Chapter 2: Earth-5 Berk🌎

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21 WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 JadeSylvinaVA
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023
JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 Dqthegr820
damianflashpoint GWilden2023 Kazumi-yoggan
hammert_Fitzerald DraalTheDeadly Ethan4389
DonovenMorningstar DragonRoarAtDaybreak
Kumakingkai40 ScarletQuakeWitch Lionel062 SuperNinjaDragon7 Thunderslash721 Lionel062 Miraculousgaurdian09 williamsmaurice1254 Blazefire19 Siya_Aurora Xx_StoryCreator_xX

Sonic the Hedgehog, Ladybug, and Cat Noir were now standing on a tower far away from the town of a city before they jumped down and bolted off at high speed.

🎶Miraculous, simply the best🎶

Sonic is seen running lightning fast through the fields as his friends run alongside him.

🎶Up to the test when things go wrong🎶

Sonic's gear of gloves and shoes changes each time as he enters different universes with his friends as they travel through the Multiverse.

🎶Miraculous, the luckiest🎶

Up above them is Eclipso, along with some villains, glaring at the Superheroes in a blaze.

🎶The power of love always so strong🎶

Ladybug and Cat Noir jump over each other as they switched back to Marinette and Adrien.


Ladybug was now standing with her Miracle Box in her hand in the center of a bunch shadow silhouettes of some new Miraculous Holders who will help them in the different Earths.


The heroes were now flying through the Multiverse as they search for the next Earth where one of their friends got stranded on. As they do, they welcomed back Bowser.

"It's so good to see you again, Bowser." Sonic said to the Koopa King.

"Indeed it is. Light wings fall." Bowser said as he de-transformed.

"Glad you guys made it safe and sound from Remnant." Shard said as he shows up.

"Hey Shard, I almost forgot that you're here too." Todd said.

"Yeah, I'm a member of the Legends. Just glad to be helpful to the team." Shard said.

"So one friend down, and a few more to go." Sonic said.

"Gideon, do you have a lock on any of our friends in this side of the Multiverse?" Kilowog asked.

"I do in fact, Earth-5 Berk, the age of Vikings and Dragons." Gideon said showing off the Earth in the hologram.

"Berk? Sounds like New Berk on our Earth. Hopefully the Dragon Riders can help us." Jeff said.

"Gideon, set a course to Earth-5." Sara said to the A.I. 


The heroes then breached into the universe as they fly in the sky as they look for land in camouflage mode. They soon find the island of Berk and landed in a remote area. As they exit the Waverider, their outfits and suits adapt to their surroundings.

"Whoa.. our outfits seem to have changed to the world we're in." Libby says surprised to see her new Viking outfit.

"Cool! So now we got to search for our friends who ended up here." Sonic said.

"You got the scent, Logan?" Kilowog asked as Logan sniffs the air.

"Nope... not yet. Best if we head to that village of Berk." Logan said.

"Good idea, hopefully they can trust us and—" Sonic began before an explosion cut him off.

"Looks like trouble. Best we go help." Shard said.

As the heroes rush towards the chaos, the Dragon Riders struggle as the Outcasts knocked out their dragons with dangerous blue flowers. Hiccup, who is with Toothless and far from the blue flowers, couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Now I'm giving you one chance to surrender and nobody gets hurt." Viggo said.

Far away, the heroes could see the Dragon Riders' dragons in pain and get mad at what Viggo and his Outcasts have done. Meanwhile Hiccup got upset but didn't want to give up that easily.

"I don't think so, Viggo." he said,"I made a promise to my dad that I will defend this village."

"You still haven't change a bit, Hiccup." Viggo said, "so much time, you were really an interest viking and now it time for you to come to an end."

"Then you're going to have to go thought US!" Hiccup said, before releasing his flaming sword.
Toothless was prepared, while growling.

The outcasts prepare their sword for battle, until..


Everyone turn their head to the heroes on the right side of the hill.

"Look buddy, what you're doing is so not cool, especially when you're hurting these dragons." Sonic said.

"What the..?" Hiccup said surprised.

"Who the Thor are you?" Viggo said in confusion.

The heroes then jumped down in front of the Dragon Riders and confronted the Outcasts.

"Just some heroes who don't like innocent creatures getting harmed." Sonic said.

"Get them!" Viggo shouts, letting the Outcasts attack the heroes.

One Outcast goes to attack Sonic but he countered and Spin Dash him away. Viggo, Ryker, and the outcasts were surprised, so was the Vikings.

"Did you see that?" Fishlegs said surprised.

"Get them NOW!!!" Ryker shouts angrily.

The Outcasts agreed and went at them.

The heroes make a serious look and was knocking out Outcasts one by one, while dodging their attacks.

"Whoa..." Astrid said.

