Chapter 2 - A Burning Sensation

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You sighed as you walked with Lilith to her room, you knew what it meant to sleep with a woman, you've seen enough anime and "Research" to know this isn't going to end well, but you were prepared for anything, you still had that ofuda talisman on your crotch to prevent anyone from reaching it or even getting touched, kind of like a magical chastity belt meant to keep you safe instead of making sure you don't fuck anybody. You sighed as you looked around, all these girls were looking at you like they've never seen a guy before, which you highly lack because they're all THOTs, and THOTs always need men to THOT on, that or think you look retarded in all that clothes, which honestly, you didn't like either, if you knew you were gonna go to the spiritual world then you probably would've brought some nicer clothes, although now that you think about it looking unattractive is a good thing, it means less girls want that dick of yours, which is always a good thing...

After some more walking, you began to notice that Lilith is literally taking you through the whole building just to show you off like some sort of trophy, you just sighed and kept on walking

You: "Yo when the hell are we getting to your room?"

Lilith: " As soon as I know my students envy me"

You: "You're a dumbass you know that?"

She simply frowned and crossed her arms, she obviously also puffed up her chest and let you check out her cleavage

Lilith: "How can you say that to the woman that showed you so much hospitality~?"

You: "It's because you give me the same vibe as one of those old fat dudes from hentai..."

Lilith: "Oh please, it's not like I'll... rape you or anything"

You: "You do anything and I won't hesitate to do an exorcism on you"

You quickly took out a bunch of ofuda talisman and made a origami shotgun and pulled it back as a bright light shined out of the paper barrel, Lilith could only gulp and jump a bit back as she stared down the barrel, she now sported a worried look on her face before giggling anxiously

Lilith: "Oi oi... re-relax, didn't you say you weren't going back to your old ways?"

You: "I'm not, as an Onmyoji it's my job to get rid of evil spirits..."

Lilith: "Alright I get it, I promise not to rape you or touch you tonight"

You: "It disgusts me that I have to point a gun at you just to hear that..."

You shake your head in disappointment and put the shotgun away before the two begin walking again, this time she took you straight to her room, just as expected she had her room on the penthouse level, if you could call this a penthouse level that is, it was on the top floor of the dormitory and the whole floor only had one big door, it was made of ebony judging by the black color of the wood, she quickly smiled and as she got close to doors and they opened automatically

Lilith: "Magic's great ain't it? It only opens to me or another staff member in this place"

You: "So there are other perverts in this place? What a surprise"

Lilith: "Oh relax would you? Why are you such a downer? I thought young men were supposed to be huge perverts! Don't you watch hentai and stuff?"

You: "Yeah but there's a difference between seeing people fuck and actually fucking, I ain't ready for that"

Lilith simply walked towards you and hugged you softly

Lilith: "Not even a dry humping session?"

You: "How about I shove my paper shotgun up your ass"

Lilith: "Forget I even asked..."

You simply scoffed before looking around the room, of course this room was super sensual, from the dim lighting, the whole red and purple color choices, to that massive heart shaped bed, you could tell this was the epitome of a love hotel room, you simply sighed and went to check out the other rooms, the bathroom was pretty huge, there was a big clear shower and a big shallow pool as well as a hot tub... not gonna lie that hot tub was calling your name, but you knew the mere idea of taking off your clothes would turn on Lilith so you just decided to do that later, however you quickly see Lilith leaning into the bathroom

Lilith: "Like the specs? Yeah I like to relax, it takes a lot of moisturizing and sucking the spirit out of people to look this good, so anyways you gonna get in so I can join you or what?"

You: "You know for a school principal you never learn, but whatever, I'm used to you being a pervert... listen, where do you think I can buy some clothes? Can I at least go to my shrine in this world to take my clothes from there? Or is that not how this world works"

Lilith: "Nope, although it's practically a photocopy of the human world, we can't interact with humans or their possessions unless they abandon it or that human has a seriously dark aura around them, it's kinda why we can barely see people, but like I said, I saw you that time you killed those guys so..."

You: "Hmm... I see... well I guess you can give me a school uniform to wear or something?"

Lilith: "I can't, this is an all girl school, the uniforms are meant for girls"

You: "I see... Well whatever, think you can take me out to buy some clothes or something?"

She instantly smiled and got all giddy, her happy giggling made you feel like something bad was gonna happen

Lilith: "Of course we can! Come on let's get going, come on, jump on I'll give you a ride"

You: "If you mean the sexual ride I'll kill you"

You quickly jumped onto her back and she held you right as she jumped out of a window... what's with people jumping out windows? As you fell she opened up her wings and placed you down on the ground as she got her car keys out, she took a brisk walk to her car and honked once she was ready, you simply got in the passenger seat and put your seatbelt on, Lilith simply smiled and giggled

Lilith: "Geez this is so much fun, it feels like I'm a milf and you're my handsome son or something!"

