Chapter 13: Reason and Regret

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Malia, Braedon, and Theo carefully sneak into Forth Jewett, but Malia starts to feel something was wrong.  She could sense something.  But she wasn't sure what it was.

"There's something wrong."  She whispers.

"Is it a scent?"  Braedon whispers as she braces herself. 

Malia shakes her head, "I don't know."

Together, they walk around a corner and there he was.  Deaton tied to a chair with a cloth over his mouth.  He slowly opens his eyes as he sees all three of them walking towards him, but Braedon stops when she sees the panic in his eyes.  He keeps looking over her shoulder, where Theo was.  He was warning her.  She quickly turns, but Theo was faster.  He knocks the gun out of her hands and fights her and wins.  He knocks her out on the floor and grabs her gun.  Malia looks over to them in shock.  Theo aims the gun at her and shoots her in the stomach.  Groaning in pain, she clutches her abdomen and falls to to her knees.

"It was me, wasn't it? You picked up a Chemosignal.  Probably regret.  Because I didn't really want to do this.  But I didn't have a choice." Theo sighs and throws the gun to make it slide across the ground till a woman stops it with her foot.  Malia looks up and sees it was her mother.  The Desert Wolf!  She takes out a bottle and throws it to Theo.  He holds it up and smirks with his yellow eyes glowing.  He was holding the talons that Deaton took.  From the Garuda that stabbed Scott to absorb his power and failed.  But, Theo had better plans with it.

"You should've listened to Braeden." He says and puts the bottle in his pocket, leaving her fate in her mother's hands. 


After Josie, Scott, and Liam went home, Myst decided to spend some time with the Argents, but first they called in Parrish after Scott told them what he could do.  Myst sits on an office chair with her legs resting on one arm rest and her back against the other, twirling around playfully as they wait in a bunker that belonged to the Argents.

"After thousands of years of existence, you still act like a child."  Gerard says.

She twirls to face him with an elbow on her knee, "Well, you're as young as you feel.  And I don't feel 3000 years old.  But, instead of being curious of my age and acting, how about you tell me why didn't your family guarded Diana like they were suppose to."

"And I thought you knew everything, black widow."  Gerard smirks at her. 

A loud whoosh was made and sharp breeze flew past his cheek.  He snaps his head when he hears a loud thud made by his head.  He sees a blade sticking deep into the metal wall that he was leaning on.

"Don' me that.  I hate that name." She growls at him.  "Just because my name means it, doesn't mean you have the right to even call me that.  Should I say Hi-ho Silver to you?"  She asks sassily. 

Gerard laughs, "Says the one who used widows on her victims."

She shrugs, "Ex-boyfriends."

"What did they do so bad to deserve to be bitten by black widows?"  Chris asks, almost afraid of the answers. 

She clicks her tongue, "Let's see." She starts counting with her fingers, "Betrayal for telling the witch hunters of my existence, cheating on me with the town's whore, shooting me, hanging me, um, stabbing me.  Poisoning me.  Stoning me and not in the good way.  Let's see, what did boyfriend number...I can't remember how many I had.  150? Last one was 15 years ago, he was a hunter, like you.  He strapped me in a car and sent it into the sea."  She chuckles dryly.  "I sent him my babies as a surprise.  Guess he didn't like it." She tsks.

"Well, I wouldn't either if I had spiders invading my neither regions."  Gerard says sarcastically. 

"Should have kept it in his pants than in that bitch."  She smirks at him, shrugging.

"Your babies, you keep black widows?"  Chris asks.

Myst holds out her hand, making a platter hand and suddenly a black widow begins to crawl on her hand.  Chris flinches in surprise as Gerard eyes her with caution.

Myst rolls her eyes, "Oh, grow a pair.  Besides, I'm just proving what I can do.  Yes, Black widows are my specialty.  Ironic, I know.  I live with the last name Widow and people take it way too seriously.  So, I guess I like to stir ironic-ism.  I just hate being called one.  I'm far from like them.  Unless, you piss me off."  She smiles sickly sweet at them. 