The heroes smirk as they sprung into attack mode as they fought the Outcasts with ease as they were able to take them down. Some of them fired arrows at their backs only to have them burned to ash. The heroes turned around to see on the left side of hill were the six elemental ninja warriors.

"Leave those dragons alone!" Lloyd shouts.

"The Ninja!" Sonic said in joy.

"More weirdos?!" Viggo said in surprise.

The Ninja then shot out all of their powers together as they blasted back the Outcasts away even more.

"NINJA... GOOOOOOOO!!!!" They shout as they do Spinjitzu together.

This took the Dragon Riders, Viggo, Ryker, and the Outcasts surprised against as they saw these strange warriors' powers. One by one, each of the Outcasts got sucked up by their tornadoes. All the Dragon Riders, Viggo, and Ryker could hear were the sounds of punches and cracks. The Outcasts were then thrown back at Viggo and Ryker. Ryker gets angry and pulls out his sword and charged towards Lloyd.

"You dirty things!" Ryker shouted, with attacking Green Ninja. "I'm not gonna let anyone ruin our plans!"

"Well, I guess you better batter up." Lloyd said.

"What?" Ryker said confused.

Lloyd ducks down as Ryker looks up to see Kilowog smirking as he smacks Ryker in the face with the hammer he constructed, knocking him next to his brother.

"I would leave now, before we have to get more aggressive." Logan growled as he showed them his claws.

Viggo looks at Ryker, who was down looked at the heroes, who are looking at him.

"All of you retreat!" Viggo shouts to his outcasts as he threw a mean look at the heroes.

After that call, the outcasts intermediately headed to the boats and prepare to leave. Viggo turn to the heroes and look at him one more time, while carrying his brother, before leaving with the outcasts.

"Yeah, that's right" Todd shouted, "You better sailed away or else you're going to see more of this!"

Todd rise his fist with his right arm at them. They turn around and surprisingly see the vikings looking at him weird, while their mouth open wide. The dragons' eyes are wide only. The heroes stay for a sec, while looking left and right with his eyes.

"What?" Bowser said.

"That.." Snotlout said.

"Was..." Tuffnut said.

"AWESOME!!!" Fishlegs said.

Everyone begin to cheer and ran to the heroes.
They smiled smile to the crowd, who was proud at them from saving them from the outcasts.

"That was amazing" Astrid said.

"That my friend, was fantastic." Eret said.

"Yeah" Tuffnut said, while Hiccup got off of Toothless, who is with no one around him. "They was like who, ha, wa-ta," he was doing the Ninjtizu move until he punch Snotlout in the face.

"OW!" Snotlout shouts.

"Oops." Tuffnut said.

"That was WAY better then .....uhh." Gobber said, before looking at Hiccup, "like someone he know."

Todd's tummy start growling, "Speaking of great, does anyone has anything to eat?" he asked.

"Oh sure" said Valka, "let's head to the great hall everyone."

While everyone and their sick dragons went off to the great hall, Hiccup and Toothless just stood there.

"Uh guys?" he said, but nobody didn't say anything and only walking with the heroes.

Hiccup and Toothless begin to look at each other. They were now heading in the great hall.

"Well that was...strange and surprisingly." Hiccup said, "could this get any more strange."

he heard someone talking inside the great hall, before opening the doors. everyone was gathering around the heroes, who were eating food, listening to their backstories.

"So after a year of adventure, I then remembered everything and headed back to Brighton." Todd explains.

"Really?" Fishlegs said.

"Yep. Other than my soul getting restored to my body, we've been through a lot of adventures together fighting against super villains, doppelgängers, cosmic beings, etc." Todd said.

"Oh my." Valka said.

"All of us had our own weird but cool lives which lead us to be the superheroes you see before you." Sonic said.

Everyone got interested of their stories, until they notices Hiccup and Toothless are here.

"Hiccup" Astrid said, "Is it this great?"

"Y-yeah, interest." Hiccup said, "ok guys, we need to be prepare and find out what plan will Viggo do next."

"Yeah, sure Hiccup." Fishlegs said, turn back to Jay.

"I mean we need to do it, NOW." Hiccup said.

"Stop worrying, Hiccup." Gobber said, "I'm sure Viggo will need more time for a new plan, after this guy have came in" he pointed his thumb at Kilowog.

"Yeah" Tuffnut said, "did you just see them?"

"He's a like a super fighting warriors." Ruffnut said.

Hiccup make a mean look, "Ok look everyone." he said, "I know we got really amazing with these guys here, but as the chief of Berk we need to stay on schedule."

"Gobber's right, son." Valka said, walking and touching his shoulder "I know you have been facing Viggo in your life along with your night fury, but since these heroes came here, he and his army would need time of what they saw on them." she show Hiccup of what she was talking about.

Hiccup became so unbelievable of this, "but mom" he said, "I have dragons. I'm the one, who brought them here in the first time. We used dragons all of our life to defend this village."

