Chapter 5: Friend Returns, Frenemy Appears

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Everyone was now back at the Hall of Justice. Shark was now laying on a gurney bed resting with the Quantum Splicer doing it's job in the Med Lab.

"Shark's still recovering from the massive energy surge to his system but he's stable." Caitlin said.

"Oh thank God." Webs said.

"There's still an occasional irregularity in his amygdala function that I haven't quite figured out, but it should improve when he gets his strength back." Caitlin said.

"He's been through a lot. I guess it would be weird if he didn't have some kind of reaction." Wolf said.

"Well, we're all just glad that he's back, guys." Oliver said.

"Ollie's right. We're all so happy for you, guys." Sara said.

"Thank you." Athena looking back at Shark sleeping.

"So how long is he gonna need that Splicer on him?" Snake asked.

"Right now, the Splicer is reconstructing and restabilizing his cells and molecular structure. So for a day or two... and then he won't need it anymore." Caitlin said.

"Bad Guys, I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I was wrong the whole time. I shouldn't have doubted you all." Ratchet said.

"It's okay. You were just trying to do what you thought it was right." Wolf said.

"We all lose faith sometimes, but the point is, you brought back one of your family members back here." Optimus said.

"That sounds great to me, and I can't wait to get to know him." Miko said.

"Yeah." Jack said.

"Me too!" Rafael added. Wolf just chuckled.

"Oh, you guys are gonna love him. He's such a sweetheart and gentle soul." Wolf said. The kids laughed as they heard this.

"Well now that your friend is back. Perhaps we can now focus on what Megatron is up to." Ultra Magnus said.

"Agreed. We now know he's been collecting Energon and some of those Dark Matter crystals." Drift said.

"But for what reason?" Shazam asked.

"We'll find out, but for now... let's do some training." Barry said to Miko.

Minutes Later...

Miko was now wearing a pink, purple, and gold suit on. Cisco and Chester were able to make one for her.

"I know this is a big step." Barry said.

"Yeah, I'll say." Miko said looking at herself.

"Now that's a speedster look." Chester said while working on his tablet.

"Are you sure I, like, need to wear this? Maybe we're moving too fast." Miko said.

"These suits monitor our vitals and allow us to communicate with each other. That keeps us safe just in case something happens." Barry explained.

"Got it." Miko said.

"I know you can handle this, I'll be there with you every step of the way." Barry said.

Soon Miko and Wheeljack were running on treadmills going faster than ever.

"Mach 1.78." Cisco said.

"Man, are they going fast." Raf said.

Suddenly the alarms went off.

"Satellites are detecting a Decepticon nearby." Cisco said. They check it out on the screen to see a wolf-like figure appear in Collin Woods Zone.

"Steeljaw!" Bumblebee said.

"You know him?" Wolf asked interested in this Decepticon.

Fixit then brought up Steeljaw files on the computer.

"Steeljaw is a Wolficon, a former Decepticon. Jailed for instigating rebellion. Knowledge of subsonics and many more." Fixit said.

"He's been a pain in the aft for a long time now. His former pack of rogue Decepticons have tried to rule this world so they can call this planet home." Bee said.

"The last time we saw him. He managed to help us overthrow the corrupted council of Cybertron and then disappeared." Strongarm said.

"And we haven't seen him ever since." Drift said.

"If he's a Decepticon... maybe he might have information on what Megatron is up to?" Drago said.

"It's possible." Optimus said.

"Then let's go." Green Lantern said as they got ready.

"I'm coming too!"

Everyone turns to see Shark awake and walking to them. He stubbles a bit but continues to walk.

"Shark, you're awake!" Wolf said in surprise. Athena instantly hugged him.

"You should be resting." She said as she kissed his cheek.

"I'm going. You can't stop me." Shark said as he pulls himself together. They knew Shark wasn't going to stop.

"Fine. But try not to get killed." Batman said. Shark smiled as he suited up, ready for action again.

Bumblebee, Strongarm, Sideswipe, Grimlock, Drift, and Ironhide with some of the Justice League breached over to the forest where Steeljaw was. They separated into pairs.

Bumblebee and the team then found Steeljaw who was wondering around the forest. They then surprised ambushed him.

