Chapter 9: Battle for Freedom

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Lydia finds herself again in her mind, walking barefoot in the school library, she could feel the cushioned carpet against her feet as she walks on the second floor.  She turns to a familiar shelf.  The same shelf everyone used to write their names down for the senior scribe.  She reaches out and starts pulling all the books off the shelves frantically.  She didn't stop till all the books were on the floor, baring the shelf to her eyes.  She frowns as she looks at the metal shelf.  It was bare, blank.  All the names...

"Our names are gone.  Our initials." She gasps as she runs her hand over the smooth metal.

Meredith stands beside her, looking at her, watching her, "Not just you and your friends.  Everyone."  She says.

"What am I supposed to do? How do I save them?"  Lydia asks, begging Meredith for answers. 

"Don't be afraid."  Meredith speaks but she wasn't beside Lydia anymore.  Lydia turns to find her, but she notices Meredith was now on the first floor, and she wasn't alone.  She gasps at the sight. 

Meredith was lying on a table, held down by Theo who was snarling up at Lydia, his eyes glowing bright yellow and his fangs sprouting from his mouth.  His claws erupting from his fingers.  One hand held Meredith's head up, while the other pressed down on her stomach.  His hand on her head, yanks her head back, exposing her neck. 

"No, don't!" Lydia's voice bellowed as she reaches out for Meredith.  But it was too late, Theo swipes across her neck, slashing it.  Lydia's voice rumbled throughout the library.  It was so powerful, outside her mind, the scream alone made the lights shatter.

The nurses rush to Lydia's room, "What the hell was that? Did you hear that?" The female nurse, Nurse Cross, exclaims.

"It came from Lydia's room."  The male nurse, Nurse Schrader, says as both of them rush inside.  But they see Lydia still catatonic in her bed, starring up at nothing. 

"What did you hear? What was it exactly."  Nurse Cross asks.

"I heard a kind of explosion."  Nurse Schrader says.

"Before that.  You know what I mean."  She says.

"A scream.  I thought I heard her scream."


At Shiprock, Kira walks slowly in the middle of a clearing.  The sky has gone dark, but the moon above gave her little light to show her the way.  She was alone, all alone in the dark.  She peers into the shadows, trying to see her way, but it was too dark.  She wondered what her test was going to be.  She prays inside that she'll pass.   Suddenly, she hears soft fluttering in the shadows, she assumes it was birds, but she wasn't sure.  She kept her eyes peeled for anything.  Then, she could hear metal scraping and footsteps approaching her.  She hears the fluttering again.  She pulls out her sword, ready to defend herself. 

Suddenly, a figure stands behind her, she strikes to block it's swipes, then it disappears into the shadows.  She frowns in confusion, still holding her sword in front of her for protection.  It appears again, she strikes, misses as it goes back into the shadows once more.  She grunts as she swirls her sword again, seeing the figure.  It was an oni!  It disappears back into the shadows.  She strikes again and mages to hit him, but it had no affect.  His firefly eyes glowed down at her as it goes back into the shadows once more. 


Stiles stopped the jeep as they were near Shiprock, they gazed out seeing the storm practically swirling on top of the mountain.  They could hear a dog whimpering in the distance, as if it knew there was evil out there.  Scott and Stiles decided to talk about the night when Theo told him about Stiles killing Donovan.

"How could you believe him?"  Josie exclaims. 

"I don't know why I believed him."  Scott stutters, looking down in shame.  "I don't know why we didn't just keep talking that night.  Five more minutes and we would've figured out that there were two different stories.  We would've filled a lot of blanks.  Should've just kept talking."  Scott says as his voice lit up in regret.

"He knew we wouldn't."  Stiles sighs.

Scott was hesitant, "I didn't want it to happen like this."

"Like what?" Stiles asks.

"I knew, sooner or later, one of us was going to get a little too much blood on our hands.  I half thought it was gonna be Malia."  Scott says.

"Well, she definitely seems like she's working on it."  Stiles says sarcastically.

"Just always thought that if it were to happen, then it should be me.  I'm the one who's constantly putting you guys in danger, risking your lives for people you don't even know.  It should've been me." 

Stiles frowns at this.  Josie sighs and pulls Scott into a hug.  He sighs and breaths her in.  He feels Stiles pats his shoulder, giving him comfort as well.

"Come on.  We only got a few hours to sunrise." He says.

Scott nods but still holds on to Josie, "Come on.  Let's go."   She says.

Before they turned to the jeep, Josie and Scott could heard the sound of clanging in the distance and a flash of light. 

"Hey, Stiles, do you see that?"  Josie asks. 

Stiles moves to stand next to them to see the flash of light in the distance.

"It's Kira."  Scott says.


