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"Life is the worst, which is why you need good insurance"

Hears after the fall out of rescue rangers, chip spend his life as a life insurance salesman.

"Look, I'm not gonna put
on the hard sell, but in my experience,
bad things happen all the time.
They happen without warning.
Sometimes from the last place
you'd expect it,
and you're left to pick up the pieces.
So, you have to protect yourself.
If you're prepared for the worst,
the worst isn't so bad.
So, why risk it? It's my job
to pull the wool off your eyes..."

He was talking to a sheep that had his wool over his eyes.


"You know, I'll take the whole package"

"Fantastic. You're making the right choice"

Chip packs up his things as he gets rewarded as employee of the month...again.

But next by it...was a picture of the bad guys back in high school, he often thinks about them.

"Hey, hey. Congrats!" An ox congratulated him.
"Employee of the month again"

""Thanks, Bruno"

"Wanna get a drink to celebrate?" Bruno asked

"Yeah, you never hang out" a female coworker says.

"Sorry, everyone. Can't tonight.
Millie's waiting for me. But thanks for the invite"

Then a frog shows up, "Are you sure you don't wanna see my new pad?" he chuckles.

"Oh, pad Frog-based humor. No, thanks"

"That's just a taste of what you
get from me outside the work environment"

He walks home listening to his music with his AirPods in, jazz music played in the bag ground as he ate a bag of nuts.

"Good evening, Chip" Ms. House greets him.

"Hello, Mrs. House, thank you"

He enters his keyboard to unlock his gate, his home was small but it was a nice house.

Then he takes off his earphones to reveal he was listening to heavy rock music and leaves them to charge.

"Millie, I'm home" he says as he puts his employee of the month award with the rest...he was good at his job.

He turns on the tv, "Flounder's disappearance
marks the sixth  notable cartoon to go missing
in the last two months..."

As he gets dinner started, a dog came out.

"Oh, ho ho. Get over here. Oh, there's my wittle girl. You've been cooped up all day?  Okay, okay. You must be hungry"

"Yup! There you go. All right, slow down"

The chipmunks make a debut, "Calling all chipmunks! The chipmunks are back. Yeah!
- And this time, they're rapping. Let's go! Chipmunks Here for more, so..."

But chip was annoyed by it, "Of course, they're rapping.They always have to make the cartoons rap"

But then everything was about to change when he finds his answering machine had a message.

"Ooh, a message on my land line. I don't like that"

He listens to the message and he was about to get a call from a old friend.

"G'day, Chipper! It's me, Monterey Jack"


" Hey! I know we haven't spoken in a long time.
But I'm in a heck of a lot of trouble. And I could use some help from a friend. I'd really appreciate if you could come and see me at my place. All right, gotta go. Hope to see you soon"

When the call ended, chip was brought back by some sad memories.

"Oh, wow. It's been so long" from his dresser he pulls out an old rescue rangers collectible coin.

Chip arrives at a penthouse he waited as he rang the door bell.

Then he screams when Monty pulls him in...

"Quick! Get in while the coast is clear"

Chip calms down when he sees it was just him.

"Oh, Monty. It's you"

"I'm sorry about that, mate, but they're watching" he looks through the peep hole to check for anyone.

"They're always watching. Who are?" As curious as chip was, he was a bit concerned too.

" Oh, it's been too long, Chip"

"It really has, old buddy"

The two shared a hug but something smelled off.

"I... I'm sorry, Monty, but what is that God-awful smell?"

"What? You don't remember?
Rescue Ranger's cologne I wear it every day" he pulls out the bottle of cologne.

"Oh, no. I remember. It smells like
almond butter and gasoline"

"And it's very difficult to wash out" he puts the cologne back.

"Right. So, Monty, what's going on?
I got your voicemail. You said you were in trouble?"

"I screwed up, Chip. My love of cheese got the best of me. And I bought more than I could pay for"

"Oh, no. Cheese? Monty"

"I know, I know. But I haven't had so much
as a whiff in weeks. I'm dairy-free"

But then chip sees a sent of yellow cheese.