"You're under arrest Steeljaw!" Strongarm said.

"Bumblebee! What a pleasure to see you again." Steeljaw said looking at him.

"Not for us it is." Bumblebee said.

"Where've you been? It's been what... 7 years since we last saw you?" Grimlock said trying to count on his digits.

"I've been around the world in the past few years. I've also learned many languages, cultures, and traditions of the humans here. You wouldn't believe what I've seen in this beautiful world." Steeljaw said.

"Really? That sounds fun." Sideswipe said.

"What can I say, traveling is good for the spark." Steeljaw said with a British accent at the end.

Strongarm blushed a bit hearing him with a British accent. He sounded and dare she say it... hot.

"Wow, that was an excellent accent, by the way." Ironhide said.

"Thank you. I learned it while in London heading off to Italy." Steeljaw said.

"He fancy, you fancy." Grimlock said.

"Thank you." Steeljaw said with a bow.

"OKAY! We're getting off track here. Steeljaw, you're going down." Bee said as his hand sparked with lightning.

"I don't think so. I've grown a lot stronger than the last we met. You can say I've... changed." Steeljaw said as he unleashed a Sonic Howl, sending the Bots flying.

As Steeljaw was about to blast them again, a strong lightning bolt knocked him down. He turns to see a group of humans in costumes. It was the Justice League.

"Stand down Steeljaw! It's over." Flash said.

"The Justice League! I was wondering when I would come across you meta-humans... Barry Allen, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Arthur Curry, Victor Stone, Billy Batson, Hal Jordan, Moe Wolf, Marc Snake, Pepé Piranha, Tara Tarantula, Lou Shark, and Drago Komodo. A pleasure to meet you at last." Steeljaw said as he did a little bow at them.

The heroes were shocked to hear that Steeljaw knew their real names. Clearly this Decepticon has been doing some research on them.

"How... how do you know are names?" Shazam asked.

"I have my ways. Including the people listening through your comms. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Ronnie Raymond, Cade Yeager, Chester P. Runk, Allegra Garcia, Diane Foxington, Oliver Queen, Kara Danvers, Sara Lance, Flasheart Lupin, and Gobber the Belch. I can hear the radio waves emanating from your suits. About 1900 megahertz. Is that them on the other end, listening? Are they gonna here you die?" Steeljaw said.

"No... they're gonna hear you get your ass kicked." Drago said as cracked his knuckles.

"Ha! Okay then." Steeljaw said as he fired a sonic blast at them, scattering them away.

Flash and Piranha began to run around Steeljaw confusing him. Wonder Woman then slam her bracelets together and created a flash knocking Steeljaw into some trees.

"Impressive move, WW." Steeljaw said as he unleashed his Sonic Howl at them. Wolf then countered with his Sonic Howl, sending them flying backwards.

"Interesting. I thought I was the only one with sound-based powers." Steeljaw said as he fired his sonic blasts from his claws. Ironhide then shot a vibrational burst at Steeljaw sending him into Wheeljack who thunder punched him out.

Steeljaw wakes up to see himself locked in a glass metal cell containment. He tries to use his power but they don't work, because of the built-in meta-dampener. He then sees Cisco, Caitlin, Ronnie, and Strongarm looking at him with glares.

"Well, isn't this quite the view. Here am I, locked in a cage like an animal while you're all free." Steeljaw said.

"For good reasons. Our new friends told us about you and what you did." Ronnie said.

"All I ever did was create a new home for those like me. Is that so wrong?" Steeljaw said.

The heroes remain silent.

"Impressive containment cell. Better than the stasis pods you Bots had us in. Surely one of you human's designs." Steeljaw said.

"It was my idea actually The glass is Clearstone, the hardest substance on Earth. Impenetrable to any living thing." Cisco said with a smirk.

"Pequeño Cisco. Todavía tratando de ser el inteligente del equipo." Steeljaw said in Spanish with a smirk. (Little Cisco. Still trying to be the smart one on the team.)

"Si eres tan listo, ¿por qué estás en una jaula?" Cisco responded. (If you're so smart, why are you in a cage?)

"Steeljaw, don't make this any harder than it has to be." Caitlin said glaring at him when he gives her a soft look.

