said confused.

"Thawne is dead. He died due to his lust for power in his fight against the Flash. So who are you really?" Sonic demanded.

"Hmph. Of course you'd even ruin my feint, my loathsome copy..." Thawne said.

Suddenly "Reverse Flash" became silver liquid as it morphs into a different form. A form that the heroes but mostly Sonic recognized.

"No way... Metal Sonic?!" Sonic exclaimed.

"NEO Metal Sonic." Neo Metal Sonic said as he stands menacingly.

"Oh yeah... the new name to go with your new look. You try taking over Dr. Eggman's Empire. But me and my super friends kicked your butt and turned you back to normal. Same thing with the Master Emerald when you used its power." Sonic said remembering the fights.

"Eclipso repaired me. He upgraded me to this form. Saw that Eggman was only holding me back from reaching my true potential. I owe him that and it is honored to help him destroy all Earths of the Multiverse." Neo Metal Sonic said.

"Ugh, as if Eclipso was enough to deal with, now you. Though your plan has one tiny flaw." Sonic said to his robotic doppelgänger.

"Oh? And what might that be?" Neo Metal Sonic asked.

"I'm gonna whoop your spiky butt before you destroy anything!" Sonic says really fast as he attacks Neo Metal Sonic. "Ha! What do you think of that, huh?"

"Heh! I like it! SONIC THE HEDGEHOG. BIO-DATA SUCCESSFULLY COPIED." Neo Metal Sonic said as he copied his ability.

"Oh right. You copy people's abilities like A.M.A.Z.O. Forgot about that. Do over?" Sonic said.

Neo Metal Sonic responded with punching Sonic, knocking him into the other heroes like a bowling ball against pins. Meanwhile, on the planet, the superheroes were crushing the Battle Droids.

"Get behind me troops!" Mason shouts to the Clones.

They get behind him as he unleashes a powerful Sonic Howl at the Battle Droids. Webs began to use her powers to hack them. Zane shoots a blast of Ice to freeze two tanks in place as Mick blew them up with his Heat powers. Wolverine slashes Battle Droid after Battle Droid as he ran through the battlefield. Kilowog creates his a giant bazooka and blasted a whole squadron of Battle Droids.

"Oh yeah!!! Now this is more like it!" Kilowog says in having fun.

"Focus on taking the Tactical Droid out." Plo Koon says as he blocks blasts with his lightsaber.

"Hope the others are doing okay." Ray said.

Captain Rex and his troopers were now trying to shoot down Neo Metal Sonic, who was too fast for them. All they could see were a blue streak of blue and red lightning running around. Neo Metal Sonic then Spin Slash through them. He grabbed Captain Rex by the throat, lifting him up.

"Heh, you Clones and Battle Droids have one thing in common. You're all expendable!" Neo Metal Sonic said as he goes to phase his hand through Rex's chest.

Neo Metal Sonic then gets Force-pushed into a wall by Anakin Skywalker.

"You're not hurting my men." Anakin said glaring at the Badnik.

"Not bad, but not good enough. ANAKIN SKYWALKER BIO-DATA SUCCESSFULLY COPIED." Neo Metal Sonic said as he copied his bio-data.

Neo Metal Sonic then Force-Blast Anakin away into Ahsoka. He then pulled out a lightsaber as a red blade comes out with two small blades on its sides. Anakin and Ahsoka pulls out their lightsabers to face the Super Badnik.

"Like it? I designed it based off one of the lightsabers of the Jedi of the Old Republic." Neo Metal Sonic said as he attacks.

Anakin and Ahsoka engaged with Neo Metal Sonic as his skills were very dangerous. That could even rival General Grievous. 

"LUCKY CHARM!!!!" Ladybug shouts as she uses her superpower of Creation.

Reaching the end of the cord, the spinning disk hung in the air, blazing red-white light. Swirling flecks of luminescence flashing in every shade from blood-red to snow-white gathered together in the center of the light, coalesced into a single shape, flared-red and covered with large black dots, a super magnet fell down.

"A magnet?" Ladybug said confused.

Ladybug looks around as her Lucky Vision locks onto: her Lucky Charm, Anakin, Neo Metal Sonic's lightsaber, Sonic, and Draal.

"I got it!" Ladybug said.

Neo Metal Sonic then used his Maximum X Drive and bursted through the heroes, knocking them away like a Dozeratops.

