8. dinner with the devils

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NIGHT fell too quickly for Daemerys liking. Rhaenyra helped Daemerys into the tub, gathering soap into her hand and washed away the blood from the woman's skin. The two sat in silence, Daemerys staring at a lit candle that was placed on a table beside the tub.

She could hear her father and brothers talking in her room, Jace questioning why she wanted to marry Aemond, it didn't make sense to him — they hated each other.

Daemerys frowned and hugged her knees as her mother washed her hair. "What made you want to propose such a thing, my girl?", Rhaenyra spoke softly when she noticed the frown on her face.

"I had a nightmare. A vision", she mumbled in response, wanting to forget about it but it had been on her mind more frequently than not.

"Was it bad?".


Rhaenyra frowned herself at that, understanding why her daughter would marry the prince if it meant her nightmare wouldn't come true.

After she was ready, the family set off to join the rest of their family for supper but Daemerys held back for a moment, Daemon and Rhaenyra shuffling her brothers along telling them they'd be there soon.

The parents watched the woman for a moment as she stared at the floor, "I don't want to go", she told them, looking up. Her purple dress fitted her nicely, hair done up to frame her face and she smelled of lavender from her bath.

Daemon walked toward her, "No, you go out there with your head held high and show them cunts that you are Daemerys Targaryen. You took a man's head today, don't shy away now".

Daemerys looked at her him for a moment before taking a deep breath, Daemon clutched both of her hands as she did so — encouraging her. "Okay", she spoke with determination that made him smile.

"Here", Rhaenyra smiled at the two and clutched an old necklace in her hands — gifting it to her daughter. It was the necklace Daemon had given her when he first came back home many years ago.

Daemon smiled at that. Daemerys gasped at the beauty, turning around when her mother went to put it on her. The woman turned back when it was in place and held the pendant in her fingers — admiring it. "It is beautiful, I shall treasure it".

"We know, sweet girl".

Daemon and Rhaenyra left to attend the supper, Daemerys telling them she'd be there in a moment. Looking in the mirror, she couldn't help but notice a man leaning on the frame of her door — admiring her.

"What do you want?", she muttered as she smoothed her dress down. Aemond pushed off from the door and made his way forward, standing behind her and looking at her from the mirror.

"I'll admit, you surprised me earlier", his cool voice sent a shiver down her spine.

Her eyebrows rose and she looked at him through the mirror, "That was sort of the plan".

Aemond lifted his hand to fiddle with the shoulder of her dress, a crease there that she didn't know she had — once he fixed it he moved back and she turned to face him with intrigue.

"Gevie", his eye took her in, her fingers fiddling with her dress in nervousness. He made her nervous. ﹙beautiful﹚

Daemerys eyes flashed to him, "Kirimvose". Aemond looked at her shocked which made her smirk, "I was raised by Targaryens". ﹙thank you﹚

She stalked out her room, him trailing behind her. Once they reached the family, they looked at the pair with intrigue since they came in together. Daemerys walking to the right and sat next to Lucerys and her father and Aemond went to the left and sat next to his sister and grandsire — the two betrothed sitting opposite each other.

The doors opened and everyone stood, Viserys was brought in by his guards, once he was sat everyone else did. "How good it is... to see you all tonight... together".

Alicent grabbed his hand, "Prayer before we begin?".


"What the fuck?", Daemerys asked her father who snickered under his breath as Alicent began her prayer — the girl merely sat back in her seat, clutching her wine and taking a sip, eyeing everyone else praying with amusement.

"May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bonds that have been broken for far too long. And to Vaemond Velaryon may the gods give him rest".

Daemerys bit her bottom lip as she smiled, her father turning his head with a smile of his own — the pair hoping he didn't have rest.

"This is an occasion for celebration, it seems", Viserys begun and Daemerys pursed her lips, "My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena with Daemerys and Aemond marrying as well, it further strengthens the bond between our houses".

Daemerys glanced at her betrothed opposite her, seeing him already looking at her, making her shift in her seat and look away. "A toast to them all", Viserys continued and they all raised their glasses.

"Hear, hear!", Daemon shouted and his daughter rolled her eyes, shooting him an annoyed look.

"Well done, Jace. You'll finally get to lie with a woman", her head shot to Aegon who tried to mutter but failed miserably in his drunken state. Baela shot him a disgusted look as Jace placed his cup down harshly — ignoring his words.

"Let us toast as well Prince Lucerys... the future Lord of the Tides".

Daemerys grabbed his hand that rested on the table, his face coated in a blush when Rhaena congratulated him. "Well done, little brother. Told you everything would be fine", she whispered to him and kissed his head, the boy smiling at her.

"You do know how the act is done, I assume?", Aegon continued, Daemerys looking at him again, "At least in principle? Where to put your cock and all that".

"Let it be, cousin", Baela stopped him, uncomfortable.

