Chapter 18: Earth-203 Gotham City🌎

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21 WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 ScarletQuakeWitch SuperNinjaDragon7 Thunderslash721 Miraculousgaurdian09 williamsmaurice1254 LivingNomad41803 95nicholasnm Blazefire19


The team portals into the world as they landed in a clearing. They each got out they began to search for Draal.

"Whoa, Jim! Where are you going?" Claire asked.

"To find Draal. He saved me and Sonic's life. I'm getting him back." Jim said as he continues to walk.

"And we will. But we need to think straight. Let's first look around and see where we are and then we could split up and search for Draal." Toby said to his friend.

The heroes soon came up to see the city as they jumped onto a building and saw the great city from above as Kate Kane recognized it.

"So where are we?" Dictatious asked.

"Gotham City." Kate said recognizing her home city.

"Gotham City? Great! Then that means there might be a Batman here to help us." Libby asked.

"Best if we split up search the city for Draal and other people who are considered as allies." Kate said.

"Okay, I'll then go find Bruce Wayne here. You know, billionaire to billionaire." Oliver said with a smirk.

"I'll come too. You know, I'm also a billionaire." Ray Palmer said.

"Good, the rest of us will look around the city for Draal. Those who aren't human, stay in the shadows." Lloyd said as they jump into action.

The Ninja decided to check the fair grounds as they saw the circus happening along with some wrestlers fighting each other. The ones wrestling were called the Terrible Tweeds.

"Umm... excuse me. Can you help us?" Lloyd asked.

"Who are you? You cops?" One of the Tweed Brothers asked.

"No, no, no. We're not cops. We're just looking for a friend and we're wondering if you've seen him." Lloyd said.

"We ain't seen nothing. Talk to Axel." One of the Tweed Brothers said pointing.

The Ninja then see a big muscle gut man training in a ring with a rookie

"What do you want?" Axel asked.

"We were wondering if you saw our friend?" Cole asked.

"What does your friend look like?" Axel asked.

"Ummm..." Jay stammers realizing that they would have to tell the truth.

"Well, the truth is... have you seen a big blue monster? A troll to be precise?" Kai said.

"A troll? Look, I don't have time for jokes. I got to train. Enjoy the rest of the circus." Axel said.

The Ninja left in disappointment as they continued to search for Draal. Meanwhile, Shard was flying high in the air as he looks for Draal.

He scans all over, looking for his troll friend when he detected someone was spying on him. He then quickly tackles the person to see it was a girl.

"Hey! Let me go, creep!" The girl said.

"Not until you tell me what you're doing." Shard said.

"Only if you get off me." The girl said.

"Fine." Shard said as he gets off her. "So who are you?"

"I'm Selina Kyle. People just call me Cat." Selina said.

"Selina? Catwo- I mean, Catgirl?" Shard said surprised.

"Catgirl? Hmmm... I like it. So what are you?" Selina asked.

"I'm robot. Duh. Look, me and my friends are trying to find a missing friend. Seen him?" Shard said as he shows a pic of him to her.

"That's your friend? What is he? A monster?" Selina asked.

"No, he's a troll. Look, did you see him? Yes or no?" Shard said.

"Sorry, I haven't seen someone like that." Selina said.

"Rats. Well, I'd better keep searching. Stay safe, Catgirl." Shard said as he flew away.

As Shard flew in the air, he began to wonder if Batman exists in this world. If Selina Kyle is a young girl in this universe... does that mean Bruce Wayne is also a young boy? His thoughts were interrupted when Jim contacted with him on comms.

"Hey Shard. Any luck?" Jim asked.

"Sorry, Jim. No sight of him yet. Don't worry, we will find him." Shard said promising him.

"I just hope Draal is okay." Jim said on comms.

Meanwhile at Arkham Asylum...

Deep underground the asylum, Doctor Hugo Strange with his assistant, Ms. Peabody were now heading into another room as they watched through a window into the next room. There they watched their scientists "studying" a new subject they recently discovered.

