Sweet pete

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It was a pleasant little street, Upon arriving at Main Street, Chip and Dale see that the place seems to be a happy and colorful tourist attraction where Cartoon Characters work and live.

"Oh, wow. It seems kinda nice.
It's not what I pictured"

"Trust me, it's worse.
It's a bunch of cartoons trading
on their wholesome public image
to keep the cops away.
And bring you
the slimiest backwater bazaar
of contraband this side of Guadalajara.
You sure about that?
That dog's blowing bubbles"


"Nothing, and I mean nothing
is sacred in this part of town"

"Bread for sale, bread for sale"

Everyone loves bread for sale"

"That guy, he sells untraceable weapon Scoot, scoot"

"A shiny shoe makes the man A shiny shoe, now there's a plan"

"Stolen social security numbers"

"Roses are a way To make a girl feel pretty..."

"No, thanks, kid"

"Muppet fights"

"Okay, why do you know all this?"

"Well, sometimes when I'm low on cash,
I sell my fur to that wig shop"

"Hey. Far out"

"Chip? Dale" they heard a familiar female voice call for them.

They turned to see...it was piranha and webs in disguised.

Piranha wore the same resemblance to dale's attire wear: except he had pants on, he didn't wear a coat top hat and cane and he had a vest on and a thin mustache.

While webs wore a red strapless dress with brown boots.

"Piranha? Webs?"

"Hey guys" webs says.

"Was up chicos" piranha hugged chip and Dale.

"What are you guys doing here" chip asked.

"Wolf told us what happened with princess" webs says.

"So we thought we give you a hand and help you guys, what do you say...for old times sake" piranha asked.


"Yes...just like the old days, the gang back together" Dale pulls them all in a group hug then chip sees something.

"It's a stinky, it's a gooey"

"Fine but look, Ah, here-"

"It's a stinky, it's a gooey..."

"I think this is our guy"

"How can you tell...is it because of the mustache"

"No...the sign, I make deals for a living.
So, just let me do the talking"

"Roger that" piranha says.

"Ten-four. Got your back"

"No, you don't have my back. I got this, Hi, Mr. Bjornson. Do you have any cheese for sale?"

"Oh, do I have cheese? Let's see, we've got the Muenster, the Gouda, the Brie"

"Do you have any "stinky cheese?"

The muppet bootlegged the Swedish chef glares at them.

Por Ah and webs looked at each other confused then piranha whispered to chip.

"Why do we need stinky cheese for"

"Are you cops?"

Piranha and she's jumped in shocked, he holds on tight to webs.

"No! No. We just wanna buy
some stinky cheese"

"The stinkier, the better"

"All right, come on. Get in"

"Oh, yeah. Oh, so good"

"More, please. More, please"

"Choo! Choo!"

Webs and piranha were horrified by the horrible shop of horror.

It made her webs skin crawled, and she was a itsy bitsy crawly herself.

"It's horrible" she stutter as piranha pulls her closer for comfort.

"Hey, no more free samples, Lester.
This isn't Baskin Robbins So, you want stinky cheese? I got smell lines that'll take you
through the ceiling"

"Through the ceiling," huh?
Seems like you offer a quality product.
But hey, before we get into all that,
do me a favor. Take a look at this photo.
It's a friend of mine named Monterey Jack"

"Which is also the name of a cheese...Continue"


"So, we think he's being held
in a warehouse somewhere If you know anything, I'm sure we could make it
worth your while. Like, what would you say to some complementary RV or boat insurance?"

"Nah, I don't know nothin'. Now, either buy some cheese or get out"

"Uh oh, looks like he's getting smart" webs says.

"We should get out of here" piranha takes her hand.

"Oh, okay. Um..."

Then dale makes it even worst, "Well, perhaps we should, with the disrespectful tone
this felted clodhopper takes, why, I never!"

"Uh oh" piranha facepalm himself.

"Not again" webs asked as she was annoyed.

"What are you doing?" Chip whispered.

"Dale...don't..."webs warned him.

"I am an important business magnet. I shall have no trouble attracting other suitors
for my gigantic deal because that's what magnets do They attract business"

"Too late" piranha says.

"No, you guys are definitely cops. You're out of here"

"Uh oh" piranh and webs said as they get tied up.

