Rescue rangers reunited

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Outside the apartment were a dozens of cops, they see wolf looking in a panicked..

Chip and Dale arrived, "oh good you guys are here" wolf says as he gives them a lift on his hand.

"Wolf I heard everything, I am so sorry about princess" chip says.

He raises them up to the window...

"Can you tell us what happened"

"I don't know...I left princess alone with Monty, then she called me, she sounded worried and when I went back to the apartment...she was gone"

" oh wolf...I am so sorry...Poor Monty"

They see a clay chief of police dusting fir finger prints then he used his clay to make a copy of the print.

"Huh. Toad, take this to the lab"

Wolf then sets them down, "guys this is captain putty, the chief of police, chief these are the -"

"friends of the victim? You got anything for me?Any known enemies or threat?" He asked.

"Yeah, actually, Monty told me
he was in debt to the Valley gang?"

"The valley gang? Their bad news" wolf says as he overheard.

"He was afraid of being bootlegged
since he was somewhat of a star in the early 90's" Dale says.

But chip and wolf were looking annoyed but the chief just stares at him.

"He was on the Rescue Rangers....We were on the show together.....Chip 'n Dale, Rescue Rangers? When you need help, just call..."

"Dale!" Wolf interrupted him, "get a clue...he's
Never heard of it"

"This is my fault. I shouldn't have left"

"It's not your fault too chip, it's mines, I should have never left princess alone...what was I thinking, what kind of father am I"

"Well, it eats me up inside to have to tell you this, but if he's been taken by the Valley gang,
I doubt we can help you...We've been trying for years to track those sleaze bags. A fella named Sweet Pete, runs the whole operation, and he's always one step ahead of us"

"What?" Wolf chip and dale all said.

"So, that's it? I... I thought that cops were supposed to serve and protect, not give up and move on"

"Sir I dedicated my lift to protect my daughter and make this city safe for her...I was not hired to give up, I was here to protect the Innocent" wolf says.

"Hey! I'd give anything to make a case against those scum. Sweet Pete's got his fingers
in every illegal business from bootlegging to stinky cheese, getting rich while we look like
we just fell off the turnip truck"

"But sir What about my daughter" wolf asked.

"I'm sorry wolf but if there was a way to find....the valley gang is just too much for you to handle"

"But daughter"

"Wolf I'm sorry about your daughter but until we find anything else about the valley gang...she's as good as have you searched the perimeter"

"Yes...No clues"

"Yeah, of course not. Why would there be? Six missing toons in a month and not one clue"

"Well, maybe i should check in
with the neighbors? See if anyone saw anything?"

"Oh, yeah. You think? Why don't you just
leave the real detective work to me, okay?"

"Sir...I am an agent too, and she is my daughter, she is just 10 year old and just a child, she's innocent and fragile and probably scared and worried, who knows what the valley gang are doing to her"

Then a sock puppet walked up to him, "Chief, the press are outside waiting for a statement"

He groans and turns around, "Do I have anything on my back?"

"Yes, sir. It looks like a Monopoly game piece
and Officer O'Hara. Officer! What the... Ugh, just want one day where my shirt stays clean"

He takes the office cutters baby bird off his back.

"Okay, pack it up, boys...Let's go"

"But daughter"

"Ugh, wolf I want to help I truly too but right now she needs you to stay calm right now and we'll get her back"

"Sir I dedicated my job to her"

"Wolf right now we got nothing and I just need you to get some rest right now"

"Ugh...thanks for nothing"

Chip and Dale saw angry and concerned wolf was about his daughter.

"Wolf" he turns to see chip and Dale calling for him.

"Look about your daughter, we're sorry about her...I really liked her and I'm hoping we'll find her, look we would do anything to help you old friend" chip says.

Wolf saw how his old friends wanted to help...and at this rate, he was willing to risk his job.