"This creature is truly fascinating. Unlike anything I've ever seen." Doctor Hugo Strange said as he watched.

"The drugs we use on the creature are failing to seduce the subject." Ms. Peabody said, informing Hugo.

"Indeed, the subject's biology is quite astounding. If there's more like him, it would give us access to the unkown. Secrets that will be ours." Hugo Strange said.

The subject turns out to be Draal! He was chained to a wall by his wrists and ankles as scientists poked him and took samples from his body. He appears to be drugged up.

"These chains will NOT hold me forever! I am Draal the Deadly, son of Kanjigar, protector of Jim Lake Jr., and I will be free!" Draal shouts as he tried to break free.

Oliver and Ray jumps down as they quickly change from their super suit into regular clothes.

Oliver Queen and Ray Palmer now looking around the city for Draal when they saw some party going on. They then go in as they saw many people walking around, and what looked like a fundraiser. Oliver then looks around for Bruce Wayne.

"A pleasure seeing you again, Mr. Wayne."

Oliver turns around to see Bruce only to be shocked. This Bruce Wayne was a kid! Not an adult. This meant that Bruce hasn't become Batman yet. The old man standing next to him must be Alfred Pennyworth.

"Come on, Master Bruce, we have more guests to greet." Alfred said.

"Well, so much for relying on Batman. He doesn't exist yet." Ray said in disappointment.

"Best if we leave." Oliver said as they left the fundraiser party.

Sonic, Shadow, Rykarr, and Pepé were now running all over Gotham City, trying to find their best friend.

"No sight of him yet guys." Sonic said.

"Keep looking. We have to find him." Lloyd said on comms.

Kate, Kara, Barry, Mick, Jim, Claire, Toby, Blinky, Dictatious, and Aarghaumont were now heading over to the Penguin's club. They approached the entrance where Butch Gilzean stood.

"What do you want?" Butch Gilzean asked the group.

"We want to speak with the Penguin." Barry said.

"Yeah, he's busy." Butch said.

"Well, we need to see him." Kate said.

"The answer is—"

"You want to keep us standing here?" Mick growled as he makes a small fireball in his hand.

"Right this way." Butch said as he then leads them to the Penguin.

"Muscle head." Dictatious muttered quietly.

The bar was cold a bit as they saw many people partying and drinking all around. They then saw Oswald Copplepot aka The Penguin, drinking with some of his thugs around.

"Hello. You wanted to see me?" Oswald said.

"Yes, we did." Sara said as they sat down.

"So you're the Penguin? I'd excepted you to be shorter." Mick chuckled as he drank.

"So, what do you want?" Oswald asked as he was getting annoyed.

"Need help finding friend." Aarghaumont said to Oswald.

"A friend?" Oswald said confused.

"What my friend means, we've lost a friend of ours in this city and we were hoping you could help." Blinkous said.

"Ha! Me? Help you? You want help...? Go to the GCPD." Oswald said.

As they spoke, Toby and a goon were fighting as the heroes and men tried to break it up.

"I assure you that we are not looking for any trouble."Blinkous said trying not to start a fight.

"Yet this brat bruised my hand." The goon said.

"You started it." Toby said.

"That's it!" The goon said pulling

"Toby!" Jim shouts.

Barry enters Flashtime as he pulled the bullets away as he knocks out the thugs with their own weapons. Even after doing that, things began to get crazy as a brawl broke out. But in the fight, one of Penguin's goons grabbed onto Blinky's amulet and pulled it off him as he transforms back into his troll form, making everyone stop fighting and pulling their focus on him.

"Gah! Nothing to see here!" Blinky said covering him.

Unfortunately this didn't help as everyone either screamed, fainted or backed away from the group. Then the goons pointed their

"So, looks like you guys are more than what you seem. So what are you exactly? A monster?" Oswald said checking out Blinkous.

