Chapter 6: Dark Warlord Master

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Steeljaw was now getting his Decepticon symbol changed to an Autobot symbol by Fixit and Cisco.

"So... what's the plan?" Steeljaw asked.

"Now we need to know what Megatron is up to." Bumblebee said thinking.

While the Autobots try to figure out what Megatron is up to, the heroes talk with Miko.

"So you think you're ready for the field?" Barry asked.

"Yeah! I am ready! If I'm going to be joining you on the field... I'm gonna need a superhero name." Miko said.

"I already got one for you." Cisco said. Miko looked at him confused.

"Speedquick." He said. Miko started to love the name.

"I love it." Miko said.

"Seeing this reminds me of my old team when I was in the Navy on my Earth." Drago said.

"You were a part of the Navy?" Oliver asked.

"Yep. Back when I was young, my dad trained me to follow his footsteps of being a soldier. My team and I were the best. We always watched each backs." Drago said.

"Sounds great. What happened to them?" Oliver asked.

"We... after the war ended and we retired, we went out separate ways." Drago said.

Drago then thinks about his old team back when he was in the military. Ripper the Hammerhead, Jack the Jaguar, Cole the Cougar, Axel the Alligator, Garth the Grizzly Bear, and Worriz the Wolf. They were like his brothers to him.

"If only you guys could see this." Drago said. Perhaps when he heads back home, he'll find and reconnect with them. Suddenly the Hall of Justice's alarm went off.

"Satellites are detecting a hug amount of Energon and Dark Matter in Milford City near Mount Krumbeck."

"That's where the old werewolf temple is." Canis Rex said.

"Then let's suit up." Batman said as they got ready.

They then breached over to Milford City's volcano. They see many crystals in the ground as they walk to the temple.

"Why, isn't this nice?" Starscream's voice rang, calling their attention, as he clapped slowly. "The happy family reunited once more."

"He knew we were coming." Optimus noticed the two Deception Hunters on the Con's hands glowing.

"Clever. Even for my charts." Steeljaw admitted.

"Silence!" Starscream growled, aiming both Hunters to them. Optimus used his Decepticon Hunter to block the aim.

'"Let go of this, Starscream! Such power should not be used by someone like you!" Optimus said.

"You don't change a bit, do you, Optimus Prime?"
Starscream gave him an evil smile. "Always putting
your hopes in a worthless team... especially in one
leaded by a weak scout. This time I'll make sure you'll all join the well of AllSpark in a way no Prime will ever come to save you!"

"Not if we have something to say, Starscream!"
Bumblebee replied. "Handover the Deception Hunters and leave NOW!"

"Oh, I will leave. Once I get what belong to me
Starscream said and aimed at them all with both
Deception hunters. Steeljaw stood in front firmly,
receiving the heavy attack. The team was shocked, but no one more than Bee. Impressively, however, was that he still managed to stand up.

"But how...?" Starscream asked in shock.

"He was thrown away by Megatronus to a very-far
distance, scratched himself heavily to enter to the
scrapyard, and you still ask that?!" Sideswipe pointed out.

Then, all the team heard sounds of rushing. The Cons had recovered and all were reuniting around the Seeker. Sideswipe then noticed his Decepticon Hunter was in Kickback's servos. He dropped it when the Con tacked him before. Starscream chuckled, while picking up the Decepticon Hunter, and joining all three he had together in the air.

In a strong flash of light, he had a powerful, glowing,
bluish armor revisiting his body and wings.
"All hail the new, improved and powerful Starscream!" He laughed maniacally.

The Deceptions cheered for Starscream's new power.
The Autobots stood there in shock.

"I have succeeded where Megatron failed! The
Autobots lay down defeated, and I stand victorious!"
Starscream gloriated.

"Did he really just said that out loud?" Sideswipe

"I think you have spoken too much!" Drift scolded.

"Fellow Decepticons, take the crystals. Before
extracting the left Dark Energon on this pile of dust and reaching you, I will get rid of this cracks in my pedes!" Starscream ordered. After all Cons left, he looked at his victims while flying down.


The Prime didn't even needed to hear the rest to know what Bee wanted him to do.

