Chapter 1 - Red Sun Over Paradise

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It was a normal day in Kyoto Japan, people were busy at work and some students were hanging out with friends or doing after school activities, it was now sundown and you sighed as you put down your metal bat, you quickly grabbed a cigarette from one of those dead delinquents and began to smoke before leaning on the wall behind you, you felt calm, completely and utterly at peace, which is surprising considering you just killed seven delinquents, one of them being their banchou, you smashed their heads in and beat them all to death which was perfectly fine with you, you didn't give a shit at all

You were just a monster

It was on that day you met your grandfather, he was very old, around 85, maybe even 90 years old, and even then he was still as active as you, you were nothing but a delinquent, and he was the Kannushi of the nearby shinto shrine... on that day he was told that his daughter and son in law had died, he also knew that it was up to him to raise you and show you the right path, the path away from your delinquency, you thought this was ridiculous, for this old man to care about a killer like you, but you could tell he wasn't afraid of you, you simply grabbed your bloody bat and walked with him back home, that was two years ago...

Today was a normal day for you, you got up and went to fulfill your duties as the shinshoku of the Seimei shrine 


Yes this is the real Seimei Shrine)

You went to broom the floors and rake the leaves scattered about the place, completing your chores was always relaxing... over the past two years your grandpa has helped you become a better person, he thought you manners and how to be kind and mild-mannered young man instead of that monster you used to be... however you were never able to let go of that life completely, the horrors you committed were seared into your memories... You were gonna go check on the wishes that the people have left on the front of the shrine when your pet fox suddenly ran towards you, it began to yelp and run around you frantically, which was incredibly weird since it usually ignored you

You: "Geez... what is it now Yakedo..."

You began to follow the fox into your grandpa's room when you saw him still in bed, you instantly sighed as you realized what was going on

Gramps: "Y/N-Kun... I took you in and I thank you for helping me take care of the shrine..."

You: "No problem..."

Gramps: "As a practitioner of Onmyoudou... I know what will happen soon... I'm sure you know what will happen soon as well..."

You: "Yeah it doesn't take a fortune teller to guess..."

Gramps: "Good... don't feel bad, I need you to stay steadfast and take over the shrine in my place..."

He then got out of bed and grabbed his cane

Gramps: "My only wish is to go to Okinawa and see the sakura blossoms and enjoy them one last time with you... I bought us some plane tickets"

You simply sighed and nodded your head reluctantly

You: "Sure, that's too easy, let's go get that plane old man..."

You quickly helped him make his way to the airport and Yakedo followed you as well, once in the plane people would stare at your odd clothing, but you didn't care, you were wearing all black, you knew what would happen once there and you'd go back to Kyoto lonely like you were two years ago... your grandpa was Abe No Tamuramaro, your last name was L/N but that was because your mother married some random dude her family didn't approve of, you never knew you a descendent on the legendary Onmyoji, Abe No Seimei, however you didn't give a shit, sure your grandpa showed you how to do onmyoudou magic, but you barely used it... you sighed as you got off the plane and helped him walk off the plane, you went through the baggage check to pick up Yakeda and held her in your arms as you called a cab

Taxi driver: "So where is your destination"

You: "Wherever the hell the most cherry blossoms are"

Gramps: "Oi... Y/N-Kun... watch your language"

You: "sorry old man..."

After a long drive you finally made it to Yogi park and you helped your grandpa off the taxi

Taxi driver: "And my cash?"

You: "My grandpa is gonna die... just be happy that you're helping me complete his final wish..."

You looked around and thought you lost him when you saw him sitting in the grass surrounded by sakura trees, he smiled as he held Yakeda in his arms, he chuckled happily and rubbed her head gently as he gestured for you to come sit next to him, you sighed and sat next to him, you saw he had an Ofuda talisman and chanted silently, he quickly placed it on the ground and sighed happily

Gramps: "I know the sakura trees don't come into blossom yet, but this should help speed up the process..."

You then began to see the sakura trees blossom at an alarming rate, they bloomed and then glided gently to the floor as the wind scattered them around, it was now sundown and he looked at the sun as a sakura blossom fell into his palm

Gramps: "Y/N-Kun... thank you for giving me the happiness of a family again... I know onmyoudou is illegal now... but in my room, underneath my Buddha statue, if you take off the wooden planks, you'll see the Senji Ryakketsu, it teaches you everything you need to know about divination and Onmyoudou magic..."