You: "Incest is disgusting"

Lilith: "And so is a lot of things, and yet you humans still can't get enough of that stuff how do you? Just relax honey, we'll get there soon"

You simply sigh and roll your eyes as you hear her call you honey, it seriously weirded you out but whatever, it's just a nickname... you found pretty weird that the seat you were in was drenched in blood from when you smashed through her window, it made you feel pretty weird to be back in here, except now you're not dying... you and Lilith were driving for a bit listening to the radio before you began to hear a bunch of loud motorcycles, they quickly surrounded the car and you couldn't help but find this pretty weird

You: "Damn biker gangs, no respect for other drivers!"

Lilith: "Tell me about it... well anyway meet the road hogs, these are the girls I was telling you about"

You: "Wait these are girls?"

You looked out of your window and saw that they were in fact girls, they were orcs by the looks of it, they had pinkish skin and were pretty much wrapped in leather, except the one next to Lilith, she was wearing a school uniform, Lilith quickly opened up her window before frowning

Lilith: "Now Harley! You know how many times I've told you not to do this! You might get hurt in an accident!"

Harley: "Ey, relax Ms.Lustwell, we're just having some good ol' fashioned fun right girls?"

The rest of the girls yelled in agreement, Harley quickly blew Lilith a peace sign before she practically flew through the streets on her bike, the rest of the gang members following suit

Lilith: "Tch... damn bikers... see what I mean? They always do stuff like this, I'm just worried for their safety is all, plus they never listen to me, it's like they don't respect me or something!"

You: "I don't think anybody respects you, but I can see why you want me to join their ranks and disband them, the thing is I've never actually rode on a motorcycle before, especially not going that fast, that's horrifying"

Lilith: "I see... well don't worry, I'm sure you can still get into the Silver Moon's, all you gotta do is be good fighter and become the alpha wolf"

You: "Alright sounds easy enough..."

Soon after a while Lilith parked in a parking garage and took you by the hand into the mall, it was full of monsters, and not just girls, now you understand why she's the principal of an all girls school, because being in charge of a mixed school must be a nightmare, all the girls and boys were practically constantly making out or flirting, some were just straight up fucking each other in public

You: "This is disgusting, just plain disgusting..."

Lilith: "Oh relax, this is just the mall, it's not as bad as it seems, now come on let's go get you a nice uniform and make you look like a badass delinquent!"

You simply sighed and went along with it, she quickly took you into a clothing department and began to buy you a generic school uniform and jacket, however once they could buy that all she had to do was rough it up a bit, add some accessories, and you'll look badass, you were now in the changing rooms and sighed

You: "This makes me look like a dumbass"

Lilith: "Oh relax, I tried to make you look like Jotaro from JOJO! Isn't making a JOJO reference always a good thing when it comes to Waifumaster's books?"

You: "Stop breaking the fourth wall asshole, you're ruining the immersion, can you imagine the nerve of this girl? Honestly I can't make this shit up..."

Lilith: "Yeah yeah whatever, anyways come on out!"

You: "Alright alright whatever..."

You quickly came out and struck a pose before gaining a menacing aura

You: "Yare Yare daze... here's the receipt"

Lilith immediately smiled and began to clap as you tossed the receipt at her

Lilith: "Wow! You look great! You even managed to make a reference to the steely dan fight! Niceu! Very Niceu Shizah-chan!"

You: "Alright alright, relax, stop fangirling over this mediocre cosplay...lets just get the hell out of here, I just wanna go to sleep..."

Lilith simply shrugged her arms before grabbing the receipt and going to the cash register to buy it, she made a fair trade, she let's the cashier enjoy her tits for a whole five minutes, and in return she gets everything you bought, although this wouldn't fly In the human world, it's perfectly fine in the spirit realm. After you waited for those five minutes to be over, which were the longest five minutes of your life, however after that it was an easy ride home, Lilith even bought you some food to eat, surprisingly enough there are still normal restaurants and food here in the spirit world so you were glad you didn't have to eat garbage or disgusting food. After a while you got back to Lilith's room and you sighed as you see Lilith undressing and going into the bathroom

Lilith: "Mind giving me some privacy? Or not, I don't really mind~"

You: "Yeah yeah, whatever... I'll just stay here..."

Lilith: "Ok see you soon"

She quickly closed the door behind her and entered the shower, her silky smooth hair getting wet and clumped, she simply enjoyed her shower before turning off the water and opening up the door, she simply chuckled as she walked out of the shower naked, still dripping wet

Lilith: "Sorry about this, I forgot my towel- Y/N? Y/N Where'd you go?"

She didn't know you escaped her clutches, you were already far away from her, right now you were on your way to check on the seimei shrine, you sighed as you walked around the streets at night, you groaned as it began to rain, but it was just a minor bother to you, you kept on sneaking around in the shadows and it wasn't long until you saw the seimei shrine, you let out a sigh of relief and smiled as you made your way towards it, however as you passed through the gates you saw somebody in front of the temple... it looked like a woman with an umbrella covering most of her top half, you simply gulped before taking out some ofuda talismans, you were sneaking up on her only for her to start giggling

???: "About time you came back... I've been waiting for you Y/N-Kun"

You gulped as you heard that, it appears that she knew of your presence

You: "And why would you wait for me? It's not like I know you or anything..."