"Autobots and JL, we must prevent the Decepticons taking that Energon and Dark Matter crystals." Optimus said. He firmly commanded, and the team transformed and left with him.

"Oh, Primus.... would I have become THAT?" Steeljaw asked.

"Almost." Bee said.

"I would have taken too far if you haven't stopped me...You saved me from my own madness." Steeljaw said.

"'re welcome." Bee smiled to him.

"Autobot are foolish... always insisting in fight when
there's clearly no way of winning." Starscream moved his weapon up and started to lift Bee.

Starscream then felt someone just clawed, or at least
tried to claw him on the back. This caused him loose
the concentration and let go of Bumblebee. He
struggled to stand up as Starscream turned to the

"I see you want to die first, right, Steeljaw?" The Seeker growled. Steeljaw just stood there, with his optics closed. Starscream then attacked him with his newly-acquired power, while his foe managed to defend himself the best he could.

"I never thought I would thank someone for betraying me... but if you hadn't done it, I would never realize I was wrong. Wrong to believe that any Decepticon would see this planet as I do. and that no Autobot would care for how I might feel." Steeljaw panted, and looked over to Bumblebee.

"What do you know about Earth!?" Starscream growled in anger.

"Apparently, more than you!" Steeljaw growled before glomping him, both engaging in a harsh battle. But nothing happened to Starscream, that had that all- powerful armour protecting him, and managed to shove the wolficon into a wall.

"Steeljaw!" Bee gasped.

"You had such potential to be a Con as threatening as me... and threw it all away for this shell of a planet!" Starscream roared, clenching his claws firmly againt the Wolficon's neck.

"I chose this path out of sheer grief and unwillingness. I chose this faction because I had no other way, and forced other cons to do this because they also didn't! But if being a Con means destroying the home I fought so hard to have, then maybe I don't wanna be a Decepticon anymore!" Steeljaw struggled to say, as the Seeker managed to struggle him to deactivation.

Bee however wasn't going to let that happen. He only
had to make Starscream let go of one of those
weapons to make him lose that power. Thinking
carefully, he looked down at Starscreams pedes.

"I see you had your wings really well worked,
Starscream, Bee started to provide a distraction. The
Seeker looked back to him, softening the grip at the
Wolficon's neck.

"But for a flying Con, you should keep your feet in the ground." Bee said.

Seeing where Bee needed to get, Steeljaw wiped his
tail, making Starscream fall back and let go of one of
his weapons. He coughed a bit of Energon while lying on the ground, while Starscream's armour disappeared in a flash of light. Bee took the chance to recover his Deception Hunter, and stepped forward to help Steeljaw up. Realizing that he lost advantage, Starscream gasped.

"It's over, Starscream." Bee said, as he helped Steeljaw up, seeing the damage Starscream caused to him.

"Last warning: surrender now." Bumblebee said.

"Never!" Starscream shouts as he transforms and jets off with other Decepticons.

The Heroes and Autobots then take a look at what the Decepticons were up to. Ironhide then finds Dark Matter and Energon crystals in crates.

"It looks like they were mining more of those crystals." Ironhide said as he picked one up.

"Energon I can understand, but why Dark Matter?" Ratchet asked.

"Probably to make themselves metas." Snake said holding a crystal.

They then headed back to the Hall of Justice as Cisco got to work on a plan.

"I managed to use Barricade and Steeljaw's decepticon signals to try to locate where the Decepticons are and they are now in Metropolis." Cisco said.

Ironhide then opened a breach and they headed out to Metropolis. As soon as they get there, they saw the streets empty.

"Where is everyone?" Green Lantern asked.

"Probably got scared of Megs and his Decepticons." Wolf said.

"Whatever Megatron is up to... he intends on conquering this planet. I will not let him." Steeljaw said.

"Is that so?"

The heroes and Autobots turn to see Megatron with his Decepticons waiting for them.

"Megatron..." Optimus said with a glare.

"Optimus Prime. I see you've made new friends. Well it won't help you against what I have in plan." Megatron said.

"Whatever it is you want for us... you won't get it!" Barricade said.

"I'm not interested in you Autobots. I'm only after one thing... THE FLASH!!!" Megatron shouts.

