Chapter 18: Where Loyalties Lie

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Thinking about Deucalion said, Hayden couldn't help but think if that was the truth. He did know more than they knew. And in a way, it was almost believable. She couldn't help but think about the night when she and Liam fist made love. About what he said. About the Talons. About everything. She sighs as she thinks about that night. The way Liam touched her. Held her. Loved her. She smiles a little thinking how wonderful it was with him. How complete she felt.

The other night...

"Don't go." Liam begs after they made love, watching her dress. He just wanted to keep her in his bed forever. Naked so he could love her forever.

"I have to." She says.

"Stay." He holds her close, intertwining their fingers.

"Stay here? With you?" She smiles.

Liam sighs, "Stay with us." He gives her a serious look that makes her drop her smile. He looked so sad and worried. For her. For them.

"Theo thinks he's gonna be able to take its power." He stops to scoff, "He's crazy. It's gonna rip his head off." He says as he plays with her fingers.

"But you think Scott can save everyone?"

"I know he can." He nods with no hesitation. "Him and Josie.  You know, apparently, to our world, they are royalty."

Hayden frowns in confusion with this, "What do you mean?"

"It's what Brett told me. Josie's power is the key to royalty. He's a True Alpha, she's a True Anchor. Two beings who are so rare, yet fated to be together. She keeps him and us all sane. With her by his side, he can do anything." He stops and sighs, watching her face. He could tell she was still unsure. "It's different now. I think dying did something to him."

"It did something to me, too. But none of it was good."

"What if it happened again? What if you got hurt? What would you want me to do? Now that you know everything." He says, giving her a sad, broken look.

Hayden sighs, she couldn't think of anything. All she wanted to do was just hold him close, and comfort him.

She looks at the talons in the bottle she held, if Theo puts these on, either way, he could lose his life. She snaps out of her thoughts as she hears Deucalion's voice.

"Starting to question where your loyalties lie? Or maybe you're starting to understand your role."

She frowns in confusion, "What role?"

"Why would Theo leave you here? Why not leave Josh or Corey? You're stronger and faster than both. And more fearless." He says.

"I know why I'm stuck here with you. Because when it comes to Liam, I'm a liability." She sighs.

"You could leave. You could go off to help them. No one has to know." He says.

"Except for you." She points out.

He shakes his head, "Oh, I'm no friend to Theo. You want to help Liam? Worry less about being a liability and more about your ability to lie."

Hayden frowns and turns around to take her eyes off him. His words bothered her. She shouldn't trust him.


After taking another way, Scott and Liam came across another barrier of Mountain Ash. Liam checked his pockets, but couldn't find the potion that Myst gave him. He growls in frustration.

"It must have fallen out of my pocket during the fight." He huffs.

Scott sighs and looks around, he finds a walkie talkie on the floor and picks it up, he turns it on and hope he can get some answers.

"Does anyone have eyes on the Closed Unit? I need a status report." He calls out.

"It's a war zone down here." A man replies back.

"Uh, 10-4." Scott stutters, "And what about the patients? Lydia Martin?" He asks.

"Who is this?"

Scott was hesitant, "It's Unit Nine." He scrunches up his face, hoping they'll believe him.

"There is no Unit Nine." Scott rolls his eyes in frustration. "Who is this? How did you get..." The voice is cut off as Scott slowly crushes the talkie.

He sighs and turns to Liam, "All right. We need to figure out another way to get into this Closed Unit." He gestures at the barrier.

"How do we get through the mountain ash? The potion is back there with all those guards. Where's yours?" Liam asks.

Scott reaches into his pockets and feels broken glass. He sighs and pulls out the glass, making it fall to the ground. Liam groans in defeat.

"Now, what?"

"I don't know yet. But there's somebody else here that might be able to help us." Scott says as he thinks of an idea.

"Who?" Liam asks, confused.



Stiles continues to pound on the door till Josie pushes him away.

"Move!" She growls as her eyes glow red. Stiles moves out of the way as quickly as he could, standing next to Myst. Josie kicks the door as hard as she could, breaking the door off the metal frame. Together, the three of them take off through the hall, but not realizing Theo begins to follow them. As they all leave, a unsuspecting guard walks down the hallway and picks up pieces of a long pole. Without warning, Tracy digs her claws into his back, sending him to the ground. She takes his walkie and runs off.

Stiles, Josie, and Myst takes off running down the hallway. Josie sniffs out Lydia's scent, she couldn't focus. She tries to close her eyes and separate the smells, but it was too hard. She growls in frustration and snaps her head towards a voice.

"You're not gonna find her without me." Theo says from behind them.

"Oh, piss off, you Lawrence Talbot wannabe!" Myst snaps at him and pushes Stiles and Josie down another way.


"I don't know how long I'm going to last." Kira pants out as she feels the fox gaining power, feeling the electricity take over her pores. She fists her hands to try to push the power back, but it was way too strong.

"How did you stop it before?" Malia asks, trying to think of something.

"Edward carried me outside, which almost killed him." Kira says.

"She's too powerful for my fox to contain." Edward says.

"Okay, uh...Maybe we could try grounding you to something." Malia suggests.

"You have a degree in electrical engineering? 'Cause I don't know how to do that." Kira says.

Malia yelps as a bolt shoots out, hitting the door. She jumps out of the way and ducks. Edward jumps away from the bolts.

"You have to get out of here." Kira grunts as she continues to fight.

"I can't leave you." Malia protests.

"I'm not leaving you either. You can stop it, Kira." Edward says.

