Chapter 10: Welcome Myst

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(Josie's outfit^^^)

"You're Myst?" Sarah asks Myst who sat on their couch and played with Fizgig. Fizgig was excited to see her for some reason. He made excited whines and licked her wildly. Myst giggles and spoke in a weird language to Fizgig. Almost like Latin.

Myst looks up to Sarah and smiles, "Yup, I'm Myst. Too bad we never met that night, Sarah. I was really looking forward to it. But, rules are rules. Those who seek the help, shall be the only ones who ask. I know you were asking for help for your husband, but both of you had different kind of help. Same subject, but different reasons. It has to be the same completely." Myst explains while rolling her eyes.

Scott stood near the couch while Josie sat in the lazy recliner next to Scott.

"Why couldn't you give the help my dad asked for?" Josie asks.

Myst sighs, "Ok, let me start at the beginning..."


(10 years ago...)

(Myst's house ^^^^)

John parks his truck near a tall house, almost like a mansion, but more Victorian style. It was covered with a mixture of black and dark purple paint. Candles lit at the windows and a wolf wind chime tinkled on the porch. The house itself gave John chills down his spine, but he needed the help. For his wife and daughter's sake. He takes one foot onto the cement pathway towards the door and the wind around him begins to roar. He grips his jacket to tighten it around him to protect him from the cold wind. It was like death himself was wrapping a blanket of ice around his body. The wind continues with every step he took towards the porch. When he reached the porch, the wind died down and the cold was gone. John looked around the area, he hopes he knew what he was getting himself into. He turns and walks to the door and lifts his hand to knock, but the door opens with a loud slow creak. No one was there to open the door, so how did the door open?

He walks inside, and is welcomed to the foyer of the house. A wooden staircase faced the front door. A lamp stood on top of the rail of the stairs. Glowing an eerily red that made everything look like blood.

He walks down the small hallway and goes around the corner. He could smell something, something...delicious. A pot roast maybe? His stomach growls at the smell. He walks down another way, and comes across a corner. The tile of the floor changes to black and whit checkers, the walls were black and white and there were double doors with bright lights shinning out.

John moves to the doors and inside was a fully black kitchen. Very Gothic style and woman dressed in a purple and black Victorian dress stood dancing and humming as she cooks. She suddenly stops and stiffens which made him very nervous. She slowly turns and smiles at him. She looked so young. 23 maybe. He was just entering his 30s, so he could tell she was younger than him. She looked so beautiful. But, he was a married man, he shouldn't think of such things.

(Myst's dress ^^^^)

She lets out a musical giggle, "Hello, John. I've been expecting you." She smiles and moves to another area of the kitchen to cut some bread.

John frowns in confusion, how did she know his name?

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" He asks.

She giggles again, "Silly, we've never met. But I've heard a lot about you. Bad things, yet good things as well. I know why you're here." She says.

He looks at her with hope, "Can you help me?"

Myst sighs and rechecks her food, putting everything on low then turns to John, gesturing him to sit at the table. They sit down and Myst intertwines her fingers together and looks at John, deep in thought.

"I'm glad you have come to me, John, because I needed to talk to you." She says.

"What about?" He asks.

"I'm afraid I can't give you what you want..." He cuts her off with shoving his chair away.

"Why? Why can't you help me?!" He shouts at her, pacing the room.

"I have my reasons. It's your daughter. Josie." She says carefully.

John stops pacing, frowning at Myst, "What about my daughter?"

"Sit." She says.

John sighs in frustration and picks up the chair and sets it down, slumping in his chair.

"Ok, here's what I know. And boy, do I know everything, it just comes to me in one big headache and I can't jumble everything down..." He cuts off her babbling.

"Myst, please, my daughter?" He asks.

"Oh, sorry. Ok, I know Josie's future. And it's a biggie." She explains.

"What do you mean?" John frowns in confusion and worry.

"If I give you what you want, you'll be happy, everyone will be happy. Sarah, Josie. And maybe you two will stay in Tennessee. Maybe back to Beacon Hills. But, no matter where you go, they'll find her."

John looks at her with worry, "Who?"