"It's no use. He's too fast and too strong." Captain Rex says to the team.

"We can still win this. We just need some help to boost our powers." Ladybug said as she pulls out a Miraculous from her yo-yo.

"Anakin Skywalker, here is the Miraculous of the Lion. Which grants the power to boost the ability of any person's skills and work with them to create a powerful duo attack tactic." Ladybug said presenting the Miraculous to the Jedi.

Anakin takes the belt as a reddish orb pops out as it takes the form of the Lion Kwami.

"Hello master." Maanz said bowing to him.

"Wait, you want me to be a superhero like you?" Anakin said surprised.

"Yes. You already have the qualities of a superhero. I trust you. Me and my friends trust you." Ladybug said.

"All you have to say is... Maanz! Roar Loud!" Maanz instructed.

"Maanz! Roar Loud!"Anakin shouts to the Kwami.

Maanz then gets absorbed into the belt as Anakin began to transform. His Jedi robes were switched to a red-orange suit. His hair changes to a reddish color with a lion mask covering his eyes. His belt forms out a lion-like tail, he claws the air, roars before striking a pose.

"Wow! Now this is something." Anakin said admiring his new suit and power.

"Let's go." Sonic said as they dashed off.

Back with Kenobi and Plo Koon with the Superheroes were close to winning the fight when they saw General Grievous showing up.

"General Grievous." Obi-Wan said.

"Ahhh... Kenobi. Glad you made it. Come to finally die?" General Grievous laughed and coughed.

"Not today. Especially when my new friends are crushing your armies." Obi-Wan said.

"As if your new friends scare me, Kenobi." General Grievous said.

General Grievous laughs as he began to spin his lightsabers at Obi-Wan and the Superheroes.

"Ha! Is that suppose to scare me? Now this is a cool move!" Kai said to the General.

Kai then does Spinjitzu as he performs Rising Dragon Technique at General Grievous.

Kai then slams into General Grievous up into the air as the Jedi and Clones watched in awe.

Kai then smashed General Grievous down on the ground as he landed with style.

"Impossible." General Grievous said injured.

"Dude, where I'm from... we make the impossible possible." Kai said as he does Rising Dragon again at the General.

"Go, Kai, go!" Nya shouts to her brother.

Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic were now running around the ship at lightning speed as they clashed with each other.

"ROAR OF POWER!!!" Lion Knight shouts as he boosts the powers of his new friends.

Neo Metal Sonic then grabbed Sonic as they breached away.

"Where did they go?" Ahsoka asked.

"They could be anywhere." Barry said.

"Or any universe." Vortex added.


Stargirl & the JSA were now patrolling in Blue Valley when Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic barged in smashing everything around them. They

"What the hell was that?" Hourman said. 

Earth-9 DC Titans

The Titans were now facing off against Lex Luthor when Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic breached through the place as they continued to breach from universe to universe.


Swamp Thing was now sitting in his swamp as it rained when Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic came through as they ran around the entire swamp as they clashed with each other. Sonic then smashed Neo Metal Sonic into another breach as he follows.


The Dinotrux were seen in the Dark Forest camping when Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic crossover in their universe as they ran all around the forest and passed the Dinotrux going into another Earth.

"Whoa! What was that, dudes?" Ton-Ton said shocked.

Earth-50101 Mumbattan

The Spiderman of this world was swinging around his city as Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic crossover in their universe into another.

Earth-216 Arcadia

Draal and Sonya were relaxing in Trollmarket for a while as Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic came running all around, scaring the trolls all around them as they continued their fight against each other.

"This is getting very tiring." Sonic said as he Spin Dashed Neo Metal Sonic into the next Earth.

"What the heck was that about?" Draal asked.

Earth-2919 Miraculous/Trollhunters

Ladybug, Cat Noir, Jim, and their friends were getting to ready to face Gunmar and Morgana as Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic appeared as they ran all around the Arcadia before breaching away.

"Whoa! Now that was strange." Toby said.

"Hmmm... very strange." Aarghaumont said.

Earth-17 Miraculous/Flash

Ladybug, Cat Noir, with the Flash were currently battling Reverse Flash and Hawk Moth when Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic came through the breach as Sonic punched Reverse Flash away with a Chain Combo Attack. They then jumped off into another breach.

"Ummm.... what was that?" Cat Noir asked.

"You saw that too, right?" Flash asked.

"Yep." Ladybug answered.