Everyone was shocked to hear that, mostly Flash. Why would Megatron want Flash? For a bad reason that is. They couldn't let Megatron get him.

"Run Flash! RUN!" Green Arrow shouts. Flash then sped off with Piranha, XS, and Impulse.

"Bring me the Flash alive!" Megatron shouts as Starscream, Soundwave, and Dreadwing fly after Flash. The rest of the heroes and Autobots fought the rest of the Decepticons.

The speedsters speed off as the flyers chased after them. Starscream fires a missile and knocks Flash in the sky. Just as Flash is about to hit the ground, someone catches him. He looks to see Drago riding on his Palisman staff.

"Hang tight!" Drago said as he pulls him up and they fly away from the Cons.

"Hold your breath!" Drago said as he and Flash held their breath as Drago used an invisibility glyph.

They turned invisible as Starscream was about to about grab them. Soundwave scans the area in thermal vision. He spits them and blasted at them.

"Nyeagh!" Drago cried in pain as they collapsed on the ground. They get up as the Cons get closer to them.

"Get outta here!" Drago shouts as he used a Wind Glyph and to hold back Dreadwing and Starscream. He then continues to use different glyphs to fight.

Just Flash goes to run, a blast knocks him unconscious. Megatron then grabbed Flash and started to run off. Frost then freezes the ground making Megatron slip as he crashed into a building.

Shark rises up and sends streams of water at him before he holds Flash as a shield which makes Shark withdraw his attack.

"Lights out, Megs!" Barricade said as he covers Megatron in pitch blackness. Shrugging to get out, Megatron fires everywhere until he hits Barricade which makes the shadow fog disappear.

Drago with Dirk Savage create plant vines to hold Megatron down as Snake gets close enough.

"Already Megs, time to calm down a bit!" Snake said as he used his physic power on Megatron.

Megatron dropped Flash as Shark goes to catch him. Memories of Megatron's past flashes through his mind. When he was Megatronus, friends with Optimus, and his current memories.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" Megatron shouts as he blasted towards Snake. Piranha grabs him away just in time. Webs tries to control his body but Megatron knocks them away with his Darksaber.

"Decepticons! We have what I need, fall back!" Megatron shouts as they transformed and headed off with Barry, leaving Clampdown behind.

"FLASH!" Vibe shouts as he tries to run after him.

Clampdown tries to run away but gets grabbed by a green hand. He turns to see Bulkhead with his power ring as the heroes close in.

Clampdown was in fully panic. Being surrounded by the Autobots and heroes was putting a lot of pressure on him.

"L-l-look, can we make a deal? Just don't hurt me, all right? It makes me so—" Clampdown started.

"Crabby." Cisco and Sideswipe said. Everyone started to laugh and chuckle at the joke.

"That's hilarious. Never heard that one before." Clampdown said sarcastically.

"What's Megatron up to?" Ultra Magnus said.

"Look, maybe we can make a deal. I tell you what you want and you let me go, huh?" Clampdown said nervously.

"We're done making deals!" Wonder Woman said as she lassoed Clampdown who now looked even more terrified.

"What's Megatron's plan with Flash?" She demanded as the lasso forced him to tell the truth.

"Megatron plans on becoming a speedster!" Clampdown said. This surprised everyone.

"Impossible! Megatron can't make himself a speedster." Arcee said.

"Actually he can if he has the right equipment." Vibe said.

"What made Megatron want to be a speedster?" Cyborg asked.

"Megatron has been watching the Meta-humans activity for some time now. The type of meta he admired and envies the most was speedsters, so he hatched a plan to make himself a speedster. So he started collecting Energon and Dark Matter crystals." Clampdown explained.

"Next, he hacked into S.T.A.R. Labs database and downloaded schematics and blueprints to a device called the Biometric Lightning Oscillation Chamber or the B.L.O.C." Clampdown explained.

"He then had Chop Shop, Quillfire, and Malodor and his Shunkicons steal chemicals from different labs and transport trucks. Chemicals called Bezene Methanol, Carbon Disulfide, Dioxygen Diflouride. The base for an extracellular matrix for a speed drug called Velocity-X." Clampdown said.