You: "Don't worry old man, I'll take your mantle as Onmyoji... hey when you're a spirit... don't forget to visit me ok?"

You began to let out tears and he simply chuckled and smiled before hugging you, you hugged him back and you sighed

You: "You better not say it old man... you better not..."

Gramps: "Goodbye Y/N... thanks for fulfilling this old man's wish..."

You held him tightly and began to cry even more as you felt his heart stop beating... he was dead in your arms, you laid him down on the ground and began to sob silently, you were so fucking pissed off, once again, you were back to being alone, you quickly punched one of the sakura trees and you slid down the tree before laying underneath it... it was now night time...

It's been a week since he died, you were now the Kannushi of the Seimei shrine and you discarded every single responsibility you had just to read the book he told you to read, you read it front and back, even if it was weird as fuck, you simply sighed and looked at the time, it was time to clean, so you decided to clean up the courtyard, you were going to put the book back in its shelf when you realized it was missing ,that was when you saw Yakeda holding the book in her mouth, you instantly dropped everything and chased after her, this animal was holding your family heirloom like as if it was some dog with a bone, it pissed you off to no end to see it disrespecting your grandpa's property like that


You instantly spotted her running out of the shrine and it looked like she was going south, you instantly followed her and she went right to the Ichijō Modoribashi, which was a small bridge, in fact it was so small it was barely a bridge, you began to catch up to her until she walked through it, and then she was gone, like as if she disappeared straight from view, but you didn't care, you kept on chasing after her until you made it to the bridge, you walked on it and as you ran across it, everything looked exactly the same as Japan, in fact you were still in Kyoto... but something was horribly uncanny and odd... you looked around until you saw that your book was just a few meters away from you, you smiled as you grabbed it, you picked it up and that was when you realized what was going on... you were no longer in the human realm... you were now in the spirit world, in front of you was a street where usually there would be lots of people walking by and cars stuck in traffic, but instead it was a bunch of monsters walking and monsters stuck in traffic, you were incredibly weirded out, but that's when you remembered your book, you instantly knew what page what to look for, you then saw it right on your book... the Ichijō Modoribashi was not a bridge to get over a gap, but rather a bridge to go to the spiritual world


Yes it's real, it's also super close to the Seimei shrine so... Hooray for coincidence!)

You quickly sighed and sat down as you held the book in your arms, not only were you alone, you were alone in a world full of yokai, monsters, spirits and demons... you then got up and decided to try to get back to the Seimei Shrine, you were thankful that monsters didn't notice you yet, you were sure they would kill you if you were found, you quickly walked across the street until you heard a loud honk, you looked left and saw nothing, you turned to your right and saw a car coming right at you, you quickly collided with the car and you tumbled onto the car's hood and you smashed through the windshield, you were bleeding and you were in agony, however the driver seemed to be pretty dumbfounded, she seemed to be panicking, but it didn't matter, you already passed out...

???: "Hello? Hello? Hell- Are you sure he's even alive? He looks dead to me... yeah I know you're a doctor... listen, having the power to end life doesn't make you a doc- oh wait he's waking up, gotta go..."

You heard everything she just recently said and groaned as you rubbed your head, you had a massive headache but you felt fine other than that, you quickly looked at the lady in front of you, she was obviously not a human, those horns encircling her head and those huge black wings on her hips say otherwise

You slowly pulled the covers off of you and rubbed your head, you could feel medical tape wrapped around your head and began to roll your eyes, however it seemed like this lady was giving you a lot of hospitality

???: "Say, you're ok right? I'm not gonna get a lawsuit for crashing into you right? I already nursed you back to health so we're even right?"

You: "ugh... ye-yeah... that's all I could ask for... thanks"

???: "Huh? What the hell? Well fine you've twisted my arm, normally boys aren't allowed into my school because they're far too... lecherous~, but I'll make the exception for you, your welcome by the way"

You: "I mean... I didn't even ask for this, I was about to go home..."

???: "UGH! Fine, fine if you really want more than fine, I'll even let you live with one of the girl in their dorm rooms, I just gotta check which girl has some room available...oh yeah I know just the girl~"

You simply sighed and listened to her go on and on about favors you didn't even ask for... just what the hell is wrong with her? However considering that crazy look in her eyes and those bags under eyes, she must be pretty stressed or just crazy, but this wasn't even important to you, you just wanted to leave and go home

You: "Yeah, uh, hey lady, thanks for everything but I never asked for that stuff, I just wanted to go home, now if you mind, I gotta get going..."