"Yeah we got it" Snotlout said, "But this guy have save them" he patting on Cole's shoulder. "They're someone we like to hang around against Viggo and his outcast jerks."

"Oh I don't think vig-go and his jerk pals aren't coming back real soon." Sonic said, "because you guys have us, the one and only, Justice League!"

They raised up their fists in the air, glowing with their powers, causing the vikings to cheer, even Valka cheered, who is next to her son. Hiccup has seen enough.

"That's it, I'm going on a flight" he shout out, before walking to the doors, "if anyone is interest of doing that, I'll be so happy for that" he stop for a sec and see everyone is still cheering for the heroes.

"Never mind." Hiccup said, "come on, bud."

Toothless follow Hiccup to the outside of the great hall and watch him moving left and right.

"I don't understand this." Hiccup said, it's like everyone doesn't really care about what I say. All because the Superheroes saved us from the outcasts. I don't think that possible."

"Viggo could have figured out a plan by now" he stop and make a mean look.

"You know what, Toothless? I'm having a feeling that I shouldn't trust them."

Meanwhile, somewhere far away from the island of Berk is the Outcast's hideout. Two men are talking to each other about what happen at Berk, while they are on a lookout.

"I can't believe all of us got beaten by those weirdos!" an outcast said.

"I know." another outcast said, "and Viggo wants us to do a good job of keeping in eye of any intruders, even who know who."

"Don't have to say it and we need to make sure we do good at our job or else viggo will...(gulp)!"

"Awww, I just wanna kill those guys of messing us up, I just wanna!" the first outcast swing his weapon left and right, while the other try to stop him.

"What the point of that?"

"Grrrr." he said, after he stop swinging his weapon.

Later, one of them saw something glowing in the distance.

"What's that?" the second outcast said, pointing for the other outcast to see what is he talking about.

"I see something purple." the first one said, "Let's go check it out."

The two walked toward the glowing thing. they gasped and stop when they are next to it. They saw a glowing purple wisp, which no one in this world have never seen before. One of them reach it as it flies around them.

"It look like some sort of wisp?" the first outcast said, "let's take this to Viggo."

"Right" the second one said.

As the two are about to go inside the hideout and made there way to Viggo, a sword was been thrown next to them out of nowhere. the two stopped and got surprise of what happen, then someone was walking toward them.

"Ryker?" the second one said.

"What are you doing?" Ryker said, "you two were suppose to keep an eye out for intruders, including those...THINGS"

"There's something we need to show to your brother" the other outcast said, who have a little bag.

"Whatever you want to show that is pointless to Viggo." Ryker said, "He will not be please by it."

"I believe what he will see is NOT pointless." he show a little bag to him.

Ryker stood there and thought about what he say and decided to let him go, while following. We cut to Viggo, who was sitting next to a table, playing with his little sword with a mean look. Не heard someone was coming to him and look up, which he saw the two outcasts and Ryker.

"What are you two doing here?" said Viggo.

"We got something to show you." the second outcast said.

Viggo madly throw his sword at them. Luckily they dodge it and the sword stabbed another outcast outside of the hideout, who was carrying a crate. He fell down and screamed of the pain, which he drop the crate. Viggo slammed the table his fist.

"I don't have time of your pointless things!" he shouted, before he got up and turn away with his hands behind his back.

"In the beginning, I met one boy, who was riding with a dragon called the Night Fury. He was always the real problem l've been facing years ago. Destroying my plans and everything what I do that was impossible for him and the others can do. Until it got more worst by SOMEONE ELSE." he turn back, quickly.

The outcast stepped back in fear.

"I thought I finally put in end of this whole things, until THEY came along and ruining my chance" Viggo slam the table and bend his head.

"It's hopeless, I never thought it would come to did." He lift his head "But the question is... where did he come from? I had never see any viking or.. animal fight like that"

Ryker thought about that too in a mean look.

"But now that they're in Hiccup's side, we're completely outmatch." Viggo sat back to his chair,
"Whatever you had for me, it better not be pointless...or else."

"You won't be, because we found this." the outcast said, opening the bag as the nega wisp flies out.

"What the heck is that?" Viggo said.

As the Nega Wisp flies above them, they all can hear eerie whispers from it as it then flew inside Viggo's dagger. As it did, a dark power took over him

"Embrace the darkness... let it drive you!" Eclipso's voice echoed in his head.

Viggo roars in pain as he began to transform into a terrifying monster. Ryker and the outcasts backed away in fear as they saw him change into something terrifying as Viggo roars.

Back on Berk, Astrid and the teens make a tour for the superheroes of what vikings and dragons do in their village.

"So you guys have Dragon Riders on your Earth? What am I on your Earth?" Snotlout asked.

"Kinda the same, and still single." Nya said as the Twins laughed and Snotlout crossed his arms.

"Man, I still couldn't believe you guys invited dragons here."Molly said.