"A monster? Ha! Monstrosity lies only in the humans' hearts. Do not judge a book by its cover. And for your information, I am a troll." Blinkous informs Oswald.

"A troll? Like those creatures who live under bridges?" Butch said.

"Yes, though we don't eat humans." Blinkous said.

"Oh, interesting..." Edward said.

"Well, we better get going." Barry said as they tried to leave only to be stopped by the thugs.

"You're not going anywhere until you explain to me what is going on and where you come from." Oswald said.

"Sorry, but we are." Sara said as she threw down a smoke bomb.

The knockout gas fills the room as it knocks out everyone, giving the heroes a chance to escape. The superheroes made it out of the club safely as they hide in an alleyway.

"Well, that went well." Dictatious said sarcastically.

"Ugh! This is hopeless! We're nowhere near to finding Draal!" Kai said.

"Take it easy, Kai. We will find him. Oliver, Ray, any luck with Bruce?" Mason asked the two.

"No, because Bruce is a teenager in this universe." Oliver informs them.

"Months after his parents' murder apparently." Ray added.

"So no Batman... great." Drago groaned.

"Logan, did you have any luck tracking down his scent?" Molly asked.

"Sorry kid, I couldn't find him. My sense of smell isn't that strong." Logan said.

"But what if mine is?" Blinky said, grabbing the attention of his friends.

"What do you mean?" Jim said.

Blinkous then has Orikko, the Rooster Kwami appear from his Miraculous.

"Orikko, Sunrise!" Blinkous shouts as he then transforms into Asclepius.

"SUBLIMATION!!!" Blinky shouts as he uses his power of pretension. "I can give myself a super sense of smell to track down Draal. All I need is an object or something of his to get the scent."

"I got this." Jessica said as she pulls out a teal color crystal.

"What's that?" Claire asked looking at it.

"A shard from Draal's back that fell off. Draal gave it to me so that a part of him would be with me forever." Jessica explained.

"Perfect." Blinky said as he takes a good whiff at it.

Blinky's eyes glowed yellow as he could see a blue misty trail coming off the stone. The trail went off deep in Gotham City.

"I got him! I could see a trail pointing me straight to Draal." Blinky said with him only seeing the trail.

"Great. Let's go." Jessica said as they follow Blinkous.

"Let's just hope we can find Draal before anyone hurt him." Jim said as they rushed to Arkham Asylum.

It was now nighttime outside as Draal still tried to break free. He then stopped as he calms down, thinks before acting as he then tried phasing. He managed to break free as he gasped inexhaustibly. He gets up as he looks for a way out when he heard a big explosion upstairs. Meanwhile up there, Eclipso was causing chaos as he kills guards and prisoners in his path. A small team of guards then fired their weapons at the Devil of Shadows, but did nothing.

"You think your weapons have any effect on me?!" Eclipso laughed.

He then vaporized the guards with his powers. He then unleashed a big blast of Dark Magic that destroyed much there. He then spotted Draal trying to escape.

"Hello Son of Kanjigar." Eclipso chuckles.

Draal roared as he curls into a ball as he Spin Dash at Eclipso, only to be thrown at a wall. He then pinned Draal to the wall with his dark magic.

"You're not going anywhere, troll. I'm gonna need your help." Eclipso said.

"Bushigal! I would rather die than help you, demon. Why not let your Nega Monsters deal with it." Draal spat at Eclipso.

"Oh no. I've created multiple Nega Monsters so far and all have failed me. So I need someone who won't fail me." Eclipso chuckled evilly.

Draal's eyes widened with horror as he realized what Eclipso meant.

"No! No, no, no. Not again!" Draal said with fear.

"Oh yes." Eclipso laughed as he pulls out the Black Diamond.

The Black Diamond glows purple as its dark magic began to affect Draal. Draal tries to get away as he utterly fails. He screams in pain as his screams echo throughout all of Arkham Asylum. Soon the superheroes of the Justice League arrived at Arkham Asylum to see it was a mess. They go down into the deeper level of the asylum where they saw multiple dead bodies and destruction.

