Protest Nonsense

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September 17

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(When seeing this, the part it shows Triple H, imagine it fades out into Michael giving a smirk and wink before showing a clip of him Stunning Drew)

Raw begins with a video package of of last night's events at Hell In a Cell, with it ending on the Shield and Bullet Club staring down at each other. With many people praising that this was the Last HIAC Named PPV, since it went out with a bang.

Soon, we see the Universal Champion Roman Reigns addressing his match last night, as well as the inevitable confrontation with the Bullet Club at Super Show in Japan on October 6. He talks about how it would be an honor to face a faction that grow popular in NJPW, as well as possibly facing their IWGP Champion.

Soon, Finn Balor arrives as the exchange praise and some jabs at each other about their match last night and what will happen at Super Show. Then, Kevin Owens arrives and this time...he doesn't complain about his loss. I was a shock to everyone, as they felt he would pissed about losing last night.

He admits it was a dumb move to cash in during the match, not realizing that the Three Stages of Hell type was different. Finn and Roman were cautious about this as they know how much of a snake Kevin is.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Michael comes out. And in something different to his regular attire as he dances and has a microphone.

Michael: *singing his theme* I'm Bad, Bad, Bad! Yes I am! Better get ready for me! Nobody's stopping me, now! WOO! Matty Carter and Ariel, thank you so much for this awesome song! *theme fades* What a night we had yesterday at the Last HIAC, am I right?!

The crowd cheers as the superstars gave a reluctant nod.

Michael: Now, you maybe wondering why I'm dressed like this, instead of the usual suit and tie, or some wear inspired by Michael Jackson or some other artist. Well...we're here on RAW, live on the State of Cowboys on the BIG D, BABYYYYYY!

The crowd gave a loud pop. Michael laughs as he climbs up the apron and enters the ring.

Michael: Now, I get that not most of us liked some of the results of what happened last night. I got some Mr. Perfect wannabe yelling the back like "I hate you, Michael! You ruined my life!" and I'm just like...*pulls out his phone and places it near the mic*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd bursts out into laughter as the commentators snickered and Roman, Kevin, and Finn tried not to break character but gave a smiles that look like they're trying to hide it.

Michael looks on with a smile as he waits for the crowd to calm down.

Michael: Gotta love memes. Anyways, but yeah, another successful PPV. Up next, we'll have Super Show on October 6th, we're we will be in Japan at the Tokyo Dome to make the show happen.

The crowd cheers a the others nodded in agreement.

Michael: As for new challengers for the Universal, Women's both IC Titles, and Tag Titles, I will be attending to that assessment next week. Until then, we will have a nice show with some on the back that have yet to make a RAW match and others who are still dealing with the effects of last night's squabble will be taking the day off unless they want to fight.

Roman and Finn nodded as they appreciate that Michael's taking their well being into account.

Michael: I have two more announcements. When Super Show arrives...and the week after that, Monday Night RAW, Smackdown Live and NXT will be broadcasted and be held in Japan.

The crowd pops as they never though they could have the Big Three of WWE being held in Japan outside of Live Tours and PPVs. Kevin, Roman, and Finn are nodding in approval as they felt it's a fresh new idea.

Michael: And lastly, on our next PPV, after Evolution, named Crown Jewel, will be held at NOT Saudi Arabia, but instead, at the United Kingdom.

The crowd cheers.

Michael: Big plans, am I right? Of course, we will be having the 1000 Episode of Smackdown Live, and I promise you that it will be the most Electrifying Night in All of Sports Entertainment! *winks*

The crowd cheers and oohs as they felt that was a hint.

Michael: So there's that. And so, enjoy the-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd gave a boo as Michael deadpans and the others sighed in frustration. Soon, Dolph and Drew come out looking angry.

Dolph: Cut the damn music! *theme fades* Enough! I had enough from you Michael! You've been a pain in our asses since you came here after dropping out of College!

Michael: *rolls his eyes*

Dolph: Not only did you replace your mom as Commissioner, you single handily tore down the Show that she built since 2016!

Michael: To be fair, she had others build up the show-

Dolph: Shut up! And now, you made me and Drew look like a joke, costed many others opportunities to make it to the big scene, and you just stand there, mocking us and belittling us as if we were toys you through away once your done.

Michael: Tell that to the toy collection I have made since I was 7 years old.