"Yes, do please shut up", everyone looked to Daemerys who smiled innocently at them all before glaring at Aegon who simply smirked — looking down at her breasts making her shift in her seat.

She hadn't minded when Aemond had done it that night he came to her chambers because he wasn't being disrespectful, but the way Aegon eyed her made her want to throw up all over him.

"You can play the jester if you wish, but hold your tongue before my betrothed", Jace hissed making Aegon hum and moving away.

Viserys suddenly began standing, Alicent helping his slightly, "It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table. The faces most dear to me in all the world... yet grown so distant from each other... in the years past".

Daemerys looked to Aemond again, her eyes soft beside wanting to just glare at him for the rest of her life, he looked at her too — holding her stare before a clatter sent them both looking to Viserys who had taken his golden face off. He turned to face them all, an eye missing, everyone having different reactions but she merely smiled at the man with encouragement.

"My own face... is no longer a handsome one...", he chuckled lightly, "if indeed it ever was. But tonight... I wish you to see me... as I am. Not just a king but your father", he turned to Daemon, "Your brother", then Daemerys, "Your uncle", then Alicent, "your husband", and finally the children, "and your grandsire. Who may not, it seems... walk for much longer among you. Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances. If not for the sake of the crown... then for the sake of this old man who loves you all so dearly".

Once he sat back in his chair, breath heaving, Daemerys stood, "I wish to say something", she held her cup in the air slightly, everyone turning to her, "To this man", she looked to Viserys who looked back, "who has spent the last twenty years trying to keep this family together and still to this day hopes we will be one, I am proud to call him my uncle. Nobody has fought harder to stay alive to see his family together then you. I pray the gods give you rest and peace", she smiled at him — Viserys smiled at her, heart blooming at her speech as did many other around the table.

Once she sat, her mother stood as well, "I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen", Alicent looked up in shock after putting Viserys gold on, "I love my father. But I must admit that no one has stood... more loyally by his side than his good wife. She has tended to him with... unfailing devotion, love, and honour. And for that, she has my gratitude... and my apology".

Alicent shifts in her seat once the princess sits back down, "Your graciousness moved me deeply, princess. We are both mothers... and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow", she stands then, "I raise my cup to you and to your house. You will make a fine Queen. And to Daemerys", the woman looked up eyes wide as the Queen looked at her. "Who I owe the biggest apology for the slanders I have called you in not only your youth years but in your present years. I wish for you and Aemond to have many happy years together".

Daemerys looked to Aemond with surprised but he simply smirked before she looked back at Alicent with a timid but thankful smile, "Thank you, Your Grace. I do suppose I have an apology of my own to make".

Alicent sat in her seat and looked to the woman surprised but her eyes were on Aemond only, "I am half sorry I took your eye, Prince Aemond, my only wish is that you can see past our history".

Some chuckled at her half apology, knowing she didn't want to fully apologise because it would a lie, Aemond looked at her amused for a moment before raising his cup, "Well, there is no point dwelling on the past, I am looking forward to our marriage". The family smiled at his kind words but none smiled harder than Daemerys who looked down to cover it.

The truth was that Aemond never needed an apology or needed time to move on, he just wanted her and now he had her right in the palm of his hand.

Chatter conducted as music began playing, Aegon coughed and stood up, walking to Baela as he filled his cup of wine again, leaning down to mutter, "I regret the disappointment you are soon to suffer. But if you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask".

Jace slamming the table and standing at the same time as Daemerys made the table shake, Jace looked calm however his sister did not. Daemon clutched her hand, squeezing it with Jace giving her a look — making her sit down, her eyes never leaving Aegon and his retreating figure.

Aemond stood as well, Otto glancing at him as well as Daemerys. Himself and Jace staring at each other before the latter held up his cup and thumped Aegons shoulder, "To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond. We have not seen each other in years, but I have fond memories of our shared youth".

Daemerys raised an eyebrow, he did?

"And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your families good health, dear uncles", everyone raised their cups to that — tension still in the air.

"To you as well", Aegon said defeated and bored.

Beware the beast beneath the boards.

Awake the dragon for your revenge.

Daemerys jumped in her seat, looking at the ceiling, the family looked at her weirdly at her wide eyes. "There's a beast beneath the boards", she whispered as Heleana did, everyone turning to look at them both in shock.

Aemond raised his cup in an instant, "I'd like to raise my cup", Daemerys snapped her eyes from the ceiling to him as did everyone else, "To my betrothed who can hear voices".

Her jaw clenched as she frowned, everyone's eyes on her which made her look away to the empty plate left before her. Aemond sat down, frowning at himself for upsetting her — ignoring her parents glare that was sent his way.

"I would like to toast to Baela, Rhaena and Daemerys", Heleana stood so everyone stopped looking at Daemerys — thankful she wasn't the only crazy one. "They will be married soon. It isn't so bad. Mostly he just ignores you... except sometimes when he's drunk".