"Really? Then what's that?"

"Oh, crud, It's a really stinky Gorgonzola.
You weren't supposed to see that." As he whiffs the smell away, it turns into a fist and hits Monty in the face luring him in a trance.

"Ch... ch... ch... ch... cheese!"

"Hang on, Monty" chip ram to the fridge, "Ugh" and he threw the cheese outside the dumpster.

"I'm sorry, Chipper.
I just love it so much"

"It's okay, Monty. We'll get you some help"

"It's not just that, Chip. Now, I owe
a ton of money to the Valley gang"

"The Valley gang? Monty, those guys are bad news"

"I know. And if I can't pay up,
they're gonna bootleg me"

""Bootleg you"? What does that mean?"

"Oh, Chip. It's gotten rough out there
for us old-timers"

"Did you hear what happened
to that little guy, Flounder? When he fell behind on krill payments?"

A flashback plays of flounder getting abducted by a bear.

"Oh, no!"

"Time to pay up, fish"

"Um. How about this? Isn't it neat?"

"Come on, fellas.This is a genuine Dinglehopper"It's worth a lot. Oh!"

"So, they kidnap the bloke,
erase his mouth so he can't scream, then change him around to try to sneak by the copyright laws, and then smuggle him overseas
to a black-market studio, where he'll spend the rest of his life being forced to make terrible bootleg movies"

"Oh, no, that's awful.We can't let that happen to you. We'll figure something out"

"You mean it? Of course, you were always
such a good friend to me. You never let me down. I've really missed you, you big galoot!"

"Oh, I missed you too, Chipper.I know Gadget and Zipper miss you also"

"Yeah? How are they doing?"

"Oh, they're great. Forty-two kids and counting" he shows a picture of zipper and gadgets family.

"Wow, look at that. That one's got Gadget's eyes and Zipper's wings. And that one's got
her ears and hands, cute. We had some good times, didn't we, pal?"

"Aye, the best"

But then Monty jumped when there was a loud knock on the door.

"They're here! Hide!"

Monty grabs chip and hides him behind the door.

" Hello?" But it was just only Dale.

"Is that..." much to chip's dilemma

Dale came in opening the doors open, "That's 59 steps to get up to your apartment. You do a couple of those a day and you're in..."

"Quick! Get in!" Monty quickly pulls him in.

"Okay" dale was a bit surprised.

"Oh" but when he saw chip....

It was not a happy reunion anyone expected to be.




"Yep, it's me"


"Yeah, I called Dale for help also, I hope that's okay"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be okay? I mean, it is, uh, okie-dokie artichokie"

"Artichokie"? For real?"

"Yes. "Artichokie.""

"So, you're not still mad about all the stuff with, you know, Double-o Dale and Rescue Rangers getting canceled?"

"Mad? No. I'd be pretty pathetic
to care about something from that long ago"

"Oh. Okay. I mean, you can care a little
if you want to. I mean, I care, but...So, what's been up with you?"

Chip grabs his coat and puts it on as he was about ready to leave before things get complicated.

"Oh, you know this, that, other vague things
to fill the space of this conversation"

"Okay, well, you look the same"

"Yeah. Thanks. And you look... different"

"Ah! Hey, it's no secret I had the CGI surgery done and it's done wonders
rejuvenating my career. I'm actually starring in a play tonight... But, man, I tell you
the real hot ticket is Rescue Rangers.
There's even some buzz about a reboot.
Someone started a Facebook fan page for it and everything"

"Crikey! A Facebook fan page? They don't just give those away"

"Oh, he's full of it, Monty. No one's talking about a Rescue Rangers reboot except for him"

"What? The fans are hungry for it"

"Look, I came here to help Monty,
not get caught up in some Hollywood nonsense"

Just then they was a loud knock on the window, the three jumped but they saw that it was just a familiar gray paw.

Monty opens the window and chip and dale's face dropped when they see a familiar face.

"I'm looking for Monty-" it was wolf he was going through his note but when he saw chip and Dale his face dropped too.


"Wolfie?" Chip says.

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