Chapter 3: Earth-33 Arendelle🌎

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Dragongirl04282004 BiancaSantana880 ReptileEdge chariobros92 LukeLiebig Caskev21 WolfHowl715 Quantumranger27 FahzTheGorilla Dqthegr820  JadeSylvinaVA
Jacquespawnee Bookoflifefan28 J-Money78
Herosperger DonovenMorningstar GWilden2023 JadeSylvinaVA SuperNinjaDragon7 damianflashpoint GWilden2023  Kazumi-yoggan Thunderslash721 
hammert_Fitzerald  DraalTheDeadly  Ethan4389 
DonovenMorningstar  DragonRoarAtDaybreak 
Kumakingkai40  ScarletQuakeWitch  Lionel062   SuperNinjaDragon7  Miraculousgaurdian09  williamsmaurice1254  Blazefire19  Siya_Aurora  Xx_StoryCreator_xX Elementalwolf2017 What_If_Universe

"So where do we go next?" Darryl asked.

"How about Earth-33? Around the year 1893, and its an Earth with some magic." Jeff said looking at the Multiversal map.

"Works for me. Gideon, set a course to Earth-33." Sara said to the A.I.


The Waverider then teleported into Earth-33 as they went into camouflage mode and landed in a clearing. As they exit the Waverider, their outfits changed to a 18th century look.

"Whoa, kinda love the old century look." Ray said looking at his outfit.

"Let's remember to not bring too much attention to ourselves while we're here." John said.

"Let's go." Sonic said as they ran off into the unknown.

As they do, far away Eclipso grins as he then unleashed multiple Shadow Banshees to cause chaos. But before he left, he then summoned one more ally as he upgrades that individual with his powers, making this foe more dangerous. As the heroes look around this world for their missing friends, Logan then started to smell something.

"What is it? What do you smell, wolfy?" Mick said to the mutant. Logan growls as his claws came out as he looks at a shadowy cave.

"Come on out now! I can smell you." Logan growled.

Coming out of the shadows were five big figures who it turns out to be trolls, but not just any trolls, it was Blinkous, Aarghaumont, Draal, Rykarr, and Dictatious!

"Blinky! AAARRRGGHH!!! Guys!" Sonic shouts in joy as he hugs Blinky.

"Sonic! Good to see you all!" Blinkous aka Asclepius as he accepts the hug from Sonic.

"You found us." Aarghaumont aka Sentinel said as he bearhugs Scratch and Molly.

"It's about time. Was wondering when you would find us. It's been 3 weeks of us being here." Draal aka King Gorilla said as he ate some socks.

"It's been a hard for us to keep ourselves hidden from the locals here." Rykarr aka Hound Hunter said as he scratched an itch on his butt a bit.

"Please tell me you have a way off this world?" Dictatious aka Lakshmi said as he fans himself.

"Yes, the Waverider. We can leave from there. It's so good to see you guys." Jay said.

"Wait! Did you find Master Jim?" Blinky asked in hopes.

"Wingman?" Aarghaumont added.

"No... we didn't yet." Marinette said sadly missing her brother and friend.

"Oh..." Blinky said disappointed as Aarghaumont whimpered a bit.

"Don't worry, they're out there. We'll find them, plus Jim's the Trollhunter. Trained by you." Adrien said cheering them up.

"So it was just you five who got teleported here?" Lloyd asked.

"Well... yes. But that was until these two showed up." Rykarr replied.

"Who?" Sonic asked.

Coming out of the shadows was a Monstrous Nightmare dragon on fire with a familiar Viking.

"Hey guys." Snotlout said with Hookfang behind him.

"Snotlout! Hookfang! What are you guys doing here?!" Lloyd said shocked.

"I was tired of sticking around in New Berk doing nothing so I decided to find you guys. I ran fast enough to breakthrough the dimensional barriers to get here." Snotlout explained.

"Okay, so let's get out of here before—" Nya spoke before they heard screaming.

The heroes ran towards the source of the screams as they then saw a dozen Shadow Banshees terrorize multiple people.

"Shadow Banshees!" Cole shouts as the heroes geared up.

The team jumps into action as they fight off the Shadow Banshees. Sonic is running around attacking Shadow Banshees left and right when he sees one cornering a young woman. He then Spin Dashed it to oblivion.

"You okay?" Sonic asked as he helps her up.

"Yes I am. Thank you. Who are you?" Anna asked.

"Me? I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog." Sonic grinned.