"Now, why did Diana die when she was in your family's protection?" She asks, glaring at them.

"That, we don't know.  We searched the records we kept in our family's history and last thing that was written about Diana was that the Alpha pack had her." Gerard says. 

Chris sighs sadly, "She was tortured when she was with them.  Records of her death state that her body carried old injuries before she was ripped apart.  She..." He swallows hard.  "There's evidence that one of the alphas, maybe all, got a little...frisky with her."

Myst shuts her eyes in disgust, looking away in anger, "I couldn't see what was happening to her when she was taken.  They had her in an area that was shrouded with magic.  Like a firewall for my sight.  But, I saw when they dumped her body, like trash in the woods."  Tears misted in her eyes.  "And I saw her mate's agony.  I never seen so much pain in a man."  She could hear Diana's mate's crying as if he was kneeling on the floor right next to her.  His sobs made you want to cry with him.  His screams of pain.  She looks up at Chris, "Think about when you lost Victoria and Allison and think how it would feel if you lost that every day for the rest of your life.  That is what he felt."

Suddenly, the door opens and Parrish walks in.  Myst places her other hand on the widow and suddenly, the widow was gone as she moved it, but in it's place was a tattoo of a widow on the top of her hand.  She spins the chair around and looks at Parrish, seeing his past and future in his eyes.  Chris and Gerard began to ask him questions about his life. 

"I was part of an E-O-D team in Afghanistan.  Explosive Ordinance Disposal.  We handled I-E-D's."  Parrish says, facing a table then turning when Chris speaks up.

"And what about before that?"  Chris asks.

Parrish shrugs, "High school."

Gerard takes out a book and opens it, showing Parrish a picture of a ferocious beast in front of a tree like the Nemeton.

"What's that supposed to be?  Werewolf?" Parrish asks.

"No.  It's called a Hellhound."  Gerard says.

Parrish frowns at this and looks back down at the picture then looks over and sees a mirror, looking at his reflection. 

"I know what your thinking."  Myst's voice startles him as she sees him leaning a little bit too close to him.  She looks up into his eyes.  Her light brown eyes starring into his, catching him in a trance, "You're thinking, 'Is that what I am?'."  She tilts her head at him, and strokes his cheek.  "Hate to spoil the surprise, but, well..."  She looks over at Gerard who had a torch in his hands and moves closer to Parrish. Parrish blinks out of the trance, frowning in confusion and looks over to Gerard.

"What else do you remember from Afghanistan?"  Chris walks closer to him as Myst eyes them both and moves away. 

Parrish could barely think, but he remembers...little.  He remembers disarming a bomb and suddenly he was walking in the desert in a trance, covered with soot and burnt clothes. 

"You said you came to Beacon Hills because you felt drawn here."  Gerard holds on to the torch tightly as he moves closer.

Memories continue to haunt him.  Him disarming the bomb and in his trance.

"You hid the bodies of the Chimeras." Gerard says as he moves closer. 

Chris moves to stand behind him, "You've got a resistance to fire."

Parrish eyes all three of them carefully as they approach him.

"Like when Haigh tried to kill you." Myst says. 

Parrish turns to her, how did she know that?

"We were wondering just how flame retardant are you, Deputy?" Gerard sets the torch on fire.

Chris grabs a hold of Parrish's arms and traps them behind his back.

"What the hell are you doing?"  Parrish exclaims and watches Gerard come closer.  He grips his face in his hands and holds the torch in his face.  Panting, he feels something rising from inside him.  His eyes begin to glow bright orange.  With a loud roar, he tears himself free from Chris's grip.  Panting with his fangs protruding from his mouth.  He turns and sees his reflection and looks at himself in shock.  He manages to push his other side back and looks at the two of them in shock.