"J'ai oublié. Vous n'aimez pas les émotions. Ils sont désordonnés." Steeljaw said in French. (I forgot. You don't like emotions. They're messy.)

"Enough Steeljaw."

They look to see Batman, Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Superman, Bumblebee, and Optimus Prime walk to the cell.

"Leave us." Batman said. Cisco, Caitlin, Ronnie, and Strongarm left.

"See you soon, Cisco and Strongarm." Steeljaw said.

"Doubt it." Cisco shouts.

"Unlikely." Strongarm added. The 8 heroes now stared at Steeljaw as he stared back at them in silence for a few minutes.

"Silentii tui volumina loquuntur." Steeljaw said. (Your silence speaks volume)

"Nemo surdus est quam qui non audiat." Batman said. (No man is more deaf than he who will no hear)

"I really wished we could understand them." Grimlock said as everyone watches from the cameras.

"How do you know our real names?" Batman asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Steeljaw said leaning on the cell wall.

"We have ways to make you talk." Superman said as he looked at Wonder Woman.

Flash then opens the cage door, Wonder Woman then wrapped Steeljaw in her Golden Lasso of Truth.

"How do you know our real names?" Wonder Woman asked as the lasso forced him to tell the truth.

"I've been doing a lot of research on Meta-humans for quite a while. After helping you Autobots take down the corrupted council, I returned to Earth free. I decided to explore more of this Earth. So I explored all the states in America, then Canada, Mexico, South America, Iceland, Switzerland, Germany, Russia, Egypt, Netherlands, New England, China, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, and Hawaii. I saw so much of this world's beauty. But while on my trip, I soon learned of meta-humans. Humans with superpowers. I quickly learned that not all humans are weak but extremely powerful and dangerous. There was one group of metas that picked my interest the most. It was the Justice League. I decided to learn more about them, including their real identities. So I spied on many meta-humans I can find. Meaning you guys." Steeljaw said.

The heroes were surprised to hear all this. All this time they were spied on a Decepticon and had no idea.

"So you've been spying on all of us in the last few years?" Supergirl asked.

"Indeed I have. I've learned so much from you all. Your struggles, relationships, and battles you've fought." Steeljaw said.

"How did you get your powers? Because I don't remember you having sound-based powers." Bee said.

"During my time exploring the world, I came across Dark Matter crystals in the ground due to the Dark Matter storm. Hearing that metas got their powers due to Dark Matter, I figured why not become like them. So I processed the Dark Matter crystals like how we do with Energon and injected the energy into me and gained my new superpowers." Steeljaw said.

"What about Megatron? You working for him now?" Green Arrow asked.

"Never! That crazy overlord just wants destroy this Earth when I want to make it a home for me." Steeljaw said.

"A home which you plan on destroying mankind. Billion people of all races live here in peace." Wonder Woman said.

"Good for you." Steeljaw pouted. "I can only think about my failure.. and how this beautiful planet will pay the price for my foolishness and Megatron."

Bee looked at the Wolficon. At that point, he didn't felt all that anger from before, or from any of their past confrontations. He just felt... he needed to know about him. Like he never wanted before, or even worried to ask.

"I know it's not of my business... but why the Earth?" Bumblebee asked. Wonder Woman looked at him as she tightened the lasso on him.

"This planet is unique. It holds all kinds of life forms
here. It reminds me of my home. or at least, what I
used to called home." Steeljaw confessed, with plain
sincerity, picking up a hologram projector from his arm, and showing Bee an holographic picture of Cybertron, zooming in to one of its moons.

"Luna 4... a lair of Cybertronians with animal resemblance, Minicons, Wolficons, beings like those I was just a young Wolficon, learning to use its abilities. I lived with my own pack. My family. As rough as I trained, I never really got a chance of fighting, unlike my brother and his friends. And then.. the Great War came. We trusted an Autobot, and. he promised us all to keep our moon safe, to avoid any confrontations. but it was a fatal mistake. He stabbed us all in the back, bringing within nano-clicks armies that caused the most dire of massacres.
I couldn't make it.. but nothing was left. Only the painful sound of silence and my own sorrow."