Dolph: And so, I demand that you, step down as Commissioner of Monday Night RAW!

The crowd boos as Roman and Finn glares at Dolph. Kevin, meanwhile, was just silently telling Dolph to be quiet.

Dolph: And in fact, I demand that you should leave WWE for good! It doesn't matter that you're a McMahon, you're the most chaotic person on this World and you need to be away so that this company will not be brought down from destruction!

The crowd boos louder as Kevin just throws his hands out, seeing that Dolph had gone too far. The crowd started chanting "No!" as everyone looks around.

Dolph: And you know what?! *turns to the back* Come on out!

Soon, several members of the locker room arrive as they stand on the stage. Michael's looking on with a raised brow and a grin.

Dolph: This is no laughing matter, Michael. These guys, just like me, had had enough of your tyrannical ruling and we decided to hold the show hostage until you step down.

Roman, Finn and Kevin were looking at each other like "Is this guy serious?" as Michael looks on, just grinning.

Dolph: So what are you gonna do, Michael? Are you gonna quit, or are you gonna be stupid and fight us all? Your choice.

Michael starts thinking as everyone looks at him. The crowd begging him not to quick.

Michael: Let me see...hmm...I know! *flips the bird* Fuck you.

The crowd lets out a huge reaction as everyone didn't expect an F-Bomb be let out.

Michael: Oh, Dolphy, Dolphy, Dolphy. *chuckles* You have open up a can of worms you don't want to open.

Suddenly, some superstars felt dread as they quickly ran off. As if they knew what's going to happen.

Michael: It would seem that you are clearly underestimating or just completely stupid as to who you're messing with. You know, i was gonna take your current condition into account, but then you have to come out, spewing all that BS and so, I think "You know what? If this douchebag has enough energy to insult me, then he has enough to be able to have a match tonight."

The crowd pops and cheers as Dolph now realizes his mistake.

Michael:  On the main event tonight...Dolph Ziggler will be facing someone in a Match. And that Michael James McMahon.

The crowd pops as Roman, Finn, and Kevin were like "Oh he's fucked." as Dolph starts to beg and plead for mercy.

Michael: If you win, Ziggy, you're gonna get your and I will step down. But if I win...I will not fire you, but I send you to NXT, without your meal ticket right there as he just arrive from NXT. Fair deal, right?

Dolph was shaking his head rapidly and bending to his knees. He was pleading for Michael to not do this to him.

Michael: Oh sorry, Dolphin. I don't give mercy to people that piss me off. And you should know, I can do something far worse to you if I wanted to. Understand? And no take backs. And no outsiders will be at ringside, unless they want to be really fired. A deal is deal.

The crowd cheers.

Michael: As for the rest of you...I'm in a good mood tonight and plan on going around Dallas and have some fun tomorrow at the fair, so I shouldn't negative thoughts in my head.

They other superstars sighed with relief.

Michael: But be careful with what you'll find in your lockers and vehicles before leaving for tonight.

The crowd oohs as the superstars turned white as a sheet.

Michael: And don't make Dolph responsible, or else I'll make 100 Million times worse. Got it?

The superstars nod rapidly.

Michael: Good. Now-

Michael: SCRAM!

The crowd gasps as the superstars from the stage shrieked and ran back. Roman and the others stepped back with Kevin hiding behind Reigns and Balor.

Corey: Dear God! Who brings a Shotgun in a PG Show?!

MC: Uhh...

Renee: Cole, what's wrong?

Corey: Did Michael did that before?

MC: Yes. But don't worry.

Renee: Why?


MC: That.

The crowd soon laugh as Michael has a troll face. Roman, Finn, and Kevin sighed but kept their distance, as they know Michael's unpredictability.

Michael: *tosses the fake gun away* Well, enjoy the show, Dallas, TX!

Michael's theme plays again as stands in the ring and looks at Roman, Finn, and Kevin with a confused face. He then laughs before he starts dancing to his theme.


After a match between Apollo Crews and Curt Hawkins, we see Natalya and The Bella Twins talking before Ronda appears. Rousey asks how to go about doing an open challenge. Natalya tells her to just go out there and say she wants a fight.

Just before Ronda left...

Michael: Did somebody say open challenge?

Ronda jumps back in surprise as the crowd cheers and laughs. The other ladies stepped back, as they're still feeling the effects of Michael pulling out a gun on live TV despite it being fake.