Kira continuously strikes her sword against the Oni's sword, the meeting of their swords cause bright sparks that were nearly blinding to Kira's eyes, but she fought through it.  The oni continuously disappeared into the shadows.  Kira was ready every second it ran out of the shadows to fight her.  She grunts at every blow she blocked.  She strikes at it again, sparks erupting from their swords.  It had her in a block, she breaks from it and uses her chance to strike at the oni's shoulder, but she felt a sharp pain on her shoulder.  She grips it tightly and sees blood staining on her hands.  How did that happened?  She sees the Oni again and fights.  She blocks his moves and goes for his leg, but she feels the painful cut on her leg.  She screams out in pain as she grips her bloody leg.  Every strike she makes at the oni, it comes back on her. 

She falls to the ground in pain, trying to get up and fight again.  She gets up and prepares for it's strikes.  She goes for it again and gets him in the stomach, but she stiffens and grips her own stomach.  She could feel the warm blood dripping from her wounds.  She gasps and groans in pain.  She falls to the ground again, clutching her abdomen.  She couldn't give up.  She stumbles as she gets up and fights the oni again.  She strikes at him and notices how bigger he was than her.  He holds her down in a block.  Kira yells as she feels the fox awkening inside her. 

The armor surrounds her body, protecting her as her eyes glow brightly.  She could feel the power building inside her.  She pushes and pushes to beat the oni.  Suddenly, the fox takes over, growing bigger than the oni, practically swallowing the oni whole. 


Malia heads to the vet, searching for any clues on Deaton's whereabouts.  She had to find something to help her, so she can save him.  She had to find something, but there was nothing here.  Nothing!  She shoves papers everywhere, searching on and on. 

Theo stands in the door frame, watching her tear the place up, smirking at him. 

"Can't find him, can you?"  He watches her stiffen and turns around to face him, glaring at him. "Probably don't even know where to start.  You're not gonna find him.  Let's be honest, he's probably already dead.  I wonder what's gonna happen when Scott realizes that it's your fault."  He gives her a sinister smile.

Growling loudly, she shoves him hard, sending him flying against the medical shelves, glass shattering around him.  She paces over to him and grips him by the neck, holding him up in the air.

"I should kill you."  She snarls in his face.

"Yeah, but you won't.  You like me too much."  He chuckles.

She punches in the face over and over, then throws him again across the room.  She gets on top of him and punches him over and over.  But all he did was just laugh. 

She kept punching him and punching him, but all he did was still laugh at her with blood on his teeth, "I let Stiles kick my ass, too.  He never broke any bones."  He grips his arm and snaps the bone back in place. 

She grips the back of his head, getting read to kill him, but he stops her, "Look, I can help you find them.  Deaton and The Desert Wolf." 

She frowns at him, still giving him a death glare, "How?"

"The Dread Doctors.  I know how they found everyone."


Noshiko and Edward waited impatiently near the rocks where Kira is suppose to return to.  Noshiko could feel worry building inside her as well as Edward did too.  To their relief, they see Kira walking up the rock, smiling down at them.  They could see she was gripping something.  An oni mask.  She walks carefully down the rocks and meets them.  She holds the mask up for them to see.

"I won.  I passed the test."  She sighs.

Edward smiles, proud of his mate.  Noshiko gives her a smile, but flinches when she sees the skinwalkers behind Kira.

"Passed, yes.  But not you."  The hooded skinwalker says.

"The Fox."  The white face skinwalker says.

"What are you talking about? I beat it.  I won.  Now show me what I'm supposed to do."  Kira was confused.

"You wield the sword.  But the Fox wields you."  The white face skinwalker says.

Kira looks back to her mom and Edward, confused.  Both of them had worried looks. 

"What the hell does that mean?"  Kira turns back to the skinwalkers.

"It means you have no control."  The braided skinwalker says.

"No hope."  The white face skinwalker says.

"Without us."  The braided skinwalker says.

"It means you will stay and become one of us."  The hooded skinwalker states.  Kira moves backwards to stand near Edward and Noshiko.  They watch as the hooded skinwalker lifts her spear and brings it down hard on to the ground.  The dirt ground starts to crack, leading towards Kira. 


Liam sits alone in the library, trying to think about everything that's going on.  It killed him knowing that Hayden had so much hope for Theo.  Was he going to lose his mate?  He needed to tell her. 

"What are you doing?"  Hayden approaches him.

"Trying not to get involved."  He says.

"Does that include me?" She sits down near him. 

"Maybe."  He sighs.

Hayden looks down, trying to think what to say to him, "I know how you look up to Scott and how all of you feel about him.  But he just can't protect us the way Theo can.  My sister..."

He cuts her off, "Your sister's a Sheriff's Deputy, and she looks like she can handle herself."

"Not if I'm dead.  She's not gonna be able to handle that at all.  I can't die again, Liam.  Do you get it? It would ruin her."  She sighs, looking down, thinking how hurt her sister would be if she died again. 

Liam understood, he couldn't bear to lose her, not after he found her, "It would ruin me too." 

Hayden looks up into his blue eyes, giving him a small smile as she leans in for a kiss.  Liam returns the kiss, feeling the love in their kiss.  The passion.  The yearning.  He needed her and she needed him. 


