The beginning

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"Hello, hello. Good morning.
Come along now"

"Simon, no headphones.
You'll get these back after school"

"Betty, you're not Donald Duck!
Put some pants on, please!"

"Okay. What's the first thing..."

"Okay, kids. Have fun at school!"

"that pops into your head..."

"Bye, Dad!"

"when I say Chip 'n Dale?"

" Hey, stop bumping me!"

"I'm willing to's Thomas Chippendale, the London-based cabinet maker from the s. Sick cabinet, Thomas! But I bet the second thing that pops into your head are these guys, But certainly, third would be those rascally cartoon chipmunks, Chip 'n Dale, or should I say Chip and me? And it all started the day we met, when I had to join a new school
in the middle of third grade"

"Hello, potential new friends!"

"We have a new student today. Everyone, say hello to Dale."

"Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you!"

"Uh... ohI know"

"My eye! It's in my eye!" He sticks a pencil in his eye.

Kids start panicking, "No, no, no, no Get it out!
Uh...It's a joke. See? I'm fine"

"Ew. You're weird"

"By lunchtime, no one wanted anything to do with me So, I had to sit alone"

"Hey. Mind if I sit?" He looks up to see another chipmunk his age.

"That pencil thing you did was hilarious!
It was excellent comic timing"

"Really? I kind of wish I hadn't done it"

"No way, man"

"The biggest risk is not taking any risk at all and that's when we meet the bad guys"

"You just didn't set up the joke right.
I can help you if you want"

"The name's Chip"

"I'm Dale"

"So, do you watch Crispy Cow?"

"Hey! That's my milk!" The two dot together and laughed.


The two chipmunks look up to see a puppy wolf, a baby tarantula popping from behind his should, a shy pup shark, a 12 year old snake who looks emo punk and a small piranha.

"Can we sit hear" the puppy wolf asked.

"Chip was so funny and thoughtful and the bad guys were cool too...and the bad guys were a great gang And I never thought about anything. We were perfect together Friendship is rare
Do you know what..."

"Come on!"

" And even though,"

"we were in the same grade..."

"Follow me!"

"Chip was like the older brother
I never had. He introduced me to cheesy crust pizza and funny, old movies"

"By high school we were headlining
the talent show. but after high school we never saw the bad guys again so it was just me and chip..."

"And for our grand finale,
The Amazing Dale will juggle everything!"


"Ow, ow, ow, ow. Ah!" The audience Laughed , and applaud.

During graduation they watch the bad guys were in scar chase from the police.

"We knew we had something special.
So, after graduation, we packed our bags"

" and headed to California"

"You're late! Come on!"

"Move, move, move! Here, catch!"

"Nice one!"


"Hello, potential new friends! Goodbye, eclectic group of bus passengers. Oh, what if I did something like, "I'm into nuts."

"Good, good. I love it. Great stuff"

"Those first few months, we were flat broke,
but they were some of the best times of my life"

"...when you're off, everyone knows.
So be on, with Fresh-On Deodorant.."

"Whoa! Whoa!"

"We look great"

"And after landing a few small parts, we finally got the call that would change everything"

"Chip, Dale, how would you like your own show?"

The two gasped in delightful

"Sometimes some crimes"

"Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers"

"We had finally done it!"

"Go slipping"

- "Our own TV show"

"Through the cracks"

" It was about a group of little detectives..."

"But these two, Gumshoes who would solve big crimes"

"There was the adventurer, Monterey Jack"

"Are picking up the slack"

"The inventor, Gadget Hackwrench..."

"Ch... Ch... Ch... Chip 'n Dale!"

"...and Zipper, a fly"

"Rescue Rangers"

"His things were, he was small
and he couldn't speak"

" a double thr*at"

"When there's danger"

"Ch... Ch... Ch... Chip 'n Dale!"

"And then there was Chip and I"

"we were a classic odd couple with Chip as the logical straight man..."

" Pass me that pipe. I've got an idea.
- ...and me as the fun-loving goof"

" Right, what are you gonna do with it?
- You're mine now"

"Ah. Birds! Why you little... Come here, you"

"No! I guess the cat's in the bag"

" And cut. That's a wrap, folks"

"Nice work, everyone! Great job!"

"And so, I just wanna thank all of you
for the greatest three years of my life"

"When I think back to where this all started, me finding Dale sitting all alone
in the cafeteria, so sad"

"Well, I wasn't that sad"

"That's funny"

"But never in my wildest dreams
did I think we'd be here now"

"So, to you, Dale, my best friend,
and to all of you"

"And to everyone who loves a short toast"

"Okay. Okay"

"To many more seasons of the Rescue Rangers. Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! Over here. Get together"

"Everybody say, "Cha-cha-cha-cheese!"

One, two, tell me what you're..."

