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Dear Diary,

 It's official. High school boys are creeps. I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "Sis, tell me something that I don't know." I kind of saw it coming, based on the stories that Anthony has told me, but man, being a girl at this moment just takes it to a whole new level that I never saw coming. 

I swear, everywhere I walk, someone is checking me out or eyeing me a little bit too much for my liking. Some people have no sense of privacy and some people are asking for me to break their necks with one swift movement. Granted, a lot of people are suffering because of these creeps, but man, some creeps just have no sense of personal space, or, I don't know, decency. 

 I think you've probably figured out by now that some creep hit on me. To be fair, that's not completely true. TWO CREEPS HIT ON ME. Yes, you heard me right. Two indecent people decided to go full on flirting with a 12 year old. I swear, what has society come to?

Anyways, here's the story. So I was walking home from school, like any logical person. My patience level was already lower than the Dead Sea because of the fact that Pete just doesn't know how to can it. I am this close to suffocating him with my backpack. 

If he makes one more crack about me being Russian or the vodka, then he is going to die a slow, painful death. 

But anyways, that's not the point. I was walking home, and I saw two guys just hanging out, eating Hot Cheetos, and just talking about things that I had no interest in investigating. 

They were about 16 years old. Not really older than that, I would say. I walked past them, with my head down, because I was already annoyed enough and I didn't want to cause a scene right there. I can feel the guys' gaze burning into my backside, specifically onto one spot. 

After I'm about 5 feet ahead of them, I hear them say, "Hey, girl, come over here! Why are you alone? We'll take good care of you!" I clenched my jaw, and just kept on walking because my irritation was going to cause me to explode within the next minute. 

I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear, and just kept on walking, even though I heard them come closer to me. Their footsteps were inching closer to me, as I kept on walking back home. "Come here, girl! Come here, sweetie! We'll take very good care of you!" they said, this time, with their voices closer to my ears. 

My hands were clenched into fists, and I knew that I would have to unleash my karate skills on them sometime soon because I don't usually let these things slide. The next thing you know, one of these dudes came up in front of me and stopped me in my tracks. Now I was trapped between two guys whose ulterior motives were going to make me vomit on their shoes. 

The dude raised his eyebrow, and his hand went to hold my chin. "You're a pretty little thing, huh?" he asked, while holding my chin up. I raised an eyebrow, and then I felt the dude behind me hold my arms back. 

Without another thought, my knee flew up and slammed it into the guy's crotch. The guy in front of me doubled over and fell to his knees, while squinting in pain. I squatted back and pushed my elbows out. I then twisted my arm out of his grip and then trapped his arm under mine so that I could get him into a tight grip.

 I then took my hand and smacked it against his neck to incapacitate him. To finish things off, I punched him straight in the nose to send him flying backwards 5 feet. The dude fell back, with a little bit of blood pouring out of his nose, while the other guy went to see if he was okay. I cracked my knuckles a little bit just to see if I had to beat him up a little bit more. 

The dude looked at me, with a look of disbelief on his face, and I said, "Don't you dare do this to another girl again. If I see you guys anywhere near me, and if you do this to anyone else, I swear, you will be begging for mercy. I will make your lives hell. Do you understand me?" 

They both nodded, and then got up and ran away, like someone was chasing them in a game of tag. I smiled to myself, and then kept on walking home. Honestly, that was one of my best accomplishments lately. Because, it's really necessary to be able to stand up to someone like that. I'm more than willing to do it again if life requires it.

Other than that, nothing else is really happening. I mean, we do have the parent teacher conferences coming up soon, nothing else is really happening. I mean, the next thing I can hope for is for Ray and Sophia to see each other, and for their moms to start talking and then they start talking. But for now, that's the only thing that's happened so far. And boy oh boy, am I proud of it. 




This is actually one of the shortest entries in the books, I think. I don't know if any entries are shorter than this, unless I check, but I think the drama in it compensated for the word count. Do you guys think Sonia gave them the right sized piece of her mind? Let me know in the comments. 

Hey everyone! How are you all? Fun fact: I actually asked Nikki (my best friend whom Sonia is based off of) for help on this scene. She's a black belt in karate, and she knows a thing or two, so she was like, "Do this, because it's more painful and effective." She was basically advising me what to do so that Sonia can deliver the maximum punch. Ah, I love her.

Other than that, that's pretty much it. Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please vote/comment/share/follow/message if you like my work! See you all next Sunday with a new entry for Sonia's diary! Have a great week!

Love you guys, 


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