"Hellhound."  He says.

Chris nods at him and Parrish furiously turns to Gerard, "And what if you were wrong? Would you have burned my eye out?"

"Yeah."  Gerard says simply.

"This guy's your father?"  Parrish exclaims in disbelief to Chris.

Chris shrugs, "Wasn't my choice."

Myst smiles and steps up close to Parrish, "Good boy!" She pats his head.


While the nurses were taking her back to her room from the shower, in Lydia's mind, she was back in the glass cell with Meredith, hearing Malia screaming in pain.  Light flicker around her.

"Don't get lost, Lydia.  You can help them, but you have to get out of here first."  Meredith tells her. 

Tears pouring from her eyes as she looks around in panic, she could feel the pain and fear from Malia, "She's in trouble.  I think it's happening now." 

Lydia hears the screams coming from Malia. 

Suddenly, she hears a woman's voice and she knew who it was, "You know, your real name isn't Malia."

"Oh, God.  She found her."  Lydia says in fear.

The desert wolf reaches and grabs Malia by her throat, "You don't have a name.  Talia Hale took you away from me before I could give you one."  She punches Malia in the face.  Malia lies back on the floor in pain from her face and her abdomen, "What you do have is power.  Strength, speed, and the capacity to heal.  You know where you got it from, Malia? You know who you stole it from? Me."  The desert wolf snarls and stand up to press her foot down on Malia's stomach.

Deaton watches the Desert wolf torture Malia, he struggles to get free from his bonds.  He needed to break free. Somehow.

"Tell me when it hurts." She presses harder on Malia's stomach till her bones were crackling.

"Tell me when it really hurts." She presses harder till Malia was screaming.

The desert wolf jerks her foot back and reaches to grip Malia by her hair, lifting a clawed hand in the air, ready to strike a deadly blow. Till Deaton got the gag off his mouth.

"Corinne!" The desert wolf stops and glares over to Deaton, "You can't get it back like this. It has to be a full moon. You kill her now and you get nothing."

Back in Lydia's mind, Lydia could feel the pain Malia was experiencing. She had to save her! Meredith calls out to her.

"You can help her! Lydia! Lydia! Break the glass." Meredith slams her hands over the glass, "Break the glass!" She yells.

Lydia takes a deep breath, standing up. She had to do this. She had to wake up. She lifts her hands, focusing her powers into her hands, her voice. She opens her mouth and thrust her hands out, letting out a powerful banshee scream that sent forth through out town all the way to where Malia was. Shattering the lights and hurting the desert wolf's ears. Giving Malia the opportunity to kick her mother in the stomach and attack.

Myst falls to her knees, letting out a painful scream as she covers her ears. Blocking out Lydia's banshee shrieks. Parrish rushes to her and catches her. All three men were confused with what was hurting her.

"Lydia." She whispers.

As Lydia was trying to escape Eichen House, Malia was fighting with her mother. Both were growling with their eyes glowing blue, fangs erupting from their mouths and claws ready to strike. Malia gets a few good strikes till the Desert wolf throws her against a jeep, she kicks but Malia dodges her.

"I killed them because of you. I killed my own family." Malia snarls at her.

"Your adopted family. I'm your family, sweetheart." The desert wolf says.

Malia roars and strikes at her, the Desert wolf was too powerful. She throws Malia against the jeep again, growling at her.

"But if it makes you feel any better, I didn't care about them. I was just trying to kill you."

Before Malia could strike, the walls behind Deaton suddenly begin crack. Loud rumbling was made behind the stones. Deaton duck as best as he could as the walls were punched out. Behind the dust, was the Beast! Growling at all three of them. Malia's eyes widen at the sight.

"Malia!" Deaton calls out as the Beast begins to pull on his chair.

Malia looks back at her mother and snarls. She had a choice, save Deaton or kill her mother. She growls in frustration and runs to help Deaton, clawing at the bondages and freeing him. They rush to help Braedon up and run from the Beast, hearing it's roars behind them.