Kai was firing fireballs and fire beams everywhere at each Shadow Banshee in his range. He then sees a young woman in an ice theme dress fighting off the Shadow Banshees with her ice magic. He had to admit that he saw how good she was fighting when she didn't see a Shadow Banshee behind her as it was about to kill her.

"Look out!" Kai shouts in warning to Elsa.

Elsa turns around and ducks as the Shadow Banshee almost caught her as Kai blasted it.

"You... you saved me. Thank you." Elsa said grateful to the Fire Ninja.

"You're welcome." Kai said as he shoots another incoming Shadow Banshee.

"You have powers too?" Elsa said surprised.

"Yep. Same with my friends but no time to talk about it with Shadow Banshees still around!" Kai said as he goes to rejoin the battle.

Soon the Shadow Banshees were all dealt with by the heroes they go to take care of the civilians.

"Is everyone okay?" Kristoff asked as he helps everyone.

As each of the heroes helped the people. Anna is led back to the others by Sonic as she sees Kai with Elsa safe and sound.

"Elsa!" Anna shouts in relief as she runs to her sister but trips as Jeff then catches her.

"Whoa! Watch where you're going, miss. I'm Jeff, with a J." Jeff said as he gets her back on her feet.

"Y-Y-You're ghosts!" Anna said shocked.

"Yes we are! I'm Geoff. Spelled G-E-O-F-F." Geoff said with a chuckle.

"You're actually ghosts." Anna says as she's still shocked by seeing actual ghosts.

"Yep. Don't worry, we won't hurt you." Geoff chuckles as Jeff kissed his husband.

"Who are you guys?" Kristoff asked as everyone was staring at them.

"It's a long story. Perhaps we can discuss it back at your place?" Cat Noir said scratching his head.

Soon the heroes followed the residents of Arendelle back to the kingdom where they saw the beautiful castle of the land.

"Whoa..." Jeff said amazed by the castle.

"Awesome castle!" Geoff said to the Queen and Princess.

"Eh, it's just a castle. You've seen one, you've seen them all." Todd said shrugging his shoulders.

"Scratch! Be polite." Molly hissed at Todd.

Soon they were all in the Castle Throne Room where the heroes faced Elsa and Anna on their thrones.

"You saved our lives." Elsa said to the heroes. "Our most sincere gratitude to you heroes."

"Oh yes, thank you so very much." Anna said as she gratefully shook each of their hands with both of hers.

"Aw no prob. It's what we do." Jay said.

"Well whom do we have to thank?" Elsa asked.

"Your majesties..." Lloyd began "My name is Lloyd, these are my friends." He motioned behind him. "We're superheroes and ninjas."

"Ninjas?" The queen questioned.

"Masters of stealth, and martial arts." Anna explained "I've heard stories of them before in our books, but I never met any till now."

"Yep. We're heroes who fight to protect those who cannot protect themselves." Zane said as he bowed at them.

"So where do you guys come from?" Kristoff asked.

"Well... it might be hard to believe, but we're not from this Earth. We're from another parallel Earth." Sara said to them.

"A different Earth?" Elsa said confused.

"Yeah. Your world isn't the only one out there. There are an infinite number of different universes out there." Zane explains as he shows a hologram map of the Multiverse.

"Wow! This changes everything!" Olaf says as he's awed by this.

"So why are you guys here?" Anna asked.

"A demon villain we were facing scattered our friends across the Multiverse so now we're looking for them. Our troll friends here got sent to your world." Lloyd explained looking at the trolls.

"Wait! You guys are trolls?" Kristoff said surprised.

"Indeed we are." Blinky said proudly.

"Wow. You guys are nothing like the trolls of our world." Anna said looking at Rylarr who felt uncomfortable.

"Ummm... thanks?" Rykarr said as Anna poked his arm.

"So now that you found your friends, I guess you're leaving?" Elsa asked.

"Soon. But not until we search for whatever Eclipso has planned here." Todd said.

Meanwhile, outside of Arendelle, the wind began to grow very strong and aggressive. It wasn't until a big helicopter flew overhead and with a familiar supervillain the Justice League faced before.

"This kingdom and this world will fear me! Let the winds run wild!!!" Dr. Psyclone shouts.

He then creates dozens of tornadoes with his power as he flies around through the sky causing chaos. The heroes and the others run outside to see the catastrophe going on.

"Guess we don't have to go searching." Cat Noir joked a bit.

"Dr. Psyclone!" Logan growled.

"Who?" Olaf said confused.

"A dangerous villain we faced before. With the power to control the wind." Khione explained.

"Looks like Eclipso sent another villain to take of his chaos here." Ladybug said as they get ready to fight.