"Oh yes, because every dragon has different way to be our friends no matter how creepy or impossible they are" Fishlegs said.

"Friends, more like troublemakers." said Snotlout said

"To you." Tuffnut said.

"Who else." Ruffnut said.

The twins laughed.

"Very funny.....again." Snotlout said, crossing his arms.

Somewhere in the far distance is Hiccup, who was in a mean look and crossing his arms with Toothless seeing superheroes and the others. He sighed and notice the three kids that he saw earlier behind him and his dragon. He smiled and wanted to find attention.

"Hey guys." He said but they pass him and run up to Sonic, Jay, and Adrien.

"Superheroes, will you sign our helmets?" asked the kid with black short hair.

"And my Lamby" said the blonde viking girl.

"Oh well I don't mind at all." Sonic said, before took one helmet at a time to sign.

"You were so awesome of taking down those bad guys" said the viking boy with brown hair.

"Kids, kids I'm just love to help" Jay said after he's done sign the girl's lamby, "there you go you sweet little girl."

"You're so sweet" the girl said.

"Take care, kids." Adrien said.

After the kids ran off, Hiccup was cross his arm again, Toothless look at him worry "Don't worry bud, I'm still everyone's favorite hero."

We then cut to Hiccup took for a walk with Toothless when they notices a man was on a ladder putting something up and about going to fall. Hiccup look at Toothless, while pointing his finger to go get him but Toothless move his head forward to give him a sign to look back and he did, which he was surprisingly see Sonic caught the guy. They waved each other and Sonic dashed away, which cause Hiccup to cross his arm.

Hiccup, who got nails in his mouth was now hammering a nail on another viking's roof after that he drop the nails of the mouth open wide seeing Kilowog hammering the nails each part of the root taster along with his rings constructs. When he was done, he made flip move down and give a thumbs up to a viking woman, which she madly turn and wave her finger to her female monstrous nightmare dragon of what she did to the roof. Hiccup got furious that he slam his hammer and heard a scream next to him that he accidentally hit a male viking's hand.

Hiccup use a ax to chop a big log until he notices Cole closing his eyes and having his fist on his hands while stand next to the big log. He took a deep breath before opening his eyes and chop the log. The two male vikings pick up the pieces of the logs and bring it to the other pieces of logs.
Hiccup couldn't believe this and decided do the same thing what Cole did. Unfortunately, He scream of pain and Cole notices him and ran to him. He ask for help but Hiccup pushed him back and madly walk away holding his hand.

At the Dragon arena, the teens along with their dragons talk about the JL heroes.

"I have to say, I thought they was just a warriors like the rest of us are but they're something else" Tuffnut said.

You're telling me the same thing, That ninja is one hot, speed, fixing, fighting man" Ruffnut said.

Hiccup was listening to them talking while he was working on his flying equipment to Toothless.

"I just discovered Sonic can eat as much as possible, he is such an eater." Fishlegs said.

"I'm type with him" Snotlout said, "We both are very cool and strong."

"You're not even close to him" Astird said, "After he and the others save us from all the outcasts, now that is cool."

"I can't believe they did it." Fishlegs said.

"Because he's awesome!" Tuffnut said.

"More like awesomeness!" Ruffnut said.

"Guys, can we please stop talking about them."
Hiccup said.

"Who?" Tuffnut said.

"Ooo, look we have a brand new rooster in the house" Ruffnut said.

"What rooster?"

Ruffnut look at his brother until he realized what she mean.

"Ooh hiccup is jealous at the new guys." She said.

"What?! Jealous at the big tough superheroes?" Hiccup said, "Come on that's really ridiculous."

"Ridiculous that you're jealous." Snotlout said. Hiccup became furious.

"Hiccup, Snotlout is just playing around." Astrid said.

"I gotta go, come on bud." Hiccup said. After see Hiccup and Toothless leave the arena.

"He is." said Snotlout, before getting punch by the stomach by Astrid.

"OW!!!" Snotlout cover his stomach.

Lloyd and the rest of the Ninja were talking to the children about being a ninja.

"Okay, kids what did you learn?" Cole asked.

"Ninjtizu is about fighting" said a boy with light brown hair kicking in the air and throwing his fist.

Lloyd and the others felt disappointing until the kid said, "But it's also about patience."

"And discipline." said a boy with blonde hair.

"And courage." said a girl with black hair.

"And compassion." said a boy with a helmet on covering half of his face.

"And... confident?" said a girl with orange hair being knot, who is nervous that she say was right.

Lloyd and the rest of the Ninja were surprised.

"You guys got it, you're awesome." Jay said, before he and the others notices Hiccup and toothless walking to the blacksmith.

"Hey Hiccup!" Cole shouts.

Hiccup turn to see who called his name, who was in an angry mood and turning away.

"Hey wait" Cole said, before he ran after him.