You got up and grabbed your book before walking out of room, however as soon as you opened the door a ton of girls began to squeal and rush towards the door, you instantly closed the door and locked it before attaching another lock and adding a password and adding laser tripwires, you panted as you walked away from the door and heard the banging, it seemed like they were all out to get you, you panted for while and gulped before turning to the lady in the room


???: "Oh relax, it's just girls being girls"

You: "That! That is not normal behavior!"

???: "That is true, but they're probably like that because they can tell you're a virgin"

You: "Yeah and what about it?"

???: "Well you see you're like a myth, because here in the monster world, fucking each other is completely normal, so 99% of us don't keep our virginities for long, I guess you can say we're pretty much a society of perverts, but since we lose our virginities very early on, we miss on the absolutely massive amount of spirit energy it gives us, the longer you keep it, the more it stores, and let me tell you, finding an 18 year old that kept his dick in his pants is sure to have a fuck-ton of it"

You: "So basically I'm a massive bank of spiritual energy and everybody wants to steal it..."

???: "Yeah pretty much, even me! The thing is that I'm much more professional, plus raping you sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen"

You: "well how can I leave if there are tons of girls out there who want my dick?"

???: "Careful with the D-word, they say for everytime you say it, another person loses their virginity... or was it that they get horny? Either way you say it, people fuck at the end of it"

You: "You're completely useless..."

???: "No I'm not! I'm totally responsible, plus these girls weren't here when I dropped you here to recover, they must've smelled your virginity"

You: "Tch... damn it, whatever I'll deal with this myself..."

You quickly opened your book and began to skim towards a certain page, you quickly saw you were looking for, you grabbed some blank ofuda talisman and grabbed a pen from that weird lady, you quickly wrote down the incantation on the talisman and placed it on your pants

You: "There! This talisman will now prevent them from grabbing my crotch!"

You the revealed a bunch more talismans with the same marks

You: "They'll be no match for my magic! EXCELSIOR!"

You quickly unlocked the door and pushed the first girls there, anybody that got close to your crotch was instantly attacked by the magical barrier around your crotch, you quickly tackled any smaller monster girls and you would dodge the way bigger girls, you quickly took out two Ofuda talisman and wrote on it before placing them on your arms, there was a window at the end of the hall and you knew exactly what you were gonna do, all the girls were chasing after you and just as they were about to nab you, you jumped through the window, just as expected this was the top floor of the high school, as you fell you flapped your arms and those ofuda talismans quickly grew in size and let you glide down safely to the bottom of the school's front gate... you recognized this place... this was where you got your revenge and killed those delinquents... you quickly ran to behind the school if it was still there... you sighed as you saw a small monument... it was a small monument of a metal bat with blood on it... your bloody bat... you sighed and walked away only to meet some girl's boobs

???: "Oh ok I get it so I have to hold myself back but you get smothered by my boobs and get to have all the fun you want with them? Talk about a one sided relationship, not like I mind though"

You simply backed off her and sighed

You: "I wasn't doing anything pervy lady, it's not my fault your boobs are at eye I wanna go..."

???: "You feel bad about that huh? About killing those delinquents? You just wanna run away instead of face the truth?"

You simply clenched your fist and turned towards her

You: "I did what I had to do, I made a big mistake, I made plenty of bad decisions when I was young... I had no morals back then..."

You quickly lowered your head in shame before turning to the monument

???: "You know I was there when it happened... there were so many negative feelings eliminating from you and those delinquents that my students were able to see you kill them all... I told them all to leave, but they didn't, they were captivated by you killing them all... even I was... it was quite the spectacle to see such a cold hearted killer here, we were sure you were possessed, but it wasn't true... it wasn't true at all, right Y/N L/N?"

She knew your name... she knew your past... you thought through becoming a shrine servant you would be able to run away from your evil past, but it always came back to haunt you, literally...

You: "I just wanna be a good guy... not some worthless delinquent..."

She simply smiled and gave you a hug before taking you for a walk

???: "Well Y/N... teachers are meant to mentor students and teach them how to grow into fine adults, just like the human world we have our share of delinquency, just take the Silver moons and the Road Hogs... One is a gang full of aggressive direwolves while the other is a biker gang full of Orcs, honestly they're massive pains in my ass but hey... I'm trying my best to deal with these problem children, plus you give me hope for them..."