"Wait! What can we do?" Elsa asked.

"You five focus on taking care of your people's safety, we'll deal with our supervillain." Lloyd said as they run off.

"But I-we can help!" Anna shouts.

Bowser grins at hearing this and then uses his power to create a Kamiko as it flies into Anna's necklace as a butterfly mask appears over her face.

"Sunfire... I am Betterfly. I give you the power to control fire similar to how your sister controls ice to aid your people. Do you accept this power for the greater good?" Betterfly asked.

"I do." Anna said accepting the power.

Purple oozed over Anna as she transformed into a superhero. Her outfit was now a similar to Elsa's ice dress but with a fire theme.

"Whoa!" Anna said as she was amazed by her new appearance, along with Elsa, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf.

She then saw a flying tree that was about to crush a family and then blasted it with her fire. She and her sister then get to work as they go off to help their people. Meanwhile, the superheroes were now heading towards the eye of the storm.

"We got to take care of the two problems at the same time. Sonic, Snotlout, you two focus on taking care of those tornadoes. The rest of us will focus on taking care of Dr. Psyclone." Lloyd instructed.

"Got it!" Everyone shouts as they sprung into action.

As Sonic runs faster with Snotlout behind him, a ghost of Wolf appears next to him in the aura as he runs.

"Sonic!" Wolf shouts as Sonic turns to see him.

"Wolf?" Sonic said surprised.

"You have to find us!" Wolf shouts before he disappears.

"Wolf!" Sonic shouts out but gets no response.

Sonic then refocused on taking care of the tornadoes with Snotlout as they run around thrm in the opposite way they were spinning.

"Unraveling a tornado was the first trick Barry did as the Flash!" Sonic grinned as he and Snotlout run to take care of the rest of the tornadoes before joining the others.

Ladybug took a small step back - then wound her arm back, and launched her yo-yo straight up.

"LUCKY CHARM!!!!" Ladybug shouts as she uses her power.

Reaching the end of the cord, the spinning disk hung in the air, blazing red-white light. Swirling flecks of luminescence flashing in every shade from blood-red to snow-white gathered together in the center of the light, coalesced into a single shape, flared-Red and covered with large black dots, a jar of peanut butter dropped into Ladybug's waiting hands.

"A jar of peanut butter?" Ladybug muttered incredulously.

"Yummy." Aarghaumont said licking his lips.

Ladybug looks around as her Lucky Vision locks onto: her Lucky Charm, Sonic, Snotlout, Kilowog, and Cat Noir.

"I got an idea!" Ladybug said to the team.

As Dr. Psyclone was flying closer to the castle to destroy it, he is then stopped by being trapped in a tornado, created by Sonic and Snotlout running around him. As this happens, Kilowog then uses his ring to create a construct to hold Psyclone's helicopter in place. As Psyclone is distracted by Kilowog in freeing his helicopter, Ladybug then fires globs of peanut butter at the gears of the propeller blades, causing them to stop spinning.

"What?!" Dr. Psyclone exclaimed as he was about to fly off when Ladybug splats his backpack's propeller blades, causing them to stop.

"NOOOOOO!!!!" Psyclone shouts in defeat.

"CATACLYSM!!!" Cat Noir shouts as he destroys Payclone backpack's propeller blades, releasing the Nega Wisp popped out as it flies around.

"No more evil doing for you, Nega Wisp." Ladybug said opening her yo-yo to reveal the sparkling pool of cleansing energy inside of it.

"Time to de-evilize!" the heroine in red shouted before she threw her yo-yo toward the wisp, catching it in her yo-yo.

"Gotcha!" Ladybug cheered when the yo-yo was back in her hands. A second later, she released the purified wisp, setting the white wisp free.

"Bye, bye little wisp," the spotted heroine said as the wisp flew away, right before throwing the Lucky Charm up into the air.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!!" Ladybug cried out, summoning the cleansing cure and the magic ladybugs. Her powers swept through the Kingdom of Arendelle, restoring everything Dr. Payclone had done.

"Huh? Where am I?" Dr. Psyclone asked groggily.

"Pound it!" The heroes shout as they fist bumped.

"Wow... that was amazing!" Olaf said in awe of their powers.

"You saved my kingdom and its people... thank you. All of you." Queen Elsa said as the people cheered for them.

Soon it became time for the heroes to leave this world as they were saying their goodbyes.

"Thank you again for helping us." Elsa said.

"It was our pleasure." Lloyd said as he bows at Elsa who bows to him as well.

The people of Arendelle wave goodbye as the Waverider took off into the sky and disappeared.

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