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the guys were down after what happened.

Dale was looking at an old picture of Monty and they both see the hurt look on wolf's face.

"Are we sure that every room was checked?"


"I thought bootlegging takes hours.
We made it before then"

"I know.....It usually does"

"And that coffee was still warm. It's like they knew we were coming"

Then snake slither through, "Look, I know you guys are sad about Monty, and this is hard for us too, especially wolf" snake touched wolf's arm.

"I mean we lost our only daughter"

"Can't you guys adopt another child" Dale says only to make matters worse when snake gets in his face and glares.

"You really don't get it so you Dale, princess was the only child that cared about us more then our looks but you can't seem to see that and now....she's gone"

"Still they did a good job then we did" webs says, "You guys are heroes"

" We are not heroes. Monty's gone."

Wolf takes out the ring again, " and so is princess"

"I was so excited
to see his big, dopey face"

Back at the police station, chip and Dale watch wolf head in his office.

He could still see he was still broken chip went inside his office.

"Wolf...I know your still upset about what happened to princess but you need to pull yourself together...we'll find her" chip says as he hop on desk.

But he could tell wolf wasn't listening to him when he was looking at an old photo album of pictures of him and princess.

He sees one with wolf holding a baby princess and another one of wolf hugging 10 year old princess but were smiling.

"Wolf I'm sorry about everything but right now we need to figure out what happened, we'll find her...I know it"

But chip could see he was still in pain, then he spoke.

"Chip im sorry about everything"

"It's not your fault wolf" chip says he touch his paw.

"No I mean about high school, I'm sorry"

"Why did you leave us"

Wolf then sighs, "back in high school, no one ever liked us, they just always been afraid of us but then when you and Dale became popular we all thought...we would just been holding you back so we left to start the Chimal life but one night during a heist I met this little baby girl who made me realized I can be more then just a scary villain, she turned me into the detective I am today...that child was princess, princess is the only daughter I could ever love, she means the world to me...but I mean like....
I failed her as a father and hero"

Then he turns to chip with tearful eyes, "I'm sorry chip about everything, but how can I be the same friend I was to you guys years ago"

"Wolf, you guys were our best friends, we would never think you guys would hold us back, you always been there for us as we been there for you guys"

Then he sees wolf rubbing the Ring he had on a necklace.

"I didn't know you wear jewelry" chip asked.

"It's not belongs to was the only thing I have left of her"

Just then, there was a knock on the door, chip looks up to see Governor diane Foxington.

"Governor Foxington, what are you doing here" chip asked

"Oh I heard what happened with princess and I though check in on the guys, I'm the last resort"

"Well you Sure pick a wrong time to show up"

"I go where I'm needed chip"

"Wait? How did you know my name"

"Well...aren't you the character from rescue rangers"

"Well at least someone watches the show" Drake says from far behind.

"If you would excuse me chip, wolf needs me"

Diane shuts the door and chip and Dale sit together after everything.

But chip could see the hurt look on webs piranha and shark's faces.

"I'm telling you, we're missing something.
I can feel it, Dale"

But then....

"Hey, just wanna remind you guys,
I'll be at Fan Con this afternoon, signing autographs. So, get those nuts ready!"

Everyone glared at him, despite what happened, Dale was doing this now.


"What is wrong with you?"

"What? It's my job"

Then webs walks up to him, "in case you haven't noticed...our daughter is gone and you just choose the time now to care about yourself"

"Well I never really liked her"

He gets more glares as everyone gets annoyed with him and groans.

"Hey! That child is the reason we became cops in the first place" shark says.

"It's a choice you guys"

"Of course he'll never changed" webs scoffs.

"I'm getting some coffee"

"Me too"

"Wh... Come on! I have to stay connected to the fans!"

There are no fans. It's for you. It's always for you, to feed your selfish ego"

"He's never gonna change hermanó" piranha says.

"Well I thought he had changed,
but he still haven't changed"

"since Double- Dale!"

"Wait, so you are still mad about Double- Dale? I thought everything was artichokie"

"You left, Dale. You left me high and dry.
After everything we'd been through, everything I did for you!"

" left him" they turn to webs who looked at them horrified and shocked with piranha looking angry.

"Some amigo you are?" Piranha says.

"Oh and that makes you guys such good friends, you left us after high school" drake says before Turing back to chip.

" So, we're not artichokie?"