"John, Josie is what the supernatural world calls a True Anchor. A child born with powers to calm supernatural creatures at their worst. But, you and Sarah are immune to her, because you are her parents. Her blood is yours. Now, that power means a power to royalty. Only one in 300 years is born. Now, here's the biggie, if I break your bond with the desert wolf, and everything will be alright...till Josie reaches 16."

"What happens when she reaches 16?" John ask, afraid of the answer.

"I see you returning to Beacon Hills with your family. Because of the Nemeton. The beacon for the supernatural. You won't be able to resist it. Once she reaches 16, they, the creatures, will take notice of her. And before she can meet her one true love, they will take her. A man named Peter will take her. A werewolf with a sick obsession to be an Alpha. But, she'll escape. But, there's others that really concern me. They are called the Dread Doctors. When Josie becomes a Senior, they'll take her. They want her help to resurrect a very, very old werewolf. A demon wolf. If that wolf wakes up, it won't be just Beacon Hills that will cease to exist. Everything, everyone will die."

John's eyes widen at this information, "What if you don't help me then?" He swallows hard.

Myst sighs sadly, "You'll be consumed with the hate, despair and take it out on Sarah and Josie. Sarah will forever love you, but Josie will grow up with hate towards you. For a while. But, in time, she'll forgive you. When she reaches 16, she'll meet a guy. A wonderful guy who would give his life for her. He will protect her from the supernaturals. His name is Scott McCall. He'll become a True Alpha."

John gasps, "I thought that was a myth."

Myst shakes her head, "Aren't we all myths?"

"He'll protect her? Keep her safe always?"

"Always. I even see them married with children. A long happy life together." She smiles as she sees the vision in her mind of Josie and Scott, in their 20s, holding their children in their arms.

"But, what if I hurt them? Hurt them enough to kill them?" John says, worry in his voice.

"I'm sorry, John. You will hurt Josie, but it's meant to happen. It'll wake up her other powers. She's an elemental like you, John, but she carries all of them." Myst says.

John shakes his head, "That's impossible."

"It's true. She carries all the elements inside her. Don't worry, she's a tough one."

"There's no other way?" John sighs sadly.

Myst shakes her head, "I'm sorry."

John lets out a shaky breath and places his elbows on the table, his teeth nibbling at his fingers, "I can't do this. I don't want my daughter to hate me." He stops when he remembers something. "You say she'll forgive me. How? While I'm still still lost to the bond?" He asks.

Myst looks down and sighs, then looks up to him, "You won't live long, John. I'm sorry."

John looks at her in disbelief, he shakes his head and scoffs, "You're sorry? That's all you can say, 'you're sorry'?" He sneers at her. He pushes the chair back till it hits the wall. "I come to you for help, and you spew out this bullshit prediction of the future that I'm suppose to let my daughter hate me till the day I die, and by a miracle she'll forgive me while fighting for her life against the supernatural world because she's suppose to be like a queen or someone of great importance. Screw that! I just want her to be normal! I want us all to be a normal family!" He shouts at her.

With a wave of her hand, Myst sends him flying against the wall, holding him trapped against her powers.

"Do NOT raise your voice at me in my house!" She snarls.

Panting, he grunts and tries to get out of her trap, but her powers were so strong. He calls forth the water to help, but with a painful grunt, he feels his powers shove back into his mind.

"I told you nothing but the truth. No matter what I do, no matter what you do, Josie's future is set. One way is safer than the other, that's all, John. Just remember, her life is important to our kind. If she ends up like the other anchor, we're all screwed, got it?" She shouts.

Taking a deep calming breath, John sighs in defeat and rests his head against the wall.


"After I let him go, I gave him some food and sent him on his way. I told him as I tell you. You're future is set, nothing can change it. That was also the night when he first came home to you drunk. He believed if he was numb enough he could save you all from physical pain. It worked for a while, but..." Myst stops to sigh. "Well, you know how the rest went. I told him to keep in touch, but I guess he didn't want to hear anymore. He gave up, but did what I told him to do at least. The stabbing though, oh, my god, that surprised me. And I don't get surprised easily." Myst explains the story, everyone look at her in shock.