Toothless noticed Cole running and make a sneaky trick by tripping Cole by his tails, which cause to laugh.

"Hey" Cole said angrily as Toothless say something.

"Yeah sure an accident." Cole said.

"Stop messing with my dragon." Hiccup said while working on Toothless's tail fin.

"But he.. never mind" Cole said, before getting up walking to him "Soooo what's u doing?"

"Working." Hiccup replies.

"Hiccup is something wrong I can help you?" Cole said concern.

"No nothing's wrong and I don't need your help." Hiccup said.

"I'm thinking you're mad at me and the others at something." Cole said.

"Shouldn't you go to the kids talking about your dumb so-called Spinjitzu."

"It's not dumb it's cool, why would you say that I mean this is not you."

"It is me, I'm the one the change the world for vikings and dragons."

"What did you do, being madly of them and force to bring peace."

Hiccup annoying him and grab the tail fin.

Hiccup annoying him and grab the tail fin.
Cole observe what Hiccup doing on Toothless's tail and Toothless testing out of it.

"Ok bud let's go." Hiccup said as he and Toothless flew off.

"What's his problem." Cole asked.

It was now nightime in Berk. Inside the great hall, where Zane was cooking noodles using wheat inside a big pot.

"I'm telling u guys." Cole said as Zane chopping vegetables in the pot. "I try to be nice for Hiccup but he's mad at me for no reason. I even ask him a ride on a dragon but he said..."

"No." Ruffnut said, sitting in a table with her friends.

"Exactly" Cole said as Zane was having four bowls on his left arm.

"I was going to say that." Tuffnut said sadly.

Zane pour the soup four bowls on his left and two on his right arm and move to the table while having another bowl.

"I don't know, he might something against me or us but what?" Cole said.

"Oh because Hiccup is jealous of you guys." Snotlout said, before cover his mouth.

The heroes turn behind quickly, "What?"

Astrid punch Snotlout in the shoulder.

"Hiccup is... jealous of us?" Molly said.

The teens were worried about the real truth as the heroes look up at each other.

"We have no idea." Geoff said.

"Yeah that's it... I'm sure he'll come back in a good way." fishlegs said.

"I guess... I'll go have a talk with him." Sonic said as he ate his food and dashed off.

"Order up" Zane said as he slides one bowl to every teens and begin to eat it.

"Mmm yum this is good." Fishlegs said.

"Ahh it's like I'm in a world of wonderful taste." Ruffnut said.

"Like in a world of good chicken." Tuffnut said
Ruffnut look at his brother confused.

Tuffnut see his chicken besides him.

"Oops." He said.

"It's alright. Oh what am I saying, it's amazing!" Snotlout said as he eats more.

"Zane, this is great, how can a machine like you cook?" Astrid said.

"I've had plenty of experience cooking with my family and friends." Zane explained.

Hiccup was now drawing a dragon on the ground which is Toothless.

"Well bud, this is it, where it all begin." Hiccup said, before he draw something else. "Everything was perfect until THEY came along." He madly finish the drawing and stab the draw of the superheroes.

Toothless look at Hiccup for a moment and walked away. Hiccup look back to Toothless, who is also drawing something on the ground. After he was done, Hiccup look to see what's on the ground, which is him and the superheroes before toothless draw a line between them. Hiccup feel so distress and know what this is about.

"What's wrong with you bud, why can you feel way as I am?" he asked, before Toothless look down and up to his drawing.

Hiccup turn around and slap his face "Great, I'm talking to a dragon, would that be something else" he said, before noticed a blue blur.

"Hiccup, hey buddy." Sonic said as he smirked.

"What are you doing here and how did you find me and don't call me buddy." Hiccup said as he turns away.

"One of your friends told me you are here, look, I just want to talk to you." Sonic said.

"Well, I don't ok just leave me alone... with Toothless." Hiccup said.

"I don't think Tooth feel the same way." Sonic said.

"Well...He's just crazy." Hiccup said.

"Ha ha yeah no kidding but anyway I didn't know why you hate me and the others so much and now I know." Sonic said.

"What are you talking about?" Hiccup said.

"That you're... jealous of us." Sonic said.

Hiccup shocked of this but still look away.

"We've been taken away your attention from the villages and thought they forgot about you." Sonic said.

"You don't understand how I was at the very beginning, everywhere I look around, people see me as a weak, skinny looking hiccup and the only way I prove them wrong if I could kill a dragon."

Sonic look at Toothless, "but you didn't."

"No...then I realized something else in my mind that I would just train a dragon and where I met Toothless here I knew this is what I good at. I wanted to show everyone about the dragons and after some big trouble losing a leg."

Both of them laughing before Hiccup continue.

"Vikings and Dragons came peace on Berk, I finally have the attention from a nobody to somebody but it gone."

Sonic feel sad then walk and sit next to him.