Bee touched Steeljaw's shoulder, as he looked over,
struggling to not leak. An useless effort however, as a
bit of lubricant escaped his golden optics.

"When it was heard that Cybertron's life was restored and we could go back, I came with my spark filled of hope... only to have it all shattered, and find Luna-4 still covered in the ashes of the war." Steeljaw continued.

Wonder Woman and the others started to feel pity for the Wolficon. To lose everyone and everything you love.

"The cycles passed as I tried to move on without a bit of success. Last thing I knew, I was with this symbol,
assembling rebellions with comrades that wanted as
well a place where we could live without fear... without pain." Steeljaw said.

"When the Alchemor crashed and I came to know the planet, I made up my mind that if I ruled this place, if I leaded a new group of brothers and sisters to venture among this beauty, we wouldn't suffer anymore."

"So you really wanted to live here peacefully, despite all battles we've been through..." Bee remembered the same words his cadet told him about the Wolficon.

"But if you really meant it, there were other planets you could lead Cons to without having to do all those
things we've heard and seen." Barry said.

"But not like this one." Steeljaw sighed. "This planet
would be a home that no Bot could take away from
us.. for they care about it and all its life."

"You're right." Bee sighed. "We care about the Earth.
but we also care about our own kind. We care about all Cybertronians. I'm sure if you told them, you-"

"You think any of them would be willing to hear anyone with THIS symbol?" Steeljaw pointed out to his clawed insignia. Bee nodded, understanding clearly now the situation.

"Well. How do you feel now?" Bee smiled to him.

"Unusually... relieved." Steeljaw was surprised. He felt better. As if never before. Thanks to that Autobot. They both stared at each other, finding an uncommon, yes blissful sense of compassion and care. In such dire times... they have somehow found friendship.

A few minutes later...

"Are you sure he was telling the truth?" Ratchet asked.

"Absolutely. My lasso compels anyone to tell the truth and only the truth." Wonder Woman said.

"So... all this time, all he wanted was a home?" Denny asked.

"Kinda feel bad about the things I said before.."
Russell admitted. "I mean, if only we knew."

"Sometimes, when we are driven by frustration, anger, or sadness... we make bad choices. Steeljaw followed this path and became a Decepticon, responding his pain with more pain. All he needed to make a better choice was someone he could really trust. Someone reliable." Optimus looked over to Bumblebee, who responded with a smile. Bee had recovered most of it, while Steeljaw barely emitted any reactions.

"Bee, are you sure about that?" Sideswipe showed his doubts. "I mean, he had his reasons, he was cool
saving us, but-

"I know we all have our reasons to still not fully trust
him. But maybe this will change with time." Bee

"I'm more than willing to change this now even because it's a bit my fault too. I refused to listen
his side of the story, get to know him better.. and only assumed what we already knew." Bee said.

"Yeah... I kinda had a part on this too." Strongarm
recognized. "but if you trust him. I think that's good for me." The others nodded.

"Looks like the major part of the team have won."
Jetstorm affirmed.

"Indeed. Maybe he can help us figure out what Megatron is planning?" Smokescreen said.

"Yeah! He could join the Justice League." Wolf said.

"If he wants to. We still need to figure out what Megatron is up to." Superman said.

As this goes on, Drago then sees Constantine with tiny creatures around him.

"What are those?" Drago asked looking at them.

"Palismen. A palisman is a sentient magical totem that is bonded to a witch/wizard/sorcerer as their familiar. The palisman acts as a staff, and are acquired by the witch/wizard/sorcerer as part of their education. Palismen can prove to be both a loyal friend and a powerful magic-enhancer, acting as an external source of magic for use in spells, transportation, weaponry, among other functions. I'm recently babysitting them." Constantine explained as they snuggled him with his own Palsiman.

One of them was a badger-looking one with a snake tail. It crawls over to Drago's feet as he picks it up.

"Aren't you a cute one?" Drago said to it.

The badger-looking Palisman then changed into a staff, landing in Drago's hands. He was surprised by this.

"Uh... what just happened?" Drago asked. John just smiles.

"It seems you've found a new partner." John said.

"New partner?" Drago said puzzled.

"Palismen bond through emotions, this one probably felt the loneliness in you due to your life before coming here." John said.

