Morning Surprise

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Ronda slowly wakes up as she felt her bed was off. It was harder, yet soft, and she felt a thump with the sound of a heartbeat. She yawns before looking up and realized she was sleeping on top of Michael during the night. Her eyes widen as she sees both their arms around each other. She was gonna yell a bit, but quickly went quiet, not wanting wake him up.

Ronda: *in her mind* What the hell happened? Did I subconsciously rested against him? How did I not notice?! Still, it felt comfy sleeping on Mike's chest-What the?! What are you thinking right now, girl?! Now's not the time to think-

Suddenly, she felt a groan as she looks and sees Michael waking up. He yawns before stretching his arms out and rubbing his eyes. He then looks down and sees Ronda against his chest, looking scared.

Michael: ...

Ronda: ...

Michael: *smiles* Morning, Baby girl.

Ronda: Wha-That's it? We're literally cuddling and you have nothing else to say?

Michael: Well, excuse me of trying to make it less awkward.

Ronda: Right. Sorry. It's just-

Michael: It's alright.

They then sat up as they stretched out some more.

Michael: I'll be bringing breakfast from the cafeteria. Then, I'll take us to tonight's show. That's fine with you?

Ronda: Sure. Thanks.

Michael: No problem.

Michael stands up and walks out of the room. Ronda, once she hears the door closing, she faceplants on the pillow and gave a muffled scream.

*Michael's POV*

When Michael's closes the door, he wraps his arm around his mouth and gave a muffled yell.

Michael: *in his mind* I can't believe I was snuggling with her last night! This does not help my feelings for her to be minimal!

Michael sighs as he enters the elevator.

Michael: It's okay. We'll just forget this and move on. I know this will be only time we have to share a room. God, I hope she doesn't think of me as weird for that. Though...I didn't feel uncomfortable with her on my chest and it felt warm having her-UGH! *slaps himself* Get it together, Michael James Levesque McMahon! You can't be thinking of stuff like that right now. Focus on the business. Good? *takes a deep breath and sighs* Good.


After eating breakfast, both Ronda and Daikon took a quick bath separately and changed into casual clothes. They then leave the hotel and drive off to the American Airlines Center. They entered the building and looked at each other.

Michael: Well...see you when the show starts.

Ronda: Right. See you soon.

They walked off to their separate ways as Ronda sighs.

?: Did I just see you and Michael entering together?

Ronda turns to see Ashley (Charlotte) looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

Ronda: Uh...yeah? It's just we had to share the same room last night. Totally a coincidence.

Ashley: Hmm...are you sure. Because I talked to Nat and Alexa that it seems you have something going on with him.

Ronda: No. Look, there's nothing going on between me and Michael. We're just being friends.

Ashley: Okay. I'll trust you on that. But, seriously, do you like Michael?

Ronda: As a friend, yes. He's a cool guy, he makes the shows better, Hell, he's even the best kind of person anyone could be. Who wouldn't like him?

Ashley: You have a point. Everyone here likes him. And sorry for being too pushy. I just see Michael as my little brother and I want to make sure no one hurts him.

Ronda: It's alright. And it's nice you care about him that much, Ashley.

Ashley: Okay. See you during the show.

Ashley leaves as Ronda watches her leave and sighs.

Ronda: Damn. It's getting harder to hold it from within.


Michael is seen looking at him phone in the office before the door opens.

Michael: Oh hey. I-*sees who came in* You Son of a Bitch!

It was his younger brother, 19 year old Alex. Michael got up and hugs Alex who hugs back.

Alex: Hey, bro. How's working here like?

Michael: Great. You don't know how much I've been improving the company and the shows lately.

Alex: Knowing you, you've been a pain in the ass.

Michael: Hey, I'm Bad. You know it, right?

Alex: True.

Michael: So what how's life doing for you, Al?

Alex: Not much. I've been basically carrying the YouTube channel lately.

Michael: I can tell. You've been improving a lot with the covers.

Alex: No thanks to you taking over WWE Studios to make them more cinematic.

Michael: Listen. We love our family, but if they're gonna take something that you enjoy doing, then they should realize that that means War.

Alex: True. Though, I wonder if we could make original songs. Making covers are cool, but we could do new songs.

Michael: True. Maybe someday. Anyway, what brings you here?

Alex: Nothing much. Just want to see my big bro in action. Plus, I've been dying to see you wrestle again.

Michael: I have something planned but it will be for next week. BTW, I have something in stores that will certainly make you wish I was admitted to a mental hospital.

Alex: Okay. What is it?

Michael whispers to Alex's ear. Alex gets confused before his eyes widen. Michael backs away and stares at Alex who's looking at him like he's the Undertaker.

Alex: No.

Michael: Yes.

Alex: No.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alex: No.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alex: Are you sure they'll allow it?

Michael: Hell yeah. My reputation in the Wrestling World can allow me to work with other promotions.

Alex: At least this is not as crazy as you plan for Three Promotions's best wrestlers facing each other in an Octagon Ring in a Survivor Series Match.

Michael: Hey. I'm still having that in mind but would do a few modifications.

Alex: And I can imagine everyone's faces when they hear that.

*In their minds*


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*back to them*


Alex: Not a bad idea, bro.

Michael: Use brothers think alike. Anyway, I need to get ready for the show.

Alex: Also, have you found a girl yet?

Michael: Nope.

Alex: Seriously, Mike?

Michael: I got no time for relationships, Alex.

Alex: Come on, bro. You never dated since High School.

Michael: With good reason. No Gold digging or crazy   women. You should have knowledge of that.

Alex: Oof. Right. But, still, think about having a relationship.

Michael: The day I think about getting together with someone is the day I managed to get someone who likes me for who I am as a person. Which, knowing me, will never happen.

Alex: *though* I kinda see you and Ronda as a couple after seeing those seg-

Michael: Alex, talk more and I'll will delete the channel.

Alex: Okay, Michael. Chill. Just teasing.

Michael: It better. Anyway, *hugs* Good having you here, Alex.

Alex: *pats* I know. Think we could make a cover soon?

Michael: Sure. Anyway, I need to prepare. See you around.

Michael leaves as Alex looks on and smiles.

Alex: Never change, big brother. Though, he seemed pretty defensive when talking about Ronda.

How's the chapter?

It was gonna be a show but I decided to continue with Michael's personal life.

And yes, Alex belongs to OriginalLegacy2003 who also featured Mike in his story, Neutral Prince.

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