"So, why are you here now? After all this time?" Josie asks.

"Well, cause you need me." Myst says simply.

"For what?" Scott asks.

"The beast. It's awake, right?" Myst asks.

Scott and Josie both nod.

"You're gonna need me to face it. I can't tell you much. You'll have to learn on your own before I tell you secrets." Myst turns to Fizgig who barks happily at her and she gives him one more rub and gets up.

"I'm glad Fizgig have kept you safe. After all, I sent him to you." She smiles at Josie.

Josie's brows shoot up, "You sent him to me? That's impossible, I found him at an animal clinic."

"I sent him there so you could pick him out. He's your protector." Myst sighs and picks up her purse, "Well, I must be off. I'm staying at the Hilton till this whole thing blows over. Call me whenever you need me." She hands Josie a card with a number on it and gives her and Scott a hug. "Oooh, the children you two are going to make. I can't wait to see them in person than in my head." She squeals and smiles big at both of them.

Scott smiles at the thought and pulls Josie in for a hug while she looks down at the card.

Josie looks up and catches Myst before she opens the front door, "What about Diana?"

Myst freezes, but turns and gives Josie a knowing look, "I was wondering when you were going to ask about her. One of the Anchors. So sad how she died." Myst shakes her head in sympathy. "I was there when she was killed. I tried to stop them, but they wouldn't listen. Not to a crazy witch like me. I warned them."

"You were there? But, that was like 300 years ago." Sarah says, in confusion.

"I know. I've been around since Christ was in diapers. I've seen and met all the Anchors out there and some met a fate worse than death, but I think Diana's was worse. She had a mate. But, she was taken from him. By an Alpha pack. They kept her hidden for almost 2 years. It's actually amazing they kept her alive that long. Her powers grew everyday, the alphas could feel it. The leader grew powerful cause of her. Finally, his pack grew tired of him hogging her, they fought for her. Then, during a Supermoon, they accidentally killed her. Tore her apart. I tried to cover the moon with my powers. But, it was too late. I think death was a relief for her because to be away from your mate that long, it was pure torture for her. I weep for her loss."

Sarah had her mouth covered in horror while Scott and Josie looked at Myst in shock. Scott holds on to Josie tightly.

"Did her mate ever find out?" Scott asks.

"Oh, yeah, he did." Myst sighs and shakes her head, looking down in sympathy at the memory of Diana's mate falling to his knees in horror near her mauled body. "He was the one who found her." She could still hear his screams of pain to the heavens.


Deep in the sewers, where the Beast was last seen, Chris and Gerard roams the dark sewers to search for the beast and hopefully stop it. Kill it before it kills again. Chris holds his Deseret eagle out, aiming at whatever could be down there with them, if it's down there still. Gerard frowns as he sees black substance staining the pipes. He wipes his fingers across it, examining it with his fingers. Rubbing them together.

"What is that?" Chris asks, looking at his father's fingers.

"You might call it a fingerprint." Gerard says and they continue their search, walking carefully down the long tunnel.

"This isn't going to look like anything we've seen before, is it?" Chris asks Gerard, holding his gun in their path.

"Oh, there were a lot of descriptions of the Beast of Gevaudan. Everything from a red-furred giant wolf to a cloven-hoofed panther the size of a horse. But my grandfather gave me a description that was a bit stranger."

Chris looks over to Gerard, shock and fear of what the Beast's true form could be, "How strange?"

"He said the body was oil black. Solid but shapeless at the same time." Gerard's voice drops into a whisper. "Like a shadow pretending to be real"

Chris stops and puts up his gun and pulls out a bigger gun and holds it up, "How do we stop it?" Chris asks, continuing their search down the tunnels.

"As far as legend goes, the only weapon that proved  effective was a simple spear in the hands of a young woman." Gerard says.

"The Maid of Gevaudan." Chris looks over to Gerald in realization.

"Mmm-hmm." Gerald nods.

"But, not Josie." Chris shakes his head.

"No, little Josie is something else. Not the cure, but the cause, you could say. She gives fuel to the Beast's fire." Gerard says.

Chris frowns at this information and stops when they reach two separate tunnels, he looks over to Gerard who gives him the nod and they both take their separate ways to search.

