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"Okay, guys, remember, you're plumbers here to fix a leaky pipe" wolf says.

"Roger that. This thing working?" Dale asked.

"It's working" wolf smiles.

Behind them was shark dressed like a plumber with a gray mustache.

"It's great seeing you guys again" shark says.

"I'd say we have about an hour before anyone notices this van is missing, so shake a tail" webs says.

"Webs we're detectives, we can take this bus"

"I can't believe we're doing this" chip says.

" believe it baby" shark says.

"Please, just don't do your bad New York accent"

"Chip, I hear you, but it's an unreasonable ask"

"NO!" Chip and shark tried to stop him.

But it was too late, he imitates a  New York Accent.

"Yo! We're here to clean the pipes, or did you forget about it?"

Chip and shark rolled their eyes and facepalm themselves.

The man at the front said nothing then shark gets in front of Dale.

"He he, sorry about him, new rookies, we're here about the pipes"

He lets them through, "thank you man" shark says as he tilted his hat.

"Go Yanks! And hot dogs, bagels, and pizza!"

"Just...Come on you" shark quickly pulls him away before it gets weird.


"What are you trying to do get us in trouble" shark says.

"You know...you should've let me done it"

"Well I am honestly amazed that that worked"

"Me too! That accent actually got me fired
from Law and Order"

"Gee...I wonder why?" Shark asked.

"wolf, we're in" shark says.

" Good. Now, keep a low profile, and go find Sweet Pete's locker"

"Try telling that to Dale" shark says.

"What's that supposed to me"

"It's what you do" chip answered, "look this mission is very important to wolf and that he gets his daughter back so please...don't he yourself"

Just then, "Hey, you two! This water fountain good?"


" Uh..."

"Are the pipes clean to drink from?"

" Oh, um..."

" Hey! They're cleaner than Broadway, baby I'm walking here"

"Good. Thank you"


"That was a close one" webs say as wolf sighs.

"Nice work. You need to stay up
on those pipes, out of sight" wolf say.

"I'll stay on ground for any trouble, I'll signal you guys for us to go" shark says.

"Yup! On it"

"Oh, yeah! That feels great, man"


"Nope. Come on"

"I get the kids on the weekends,
but it's not the same"

"Whoa. It's him"

"There it is"

They all gasped...

"Okay, not great"

They ran down but then they get stopped by a snake.

"Hey, I know you"

" Oh, no"

"We're cooked. Shark we need help"

"Copy that...I'm on my way"

"You're the Rescue Rangers. I am huge fan boy!

"Oh, cool"

When shark arrived, he was relieved as they were.

"Don't you just
hate awkward silences?"

"Well, to be honest, it wasn't awkward
until you said that, Jimmy,  and now it is, so great job"

"I guess that's true"

"Guys, come on!" Wolf whispered as then tension was shaking them, piranha hold on to webs arm.

"Step right up and come on in"

"You are recognizing?"

"Here's where the fun begins"

"Yes? Wait for it"

"No way! Is this a remix of the Disney Afternoon theme song?"

" You made this?"

"You are knowing it, brother!"

"Now you do a rap on it? Yes?"

"Uh-oh, I don't know! Give me one second with Dale here, bro. First off, stop encouraging this guy"

" Totally."

"Second, we are not rapping"


"There is nothing more pathetic
than an old cartoon character trying to seem cool again by rapping!"

" Chip, I hear you, but I don't think
we have much of a choice!"

"Oh, there's a choice.When it comes to rapping, there's always a choice"

"And is it more important then trying to open the locker" Shark whisperer, "May I remind you sake that we have a little girl who's in danger"

"Actually, can you guys just hold
that thought for one second? Here I go!"

" Oh, geez!"

"Dale no"

Chip and shark groaned when he got started.

"My name is Dale... Uh... I'm about to kick it
Oh, no"

"And I'm in hell"

"Oh, wow, hold on. I need to film this!"

"Look you guys distract him and get that step tracker" shark says.

"It won't work. It's too risky" chip says.

"Well, the biggest risk  is not taking any risk at all. Uh! My name is Dale, I don't eat whale
Why would you say, that I eat whale I don't eat whale Once you rhyme Dale with whale,
you can't think of anything else"

"Just devour him! Make it stop!" Chip yelled then he turns to shark who was reaching for the locker.

"And how exactly are you going to get the locker open"

" Not me, no, I would just eat the tail I would never in a million years Eat whale First of all, they're endangered

"Don't worry, I got the world's greatest safecracker in the world"

"Huh" snake came smithing from shark's sleeves.

"Snake" chip smiled.

Then snake smiled at him, "hey chip...how you been?"

"Uh...good...you look great"

"Thanks" then he turns to see dale rapping.

"So, you gotta take care of the whale Don't want PETA on your tail"

"This is just too sad to watch" snake says as he slither up to the locker and tries to unlock it.

"But if I did eat whale It wouldn't be stale"

Chip turns around to get jumpscared by the snake.


"Oh, man, I'm kill this!"

" And what are you doing?"

"Oh, I was a just, uh..."

"Aye, yo, Chip! Take the mic!"


"Just play along" shark whisperer, "even if it is embarrassing"

"For Monty.... And princess"

"Well, my name is Chip, I'm not a whale
And now I'm doing it, great. A zubi-zong, zubi, zubi, zubi, dong, dong Yo ink. Zubi, dong, dong, dong"

"Got it" snake says as he gets the door to open then shark grabs the tracker, he shows it to chip and dale.

"'Cause he's Chip"

"He's Dale"

"And we'll never fail! 'Cause neither of us
Will ever eat whale"

"No, never"


Shark and snake watched in their amusement.

"It's good to see they are getting back together" snake says.



"Never eat whale"

"Eat whale"

"Okay, what? How did you know
what I was gonna say?"

"How did you know
what I was gonna say? It was like-"

"professional" they both said.

"Same time!"


"You owe me a non-brand specific cola!"

"What? That was crazy!"

"Oh brother" shark says as snake rolls his eyes playfully.

"Somebody call Guinness book!"

" This is incredible!"

" This is blowing my mind!"

" We lost it" they groan.

"Boom, boom. It's DJ Herzogenaurach
with the Disney Afternoon remix!"

"Hey, this was really fun,
but we actually got to get going!" Chip says as snake slither back in shark's shirt and they head out.

"Ooh, they were very bad at rapping"

"Oh, hey, Bob! You are never going
to believe who I just met"

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