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Dear Diary,

One long, stressful month has passed by. Nothing really new when it comes to Ray and Sophia's mess. But, that doesn't mean that we're short of drama. Considering I sit next to Pete Klein, Ray's best friend, I'm surprised I haven't stabbed him in the eye with a pen.

Also, since Victoria is in my history class, I know this is going to be great when it comes to Sophia. Because I definitely know that Victoria isn't someone who will stab you in the back with a butter knife.

"Oh my gosh, you're Russian?! How's the vodka? I heard it's SO good!" Pete said to me, for possibly the hundredth time this month, and I said, "I'm not of the legal drinking age. How would I know?"

Pete just smirked, and said, "Oh, boy. I just thought that your mother fed it to you since you came out of the womb!"

My eyes squeezed shut as I resisted to strangle him with the scarf I was wearing. No doubt, I'm proud to be Russian, but when someone brings out the stereotypes and treats them like they're real, then they're seriously risking a broken neck within three seconds of making that remark.

I took a deep breath, and said, "Nah. I thought it was the same thing with you and tequila!"

Pete scoffed, rolled his eyes, and said, "Come on. Not every Mexican- or half Mexican, like me- drinks tequila! I've been tempted, but I know that my mom would be waiting behind the cabinet with the chancla, waiting to strike."

My head snapped back at him, and said, "And not every Russian drinks vodka. So I suggest you take those Russian stereotypes you believe, and shove it up your ass. Don't bother me with them, otherwise, I guarantee you, things are going to get messy."

Pete cowered a little bit, but deep down in his goofy eyes, I saw that little bit of joking aspect in him that never really evaporated. I knew that he was just trying to screw with me in an attempt to tick me off even further. Because I knew at that moment, me getting angry at him was like the gasoline in his clown car. It only motivated him to goof off a little bit more and tick me off even more.

He scrunched up in his desk a little bit, and said, "Okay, fine. So, is your hair really that naturally blonde? I find that hard to believe, since it can't be naturally blonde if it's bright enough to hurt my eyes."

Again, it was really hard to address him without the urge to just stab him in the stomach or anywhere that would cause pain. I just squeezed my eyes shut and kept writing down notes on the article that my teacher gave us.

"Pete, get back to work, and stop annoying Sonia. You have nothing written down so far," our teacher said. I felt Pete give an eye roll, and he just kept on writing down, while muttering to himself.

"You are my savior," I thought to myself, as I kept on writing down notes. I don't know how I haven't stabbed him with the pencil I used to write my notes, but miracles happen, I guess.

Other than the constant nagging that Pete does, Sophia and Ray's relationship is going absolutely nowhere. And I mean nowhere. It's like leaning down against the sidewalk and watching a snail travel from one end of the pavement to the other.

You're going to be there for a long time, and you're going to get tired of waiting. We both have our thoughts on how this is going to go, but honestly, I don't even know how it's going to happen.

"So, how's everything going, Sophia? And you know with whom I'm talking about," I said.

Sophia sighed, and said, "If you don't count the awkward glances that we give each other from across the room, and the forced conversations we have because our teacher paired us up, then no, nothing is happening. The only interesting thing that's happened is that my brother nearly flunked an AP US History quiz, but then again, even he admits that learning AP history is like counting each and every hair in a Barbie doll."

I chuckled a little bit. "Come on. There's got to be a chance somewhere down the line. Fate can be a bitch sometimes, but oh man, you will one day thank it like anything."

Sophia chuckled a little bit, and said, "Hey, it's kinda like you!"

I tossed my hair back a little bit, playfully, and say, "Well, it is true! But I'm only a bitch when I'm hungry, tired, or you're just blatantly annoying me for whatever reason."

Sophia raised an eyebrow, and said, "So, on the weekends, during meal times is the only time you're good?"


We both just chuckled, and Sophia said, "I think I know a good chance for us kickstarting the friendship."


She closed her lunch box. "Back to School Night. I share a class with Ray. My mom is definitely going to be seeing Mrs. Richards there."

I smiled. "That's perfect! Just hope that your mom won't curse in Italian when she sees her."

Sophia snickered. "Even if she did, the accent would be too thick for Mrs. Richards to decipher, and even if the accent wasn't there, Mrs Richards wouldn't be able to understand. She doesn't speak Italian. At all."

I shrugged. "But still. Next thing you know an Italian person is going to be like 'what was that for?' Imagine that. Ha, your poor mom."

She just rolled her eyes. "You're mean sometimes."

Honestly, at this time, back to school night is our best bet. I know it's not the most likely of options, but honestly, I'm willing to take anything right now. All I want is for Sophia to be happy, and Ray seems like such a cool guy. She deserves to have somebody who's extremely chill, and since she has a personal connection to him, it makes things a little bit better.

The thought of them waddling around in diapers, while babbling something to each other in a baby language makes me chuckle, but honestly, that's overshadowed by the fact that the only language they speak to each other now is awkward-eye-glance-ish. Oh well, a girl can dream. What more can I ask for?




I don't know. What more CAN you ask for, Sonia? So, do you think that Sonia's idea for Back to School Night is going to work? Let me know in the comments.

Hey everyone! How are you all? Ah, the classic bickering between Sonia and Pete. Trust me, it's a Tom and Jerry relationship. And I grew up on that, so it's kinda satisfying to watch, haha.

Other than that, that's pretty much it. Hope you all liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you all next Sunday with a new chapter of TBD! Have a great week!

Love you guys,


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