"So he's mine now?" Drago asked.

"Yep. He's yours now and will help you in anyway he can." John said. Drago smiled and puts the staff on his back and rejoin the conversation.

"So are we all at an agreement?" Optimus said. Everyone then nodded their heads.

Steeljaw was now relaxing in the cell when he saw Optimus, Bumblebee, Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Vibe and Wolf walk to him.

"So what now?" Steeljaw asked. Flash then opened his cell.

"We've all decided to let you go. After hearing your story, we're willing to give you a second chance. Help us protect this world you love as a hero, like us." Wolf said.

"Me? A hero like you? Like the rest of your team will accept me." Steeljaw said.

"We explained to them your backstory and they understand. If you love this planet, then you would do anything to protect it. What do you say?" Bee said.

Steeljaw thought deeply about this. All he wanted was to live a nice life on Earth, a planet that reminded him of his homeworld. There was no way any other Decepticon would follow his dream with Megatron back in charge, except Barricade who changed and hated Megatron. This was his chance to achieve his dream and be a hero to Earth's inhabitants. He then looks back at them with a grin.

"I'm in." Steeljaw said. Flash goes to open the cell.

"Try anything and I'll breach you back here, Got it?" Vibe said in a threatening way.

"You have my word." Steeljaw said sincere. Flash opens the cell and Steeljaw walks out.

"Let's go tell the team." Green Arrow said.

The heroes and Steeljaw walked a bit further to the command center, when out of nowhere little pieces of colorful paper and streamers came out.


Both were startled by the sudden scream of the team. They were all reunited around the JL table.

"Wow!" Bee exclaimed.

"Wow...." Steel muttered.

"What's that all about?" Bee couldn't help but to laugh.

"Well, now that Steeljaw is a member, we decided to celebrate it. And that you were not the only one that had to make things right with him." Strongarm pointed out.

"Then, after studying a bit about earth celebrations and putting a small break on my usual schedule, I decided we should give Steeljaw a proper welcome. Therefore, we had Zatanna conjure all this up to throw him a welcoming party." She said where Zatanna smiled.

"I.." Steeljaw was wordless.

"We know things have been harsh in the past, but we
are more than willing to help you go through it." Drift pointed out.

"You're more than welcome to hang around us
whenever you want, Steeljaw," Sideswipe assured.
"Just expect me to bother you a LOT due to you-know-what."

"In fact, Cadet Strongarm and Denny Clay had found
something that might help you during this transition." Fixit said.

He delivered a small package to Steeljaw. As he
opened it... there was a voice recorder.

"It would be healthy for you to record a journal.
Besides.. I never said it, but your voice is really
beautiful." The cadet admitted. "Sure, you don't have to use it now if you don't want to."

Steeljaw looked at the small device, then as he placed the box at the floor, he caught Strongarm and Fixit in a very squeezy hug, whimpering in happiness.

"Uh. y-you're welcome." she said, after he realized how tight that hug was and let go of her.

"That's it... I've had enough wounds for one michael-
cital-cycle..."Fixit pouted, returning to the control
center. Bumblebee just smiled seeing the Wolficon so happy.

"Maybe I'll ask about the symbol later." He decided,
putting a hand on Steel's shoulder. "Look. I know I'm not your brother... but I honestly would like to know you better. The REAL you."

"I can say there's no others I would trust more now.
especially you, Bumblebee." Steeljaw said.

"Welcome to our team, Steeliaw." Bumblebee said.

It was now official: Steeljaw was now an Autobot, and a new member for Bee's team and family.

"Welcome to the Justice League. Our circle of trust." Optimus and Superman said to Steeljaw as he gave out his hand to him. Steeljaw took it and shook hands.
Decepticons were gathering Dark Matter and Energon crystals in an unground mine with a laboratory there. Shockwave was seen building a device with Dark Matter and Energon crystals connected to it giving it power. He then mixed three chemicals into a serum.

"Lord Megatron, the project is ready. All is left is obtaining the specimen." Shockwave said to his master.

"Excellent. Soon, I will be stronger than Optimus! And... faster!" Megatron said with an evil grin.

ReptileEdge Drago now has a Palisman! A new friend. You get to decide it's name.

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