Daemon chuckled loudly but dread set inside his daughter, looking towards Aemond wondering if he was anything like his viscous brother, and after his toast she couldn't help but wonder if he was.

"Let us have some music".

Jace stood at once, whispering to his betrothed, "Excuse me", before walking around his chair towards his sister and holding his hand out. Daemerys took it with a smile but not without walking towards Heleana and grabbing her hand to join them. The Targaryen laughed with the two brunettes as they linked arms and spun around.

Aegon turned in his seat baffled and looked to Aemond who's face was blank. The king and queen as well as Rhaenerya and Daemon smiled as the three jumped to the music, spinning each other around and giggling.

Daemerys spun Heleana as Jace watched with a smile — the two girls holding hands as they then spun around the boy.

Otto and Alicent clapped to their dancing, smiles upon their faces. Daemerys left the two to grab her little brother. "Come, I need a dance partner", she smiled and he grabbed her hand with his own cheeky smile.

Lucerys did his best to spin his sister but his lack of height made him frown, Daemerys simply laughed and crouched a little so he could spin her — making his face brighten. After a while, the pair grew hungry and left Jace and Heleana to continue dancing.

Daemerys sat and took a gulp of wine, swiping a piece of pork off her fathers plate and shoving it in her mouth — the man looking at her with fake annoyance yet smiled when she looked at him innocently. Daemon began filling her plate whilst conversing with his wife, his daughter thanking him quickly and tucked into her meal.

She hadn't known when it went wrong, one minute Viserys was being carried out and then next Aemond was slamming his fist on the table and standing up, startling her, the music stopped quickly.

"Final tribute", he raised his cup again, "To the health of my nephews: Jace, Luke and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise...".

Daemerys watched with a hard look, Alicent biting her knuckles as Aemond face held for a moment like he was debating something. "Strong".

"Aemond—", Alicent went as Rhaenyra turned her head with a fed up look.

"Come...let us drain our cups to these three...", Aegon instantly held his cup up as his brother continued, "Strong boys".

That had hurt her. Daemerys watched sad as her betrothed belittled her family, she reached and squeezed Luke's hand.

"I dare you to say that again", Jace quipped and Aemond turned to face him.

"Why? 'Twas only a compliment", the pair began walking closer together. Daemerys watched knowing what was to happen as did Daemon — the father took a blade and slid it to her from under the table, her taking it in her hand, "Do you not think yourself Strong?".

Finally, Jace snapped, punching Aemond in the face and Rhaenyra called for him. Luke gets up but not without Aegon slamming his face into the table.

That was enough for her, Daemerys got up in an instant, walking around the table and yanking Aegons head back by his hair making him screech, she held the blade to his throat — as everyone stopped. The guards held their swords not knowing what to do, they couldn't get to her.

She finally broke, everything she had done to keep this family from falling apart was crippling before her, the voices in her head getting louder.

"Daemerys", Rhaenyra called but was ignored as the woman held the blade closer to the cunts neck.

"Child, put it down", Alicent spoke softly.

"Do you not understand?", she whimpered with glassy red eyes, everyone looking at her confused.

"Understand what?", Otto voices for them all.

Daemerys looked to Aemond then to the rest of them, "I've seen it. Our end. This constant feud between us. I have seen it!".

Rhaenyra looked down with sadness, "Tis just a nightmare".

Daemerys snapped to her mother, "No it's not! I saw us all, the city was burning, ash buried our bones. We won't survive it, it's already killing us!", she yelled. "Don't you understand?", she begged to them in a whisper .

Whispers began to cloud her head some more — the people in the room who didn't know about her visions did not understanding what she was talking about.

Awake the dragon for your revenge.

"No", she whimpered, letting Aegon go and clutching her head, the man rushing away from her. "No!", Alicent watched the woman crumble and felt like she should start praying.

Aemond set his cup down and walked towards her but she held the blade up to him, making him halt, "It's just me, remember", he held his hands up, walking slowly. Daemerys lowered the blade down, it clattering to the floor making the man pull her to him and she began to cry.

She just wanted to protect her family. The nightmares left her tired and the voices were driving her crazy. She just wants her family to live.

Aemond rubs her back as she sobs, "Take her to her chambers", Daemon tells him, the man doing so quickly, covering her from everyone's shocked gazes.

"What the fuck was that?", Aegon chocked out, rubbing his red neck once the pair had left the room.

"She...", Rhaenyra started, everyone looking at her for some sort of explanation, "sees things, hears things. We do not understand why but sometimes it gets too much and she just breaks".

"And what she said about us turning to ash?", Alicent whispered in shock.

"Could very well be true. Questionable things that she told us would happen... did happen".

Those words sunk into them. Were they really going to be the cause of their own deaths?

* bit of season 8 of game of thrones there, wink wink*

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