"You know, you sound a lot like my Hiccup. From my Earth. He too, had struggles like you did, and found a way to get over them. With friends and family he had." Sonic said.

"On your Earth... is my dad..." Hiccup spoke.

"Alive. Yeah, he's alive. He survived the battle against Drago Bloodfist." Sonic said.

"At least my dad is alive somewhere else. Look, I'm so sorry how I treated you and the others." Hiccup said.

"It's alright Hiccup, I understand... and so do the others. Glad we were able to chat." Sonic said.

They then headed back to the others as they then saw Heather show up to them.

"Heather, what's wrong?" Hiccup asked.

"It's the Dragon Hunters. They got this new dragon and monster that's sucking the energy out of other dragons." Heather explained.

"Then we need to go now!" Hiccup said.

As the Dragon Riders and Superheroes fly over to the island where they spot a big black dragon glowing a purple aura along with a black spiked gorilla like monster.

"Whoa! That's not like any dragon I've seen!" Fishlegs said as he looks in book.

"Guys... I'm detecting two human life forms inside those monsters." Zane said as he pointed at them.

Looking at them closer, Hiccup saw they were wearing stretch out and ripped clothes. Clothes Hiccup recognized.

"Wait! Those are not a dragon or a monster. That's Viggo and Ryker!" Hiccup said, shocking everyone around him.

"What?! But how?" Gobber asked.

"I'm also detecting negative dark energy coming from them. The type from Eclipso!"

"Eclipso! As in the demon you're fighting?!" Snotlout said.

"Yes!" Todd said.

"But how could this happen?" Astrid asked.

"Eclipso must've corrupted them, using them as his puppets to spread darkness." Cat Noir said.

"Then we have to stop them!" Hiccup said.

"Wait! Where's Jay?" Nya asked as no one saw him around.

"Here we are!"

Everyone turns around to see Jay riding a Skrill Dragon in the air.

"WHOOOOO!!!" Jay shouts as he rides the Skrill as it fires lightning at the Dragon Hunters.

"Whoa! How is he riding the Skrill?" Fishlegs said surprised.

"Jay's the Elemental Master of Lightning and since the Skrill's power is Lightning... well you can see how they bonded." Nya explained as they saw the two work together.

"Split up! Each group will take on the two dragon hunters!" Hiccup said as they split up.

Hiccup, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Gobber, and some of the superheroes took on Ryker as the others took on Viggo.

"How do we stop him?" Hiccup said.

"We need a builder now. A powerful builder for battle." Bowser said.

Bowser then takes out his butterfly as he turns it into a Kamiko. It flies over to Gobber's prostate arm as it gets absorbed. A butterfly mask appears over his face as the Dragon Riders watched in amazement by the power of the Butterfly.

"Blacksmith Master, I am Betterfly. I give you the power to create any type of weapon, tool, or gadget of your choosing with whatever object you touch. Do you accept this power for the greater good?" Betterfly asked.

"Create any type of weapon I want, huh? I accept!" Gobber said as he transformed.

Purple ooze covers Gobber's body as he transformed into a different type of superhero. His appearance was now him all armored up with tools and gadgets armed from head to toe. A green visor over his eyes. His prostate arm could switched to whatever tool he needed.

"Whoa... impressive!" Gobber said as he liked what he got.

"Come on! Let's take Ryker down!" Jay said as they go to fight Ryker.

Meanwhile, the other team isn't doing so well as Viggo absorbed the energy from their dragons.

"Oh no!" Astrid said as she tends over to Stormfly and the others help their dragons.

The heroes go off to deal with Viggo as Ladybug goes to Astrid who is with Libby helping Stormfly.

"Astrid, I need your help." Ladybug said as she pulls out a Miraculous in her yo-yo.

"Me? Why?" Astrid said looking at Ladybug.

"Astrid Hofferson, here is the Bee Miraculous. Which grants the power to immobilize your opponents. You will use it for the greater good, and once the mission is complete, you will return it back to me." Ladybug said as she hands her the Miraculous.

As Astrid takes the hair comb, Pollen, the Kwami of Action appears before her.

"Greetings, my Queen." Pollen said to her.

"Wait, you want me to use one like you guys? I don't know anything about using one." Astrid said.

"Don't worry, you'll learn naturally. And we'll help you along the way." Ladybug said.

"You have only one thing to say my Queen. Pollen, buzz on." Pollen instructed as Astrid puts the hair-comb in her hair.

"Pollen... BUZZ ON!!!" Astrid shouts as she transforms.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Pollen gets absorbed back into the haircomb, her hair gets a black stripe. From her shoes, a yellow suit forms over her body with black bee stripes. She brush her fingers over her eyes as a black and yellow mask forms over her eyes. She moves her right hand over her left as black like gloves forms. She twirls around as she pulled off a striking pose.

"Whoa... this is cool." Astrid said amazed by what just happened.