"Come on!" Deaton yells as they run.


Theo storms into the lab, but stops in his tracts as he sees his pack. All were injured, badly wounded. He walks slowly up to all of them, looking at them in disbelief.

"All this to take down one blind werewolf." He scoffs.

Tracy looks down in shame then Deucalion spoke.

"Recently re-blinded. Unfortunately, the healing of my eyes by a Dark Druid proved only temporary. A parting gift from my time with Scott McCall." He says as he sits on the floor with the Doctor's IV shooting wolfsbane inside him. He looks over to Theo, "Friend of yours?"

"We're working through some issues." Theo says.

"He knows why he's here. He knows about the Beast." Tracy says, looking over to Theo.

"Hmm. The Beast of Gevaudan. History's most vicious, most famous werewolf. And you think I'm going to show you how to steal its power." Deucalion smirks.

Theo smirks and kneels in front of Deucalion, "I think you're open to negotiation. All you have to do is tell me what you want."

Deucalion snarls, "I want his eyes. On the tips of my claws." He flings out his hand, claws erupting from his fingers. "I want the eyes of Scott McCall."


Scott, Liam, and Josie rush to the vet clinic. Malia texted Josie and told her about what happened. As soon as they got there, they see her and Braedon. Malia clutches her stomach as she feels herself healing. She looks up and sees Scott. He gives her a look of understanding and receives a smile from her and Braedon. Braedon looks over and Scott follows her eyes, seeing Deaton. Alive and well. Josie smiles as Deaton smiles at them. They both walk over and share a group hug with him.

"Finally!" A voice speaks up from behind them.

Myst comes walking in, smiling. "So glad you guys escaped from that bitch. What the hell were you thinking, Malia?!" She exclaims at her.

Malia frowns at her and looks over to Josie and Scott in confusion.

"Everyone, this is..." Josie speaks up but Deaton cuts her off.

"Mysty." He looks at her in shock.

Myst blushes, and looks down shyly, "Hey, Al." She smiles at him.

"Uh, I...You Amazing as always." He pulls away from Scott and Josie and walks over to her.

Myst smiles, "It's been..."

"Nearly 6 years." He finishes for her.

"Yeah. I'm really sorry...for leaving like that. But I had to." She says softly.

He nods, "I understand. It's good to see you again. Why are you here?" He asks.

"The beast. I'm here to help stop him." She says.

"Who is she?" Malia asks.

"Mysty Vãduva. Local witch. And a smart ass to boot." She smiles at Malia.

"She's here to help us stop the beast." Scott says.

"And banish him back to where he belongs. For good." Myst says.

Pretty soon, Malia, Liam, Scott, Josie, and Myst headed back to Scott's house to meet up with Stiles, Edward, and Kira. After formally introducing them Myst, they laid out their plan. Blue prints of Eichen House, photos of the building, the key-card that Stiles stole, and the log book that Liam took.

"If we're gonna do this, we need to hurry. She's awake and very aware of her powers. Thanks to Meredith." Myst says.

Stiles frowns, "How do you know this?"

"I heard her. And no I'm not a banshee, I'm just a witch. She's incredibly powerful and they know. Valack knows." Myst says. "I sent Meredith into her mind to help her break out, but I guess he must have tricked her."

Stiles' eyes widen in shock and confusion, "Valack?"

"Remember he asked for her screams? He used it to break out of his cell. He's really sick in the head. Now that Lydia is fully aware of her powers, it's giving him a chance to study her more. We need to get her out of there as soon as possible. Because if he does what I think he's going to do...she's gonna die." Myst says, watching their faces.

They all look at each other with worry then look at Scott and Josie, Josie reaches and grabs Scott's hand, "We're gonna her out." She says.

Scott nods and looks at everyone who nods with him.

Myst smirks, "Time to kick some ass."

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