Michael: How are you fine ladies doing? I couldn't help but overhear that Ronni here wants an open challenge.

Ronda: Uh, yeah. Just not the Women's Championship, yet. I'm still thinking about it.

Michael: Hmm...I see. Well, I think it's a swell idea, Ronda. However, just know that it won't matter of the opponent is your friend or rival. It's gonna competition between two strong women. Don't you think? Eh?

Ronda: I a good idea. I'm open for anyone.

Michael: Good. Then, it's settled. Oh and Brie, why are you on my show? Aren't you suppose to be on Smackdown Live?

Brie: I, well...I gotta be with Nikki. She's my sister.

Michael: I see. But what about Daniel?

Brie: He doesn't mind.

Michael: Hmm...well I can't do anything, as I did bring Gallows and Anderson, so I'll allow this. Just don't cause trouble.

Brie: I will. Don't worry, Michael.

Michael: Especially you, Nikki.

Nikki: What? Why-*gets an raising eyebrow from Mike* Yes, sir.

Michael: Good. Anyway, I gotta prepare for my match with Dolph later. Apparently he's trying to invoke his rematch clause for the Intercontinental Championship, from what Kurt and Baron told me.

Natalya: He must not want to face you, huh?

Michael: Yep. The thing is, I was told by them that if Dolph tries to do that, despite me making the match, it would mean that I will have to face Seth Rollins as well, including that I would be also facing Seth for the IC Title too. Can you believe that? What an idiot.

Ronda: Isn't it good? You get to have a shot at a title.

Michael: Ronni, I'm have no time for going after titles. I got shows to do, PPVs to prepare, got that nagging old geezer trying to force out the idea to have shows be held on one city a month, and a stupid motherf-

Ronda covers Michael's mouth as the crowd oohs. Michael looks at her in confusion as they look at each other as Nattie, Nikki, and Brie took a longer stepped back.

Ronda: You're frustrated. I get that. But could you use less swear words as there's kids watching?

Michael looks at her and sighs.

Michael: *pulls her hand down* A stupid jabroni trying to find ways to get out the mess he made, without jumping off a building to do so. So, I'm not looking for any titles. There. Happy?

Ronda: Excessive, but good enough.

Michael: Alright. Take care on your match tonight, Ronni, and the rest of you, don't cause trouble.

Michael walks off as the four sighed. Ronda watches

Ronda: Is he always like that when he's frustrated?

Natalya: Which level?


Ronda: You're kidding me?

Nikki: Yep. If someone else did that, they won't be seen again. Count yourself lucky you're on his good side.

Brie: Mmhmm.

Ronda was surprised to hear that. However, he trusts those three as they knew Michael more than her as well as them being her friends.

Ronda: Geez. Must've been a handful back then, huh?

Brie: Yeah, he has a Bad-no pun intended-attitude but he's always a sweetheart. Which is why he has a lot of connections that can make Vince jealous.

Ronda: That's nice.

They continued talking as Ronda is seen making quick head turns to where Michael left and smiling. The viewers saw this, but also Nikki as well. Then she's frown at that. As if she finds Ronda looking at Michael suspicious and...felt envious.


Bobby Roode faces off againsr Bobby Lashley, which made fans who saw them in TNA get excited to see them facing each other in WWE. Despite Chad Gable trying to interfere, Lashley beats Roode in a decent match where Roode his good against the Powerhouse.


Dolph was unsuccessful in getting his match revoked to have his IC Title Match tonight, because, well...the Commissioner made the match and only he could break it. However, in an interview, Seth said that he doesn't mind facing Michael for the Title as between Ziggler and Mike, Mike deserves it more that Dolph and he couldn't wait to see Ziggy leave for NXT.


We see clips of Superstars visiting the Dallas Children's Hospital. Back on the arena, we had No Way Jose and Sasha Banks praising the kids for fighting hard on the Cancer.


Dana Brooke faced off against Sarah Logan, and defeated her. Soon, we see Titus and Apollo celebrating with her, but she seems less enthusiastic with them. Then, she reveals she's no longer being associated with Titus Worldwide, much to their shock.

She claimed she made a deal with Michael that she gets to go solo without them pushing her down. And to show that, she Body Slammed Apollo and hits a Brooke Driver on Titus, showing off her strength and independence.


We see Michael practicing his boxing strikes with a trainer. And by practicing I mean this...