She quickly turned around and smirked as she looked at you dead in the eyes, you could feel her piercing gaze and you instantly recognized those flaming red eyes

You also recognized those mocha colored tails... the air began to chill as the moon rose higher into the night sky, you saw a better look at her until you sighed, all this quiet staring was annoying

You: "Hey there Yakeda... so you were a kitsune this whole time hmm?"

Yakeda: "Ara Ara~ That is no way to speak to a woman Y/N-Kun, did you forget the manners Grandpa taught you?"

You: "Tch... Don't bring him Yakeda, you were just some pet to me, so what the hell are you doing here..."

She simply scoffed a bit before walking away, you quickly began to follow her and she lead you straight to your room, she then laid in your bed, crossing her legs before pointing to her bowl with her foot

Yakeda: "I was waiting for you to feed me of course"

You simply stood there dumbfounded, you gave yourself a facepalm and looked at her bowl before grabbing it and going to get her food, only to see that you can't even find it, it was then you quickly remembered you were in the spirit realm and you couldn't even interact with your own possessions, much less see them, you simply groaned and felt something jump onto your shoulder, it was Yakeda in her fox form, except this time she had seven tails

You: "Well you look good for a 700 year old fox, I'll give you that much"

Yakeda: "Why thank you, but I can be much more beautiful if I wished, you haven't even seen my final form~"

You: "Let's keep it that way, get any more tails and it won't be long until you achieve heaven"

Yakeda: "Relax Y/N-Kun, you'll be dead before I even achieve my eighth tail"

You: "Well that's comforting... come on if I can't feed you your dog food, I'll just buy you some food... that is if they accept yen..."

Yakeda: "Why thanks for the special meal Y/N-Kun~"

Yakeda quickly began to nibble on your earlobe, you felt uncomfortable as you felt her teeth nibble on it, however it never really hurt much, you simply walked through the dark streets until you saw the old ramen kart you always went to eat at, you saw the old vendor was replaced by an elderly kappa, you were a bit worried by him, but you weren't a small child so it was fine, you simply ordered your regular order and he happily obliged, it wasn't long until you were served a hot bowl of ramen

You: "Well... here you go Yakeda, your dinner, for tonight, eat up"

Yakeda quickly jumped off your shoulder and landed on the stool, she quickly transformed into her feminine form and grabbed her chopsticks to eat the ramen, you raised an eyebrow as she gobbled it up, tossing her chopsticks away and slurping down the bowl before licking her lips

Yakeda: "Sorry for that for awful display, I was just starving since you neglected me"

You: "I was barely gone Yakeda, plus it was your fault I'm here anyways, speaking of which... I should probably go back"

You quickly opened up your wallet and gave the kappa his much earned yen before making your way to the bridge that brought you here in the first place, Yakeda simply followed you and began to chuckle as you ran across the bridge, nothing was happening, you simply let out a frustrated groan before sitting down on it

You: "I don't get it! Why the hell isn't it taking me back home! It worked great last time!"

Yakeda: "Well allow me to explain, you see this bridge is a gateway, and just like a real gate, you need a key to open it... you see, when I was running away I intended for me to steal your book... but I guess I couldn't outrun you, you see as a kitsune I have extremely powerful magic, and as such I take a lot of spirit energy to transport, and then you came in, this completely offset the bridge and now it needs to regain its lost spirit energy, sorry for bringing you here Y/N-Kun... Y/N-Kun?"

She turned towards you and couldn't help but feel an aura of imminent death, pure evil and animosity, she gulped a bit before stepping a few feet back away from you

You: "So... the only reason you came into the seimei temple was... for the Senji Ryakketsu... Tch... I barely took care of you, but my grandpa has been taking care of you for years... you selfish bitch..."

You instantly took out three ofuda talismans and wrapped them around your wrists and one across your head, you took off that stupid hat and threw it on the ground before you thrusted your palm onto the ground, the ground underneath Yakeda began to glow a bright white before leaving a pentagram on the ground, Yakeda was completely frozen, she couldn't movie even if she wanted to...

You: "Yakeda... As an onmyoji I can summon shinigami... I can also trap yokai and spirits and make them into my shinigami... Yakeda... form a pact with me and become my shinigami, or I shall send your spirit to the underworld... trust me when I say I hope your prideful attitude prevents you from becoming my Shinigami... you can go to hell for all I care..."

She simply stared at you before nodding her head, the pentagram quickly disappeared until she fell onto the ground in pain, you could see the pentagram being formed on her forehead, and once it was done, she was knocked out... you simply sighed before making your way back to the school, you left the seimei shrine and turned back to bow at the gate

You: "Sorry grandpa... I went too far... but I don't regret it..."

{<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3}

Well we met Yakeda and beat her ass, good job, that bitch just wanted the book so she can master even more magic, who the hell does this stuck up bitch think she is... anyways this is Waifumaster signing off, Bitches get stitches

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