"Okay, hold on.This is getting out of hand. We are not cops"

"Yeah" webs and piranha agreed.

"We're actors!"

Chip web and piranha get annoyed again...

"It's been us, Chip 'n Dale, the whole time."

"Huh. Interesting. My boss, Sweet Pete, he loves actors"

"Ah, yeah. Who doesn't?"

"You know, I think you should meet him"

"Really? Meeting Sweet Pete, huh? Looks like I just took us from outside the club to the VIP room"

"This is some sort of mistake" piranha says, "I was Jaír trying to take my girl out on a date what's so crazy about that"

"Wow! This VIP room is incredible!
I'm freaking out, dude"

"Is that Jessica Rabbit over there?
I'm only asking because I'm zip tied in the back of a truck!"

"Well you aren't the only one" webs says as she was next to piranha.

"Whoa! What's with the attitude?"

"We were about to get kicked out with your plan, and now, thanks to my sweet improv,
we're going to see Sweet Pete"

"Oh, you're insane"

"Am I?"

"Of course"

"So, you'd rather just give up?"


"You wanna just wait around..."

"You should've just let me take the lead!"

Webs and piranha watched as Both started Quarreling In High-Pitched Voices.

"Are you guys still mad at each other" webs asked.

"He is but not me...Hey! Hold on a second!
How adorable are we? Chemistry like this doesn't just happen. This has got reboot written all over it"

"It is kinda cute when you guys argue like that" webs holds back her giggles.

"Ugh. Are you serious? I should be home right now. Millie is probably worried sick and peeing all over the place"

"Oh, are you seeing someone? She sounds... nice"

"She's a dog. Millie is a dog"

"Ah, I'm sure she's not that bad"

"What? No, she's..."

They see that they were at a bad alley, "We're here"

"Whoa. This place looks weird"

"Where are we?"


"I think we're in the Valley"

"The valley?" Piranha asked.

"The Uncanny Valley"

"The what?" Dale and webs asked.

"Do you remember that weird
animation style in the early 2000s, where everything looked real, but nothing looked right?"

"Oh, yeah. That stuff was creepy"

"I know...weird right" webs says.

"Well, I think this is where they ended up"

"Come on. This way"


"I got something for Sweet Pete"

"A little gift from Bjornson"

"Okay, leave it there"

"Good luck, dummies"

"Blend, Cheese, Curd, Blend..."

"Who are you?" Comes out a bad CG Viking dwarf.

" Is he talking to us?"

"I don't know...is he" webs asked.

"I can't tell. He's got those Polar Express eyes"

"Tell me about it" piranha says.

"Uh. Are you talking to us?"

"Obviously, I said, "Who are you?"

"Well, right. But in fairness, it looks like you're talking to that window"

"No, it actually looks like I'm looking right at you"


"Look at my eyes, looking right at your eyes"


"Okay. Listen, sir.

"Actually, you know what?
Get... Here, just... Get off me! Get your foot out of my mouth"

"Hey, there! Can you see me? Hi! We just wanna talk to Sweet Pete"

"Okay, follow me!"

"I wonder if they're keeping Monty in here"

"There's only one way to find out"

"So, is this your secret
bootlegging facility or what?"

"Dale!" Webs and piranha shouted.

" Come on!"

" What? No! What are you talking about? This is Sweet Pete's legit business. It's for old merchandise that never got sold."

"Old merchandise?"

" Yeah, like for example, you remember Shrek body wash?"


"Exactly. No one does. It didn't sell"

"That's why Sweet Pete
bought all the inventory, and melts it down for its useful parts. The guy has a real eye for business. I wish I could see what he sees"

"I'm sure there's corrective lenses
or something you could get. Ow. What?"

"Dale...keep...your....mouth....shut" webs whispered to him.

They see the merchandise getting melted down into portable toilets.

"So, he turns the toys into toy-lets" both Dale and laugh.

"Good one Chico"

While webs and chip were straight up annoyed.

"Wow! That's been staring at me for years,
and I never pieced it together"

"Here we are!" He throws them in Pete's office.

Dramatic music plays when the chair turns around revealing sweet Pete.


They gasped as they see that it's...

" Peter Pan?"


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