Chapter 14: Changes

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(Josie's Outfit ^^^^)

(Myst's outfit ^^^ without the sweater)

Landing with a loud thud, the Beast stands on his hind legs in the middle of the highway, snarling in the air as he looks around.  He turns and glares as he hears the sound of sirens coming towards him.  Several cops were racing through the highway to catch the beast.  He lets out a loud roar and takes off running.

Stiles drives as fast as he could behind the trail of cops.  Scott, Josie, and Myst sat in the jeep with him.  To make sure none of the cops would get hurt. 

Deptuy Clark led the chase, she gets on the horn to alert the others what she sees, "Unit Five heading northwest on Crescent reporting an incredibly large...Something." She says, unsure of what she is seeing. 

"Unit Nine, to Dispatch, I think I've got eyes on the same thing.  Some kind of rabid animal."  A man answers back. 

Scott and Stiles look at each other, knowing what exactly they're talking about.

"Unit Five to Nine, trust me, that's no animal." Clark disagrees.

Deputy Strauss was taking care of a situation downtown where the Beast last struck.  Dozens of people felt his wrath and a few have fallen. 

"Unit Six to Dispatch.  We have a situation downtown.  Multiple fatalities."  He reports and gets a reply.

"Copy, medics on the way.  Do you have a perp in sight, Unit Six?"

"Negative.  Looks like a 10-91E, an animal attack."  He says.

"10-4, can you say what kind of animal?"  Dispatch asks.

Stiles tries to alert the cops, but Myst stops him, "That's not gonna work." She protests, but he yanks his hand out of hers and gets on his radio.

"All units stay back.  Do not engage.  I repeat, do not engage."

His dad's voice replies back, "Stiles, get off the radio."

He looks at it in disbelief and stutters.

"I told ya so." Myst shrugs, singing.

Josie glares at her, "Not helping."

Myst sighs and looks out, she could sense the beast.  See how fast he was. 

"All unit alert.  Wait for back-up.  Repeat, no one goes near this thing."  Sheriff alerts.

"Unit Five reporting a sighting on Hill Road southbound..."  Clark alerts.

"Unit Nine, I've  got it turning off Oakridge, southbound on Beachwood..." Sheriff listens to the reports.

"All units, this is  Dispatch.  We've got a 911 call with additional sighting on Mitchell."

Sheriff steps on his gas harder.

Josie listens to the reports and Stiles speaks up in realization, "Wait a second? Beachwood to Mitchell?" He asks.

"It's headed back for the hospital."  Myst says.

"Mom." Josie gasps.

Stiles grabs his radio mic and contacts his dad, "Dad..."

"Stiles, get off this channel."  Sheriff says in annoyance.

Stiles sighs and rolls his eyes, "Dad, just listen to me, okay? It's headed for the hospital, all right.  He's headed for Beacon Memorial.  You hear me? It's headed for the hospital."  He says.  He throws his mic down and shoves his foot harder on the gas. 


Melissa and Sarah were helping nurses and doctors get out of the hospital, Melissa took over the PA system to alert everyone as Sarah helped patients evacuate.

"Again, this is a Code White, a full hospital evacuation.  All critical patients will be taken by ambulance to Hill Valley."

Suddenly, a loud rumble was made in the building, shaking the ground and nearly making everyone fall to the floor.  Everyone rushes out fast to get out as the lights begin to flicker till it was pure darkness.  With the last person out, Melissa walks to the corner to look down the hallway, lights flickered all around.  Even the emergency lights were on the frizz.  She looks and sees the elevator moving.  She needed to see if it was the beast or a patient in need.  When the doors began to open, she hears loud roaring.  That was the sign for her to get the hell out of there. 


"Unit Five, Clark, I need eyes on Parrish.  Does anyone have Parrish's 20?" Sheriff asks on the horn.

"All units, we have a 911 emergency call reporting a man on fire running into Beacon Memorial." Deputy Clark alerts.

Sheriff sighs, "Clark, disregard." 

Stiles, Scott, Josie, and Myst makes it to the hospital.  They carefully walk inside and jump when a gun cocks behind them.  It was the Sheriff.  He shushes them, but they jump again when they hear roars and thuds made from above. 

Scott and Josie look up, hearing from what they can tell, a fight was breaking out.

She looks at him, "Fourth floor?"  She asks.

He nods, "Sounds like it."

They take the elevator and make it to the floor.  But, nothing was around, but two hallways. 

"We need to split up." Stiles says. 

"Me and Josie will go down this way."  Myst says.

Scott was unsure, but Myst gives him a reassuring look, "Don't worry, I'll protect her." 

He sighs and nods, "Ok, we'll go down this way." 

Josie and Scott watch each other disappear around the corners, feeling the pain of being apart. 

"Don't worry.  We'll meet up with them soon." Myst assures her. 

They carefully walk through the hallways, lights flickering around them.  Josie leans an ear out, she could hear the faint rumbling of a growls in the air, but she couldn't tell where they were coming from.  They approach a corner and lean around to peek and see if the beast was there.

"Anything?"  Myst whispers.