"The last thing Megatron needs to be a pure speedster is organic speed. He found many speedsters according to the data. Kid Flash, XS, Jesse Quick, Impulse, Crimson Comet, Fast Track, Zoom, Savitar, Trajectory, Accelerated Man, Godspeed, Ripjaw, Stormwolf, ThunderDozer, Windstorm, Red Death, and Reverse-Flash. But the one who Megatron wanted the most... was the Flash. The strongest and fastest speedster out of all of them."

"So that's why he needs Flash. He needs his organic speed to complete his transformation." Oliver said.

"And once he gets it, he'll become the most powerful Cybertronian in the universe!" Clampdown said.

"Do you know where they're taking Flash?" Arcee asked.

"No, I don't. All I know the base was somewhere underground." Clampdown said.

"Then we have to stop him." Smokescreen said.

"Okay, I told you what you want so you can let me go, right?" Clampdown said.

"Wrong." Ironhide said as he and Vibe grab him. Then enter into a vibe. They look around to see Megatron standing outside of a forest next to a cave.

"I know where they are. They're in Kolin Woods. It's where Cicada nearly killed me 7 years ago." Vibe said.

"Thanks. You've been a great help." Wheeljack said and then sped Clampdown to the Hall of Justice's prison holding cells.

"Alright guys, let's go save the Flash." Superman said.

Megatron was now standing front of the B.L.O.C. as the Energon and Dark Matter crystals power it up. All was left to do was use Flash's speed to give him his connection to the Speed Force.

"Soon I will have the power I need." Megatron said.

"Lord Megatron, we have some... guests." Breakdown said as he shows them their security system. It shows the Autobots and heroes taking out the guards as they head inside.

"Destroy them and make sure they don't get the speedster." Megatron said as he heads off.

The Autobots and heroes enter a room where they see a giant size B.L.O.C with a treadmill connected to it. On it was Flash, forced to run on it.

"Is that... Flash?" Arcee asked.

"It appears Megatron has him contained on this treadmill to charge up the B.L.O.C. with organic speed." Wheeljack said.

Bulkhead then goes to free Flash but get held back by a forcefield.

"We need to take down this forcefield in order to free Flash." Hound said. Suddenly, a purple whip blast knocked them away. It was Megatron with the Darksaber.

"I knew you Autobots and metas would try to get your friend." Megatron said.

"Then you know why we cannot let you do this." Optimus said.

"Just try to stop me, old friend. DESTROY THEM ALL!!!" Megatron shouts as he steps into the B.L.O.C. to activate it.

The Decepticons charge at the Autobots and the JL heroes as clash into battle. Ironhide and Vibe blast Hardshell and Thunderhoof away into other Decepticons.

Acree and Arachnid fight each other with Wonder Woman helping the Autobot. Wheeljack and Bulkhead fight Dreadwing and Breakdown.

"I've gotten stronger than ever before!" Bulkhead said as he constructs a giant hammer and knocks Breakdown away.

Arachnid then pins Arcee to the wall, ready to kill her. Wonder Woman sees her in trouble.

"Prepare to join your partner." Arachnid said as she's about to stab Acree but stopped as a blade stabbed her in the back. She turns to see Wonder Woman there with her sword.

"No hurts a fellow sister." Wonder Woman said as she pulls off and Arcee finished Arachnid off.

"That's for Tailgate." Arcee said.

The Autobots and Heroes finally make it to Flash but see it is too late as Megatron is in the B.L.O.C.

"Today... I become a god!" Megatron said as Shockwave activated the B.L.O.C. with the Velocity X injected into Megatron as Energon and Dark Matter flooding into him with pure Speed Force.

Flash screamed in pain as lightning strikes into the B.L.O.C. as Megatron receives the power of the organic speed, Energon, Dark Matter and the V-X pouring into him. A big flash blast knocked everyone down. Megatron walks out of the B.L.O.C. sparking purple and red lightning. He was now a powerful speedster. His eyes glowed red as he vibrated like Thawne.

"At last... TRUE POWER! TRUE SPEED!" Megatron roars. He now has the Speed Force in him. He then zoomed off, to conquer Earth-Prime.

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