"Go help Hiccup and the others. I got one more recruit to call upon." Ladybug said as she jumps off as Astrid rejoins the fight.

Ladybug then spots Fishlegs trying to help Meatlug as she jumps to him.

"Fishlegs, I need your help." Ladybug says to the Viking.

"Wait, me?" Fishlegs said confused as Ladybug pulls out a Miraculous from her yo-yo.

"Fishlegs Ingerman, here is the Miraculous of the Rhino, which grants the power of Earthquakes. You will use it for the greater good." Ladybug said giving him the Miraculous.

Fishlegs take the Miraculous as Wriino, the Rhino Kwami of Strength appears to him.

"Hello, my name is Wriino and I'm your Kwami." Wriino said.

"But I don't know anything about being a superhero." Fishlegs said.

"That's okay. Because you already have the personality of a superhero. Once the job is done, you will return the Miraculous back to me." Ladybug said.

"No way, I-I-I can't do this! I—" Fishlegs sputtered as he stopped when Ladybug touched his shoulder.

"Yes you can. From what I heard from your friends, and knowing you from my Earth, you definitely have the capability to being a superhero." Ladybug said as Fishlegs looks at the kneepads.

"All you have to do is say: Wriino, let's charge." Wriino instructed. Fishlegs smiles as he puts on the kneepads.

"Wriino, let's charge!" Fishlegs shouts.

Wriino then gets absorbed into the kneepads. His outfit then began to change into a rhino theme superhero suit. His outfit was tan on his left shoulder as the rest of the suit was two different shades of gray. His mask included a white horn.

"Whoa! This is so awesome!" Fishlegs said amazed by the power of the Miraculous.

"Come on, we need to stop Viggo and his Dragon Hunters." Ladybug said.

The heroes spring over to the fight along with a new Miraculous Holder. Fishlegs jumps with joy as he enjoys having super-agility.

Just as Ryker was about to crush Toothless and Hiccup in his grip when...

"Hey you big ape! How about picking on someone your own size?" Astrid taunts as she spins her spinning top.

"VENOM!!!" Astrid shouts as she activates her superpower.

Ryker throws Hiccup and Toothless away as he goes to smash Astrid who keeps dodging his attacks. As Ryker smash his fist on the ground, Astrid jumped on his fist and hits him, paralyzing him before jumping back down to Hiccup.

"Astrid?" Hiccup said in shock.

"No, call me Storm Bee!" Astrid said as she pulled off a dramatic pose.

"Whoa... but how..?" Hiccup said surprised by this.

"Ladybug let me borrow a Miraculous to help. Come on, let's go help them take down Viggo." Storm Bee said.

They then head off to help the others with Viggo. Fishlegs sped towards Viggo and smacked him far away with his hammer, surprising Snotlout and the others.

"Fishlegs?!" Snotlout exclaimed.

"Nope. Umm... call me Rhino Quake!" Fishlegs said as he did a pose.

"Now we got a better chance against the Dragon Hunters." Sonic said with confidence.

"LUCKY CHARM!!!!!" Ladybug shouts as she uses her superpower, creating a bungee jumping cord.

"A bungee cord?" Piggyjoy said surprised.

"How do you plan on using that? Unless you plan on doing some bungee jumping." Hunter Wolf said.

As Ladybug looks around, her lucky vision locks on: the Bungee Jumping Cord Lucky Charm, Viggo's Dagger, Cat Noir, Sonic, Hiccup, Toothless, Rhino Quake, Storm Bee, and Blacksmith Master.

"You can create whatever tool, gadget, or weapon you want, right?" Ladybug asked Gobber.

"Yep. According to what power Bowser gave me." Blacksmith Master said.

"Do you think you can make a dragon trap?" Ladybug asked.

"Please... give me a challenge." Blacksmith Master said as he switched his left arm into a hammer.

"So what's the plan?" Hiccup asked, trusting her.

"Okay, listen up because I don't have much time. Here's the plan..." Ladybug said as the team listens up.

5 minutes...

Viggo was now flying around the area in anger as he then saw Hiccup on Tootless and Sonic waving to him.

"Hey big tall and stupid! Come and get us!" Sonic taunts.

The Viggo dragon roars in anger as he chased after them as the dragon rider and the speedster dashed off. Meanwhile elsewhere, Ladybug and the others waited as Blacksmith Master finished building the perfect trap.

"It's done!" Gobber said to the others.

"Good, because here they come!" Ladybug said as they got into positions.

Sonic and Hiccup run/fly fast enough to be ahead of Viggo as they finally reached their destination.

"Now Fishlegs!" Cat Noir shouts to the Rhino Miraculous Holder.

"RUMBLE CRUMBLE!!!" Rhino Quake shouts as he slams his Earth powered fist down ground, causing a small earthquake to shake Viggo.