Josie shakes her head, "No." She whispers back.  She moves first with Myst behind her.  They carefully move down the hallway, using the wall peek out at corners.  Myst starts to sense something, she stops, and Josie notices. 

"What?"  She whispers.

Myst's eyes widen, "Josie, watch out!" She screams.

But it was too late...the Beast's hand punches out from the wall and grabs Josie, pulling her into the wall.

Josie screams as she's thrown against another wall. 

"Josie!" Myst lifts a hand to call her powers but the Beast swings his large palm and sends her flying into another wall, knocking her out cold.

Josie looks up and lifts her face to the beast, transforming into her Alpha form.  With a loud growl, she gets to her feet and gets into a defense stand.  The beast growls at her, circling her, she never took her eyes off him.  He lets out a loud roar, and she answers him with a roar and charges at him.  She swipes her claws at him, and ducks his swipes.  She flips in the air and dodges his punches.  She flips over him and crouches on the ground, growling loudly at him. 

The beast roars again and charges at her.  She uses a wall for leverage and jumps to kick him in the face, but he grabs her leg and throws her to the wall.  She groans and sits up, but he grabs her before she could get to her feet.  He shoves several times against the wall till she was weak.  He roars so loudly in her face, she was forced to transform back to human.  Holding her tightly against the  wall, he lifts his other claw to deliver the fatal blow.  She whimpers and holds her arms up to protect herself. 

Suddenly, the emerald ring shines in his eyes with a glimmer, stopping the beast in his tracks.  His eyes widen and he leans in closer to look at the ring.  He slowly puts her down to her feet, growling lowly, but not threatening.  Josie frowns at this, lowering her hands, but watching the beast carefully.  She flinches when he lifts his clawed hand to her face, lightly brushing her hair away from her face.  Panting in fear, Josie looks up at the beast as he stares down at her.  His eyes widening as he leans in closer.  She could see her own reflection in his eyes as they shinned brightly.  He lets out a soft whine.  Almost like a whimper.  Like...was he sorry?  Josie frowns in confusion, then gasps as she feels the beast brushing his clawed hand or paw against her face.  She whimpers when opens his mouth and his long slimy tongue swipes against her face.  Burning her mark. 

Suddenly, the Beast jerks his head to the side and roars in anger.  There stood Parrish, covered in fire, growling at the beast.  He runs and charges at the beast, sending the two of them down another hallway.  Josie gasps and slides down on the ground in shock.  Myst gets up, rubbing her sore spot and running towards Josie.  She kneels in front of her,

"Josie?  Josie, snap out of it!"  She slaps Josie across the face earning a gasp of pain from her. 

"Ow." She holds on to her sore cheek.

"Get up.  We gotta go."  Myst yanks her up to her feet and they take off running.

On the other side, Scott, Stiles, and Sheriff walks carefully with the Sheriff leading with his gun out.  They could hear the roars and thuds.  Scott suddenly felt a burning in his chest.  He rubs his chest, but it didn't stop.  He thought it wouldn't go away, but after 10 minutes, it did.  They were about to turn a corner till Parrish comes flying down the hallway, still covered in fire.  Parrish groans and sits up, the fire beginning to dim down and his orange eyes dimmed back to his regular eye color.  He just sits there, in a trance.  Almost as if he was dead.  His eyes wide open.  Sheriff kneels down to check on him while Scott looks down at the floor.  He sees two separate footprints.  Parrish's and the beast's bloodied tracks.  He follows the tracks with Stiles.

"Parrish? You okay?"  Sheriff shakes Parrish, but no response.  "Deputy!"  he shouts and Parrish is startled.  He looks around in confusion and looks down at himself.  A huge claw mark was made across his chest, but it was healing.  His body was covered in soot and nearly all of his clothes were burnt up. 

Scott and Stiles follow the tracks till suddenly, they turned into bloody human shoe prints.  Stiles shouts in surprise, jumping nearly two feet in the air as two figures make their way towards them.  It was Josie and Myst, panting and covered with dust from the walls.  Josie sighs and rushes to hug Scott.  He holds her tightly, but frowns when she smelled of another wolf.  He pulls her back and looks at her carefully.

"What happened?" He asks.

"We ran into a little trouble."  Myst says as she rubs her sore jaw.  "Son of a bitch." She snarls and moves to stand near Parrish. 

"Are you ok?"  Scott asks Josie, cupping her cheek.

"Scott..." She licks her lips.  "He knew me."  She says.


"The beast knows who I am."


Scott, Josie, Myst, and Stiles head towards the vet clinic and told Deaton what happened and what they saw.

"...then it held me up against the wall and I had my arms over myself to protect myself and...all of the sudden it just..stopped." Josie says. 

Scott and Stiles frown at each other in confusion, "What do you mean he stopped?"  Deaton asks.

"I mean it stopped what it was doing and looked at me like it knew who I was.  It even seemed almost...sorry for what it did.  It pushed my hair out of my face to really look at me.  Do you think the beast is someone we know?"  She turns to Scott and Stiles.