Chris walks slowly down the dark tunnel, dim lights guiding his way. He could barely see much through the dark, but he could see enough. He stops when he hears the sound of faint clicking. He looks both ways but saw nothing. He paces down the tunnel to see if he could find the source. Meanwhile, Gerard holds his gun, ready for anything. He makes a turn and comes across the Dread Doctors. He skids to a halt as his face shows pure shock and fear, he walks backwards away from them as they approach his way. He reaches into his pockets and pulls out an emitter and stabs it into the wall corner. They stop and tilt their heads in curiosity, they couldn't move any further.

Gerard smirks at them, "That's right. I know your frequency. And I also know you're down here for a reason. I wonder what that could be." He drops his smirk and turns to leave.

Chris continues to search for the sound. It was getting louder as he reaches a grilled cover. He throws his gun over his shoulder and kneels down. It became the sound of insects buzzing and clicking. He frowns trying to look down into the grill, but it was too dark. He takes out a flare and sets it off, bringing it closer to to grill. From where he could see, he saw thousands of beetles, crawling all over something down there. He drops the flare and as it lands, the beetles scatter. To his horror, he found dozens of bodies of teenagers. Hidden in sewers by the dread doctors. His eyes widen in horror at the sight. All those kids. Killed, to be experiments.


Parrish stood in the hospital as he watches the conga line of bodies being rolled in. Horror and fear was all he could feel. All he could think about was his dream. The bodies around the Nemeton. Him burning them with his powers. He knew the...thing inside him was going to awaken and take the bodies.

Sheriff walks slowly over to him, well, limps, as he holds on to his cane. He looks over and sees the bodies coming in and sees Parrish's expression.

"Parrish. Parrish, look at me." He gains Parrish's attention. "I know what you're thinking. The dream's coming true. It's not." Sheriff's shakes his head.

"Sheriff, there's 23 bodies. Twenty-three of them." Parrish looks back at the bodies, still rolling in.

"Which means you're going to go back to the station and you're gonna go  through every missing persons report for the past two weeks. That's what we do. You got it, Parrish?" Sheriff asks.

Parrish nods and walks off.

Sheriff sighs and turns when the elevator dings and opens it's doors. Scott, Josie, Stiles, Kira, Edward and Myst comes walking out, looking at the bodies in shock. Myst hasn't met Sheriff yet, so when he sees her, he frowns at her in confusion.

Sheriff stutters and looks over to Myst, "I'm sorry, Ma'am, but you can't be down here."

Myst waves him off, "It's fine, Noah, I'm with them." She points at the group.

His brows shoots up and looks over to Stiles for help.

"Witch." He mutters.

"Witch?" Sheriff asks in disbelief.

"Her name is Myst, she's here to help us." Josie explains.

Myst walks closer to the bodies, leaning in with tears misting her eyes, "Those poor children. Their screams. Their pain. So much innocence lost." She holds a hand up, hearing the sounds of many teenagers screaming. 'HELP ME!' "Help never came for them."

Sheriff watches her, frowning in confusion, then looks over to Josie who looks at Myst with sadness.

"She's like a psychic witch." Scott says, shrugging.

Myst turns to them, "I can hear into the future as well into the past. If we don't stop the doctors..." She points to the bodies, "That's our future."

Everyone looks at her in horror and shock.

Stiles turns to his dad, "Who found them?" He asks. 

"Argent." Sheriff sighs sadly. "And he said the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is."

"We've got a theory." Josie shrugs a little.

"It's a slightly terrifying theory." Stiles says, sarcastically.

"Well, the ME said that victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels."

"Hey, what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies." Scott suggests.

"Why would they do that?" Kira asks, shaking her head in confusion.

"Maybe they're covering for it. Protecting it like a parent would." Stiles says.

"Protecting what?" Sheriff asks.

"A werewolf." Scott says.

"It's called the Beast." Myst speaks up as she walks over to them.

Sheriff's brows shoot up in horror.

"We know. Horrifying." Stiles mutters.

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish. Because it looks like his dream is coming true." Sheriff says with worry in his voice.

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