The crowd was shocked to see Michael doing that as his trainer stops him so he could take a break. Yep...

Here lies Dolph Ziggler
He ran fast and Died a Virgin.

Michael gets and resumes warming up as the other superstars and employees where looking on in shock. Even Triple H, Stephanie, and Vince were looking on in disbelief as they haven't seen their son/grandson doing boxing training before, despite him mentioning it.

(Imagine Alex looking shocked as well while not seen on camera)

Ronda was seen looking as well and she was equally shocked. She never knew Michael was doing boxing before. Guess that's why he gained a impressive figure. And she couldn't help but admire Mike on trying out a different fighting sport.

Ronda: Better call Undertaker for Dolph. *walks off*


We see Ziggler telling Drew that he needs help against Michael. Drew, surprisingly, refused, saying that Dolph needs to man up and not need assistance.


We see Ronda in the ring cutting a promo before making the Open Challenge. Soon, Natalya arrives, which was a surprise but she didn't mind. Nat said that she's willing to face Ronda despite the disadvantage.

Ronda nods and the two best friends had a great match. Both being close to equal in submission holds, it was quite a tough battle, one that nearly had Ronda tap out to the Sharpshooter. Then, Ronda won but Natalya took it into stride and they two celebrate their match together.

Suddenly, they were then attacked by Ruby Riott and her Riott Squad. Both get beaten by then until Nikki and Brie arrive to aid them. Soon, the tide was turned as the Riott Squad made a retreat but vowed more will come.


We later have a segment with Elias as Lio Rush was introduced to be Bobby Lashley's new Manager.


We then see AOP murdering some local Jobbers with Drake Maverick as their manager.


It was announced that next week will have a special kind of match to determine the next contender for the Universal and Women's Championships after Super Show at Crown Jewel. It was then said that there's some contenders for the IC Titles and Tag titles.

And so the main event arises as Dolph as made his entrance. No one was allowed to be at ringside unless they desire to be terminated from their contracts. He's looking worried, but hides it with arrogance and confidence.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then it went down as Michael's second theme plays. The crowd cheers as he comes out, with a new attire from one he used before.

Corey: Woah! Someone's upgraded!

Jojo: His opponent, from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing 215lbs, he is the Commissioner of Monday Night RAW, Michael McMahon!

Michael enters the ring as he poses for the crowd. He then takes off his coat and set it aside before turning to Dolph. Dolph was nervous as he saw the strikes Michael did earlier as he knows Michael warmed up just to beat him.

Soon, the bell rings as Dolph and Michael circle the ring before locking arms. Dolph hits a kick to the gut followed by a strike to the back. He then goes through the ropes, but was hit by a Kitchen Sink from Michael, flipping him onto his back.

Michael then brings him up and sends him to the corner. Soon, Michael lays onto Ziggler with several strikes as Dolph tries to cover himself. Michael sets back to a breather before running back and hitting a High Knee, followed by a Snapmare Driver.

Michael goes for the cover but Dolph kicks out. Michael would then apply a arm lock on Dolph to wear him down. Dolph struggles as Michael applies pressure and hits a few strikes on the arm. Soon, Zig slowly got up and punches Michael away.

Dolph then kicks Michael on his leg a few times before bringing him to his knees. He then applies a Headlock as Michael struggles to break free. Soon, Dolph hits him with a Mat Slam. He then runs and hits an Elbow Drop before going for the cover.

Michael kicks out as Dolph starts stomping and yelling at Michael before bringing him up. He then sends him to the corner and punches him. He then runs back and goes for the Stinger Splash, but Michael caught him with a Big Boot in mid air.

Michael gets up and climbs onto the top rope. he does a DX Sign and hits an Elbow Drop on Dolph from the top turnbuckle. He goes for the cover but Dolph kicks out. Michael stands up and hits a Knee Drop on Ziggler before turning around shakes his ass like how Dolph does, getting a laugh and a cheer from the women in the crowd.

Michael then brings Dolph up and headbutts him down. He brings him up again and kicks him the gut before putting his head between his legs. He went for a Powerbomb, but Dolph counters with a High DDT, spiking Michael on his head. (You could imagine Michael selling the moves by mixing his father's sells to RVD's)

Dolph gets up and brings Michael back up and sends him over the ropes and onto the outside. Ziggler follows him as he then sends Michael crashing into the barricade. He then brings him up and starts slamming his head against the barricade. He went to send Michael to the steel steps, but Michael hits a Drop Toe Hold on him, sending Dolph face first onto the steps.