"We were living the dream"

"High on the hog, all night long,
dancing the "Roger Rabbit,"

"with Roger Rabbit"

"Go, Roger. Go, Roger. Go, Roger"

"Go, Roger"

"Boy, what a party"

"Oh, zipper"

"Oh, yeah. I love this"

"I am into nuts!"

"So good. Again, again"

"Those were some crazy fun time"

" I'm into nuts"

"So awesome"

"Super fun"

"So fun"

"Now, that we found love
What are we gonna do with it"

"Hey, where'd you run off to, buddy?
I saved you a piece of cake."

"What's that?"


"I wasn't gonna show you this right now,
but it just got delivered. So... Ta-da!"

"Double- Dale"? That's hilarious. What is that?"

"It's wild, right? It's my new show.
I'm gonna be a super spy"

"Wh... what are you talking about?"

"Yeah, I'm really going for it.
And just like you always say, The biggest risk
is not taking any risk at all."

" Wait, you really have a new show?"


"Wh... why didn't you
talk to me about it first?"

"We tell each other everything"

"You've told me what you had
for lunch the last days."

"Pineapple pizza and a diet Slice"

" Exactly"

" I don't know"

"I just wanted to make sure
the show was gonna happen first"

" before I got your hopes up"

"My hopes up? What?"

"Yeah! It's good news for everyone.
Check this out"

"Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho"

"I just... "

"If you do this,
they might cancel the show"

"No, they won't do that. I mean,
everyone knows you're the favorite"

"And I'm just the guy
who gets hit in the head"

"with a pipe each week. It's fine"

"Okay, so, you're gonna risk
all of Rescue Rangers"

"because I'm a little
more popular than you?"

"Do you know how dumb that is?" Chip scoffs

"Well, I am the dumb one"

"I didn't mean it like that"

"I know. You never mean it"

"Look, you're always acting
like you saved me or something"

"But when we were kids,
we were in it together"

"What are you talking about?
We're still in it together, I'm sorry, Chip.
I'm just done being second banana"

"But you're not second banana"

"I'm a banana and you're just another banana"

"Two bananas"

"Please, don't get that"

"But it could be my agent, Dave Bolinari"

"After everything I've done for you,
do not pick up that phone"

"I'm sorry"

"Dale, stop"

"We're not done talking"

"I have to"

"Do not. Do not do it"

"I'm so sorry. Go for Dale"

" Hey! Dave Bolinari"

"Rescue Rangers
was canceled that summer and Double- Dale
was scrapped after the pilot"

Chip walked out and threw away the cake...

"Dale, you still there?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm here"

"It wasn't anyone's fault
in particular, just one of those showbiz things, But now, we're ready to bring it back, Rescue Rangers . ! Starring me. Now in new and improved D.

"Ladies and gentlemen...Oh, wow. You hear that? ...are you ready for the star of the day?"

"Well, that's my cue to go. This has been chapter one of Dale's Tales. If you liked it, please don't forget
to subscribe below"

"You know him from The Disney Afternoon.
Please, welcome to the stage... "

"Gotta go, bye!"


"Well, now"

"Who here likes a little jazz music?"

"Look for the bare necessities The simple bare necessities"

"Pardon moi, Dale, but your followers,
they believe the crowd is for you?"

"Of course they do, Lumiere.
And pretty soon, that crowd is gonna be for me"

"Yeah, Dale! I'm going to be up
on that stage too, right beside you!"

"Yes, Ugly Sonic. That's the spirit. And they'll like me for who I am, not like last time when the internet got one look at my human teeth,
and b*rned the place down"

"Okay, let's see here"

""Best wishes, Ugly Sonic."There you go, kid"

"Oh, they're laughing at me. I know that. You can't hurt my feelings if I'm in on the joke"

"Are you though?"


"Anyway, now my luck has shifted, I've been offered a new reality show where I do ride-alongs with the FBI It's called Ugly Sonic, Uglier Crimes"

"Really? A TV show? You?"

"Yeah, is that so difficult to believe"

"Oh, uh..."

"I guess... not."

"Yeah, you know what? That's great.
When one of us succeeds, we all succeed.
Baloo was part of the Disney Afternoon
just like me Then he got The Jungle Book
reboot and boom, he's back on top. It happens that fast"

"Bravo, Dale! Your positivity is infectious. Oh, merci!"

"Oh, I really needed that cash"

"You just gotta stay prepared.
I'm keeping myself fit and you know, my updated modern look?"

"Yes, Dale, your CG surgery was done very tastefully"

"You look amazing"

"Well, thank you, Tigra. We should hang out sometime"


"Meanly fast"

"No offense, but don't you think you'd have more fans here if Chip did these events with you?"

"Oh, Chip? Oh, that's interesting.
I hadn't thought about him in a while.
I should give him a call.
See how life's treating him and I wonder how the bad guys are up to"

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