Chase scene

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"You got a Snoopy ear!"

"Yes, Ugly Sonic, his ear is hilarious,
but do you have a contact at the FBI?"

"Because we have some highly dangerous
and classified information for them"

"Yeah, of course. I know tons of people at the FBI"

" I'm making a TV show with them"

"Look, we really need your help, but we don't have a lot of time"

"Oh, you want me to go fast? That's Sonic's thing"

"Ugly Sonic goes slow, baby"

"So, you're not gonna help us?"

"No, I'm not"

"Ugh! You don't have a show with the FBI.
I knew it! I knew it!"

"I wasn't finished"

"Dale, we need to go"

"I'll run it by my producer later when I see him at the Chateau"

" Oh, no"

"Quick, we'll lose them in the crowd"

"One day, you'll see, Dale"

"You'll turn on your television and all will be revealed"

"No, it won't"

"Yes, it will!"


Out of the way! Move it, nerds!"

"You know, originally, it was called Aunt Man,
A-U-N-T, and my superpower was being really charming to aunts. That's great, isn't it? Yeah, they changed it... ah!"

"Whoa! Coming through. Love your work!"

" Whoa!"

"Watch out!"

"Okay. Nice horsey, nice horsey"


"Step aside. Move"

"There they are"

"Well, go get them"


"Oh, what?"

"Peter, is that really you? You got old"

"Yeah, death is coming for us all, kid"

"How do they know we're here?"

"I'm guessing your social media post at the police station"

"Ah! Oops"

" Yeah, that's my bad"

"Hey, there's something down there"

"There's nothing down there, you boob. You walk around with no pants long enough,
and you start to notice every breeze"

"Gotcha! Huh?"

"We need a disguise or something.
In here. Grab the first thing you can"

"Uh... What?"

"It's the Rescue Rangers!"

"Oh, my gosh! I am your biggest fan! Oh, my God"

"Cook-a-rook-a-roo! Think happy little thoughts Definitely pulled something. You keep going, I'll catch up. Hey, give me that!Ugh! It's diet!"

"Up here. Hey!"

"By the axe of Ucarga, you will submit to me!"

"What are you doing? I got you! What are you looking at?"

"Honestly, your weird dead eyes"

"They are weird"

"Super weird"

"So funny"

"Well, I'll be. Chip and Dale together again
Never thought I'd see the day"

"Get back here! Wow. Yo, man, it's you!
Baloo. Nice to meet you. No way! Can I touch your face? I mean, what is going on?"

"Quick, the elevator"

"Oh, no!"

"I command thee to halt!"

"You want a piece of me? Be my guest"


"Ah, ah, ah! Hello, 911? I have a rather unruly visitor here"

"There's the exit"

"Go, Dale. Go!"

"Come on, Chip!"

"Quick! Hide up here!"


"Chip, where are you?"

"Where are you, buddy?"

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no!"

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