"No artichokie! Nothing's ever been artichokie.
Okay? I'm alone. I sell insurance. My only friend is a dog!"

"At least you're making a living unlike the low life who's only purpose is to become famous to feed his ego" piranha pointed out.

"Hey....Okay, but then why did you say it was artichokie? I mean, when someone tells me
something's artichokie, I believe it's artichokie"

"DALE!" Piranha and webs grunts at him.

"Stop saying artichokie!"

"Uh chip" shark tapped his shoulder.

"What is it, man?"

But he turns to see a reptilian officer...

"'ll holding up the line for the coffee"

"uh, if you could just scooch a bit,
from the coffee?"

"Yes, yes, of course. Sorry"

Shark then grabs chip and Dale then sets them down.

"See? This is why I didn't wanna see you anymore, Sure, my life is lonely,
but at least I didn't feel like this!"

"Oh, yeah? Well, you're the same too!
Chip's always in charge! Chip's always right!
It's Chip's way or the highway!"

Shark webs and piranha watch the fight take action.

" least he's not stupid enough to seem desperate or pathetic for attention or to get noticed" webs says.

"See" chip says, "You know what? Here.
I've been holding on to this for some stupid reason. Now, your collection is complete"

"What? You kept this? You know the crazy thing is, way back then... I didn't even wanna do Double- Dale"


"Excuse me, double o Dale?" Webs asked.

" It's gonna sound stupid, but......I think I just wanted you to tell me you needed me"

"What is double o Dale?" Webs asked.

"That I wasn't just some pathetic chipmunk
you found eating alone at school"

"You are the same pathetic chipmunk who eats alone" piranha says.

"You know, I wanted this pog for some silly reason, but now I don't. Here, now your collection's complete"

After that brief moment, the three looked at chip and then drake, then they facepalm each other.

" What? Don't give me that! That's the exact same thing I just said to you"

"Yeah" the others agreed.

"What? No, it's not. I said, "silly reason. You said, "stupid reason."

"Hermano...that's the sane thing" piranha says.

"You're such an idiot" shark groans.

"And what is double o Dale?" Webs asked again, being impatient.

"Well, I don't want it"

"Neither do I!"


"I'm putting it on the ground"


" Yeah"


"I know"


"It is neat. Thanks"

The two face away from each other then it became silent.

"So what you guys are just not gonna talk to each other now" webs asked.

But the two remain Silent....

"Pretty sure that it" shark says.

Then they all sat together, shark sat between them and webs and piranha sat at different ends of the chair.

Then snake came in, "guys wolf need us"

"We got to go" shark says as he turns to chip.

"You guys be careful and good luck to whatever is going on"

Chip pats his hand, "it was nice seeing you again shark and again...I'm sorry about princess"

"It'll be fine...we'll fine her"

After they left, chip was left with Dale, then suddenly.....

"Do you smell that?"

"I'm definitely not falling
for one of your dumb fart jokes right now"

"No! No, no! Smell!"

"This whole place, it smells like..."

"almond butter and gasoline"

"But that's the Rescue Rangers cologne"

"This way, It's coming from in here"

They see Diane talking to captain putty...

"Why would Putty's office
smell like that?"

But then chip makes a horrible realization...

"Dale, we need to leave, now"

"What's going on? Why are we running away?"

"I'm not sure, but you and your big red nose are onto something. Monty was literally the only person to ever use that disgusting cologne"

" Actually, I heard it's still used in the Latvia to strip paint, but of course, we never see a dime of that"

"That's not the point. Putty's office stunk of it,
which means someone had direct contact with Mont

"Oh, I knew Putty was dirty!"

"Oh, you're just saying that 'cause it's always the police captain in our episodes Putty's too obvious! Think, Dale!"

"It's Diane Foxington?"

"The Governor?"

"There's Something off about her, she didn't seem worried about princess when she's been kidnapped, how did she know that princess was gone and why was she happy the whole time!"

"But what about wolf, can't we just tell him or the others"

"No because I think she's gonna turn them against us"

"Now why would the guys do that"

Then his phone rang, "oh look it's wolf"

"Are you crazy? Don't pick that up!
We don't know who we can trust. We need outside help, like the governor, the CIA, the FBI"

"I though wolf was the FBI"

"Right now...I don't think we can trust him"

" I know someone
who might be able to help"

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