"Ok look, I don't think it's hopeless but I'm breaking some rules telling you this, but from everything that we know about bootlegging,
the whole process takes about two days.

"That's 48 hours" dale says.

"Yeah. Look dale princess means a lot to me and I can't have you messing this up"

"What-I-" Dale was offended.

"The problem is, we don't know where
Sweet Pete's bootlegging facility is. And every time we try to get a warrant, we get so bogged down in red tape that nothing happens. But if you guys can find that bootlegging facility,
I think you'll find your friend...and my daughter"

"Wow! Thank you, and thank you again
for watching the show...It really means a lot.

"You are gross."

"I never watched the show, neither did the test but we taught princess to liking you guys, especially you chip, she favors you the most..,I'll be in touch" wolf walks home.

"You're amazing!"



"You heard him, We should go find Monty ourselves and his daughter and whatever, although she could wait"

"Are you kidding? And you're just upset that she loves me the most"

"No! And that's not true....although I should be her favorite since Lira if fans love me...and Who better to rescue Monty?"

Uh, literally anyone"

"Cause from where I am standing,
there's only one crime-fighting team that can solve this case. I'll call Gadget and Zipper"

"No, don't bother them. We're as much real detectives as the Scooby-Doo gang"

"Exactly. That's why we have to try"

"No! What?"

"Chip, Monty called both of us looking for help and now wolf needs our help to save his rude daughter and we let him down. We can't just let him rot in some overseas studio, being forced to make bad movies....although It wouldn't hurt for princess to get what she deserves, If he's gonna make bad movies,
he should be making them here with me"

"Hey first of all princess is a nice and sweet kid and two...she's just a innocent little kid and third, even if we were going to help, we have no idea where to start. We don't even know what we're..."

Then he remembered the Gorgonzola cheese.


He dives in the dumpster which creeped Dale out.

"Uh. Okay. Hey, listen. Buddy, If you're low
on cash or something, I can buy you a nice, clean sandwich"

"Okay. Aha! Here it is! I threw this out
when I came over earlier "Bjornson's Cheese Shop. 3344, Main Street."

"Um. Did you just find a clue? You literally just sniffed out a clue!"

"Look, we can go to the cheese shop.
See what we can find out about this secret facility and Sweet Pete, then pass it along to wolf, but that's all we're gonna do"

"So, you're saying the Rescue Rangers are back?"

"No, because there's no such thing
as Rescue Rangers. Case closed"


"No, this is not a case because we're not real detectives, I'm just doing this for wolf"

"Oh ho ho! But you did say case. Yes!"

They take dale's car, and chip sees fake looking at him.

"Uh...Can I help you?"

"Sorry" he chuckles with excitement...

"I'm just happy to see you. Chip 'n Dale, together again"

"Yeah. Okay"

"Ch... Ch... Ch... Chip 'n Dale! Rescue Rangers, Ch... Ch... Ch... Chip 'n Dale!"

"Stop singing the song You know they make
chipmunk-sized cars, right?"

"Duh. But human stuff is the best. A little work done on her, and she'll be back to her glory days"

"Hey, watch out!"

"Do you know what a metaphor is, Dale?"

"If you're about to say this car is a metaphor
for something about me, you can stop. Because, no, I don't know what a metaphor is, Look, if we're gonna solve..."The Case of the Missing Monty. That's just a placeholder name.
Open to any ideas"

"We're gonna have to work together"

"We are not working together and don't you mean case of the missing Monty and child"

"You're funny, Chip"


"Okay, we're getting close.Pull up over there"

"And leave the top hat and cane in the car, please"

"Whoa! How did you know that?"

"'Cause you're you"

"All right. Heads-up...Well...there's no faster way to gain someone's respect than to dress like an important business magnet"

"You mean business "magnate"?"

"Uh. I think I know my own character, Chip,
and he wears a top hat"

"Ah, this place is pretty shady. Are we sure it's safe?"

"No. Because nothing's safe......on Main Street"

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