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Dear Diary,

Well, back to school night is tomorrow, and I know Sophia has been telling EVERYTHING to her mother. Everything about the situation. She would've told Anthony about it as well, but honestly, he's way too busy studying for his classes right now.

Not that he cares, anyways. He's still pretty indifferent nonetheless.

But anyways, just when we thought that we were free of any sort of drama or negativity, Victoria comes swooping in on her broom, with her army of flying monkeys, ruining everything. Next thing you know, she's going to crash Sophia's wedding and send her flying monkeys to kidnap her so that she doesn't have a happy life, and she'll spend the rest of her life locked away in a tower, guarded by all forces evil.

But man, she's doing everything in her power to make Sophia's life hell. I'm so surprised that Sophia hasn't broken a bone of hers. Or two of her bones. Or all of them. And the next thing you know, I'm going to be the one who will do the deed.

How do I know this? Simple. Sophia lovingly can't keep her mouth shut. She doesn't keep her mouth shut when it comes to these things, which I gladly appreciate, because it helps me narrow down what I hate about Victoria.

Yes, I said it.

I don't usually say that I hate people, but with her, I'm making an exception. I hate her attitude. I hate how she's tormented Sophia. I hate how she basically dictates her friend group. I can't stand her, and I especially can't stand Sophia being around her. I can't control that, but I hate seeing her around Victoria when she knows she's going to be hurt.

"I don't know why she's so mean to me, Victoria," Sophia lamented to me.

I tucked a lock of blonde hair behind my ear and said, "Sis, she's just jealous. You're smart, you're beautiful, you're kind hearted. What's there not to be jealous of?"

Sophia raised an eyebrow. "Have you seen my weight? My body is something that isn't to be jealous of."

My eyes widened at her negativity. "She's fat shaming you again?"

Sophia bit her bottom lip a little bit, and gave me a shameful nod. My hand slammed on the library table, and I stood up quickly. "Hold on one second. I'm about to smack a hoe."

Sophia's eyes widen a little bit. "Sonia, no. You're not going to beat her up. Your parents will kill you, and my parents will kill you. Point is, you're going to get killed either way."

I raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't care. I died a triumphant woman. Plus, what the hell is your logic? I can't die twice!"

Sophia scoffed a little bit. "You can die internally. That's an option. The point is, I'm not letting you get killed. That's not an option. No physical violence. Deal?"

She held out her hand, and I looked at it with a stare. I knew I would eventually break that deal, because I was going to break someone's neck at one point, and breaking a deal for me was like shoving a stake through my heart.

I hated doing it, and it hurt me a lot, even though it could have affected the other person on the end of the deal more. I looked back at Sophia, and said, "No. I'm sorry, but I know I'm going to break that promise within the next few days. I can't stand it when she's hurting you like that, and if she doesn't stop, then things are going to get really messy."

Sophia looked at me, with a look of disbelief, and said, "Sonia, don't dig your own grave. The last thing I need is for you to get yourself in some knee deep shit with no way to get yourself out. Just don't do anything too extreme, okay?"

I nodded at that. "Yes, I won't do anything too bad. Don't worry, I won't actually murder her. Although, that is if she doesn't test me."

Sophia rolled her eyes. "You're such a dork sometimes. But I still love ya."

I flashed her a cheeky smile. "Love ya too." I flipped a page of the book I was reading gently, and Sophia went back to writing whatever she was writing. I kept a smile on my face from that, because seeing Sophia so worried about my well being is weirdly satisfying.

I don't know, the fact that someone actually cares enough about me to advise me against plunging myself into some shit is sweet. It's probably why we've been friends since the third grade, and haven't had an actual fight since the 5th grade.

As we were reading and doing whatever academic work we're supposed to be doing, I saw another bush of blonde hair come up to us. I looked up, and Victoria was walking up to Sophia, who seemed completely unaware of the satanic spawn walking up to us.

I muttered under my breath a Russian curse word, which is like our code word, and Sophia's head immediately shot up from where it was. Sophia looked at me with the, "I'm screwed," look on her face, while I gave her the, "I got you. Don't worry," look.

Victoria trotted her way up to Sophia, and said, "Hey, do you have the English notes?" Sophia pressed her lips together, and got out her English notes. Victoria looked at me from the corner of her eye, and I just shot her a dirty look. I was on watch for anything that she decided to do that would end up with Sophia hurt, in one way or another.

Sophia just gave her the notes, and Victoria took them to another table, with a notebook in her hand. I looked at Sophia, and said under my breath, "She better not try something funny."

Sophia gave me a nod, and Victoria calmly walked back and gave her the notes. "Thanks, Sophia. Say, have you talked to Felicity lately?" she asked.

"Not much. I've been really busy, so I haven't had much time to go out."

"You really should come outside more. It'll be fun."

"We'll see. I don't know if my workload will get any better."

"Well, come outside. It's no fun without you."

Sophia just gave her a slight smile, and with that, Victoria walked off to the other table, probably to socialize with anyone insane enough to deal with her.

Sophia looked back at me, and said, "I'm not going back outside. I'm going to be the butt of jokes, and the butt of all the shaming and the subject of all the emotional torments. The only person who can really help me from them would be Anthony, but he's always stressed about AP US history, even though he's a nerd about history and he's going to get an A. I'm so done with everything."

I put my hand on Sophia's and said, "I can come over to your neighborhood a little bit more. If you're really scared about going out alone because they're going to torment you, I'll come with you so that they don't mess with you. Didn't you tell me they were all scared of me?"

"Oh yes. They are all deathly scared of you. I think they all got scared of you when you pinned Anthony to the ground with your karate skills. So if you come, they won't dare to touch me. But, I don't want you to do that. I think it's time I start fighting my own battles."

I smiled. "I'm so proud of you. But if you need anything, I'm only one call away."

"I can't wait to see you kick some ass."

"You don't even have to ask. I'm always ready to kick some ass." We both laughed about that, and we went back to studying.

Honestly, I'm always ready to kick some ass. Nothing is really going to stop me from kicking some ass, but when it comes to Victoria, then I'm ready. I'm in no mood ever to deal with her bullshit, and I will always be there to show her who's boss. But, I guess we'll see how that plays out.




Ah, we all love a girl who is ready to kick some ass, huh? I love that. Anyways, what do you think of Sonia offering to help out Sophia? Should Sophia fight her own battles? Let me know in the comments.

Hey everyone! How are you all doing? So, tell me something. Is the length okay for the entries? I thought a little bit shorter was better, and I feel like they're pretty concise. I want your guys' input! Is the length good? Let me know.

That's pretty much it. Hope you all liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you all next Sunday with a new chapter of The Badass Diaries! Have a great week!

Love you guys,


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