Earth-33 Milford City/Night Patrol

The Wolf Night Patrol was watching over their city as Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic popped over their universe as they run all around the city in streaks of lightning. They pass Flasheart and Hotspur as they breached away.

"What in blazes was that?" Hotspur said to his brother.

"I have no idea." Flasheart said.


The Terrible Mad Hatter Killer was now in the sewers trying to come up with his next perfect scheme when Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic appeared in the sewers, knocking the Mad Hatter out.

Earth-8 Mushroom Kingdom

The Mario Brothers were working on a plumber job as Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic crossover in their universe into another.

Earth-688 Eddie and Venom

Eddie and Venom were currently on the run as Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic appeared behind them as they continued their attacks on each other. They then breached away again.

"What the hell was that?!" Venom exclaimed.

"No clue." Eddie replied.

Earth-19 The Collectors

The Accelerated Man was busy with the Collectors when Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic came passing through to the next universe.


The Fantastic Four were currently in their base discussing their plans on fighting Doctor Doom when Sonic and Neo Metal Sonic barged in as they bumped into Doctor Doom as they crossed through another breach back to Earth-257.

"Give it up, Sonic. You can defeat me. No matter what universe we're in, I'll always be stronger than you." Neo Metal Sonic said as he stands up.

"Stronger than me? Ha! No matter how many upgrades, powers, or abilities you copy, I'll always be stronger than you. Because I got friends who make me stronger. NOW!" Sonic said.

"ROAR OF POWER!!!" Lion Knight shouts as he uses his superpower, boosting Sonic and Draal's powers.

Sonic and Draal then did a combo Phantom Rush Attack on Neo Metal Sonic, breaking him up.

"Now, Ladybug!" Draal shouts.

Ladybug then uses the magnet to pull Neo Metal Sonic's lightsaber out of his hand and throws it towards Cat Noir.

"CATACLYSM!!!" Cat Noir shouts as he uses his powers to destroy Neo Metal Sonic's lightsaber, releasing the Nega Wisp from it.

"No more evil doing for you, Nega Wisp." Ladybug said opening her yo-yo to reveal the sparkling pool of cleansing energy inside of it and spins it around.

"Time to de-evilize!" the heroine in red shouted before she threw her yo-yo toward the wisp, catching it in her yo-yo.

"Gotcha!" Ladybug cheered when the yo-yo was back in her hands. A second later, she released the purified wisp, setting the white wisp free.

"Bye, bye little wisp," the spotted heroine said as the wisp flew away, right before throwing the Lucky Charm up into the air.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!!" Ladybug cried out, summoning the cleansing cure and the magic ladybugs.

Her power then repairs all the damaged around them. Neo Metal Sonic de-transforms back into Metal Sonic. During it, General Grievous made his escape. 

"Looks like we won this battle." Kai said.

"Purr Soft!" Anakin said as he de-transformed and handed back the Miraculous.

"You were amazing Anakin. I knew you were the right choice." Ladybug said as she took the Miraculous back.

Metal Sonic struggled to stand as he then aims at Sonic and Jim.

"SONIC, TROLLHUNTER, LOOK OUT!" Draal shouts as he runs to them.

Metal Sonic then fires a blast at them as Draal pushed them away, only for him to get blasted away. All that was left was a burnt bark.

"NOOOO!!!" Jim shouts as he runs to Draal's spot.

Sonic growled as he gripped onto Metal Sonic's body.

"What did you do to him?!" Sonic shouts to him.

"I sent your troll friend to a different universe, and the best part is that I don't even know where I sent him." Metal Sonic said.

Sonic looks in horror as Metal Sonic laughs only to be beheaded by Jim. The heroes look at each other with sad looks, to see that one of their friends is gone. Soon it was time for the Justice League to leave and to go find Draal and Eclipso.

"Thank you for helping us win this battle. We couldn't have done it without you." Anakin said.

"You're welcome." Oliver said.

"We're... so sorry about your friend." Obi-Wan said.

"He's alive. He's out there... somewhere. And we're going to find him." Sonic said.

The heroes get ready to leave as Webs got a B1 and B2 Battle Droids along with a Droideka onto the Waverider.

"Thanks for letting me keep these guys. I can't imagine all the type of things I can do with these type of droids." Tara said.

"You're welcome, just be careful with them." Anakin warned.

The heroes then flew aaa was y as they began their search for Draal the Deadly.

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