"Great Grubby Gruesome... what happened here?" Blinkous asked as he looks around.

"I sense a lot of dark magic here..." Libby said with a shudder.

"Eclipso." Aarghaumont growled.

They came across one room that was wrecked open, looking like a fight happened.

"Looks like a fight happened here." Zane said as they then spotted Hugo wounded.

"You're Hugo Strange." Oliver said as he pulled him up on his feet. "What the hell happened here?"

"Where's Draal? What did you do to him?" Jim demanded.

"Draal? You the troll we found-Ack" Hugo coughed as Logan grabbed him.

He pins him to a wall as he unleashed his claws, pointing them close to Hugo's face.

"Fascinating...." Hugo said interested in Logan's mutation.

"Tell us what the hell happened here with our friend before I skewer you like a roasted boar!" Logan said as he cuts Hugo's face a bit.

"Okay Okay! Your friend was taken by some monster, not one of my creations. I don't know where they went." Hugo explained as Logan knocked him out.

"Eclipso has Draal." Geoff said worried.

"So what do we do now?" Jim asked.


Heroes' attention is drawn onto Draal's voice in the air, but his voice sounded more demonic.

Out in the park of Gotham, Draal possessed by Eclipso was causing damage as he scares everyone away. His body was crackling blue lightning as he roars angrily.


Then Jim Gordon, Harvey Bullock, and the GCPD showed up as they surrounded the possessed troll.

"This the GCPD! HANDS UP AND DON'T MOVE!!!" Jim shouts.

Draal growls at them as he blasted a bolt of lightning at them. Barry looks at the team.

"I got this. You guys just focus on protecting the people." Barry said as he sped off to face Draal.


Flash then appeared behind him.

"You're not getting her, Eclipso. Not now... Not ever." Flash said to the demon.

"We'll see about that!" Draal shouts as he threw a lightning bolt at him.

Meanwhile the Superheroes were helping the people get to safety.

"LUCKY CHARM!!!!" Ladybug shouts as she uses her superpower.

Reaching the end of the cord, the spinning disk hung in the air, blazing red-white light. Swirling flecks of luminescence flashing in every shade from blood-red to snow-white gathered together in the center of the light, coalesced into a single shape, flared-red and covered with large black dots, a rubber snake fell into down.

"A rubber snake?" Ladybug said confused.

She then looks around as her Lucky Vision locks onto Hubert Snake

"I got it. Hubert, you're the only one who can help Flash save Draal." Ladybug said.

"Got it." Hubert said as he teleported away.

"Jim, Harvey, you two need to get everyone away and let us handle this." Sara said.

"Who are you to order us?" Harvey said back.

"Oh, so you want to deal with that?" Mick grunted as they saw Flash and Draal passby.

"Nope! You guys are doing great." Harvey Bullock responded quickly.

"Focus on getting the people to safety." Kate said as the heroes head off.

"Just who are you? Why are you acting like you know me?" Jim Gordon asked.

"Let's just say... we're friends in a different life." Kate said as they head off.

Flash and Draal were now running through the streets of Gotham City as they battled each other. They parkour off cars and trucks as they ran with Draal throwing lightning bolts at Flash.

Draal then ran to the top of a building as he looks around for the Flash to kill.

Flash reappeared as his arm is loaded with a lightning bolt to throw at Draal but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Draal." Flash said grabbing the attention of the possessed troll. "Draal, please. I know you're still in there. I need your help to fight this demon."

For a moment, Draal looked like he was trying to fight for control when his eyes glowed with a wicked smile on his face.

"Sorry Flash. Your good friend is loooong GONE!!!" Draal roared as he then lightning lassoed Flash and threw him through a building.

Flash crashes through the building as he smashes down on the ground, bruised and unable to get up. Draal then ran down to him as he chuckles.