Stiles stutters, "Maybe, but who could it be?" 

"And why did he spare you?  I mean, all those teenagers and people downtown, we all know most of the people in town, why didn't he spare anyone?"  Scott asks.

"That, I don't know.  How did you hold your arms up, like this?"  Deaton asks as he crisscross his arms over his head, palms out.  "Or like this?"  He covers his head with his hands.

"Second one."  Josie says.  "It just stopped for some reason."

"If it was the second one, then it saw this."  Deaton picks up her hand with the emerald ring. 

Josie's eyes widen in realization, "It knows the ring!"

Deaton nods, "It's very possible.  You said the dread doctors gave you this ring.  And they want you alive, according to Braedon.  Maybe, the ring was given to you to protect you from the beast." He turns to Scott and Stiles.  "Theo told Malia and Braedon that when Theo tried to kill Scott, they knew it meant Josie's death, too.  Apparently, they weren't too happy with him."

"Why are they protecting her though?"  Stiles asks. 

"I have a theory, but it's impossible.  Josie, when I took your blood sample, I kept it here in case I ran into trouble on my trip.  I have been doing several tests to explain what's been happening to you.  The dreams you've been telling me about and your transplant by the doctors.  Your mother is right.  The donor who gave you their kidney is a perfect match.  But, I found this."  He pushes a microscope in front of her to look.  She looks into the lens and sees cells taking over her other cells. 

"What is that?" She asks.

"Cells from the kidney are merging with your own cells.  Like a virus invading a body.  Also I found mercury."  Josie's eyes widen.  "Not much, but it was enough to give the kidney the boost it needed to send it's invading cells into your body.  It was just a matter of time before it started to show itself."  Deaton explains. 

"What happens if it fully takes over?"  Stiles asks.

Deaton gives them a look of sympathy, "I don't know.  But, one thing for sure, it's gonna be bad." 

"What if we take the kidney out?  I can live with just one kidney, right?"  She asks. 

Deaton shakes his head, "The cells are already in your body.  There's no stopping it." 

Myst sighs in aggravation and turns to them, biting her nail, "Actually, there is one way."  She says.

"Care to enlighten us?"  Stiles says, sarcastically.

"The kidney has to be destroyed, but only one thing can stop it.  But, we don't have it.  The surgeon does.  The one with the cane."  She says.

"What is it?"  Josie asks.

"His cane.  It's really a weapon.  Only that can stop it.  The cells in her are very powerful, and with her being a werewolf, that's adding fuel to the fire."  Myst says.

"You're talking about stabbing my girlfriend?" Scott exclaims in disbelief. 

"It's the only way, Scott.  Do you wanna lose her? Huh?"  Myst glares at him.  "I can't tell you what's happening to her cause I don't know!  Something or someone is blocking my sight with her.  I thought it was nothing till now it's like having a blindfold over my eyes.  Someone is changing her future."

Scott glares at her as he hears this, he was pissed that someone was messing with his mate's life.  His life with her.  Gone.  He needed to get it back.

"Josie, what's wrong with your hair?"  Stiles asks as he picks up a strand. 

"What do you mean?"  She asks, turning to look.

"It's turning red."  He frowns. 

Scott looks at him in confusion and looks at Josie's hair.  A small strand of hair was pure blood red. 

After having nearly a breakdown, Josie sits with Myst as Deaton explains more bad news with them. 

"What I'm about to show you isn't supposed to exist."  He holds a small folder and starts taking out pictures, laying them down on the exam table, one by one.  Each picture was a creature, a supernatural being with a hole drilled into their heads.  "This is the only surviving evidence of Dr. Valack's time as Chief Medical Officer of Eichen House.  To call it human experimentation would be charitable."

Scott frowns as he picks up a picture of a woman, covering her ears and screaming.

"A Banshee.  She died screaming."  Deaton explains.

"So, he drilled holes into their heads? All of them?"  Stiles asks as he looks at all of their matching wounds.

"That was the experimentation part.  He did it to Werewolves, Banshees, Wendigos, any creature he could get his hands on.  And Valack found that trepanation would initially heighten their powers, but to levels that couldn't be contained."  Deaton says, disgust written on his face.

"So he wants to make Lydia more powerful." Scott starts to put it together.

"Yeah.  Except she's going to end up like them." Stiles says, pointing at the creatures' pictures.

"Worse, actually."  Myst speaks up as she walks over to them. 

"You knew."  Stiles says as frowns at her.

Myst nods, "Knowing Valack, I had a feeling he was gonna try this.  It's his obsession."

"Lydia's abilities were already pretty exceptional to begin with.  Putting a hole in her head will be like causing a leak in a nuclear reactor.  She'll hear everything." Deaton says.

"Every death, every dying scream, all at once."  Myst adds.

"That's going to kill her."  Josie exclaims from where she was. 

"Not only that..."  Deaton swallows a hard lump.  "Her own dying scream could be so powerful that it might kill everyone around her as well." 

Stiles' eyes widen as he picks up another picture of a banshee screaming.  He couldn't help but think this will be Lydia if they don't stop Valack.

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