The plan

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"Thanks!" Wolf was having a drink at chip's house, he looks around at his place.

"Nice place you got" he says.

And at chip's house is where he finds webs and piranha.

"So let me get this straight, sweet Pete is Peter who's behind the bootleg movies"

"Yes" piranha says.

"Who is now working with Thomas"

"Yep, also chip cried for Dale" webs says to annoyed chip.

"For the last time I didn't cry, I was just...traumatized"

"Uh huh" wolf puts his drink down and gets up pacing.

"I should've know Thomas was behind this"

"Who is Thomas" chip asked.

Wolf frowned a bit and scratch the back of his head.

"Let's just say this...who's plan we stopped, he's a criminal and our number one enemy"

"Oh...Well that explains a lot, being a detective isn't easy...especially with a family, the enemies take their revenge on your kids"

"He's always after princess"

"Well why Not, bad guys also go after the ones you loved" chip says.

" yeah...anyone you said he tracks his steps right?"


"So, if we could get a hold
of Sweet Pete's step tracker-"

"we could cross reference where he's been,
with where we know he goes!" Webs says.

"Right! And whatever doesn't overlap
has got to be his secret facility!" Chip says.

"Exactly! We get the step tracker,
and we can trace it to find Monty and princess" piranha added.

"Chip, you're a genius!" Wolf says as his tail wags in excitement.

"So, what's the plan?" Webs asked.

"How are you guys gonna get
Sweet Pete's step tracker?" Piranha added.

"You guys"? Hold on. We got you the info you needed.  Now, it's up to you, the professional,
to actually, you know, get the bad guy, and save our friend Monty? And your daughter too"

"I'm afraid It's not as simple as that chip buddy" wolf shook his head as he was looking down.

"We need warrants, we need probable cause"

"Yeah" webs says as she and piranha shook their heads.

"Look guys, Last year, when Peppa Pig went missing, I fell for a bogus tip, and made the whole squad raid Nickelodeon Junior Studios.
And the toons fought back. Paw Patrol ambushed us and...we never saw that kid again"

A flashback played with wolf looking around at junior studios, he sees snake slithering up to him, he look sad and shook his head, wolf frowned sadly, then he watches as the police tell peppa's parents, the look on their face hunted him, he looks down in disappointment then he was in the rain with regrets, ending the flashback.

"I already lost one child...I'm not about to make the same mistake again, that's why I need you guys, I need your help, you're the only one with mystery solving skills"

Dale was getting excited but wolf commenting thrm but chip just looks worried.

"Whoa, look wolfie, we love to help you, we would especially for princess but we are just not detectives" chip says

Then Dale gasped, "I think I have exactly
what we need! Don't move"

"Ladies and gentlemen.
Behold! The crime lab!"

They turn to see the garage door opening...

"What?" Wolf was amazed.

"This is crazy" webs commented.

"Pretty sweet, right? All the disguises
and gadgets we could ever need"

Then wolf sees a shelve of rescue rangers series.

"Wait, is this all the episode of Rescue Rangers ever?"

"Yes, it is"

"You've got them all. Wow princess would be amazed...if she was here" just thinking about princess made him frown a bit.

"She always loved you guys...especially you chip"

Wolf walks away as piranha and webs look at the episodes.

"Catteries Not Included." Webs says

"Throw Mummy from the Train," piranha says.

"Dirty Rotten Diapers." Webs says.

Dale was curious, he stands on a desk to wolf.

"Are you Sure chip is her favorite?" Dale asked.

"Absolutely" wolf shrug his shoulders as he was still looking around the room.

"Absolutely positively?"

"Last time I checked...yep"


"She collets all of his merchandise and not one of them included Dale, it's all "chip chip chip chip" I mean she is crazy obsessed with him, she admires him, she even called you cute one time"

"Oh...why...That's really nice of her" chip was flattered.

But Dale was annoyed " what's your favorite episode?"

"Huh? I beg your pardon"

"What's your favorite episode of rescue rangers"

"Oh...Ooh, I never watched the show"

"What?" Dale flipped.

"I never really liked the show"

"What? Why? What not to like?, it's got everything"

"Dale, I'm a detective, I have no time to watch kids shows not when I have to work to provide for my daughter, she's all that matters"

Then chip looks at an old picture of him and Dale.

"I'm honestly surprised you kept all this stuff.
I didn't think you cared about the show back then"

"What? Of course I did"

"No. Yeah, of course"

"What's this huge map with all the pins in it?" Wolf asked as he was curious as chip was.

"Oh, that? It's actually very cool"

"Oh, no. Is this where all the victims are buried?" Chip asked.

"You're messing with me again! It actually shows Rescue Rangers' ratings in every US market in which, as you may recall,
was our most successful year"

"So wolf, how long has princess been a fan?" Chip asked.

"Since she was a baby, just precious memories back then" wolf says as he ponders about his past with princess.

"Oh, come on, Chip!
Look at all this cool stuff!"

"Like this is the limited edition
Rescue Rangers pog set! You know, this turned
into a real collectible, because someone noticed
that one of the clouds behind Monterey Jack
looked exactly like... Oprah"

"Wow. So cool" webs says as chip was annoyed.

"I know, right? Unfortunately, I only have 11 of the 12, I'm missing the main one
of all of us together"

"Ah, it's just old junk"

"Okay, gentlemen" wolf gets their attention as he placed his knuckles on the table, "Sweet Pete goes to the Russian bathhouse every Wednesday. So the question are we gonna sneak you guys in there without being recognized by all those goons?"

"Wait. What if we did episode Forty-five?"

"Again...I never watched the show" wolf reminded him.

"He has No idea what you're referring to" chip says. "And do you have any original ideas? Or are you just constantly recycling old scripts?"

"Oh, come on! Episode Forty-five! You dressed up like a rat to fool me. You don't remember?
You said, "Rats what I'm talking about." It was hilarious!"

"Oh... Nope, no clue"

"Yeah me neither" wolf agreed as he shrugs his shoulders.

"I got nothing" webs says.

"Sorry Chico" piranha says.

"Ugh" Dale groans as he jumps over to wolf, "ok wolf you need to watch the show, just watch it and you'll might like it"

This causes chip to roll his eyes annoyed...

"And if we do this,we could really use your help.

"Um. I don't know Dale. This isn't a tv's real life" wolf says as he leans his back against the table.

"And this is my daughter we're talking about, she means a lot to me"

Then dale starts to Imitates Monterey, "Please!
I need you, wolfie! Help find me! Abs your daughter too"

" Okay, alright but I'm doing this for my daughter"

"Oh, thanks, love! Throw another shrimp on the barbie!"


No, I know, that's why I stopped, yeah?"

"But guys if you're going undercover, you'll going to need some help" wolf says.

"Like who" Dale asked.

"The master of disguise himself, Shark"

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