You: "Realy? Why is that? I mean, I'm just some guy..."

???: " Well you were a delinquent to, not to mention you were so angry and hateful you went as far as to kill your enemies and get revenge... I'm guessing those were the only members of that rival school you killed right?"

You: "Yeah... I... I killed way more than seven... I took down at least 60 around there... I had some help from my own gang to..."

???: "Wow, talk about hard core huh? Well anyways, you killed all those gang members and yet... you have neat handsome hair, you're wearing some sort of..."

(Yes this is what you're wearing, keep in mind this isn't a woman or a dress, but rather a man in his Kiriginu and eboshi)

You: "This is my uniform, I have to uphold the seimei shrine so I wear my Kariginu... I know it looks weird for a guy like me to wear it but... I gotta look official, when people heard I was in possession of the seimei shrine a lot of people stopped coming to drop off their wishes... I was hoping this would show them I'm capable"

???: "Don't worry I understand completely, I have to wear this annoying business suit, I honestly wish I could dress like normal, but noooo~ I gotta "Set a good example for the students~" honestly, this sucks... but anyways this is besides the point, what I'm trying to say is... you're a good person now... it's a rather amazing transformation, so that's why I wanted you I come to my school, I wanted you to show up as a delinquent and try to enter the two different gangs and take them out from the inside! Isn't that genius! They'll be so distracted by what's in-between your pants that they'll be defenseless and make you their banchou, once you're in control you'll easily-"

You quickly formed an X with your arms


The lady stood there silently before smiling and bending down to get to your eye level, she smirked and looked you dead in the eye

???: "Y/N... don't you think your grandpa would want you to rehabilitate other monsters? I mean... don't you have a whole book full of magic? I'm sure this can come pretty handy~ come on Y/N, what do you say? Will you join the gangs and bring peace to the school?"

She held out a hand, she was hoping you would assist her in her fight against delinquency, she's been having a bad time dealing with them so having an ex-delinquent would be a valuable asset to her, you simply sighed and scratched your head, you decided to check with the book, you quickly made a ritual and found the luckiest direction for the current day... it was pointing right towards her, and the direction with the most unluckiness was pointing towards the bridge... you simply sighed and shook her hand

You: "Damn it... fine I'll do it, I'll help you take down these gangs"

???: "Yes! Finally now my school will get the prestige it rightfully deserves! Thanks for helping me out Y/N, I'll make sure to repay you with a midnight surprise~"

You: "Yeah, how about no? I'm 18, you're like... thousands of years old.."

???: "Eh!? Ho-How did you know?"

You: "Most demon women are, I've watched plenty of anime to know how this works, so anyways who are you?"

Lilith: "Well I'm Lilith, Lilith Lustwell~"

You: "That sounds like some porn star's user name..."

Lilith: "Well I was one at one point, you wanna see some nudes?"

You: "It's like you're asking for a lawsuit"

Lilith: "Alright alright! Talk about an angry virgin, fine! Keep your virginity..."

You: "You know for a principal you sure are immature... well anyways, how can I find these banchous anyways?"

Lilith: "Oh that's easy, they meet everyday after school in the bad luck club"

You: "The bad luck club? What the heck is that?"

Lilith: "well I thought detention was boring and I really loved the breakfast club... so I combined the two! It's kind of like a delinquency anonymous therapy group session, except there's others girls too, but what I need you to focus on are two girl's in particular, the Silver Moon's Banchou, Silver Moon, and then the banchou from the Road Hogs, Harley Bacon"

You: "Oh my God... these are the dumbest names I've ever heard... What kind of last name is Bacon!"

Lilith: "I mean... isn't that guy from first tremors movie Kevin Bacon?"

You: "Hmm... alright I guess it's fine now... well don't worry Ms.Lustwell, I'll deal with these gangs"

Lilith: "Goody! Now come on, let's get going, I don't want any other girls to see you so lets get you to your room"

You: "Alright cool, so who am I gonna bunk with?"

Lilith: "Why me of course!~"

You: "I want to die"

{<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3}

Welcome to the spirit world where monsters fuck as they please, how ill you survive? I dunno, but hey at least you got a sexy teacher, anyways yeah you gotta deal with a bunch of delinquents and bad girls, however some are absolutely precious no matter what they do or what they say, anyways this is Waifumaster signing off, What's wrong Y/N? Don't you wanna ride your Harley?~

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