Michael climbs onto the barricade and measures Dolph. Once Ziggy got up, Michael hits a Flying Clothesline on him from the barricade.

The crowd cheers as Michael gets up and brings Dolph back to his feet. He then shoves him against the apron before hitting a Flapjack on the barricade. Michael then sends Dolph back inside the ring.

He renters as he goes after Ziggler. He goes to get him up, until Dolph rakes him on the eyes. Dolph then sends him the corner and hits a Stinger Splash. He then follows it up with a Neckbreaker, that being followed up with an Elbow drop. Dolph goes for the cover but Michael kicks out.

Dolph yells at the ref before glaring at Michael.

Dolph: I'm not going to leave! You are! You hear me, punk?!

Dolph goes to the corner and starts tunning up the band. Michael slowly gets up as he turns. Dolph went for the Superkick but Michael caught his leg. He flips him the bird before spinning him around and-


Michael goes for the cover, but Dolph kicks out.

*five minutes later*

Michael ducks under a Superkick. He waits for Dolph to turn and went for the Discus Roundhouse Kick, but Dolph ducks away. He then hits the Zig Zag on Michael before going for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, Thr-

Michael kicks out and everyone was shocked. Dolph was in disbelief that Michael kicked out as he yells at the ref. Dolph gets pissed by the ref's response before getting on top of Michael and starts slapping him and yelling him. Soon, he gets up and brings Michael up. He yells at him before putting him between his legs and hook his arms up.

Cole: Oh no.

Renee: The ultimate disrespect!

Corey: A Pedigree is coming-

Cole: No wait!

Michael managed to break free, before countering the Pedigree. he then grabs Dolph and his a Devastating Uranage Slam.

The crowd pops as Michael brings him up and goes for Dynasty. Dolph counters and went for Zig Zag but Michael counters back. Both then hit a Superkick to each other and went down. The crowd was enjoying this as Both lay there. Soon they begin to get up as Dolph was ready to him a harder Superkick to end the match.

He went for it, but Michael count his leg and took him down. The, he gets on top of Ziggler and applies a Ring of Saturn submission hold variant. Fans recognized this as the same move he applied to Ronda during their "moment" when she chased after him. Michael applies pressure on the hold and Dolph couldn't break the lock.

Michael yells at him to tap as Dolph tries to break free, but the exhaustion and pain was too much for him. Soon, he taps.

The bell rings as the crowd lets out a huge reaction. Michael lets go of Dolph before getting up.

Jojo: Here is your winner, Michael McMahon!

Cole: Dolph lost! Dolph Ziggler has lost!

Renee: What an incredible match!

Michael poses for the crowd as Dolph lay there, hurt, humiliated, and embarrassed. Soon, Michael asked for a mic and signals his theme to fade.

Michael: Well, Dolph... you really showed you're push over. If it weren't for your attitude earlier, I would instantly put you up for a shot at the Universal Title. But like always, you have to just piss me off and threaten me. I someone you should threaten, Dolph?

The crowd oohs as Dolph slowly gets up.

Michael: Oh don't be sad. Think of this as a promotion. You get to compete in NXT, face superstars that are coming to join, and then maybe, after some time, I'll call you back to RAW. Doesn't that sound nice?

Dolph didn't say anything as he begins to leave.

Michael: And so until then, allow me to give a send off you may have know by now...Nananana...Nananana...Hey-ey-ey...Goodbye!

Crowd: Nananana...Nananana...Hey-ey-ey...Goodbye!

The crowd sings as Dolph slowly leaves. Michael smiles as he poses for the crowd. Then...

The crowd went quiet as they wonder what's going on. Then...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd let's out a huge reaction as Michael was in disbelief.

Michael Cole: What?!

Corey: No way!

Renee: Impossible!

Michael was looking at the stage in shock before turns around meets with someone he hasn't seen in years.

Cole: Cody Rhodes! Cody Rhodes is here!

Renee: The American Nightmare as returned!

Michael was in shock that Cody is here on WWE since 2 years ago. Cody stares at Michael and the show ends with both Sons of Legends staring at each other.

How's the chapter?

What do you think of the segments?

And the match?

And the appearance of Cody?

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