At Shiprock, Kira, Noshiko, and Edward watches the skinwalkers pound their spears against the earth, causing cracks heading towards Kira. 

"Mom? Mom."  Kira backs away. 

Noshiko grabs Kira's sword and pushes her away, "Kira, get in the car." 

"What?"  Kira frowns.

"You and Edward get in the car."  Noshiko demands as she takes her stand. 

Edward grabs Kira's hand and they both take off to the car, but the white face skinwalker throws her spear and hits the tire of the car, making it go flat.  She calls forth for another spear and watches Kira rip the spear out of the tire.

"She stays with us."  The hooded skinwalker states.

"I'm Kitsune of 900 years.  You want her? You'll have to go through me."  Noshiko holds up her sword to fight, the skinwalkers grab their spears.  Edward and Kira stand next to Noshiko, all ready to fight.  Till they hear the sound of a familiar jeep revving down the road, heading towards them. 

Stiles slams on his breaks as Scott flies out of the door, growling loudly at the skinwalkers.  Josie gets out of the other way, Stiles looks over and sees her slowly transforming. 

"Oh, boy."  He ducks. 

Snarling softly, Josie moves to the other side of the jeep, glaring at the skinwalkers.  The wind around her roared as the earth began to shake.  The skinwalkers tilt their heads in curiosity at this new power arriving in their domain.  Noshiko's eyes widen as well as Edward's and Kira's when they see Josie in her Alpha form.  With a loud roar, Josie called forth the wind to send a dust storm around them to blind their sight. 

"Get in."  Stiles yells as he opens the doors for them all.  "Come on.  Come on, come on.  Let's go." 

Kira and Edward runs for the jeep, hoping into the backseat. 

Josie and Scott runs for the jeep while Noshiko defends them from the skinwalkers.  The braided skinwalker throws her spear, but Noshiko uses the sword to cut it in half.  She runs and gets in the jeep, squeezing in the back with Kira and Edward while Josie and Scott sit in the front.  Stiles slams on his gas and takes off.  As soon as they were far enough, Josie pushes back the wind.  They could see the skinwalkers glaring at them from the distant. 

"An Alpha."  The white face skinwalker says.

"An Alpha female.  With powers."  The hooded one says.

"The elemental."  The braided one smirks. 

Everyone sighs in relief as they were far from the skinwalkers, heading home. 

"Everyone okay?"  Stiles asks. 

Scott holds on to Josie, proud of her for protecting them.  Edward and Kira held on to each other.  Noshiko sends them a smile of reassurance. 

"What happened?"  She asks Josie.

Josie sighs, "Long story.  You missed so much."  She tells them all what's been going on throughout the trip. 

Wasn't long till they got home, and wasn't long till Scott and Josie fell asleep on the couch.  Scott holds on to Josie as he slept, not wanting to let her go, till he hears Kira's soft voice stirring his slumber. 

"Scott, wake up."

Scott blinks awake, waking up Josie in the process.  They both look over to Kira who eyes them to look.  Scott and Josie look up and sees Liam and Mason standing in front of the couch.  Scott sits up with Josie, "What's wrong?"

"I found out something from Corey.  We know what Theo's doing."  Mason says.

"He's looking for an Alpha.  A blind Alpha." Liam says.

Scott's eyes widen and Josie frowns in confusion. 


Suddenly, knocking erupts from the door, making everyone jump in surprise.  Scott gets up and answers it.  "Um, can I help you?"  He asks the person behind the door, frowning in confusion.  Everyone watches his reaction. 

"Yeah, hi, Scott, I'm here to see Josie."  A woman's voice speaks up.

"Um, how do you know...?"  Scott stutter and jumps when the woman pushes him away to walk into the house.  She was pale, milky white pale, skinny figure, but she was gorgeous.  Couldn't be more than 23 maybe.  Her hair was a mixture of black and white.  Her lips were painted blood red.  Her eyes were light brown.  She was dressed in a Gothic style.  all black. 

"Sorry, I had to barge in, but this couldn't wait." She looks around and spots Josie.  "Josie!"  She squeals and runs to hug her tightly.  Josie awkwardly pats the woman's back. 

"Hi, strange woman."  Josie frowns. 

Laughing, the woman pulls away, "Silly.  Of course you wouldn't know me.  We never met.  Duh.  We were suppose to meet 10 year ago, but then your dad had that episode that screwed everything up." The woman babbles. 

"Whoa, wait, you knew my dad?"  Josie frowns in confusion.

"Yeah, he came to me for help, but sadly, I couldn't give it to him."  The woman shrugs.

"Who are you?"  Scott speaks up. 

"Oh, forgive my manners, I'm a little hyper today.  Too much sugar, but god I love it!" The woman cackles.  Clearing her throat, she calms herself down and faces everyone.  "Hi, nice to meet everyone.  I'm Myst."

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