The earthquake shakes the ground, causing Viggo to be thrown off due to the shockwave. Sonic then lightning fast tied the bungee cord around the waist of Viggo and the other to the trap. As Viggo lunged towards Hiccup, Sonic, and Toothless... the bungee cord pulled back Viggo into the trap. As he hits it, the cage's net door shuts over Viggo.

"Now Astrid!" Hiccup shouts to his girlfriend.

"VENOM!!!" Astrid shouts as she activates her superpower and stunned Viggo in place.

"He's all yours, Cat Noir!" Storm Bee says to the Black Cat Miraculous Holder.

"CATACLYSM!!!" Cat Noir shouts as he activates his superpower and destroys Viggo's dagger.

As the broken dagger fell, the Nega Wisp popped out as it flies around.

"Whoa! What's that?!" Heather said surprised.

"A Nega Wisp." Sonic said recognizing it but seeing it was being used differently.

"No more evil doing for you, Nega Wisp." Ladybug said opening her yo-yo to reveal the sparkling pool of cleansing energy inside of it.

"Time to de-evilize!" the heroine in red shouted before she threw her yo-yo toward the wisp, catching it in her yo-yo.

"Gotcha!" Ladybug cheered when the yo-yo was back in her hands. A second later, she released the purified wisp, setting the white wisp free.

"Bye, bye little wisp," the spotted heroine said as the wisp flew away, right before throwing the Lucky Charm up into the air.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!!" Ladybug cried out, summoning the cleansing cure and the magic ladybugs. Her powers swept through the village of Berk, restoring everything Virgo and Ryker had done, including restoring the Dragon Hunters.

"Wow... that was awesome!!!" The twins said in amazement.

"So cool. Everything got restored. As if it wasn't broken at all." Rhino Quake said.

"Yep. The power of my Miraculous." Ladybug said.

"I gotta to admit. That was an impressive plan." Hiccup said.

"You two guys were awesome as superheroes!" Ruffnut said.

"Though I bet we could do better." Tuffnut said crossing your arms.

"Yeah, it was kinda nice being a superhero. Calm down." Fishlegs said as he de-transformed. He then gave the Miraculous back to Ladybug.

"Buzz off." Astrid said as she de-transformed and gives the Miraculous back to Ladybug as well.

"Pound it!" The heroes and dragon riders fist bumped.

1 Hour Later...

The heroes were now standing in front of the Waverider as they were saying goodbye to the Dragon Riders.

"Thanks again for helping us." Hiccup said to them.

"No problem. Just doing what we heroes do best." Cole said.

"You guys are gonna do just fine. Trust us, you guys are gonna do great things." Sonic said.

The heroes go on the Waverider as they then fly off back into the Multiverse to look for the rest of their missing friends.

New Berk

On New Berk, the Dragon Riders were on patrol again around New Berk as Snotlout growls in frustration.

"That's it! I can't stand being here anymore!" Snotlout said as he got off Hookfang.

"Where do you think you're going?" Hiccup asked his cousin.

"Going to help the others find our missing friends. I'm sick of being here when they're having fun out there." Snotlout says.

"Oh yeah? How do you plan on getting to them even when you don't know where to go?" Astrid said.

"Simple. I'll run so fast, that I'll break the dimensional barrier." Snotlout said as he gets ready.

"What?! You're crazy! You've never ran that fast, and Flash was only able to do it once!" Fishlegs said to the stubborn Viking speedster.

"I can totally make it! Watch me!" Snotlout said as he sped off.

"Snotlout, wait!!!" Fishlegs shouts as he and the other Dragon Riders chase after him.

"Nicole." Snotlout spoke to the A.I.

"Yes, Snotlout." Nicole responded.

"I need you to tell me how fast I'm getting close to opening up breach into the Multiverse." Snotlout said to the A.I.

"Of course." Nicole said.

From a dragon's view, a red lightning streak is seen running fast across New Berk.

"Approaching Mach 1."

Snotlout continues to run faster as he pushed himself to go faster than he usually can.

"Mach 2."

"GOTTA GO FAST!!!!!!!!!" Snotlout shouts as he finally hit Mach 3 with Hookfang right behind him and enters an inter-dimensional breach.

"Snotlout!" Hiccup shouts.

"We got to go get him." Astrid said.

"No. We can't. All we can do now is just hope that he got to them safely." Hiccup said.

Snotlout and Hookfang were now running through the Speed Force, passing multiple Earths with no clue which Earth to land on. But as he runs, he hears a voice along with seeing a ghostly figure.

"Follow my voice... follow me..." The Spectre said to Snotlout.

Snotlout and Hookfang follows him with no choice as they lands on a parallel Earth. He falls out into a snowy area as he slams into a tree.

"Oww..." Snotlout says as he passed out.

As he falls unconscious, stony figures circle around him with curiosity with Hookfang growling at them but then stopped when he recognized them.

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