"You know why I'm gonna win? Because you don't have the guts to kill a friend... and its why you'll die on the streets like an animal!" Draal said as he lassoed a car.

He then throws it at Flash only for it to stop in midair. Flash looks confused as Eclipso does as well.

"Hey Eclipso!"

Eclipso turns around to see Hubert Snake using his Psychokinesis to throw away the car. Draal then zoomed straight up to Hubert.

"Impressive. But I know you, Avatar of the Sage Force. You won't hurt me while I'm using your friend's body." Draal chuckled.

"You're right, I won't hurt Draal. But for you... I'm gonna bring the pain. Nothing compared to what Molly is gonna give you soon. NOW GET OUT OF HIS BODY!!!" Snake shouts.

Hubert then uses his powers to pull Eclipso straight out from Draal's body. His spirit floating angrily around as he heads towards Snake.

"AND STAY OUT!!!" Hubert shouts as he blasted Eclipso away.

Eclipso roars in pain as he fades away, dropping Draal's body on the ground with the Black Diamond popping out of his chest. Barry and Hubert sigh in relief as the diamond disappears too. Jim then rushed over to Draal as he helps him up.

"Draal, are you okay?" Jim asked the troll.

"Trollhunter... I'm so sorry. Eclipso used me, I saw what he made me do. I failed you all once again." Draal said in shame.

"Eclipso forced you to do things you would have never done yourself." He helps up Draal. "You were under his control, Draal. You're not just my protector," he looked up at him "You're my friend. My brother." he then hugged him.

Draal at first was shocked but was happy to return the gesture. Happy to be with his brother.

"Glad we got you back, Draal." Barry said to the troll.

Draal smiles as he nodded in thanks for saving him. Suddenly they heard the GCPD was coming as the police sirens get louder as they get closer.

"Whoops! Time to go." Hubert said as he teleports away.

Flash ran off with Draal holding Jim as he followed Flash. They all meet up with each other on top of a building.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!!" Ladybug shouts as she threw the Lucky Charm into the air.

The Lucky Charm then repairs all the damage from Eclipso as if nothing happened.

"Pound it!" The heroes shout as they fist-bumped.

"Let's get out of here." Kilowog said.

"Not yet. Me and Libby need to erase the memories of everyone who've seen us." John Constantine said as he and Libby get to work.

"You do that, and I have one thing to take care of." Kate said as she left the group.

Later Kate was now speaking with Jim Gordon explaining everything that had happened.

"Wow... just-ummm... wow." Jim said trying to take it all in.

"Yeah I know, it's a lot to take in." Kate said.

"Parallel Earths, superheroes, and my future daughter being a superhero. Yeah, it's a lot to take in." Jim Gordon said.

"Yeah, when you've lived the life like mine, it's just full of action adventure every day. I just thought you deserve to know." Kate explains.

"So what now?" Jim asked.

"Now you forget." Kate said.

She then uses the Legend's memory eraser on Jim, everything his memory of them as she walked away. Soon the team of superheroes were now back on the Waverider, flying through the void of the Multiverse.

"I'm really happy to have you, Draal." Jim said to his brother.

"As am I, Trollhunter." Draal said.

"Hey, don't forget about me." Jessica pouted playfully as she and Draal kissed.

"So now we got the whole team back together!" Sonic said proudly.

"Indeed we do. Now e need to find Eclipso." Oliver said.

"Well, then we have good news for you." Charlie said showing them the Multiverse Map.

"What's this?" Donkey Kong asked.

"It's the Search Algorithm for Eclipso. It's finished!" Webs said recognizing it with awe. "It shows that the Earth Eclipso has made many trips to and back is Earth-9956."

"Wait! Are you saying..." Todd began to speak.

"We found him, guys. We know where Eclipso is." Darryl said as this surprised the team.

"Everyone rest up and get ready. It's time we kill this monster once and for all." Oliver said to his team.

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