Kira uses the refrigerated doors to hold her balance as the powers continue to wack inside her, she grunts and slaps her fist against a door, she never should have come.

"I should've stayed in the desert with the Skinwalkers. I can't control this. I'm never going to be able to." she says in frustration.

Malia slowly gets up, "Kira, it worked. You saw it work. You controlled it enough to cause the brownout. You can stop it."

Kira snaps her head to Malia, her eyes glowing brightly orange and her voice changes to distortion, "I can't! Edward! Malia, go!" Kira shouts. She groans in pain as the bolts become stronger, making her weak in her legs.


Scott and Liam managed to find Meredith's cell. They found her sitting in a chair, starring at the wall. They open the door and quickly get it, shutting the door behind them.

"Meredith? Meredith? It's Scott. Scott McCall." Scott says as he slowly approaches her.

They both frown when they realize she wasn't responding. Scott carefully reaches out to touch her chair and pushes it to make the chair spin around, to get her to face them. When she did, she looked...out of it. Heavy bags under her eyes, emotionless eyes. She was too drugged up to do anything but stare out into space. What have they done to her?


Stiles, Josie, and Myst were about to reach a door, but Theo stops them.

"Wait, you guys." He calls out and catches up to them.

Josie turns and growls at him that makes him jump and hold his hands up in surrender.

"I want her out of here, too." He says.

Stiles and Josie both roll their eyes at him while Myst glares at him.

"I've got her scent." Theo says.

"What do you want?"

"What's the difference?" Theo asks.

"Huh." Oh, he wanted to punch this guy again so badly.

"I can find her. You can't and Josie can't. You're still learning, right?" Theo turns to Josie.

"I bet I can dissect you with just my claws." Josie sasses at him.

"Enough." Myst cuts them off and turns to Theo, "You saw what I can do, Theo. I guarantee you, I'll make it happen no matter what. You better find Lydia for us." Myst warns.

Theo nods, "I just want to find her and help her as well."

Myst scoffs, "Well, you're telling half of the truth at least. Well, what are you waiting for, guinea pig? Go fetch." She snarls.

Theo's lip twitches in annoyance, but he sniffs out and senses Lydia's and Valack's scent coming from the men's showers.

They burst in and see several patients curling up in fear near the showers and walls, Theo walks over to one and pushes him out of the way. They look down and see a grill and Josie could feel a breeze.

"It leads to the tunnels, doesn't it?" Theo asks.

Stiles sighs and nods, "There's miles of them. They could be anywhere by now."


Scott kneels in front of Meredith, taking her hand gently into his, trying to gain some sort of sign that she could understand him.

"Hey. Meredith, can you hear me? We need your help. We're trying to find Lydia.  We're trying to get her out of here.

Liam kept eyes out, making sure no one was coming. He will have to take care of them if they come.

"Scott, I think we better go."

Scott didn't want to give up, he grips her hand a little firmer, but still gentle, "Meredith, listen.  There has to be another way to get to Lydia. We can't get past the mountain ash. How do we find her?" He begs her.

"Scott..." Liam pleads. He could see they weren't going to get anything out of her. She was too out of it with the drugs pumped inside her.

Scott sighs in defeat and gets up to his feet, still holding on to Meredith's hand, he slowly walks away, letting go, but jumps when he feels her grip on to his hand. Pulling it and bringing it behind her neck.

Realizing what she was asking for, he shakes his head in protest, "I could hurt you."

She doesn't respond, but keeps his hand on her neck. She slowly lets her hand falls, waiting for him to do it.

He sighs, "Okay."

He tried to be as gentle as he could be and slide his claws into the back of her neck.

Meredith's eyes widen as she gasps in pain. Scott closes his eyes and finds himself in Meredith's mind.


Edward and Malia continue to duck for cover as lightning bolts were made through out the room, cause of Kira. Suddenly, it stops.

"Kira?"Malia calls out.

"Kira?" Edward calls out.

They both look from behind an exam table and see Kira passed out on the floor.

"Kira." Malia calls, trying to wake her up, but she never stirred.

Edward frowns in concern, walking slowly over to Kira's body with Malia. Malia looks at Edward for answers, but he couldn't give her any.

Malia slowly reaches down to touch her, to wake her up, but a voice speaks out and stops her.

"I wouldn't do that." Josh says as he leans in the door frame.

Edward glares at him, his eyes glowing brightly in anger.

"Electricity's still coming off her. I can feel it from here. I can help her." Josh says.

Malia and Edward look at each other in caution then back to Josh, "Why?" Malia asks.

"Because I need your help. With him." Josh moves out of the way and leaning on the wall for support was a burnt up Corey withering in pain as burns cover his entire body. Blisters and lesions and soot was all you could see under his burnt clothes.


Scott snaps his eyes open and finds himself in the dim lit hallways of Eichen House. Down at the end of the hallway was Meredith.

"Meredith?" Scott calls out, his voice coming out distorted. He walks slowly down the hallway and watches Meredith go around a corner. He follows her. He passes another corner and, déjà vu, there was Meredith waiting for him at the end of the Hallway, watching him. He walks down and she turns another corner. When he follows her around the corner, he doesn't find Meredith. He finds Lydia. She was on her knees, clutching her head like she was in pain. No sound was made from her lips but she opened her mouth like she was screaming. Scott's eyes widen in shock at the sight. It killed him seeing his best friend in pain. He had to find her. He had to save her.

Outside of Meredith's mind, Liam waits impatiently for Scott to come back. He paces the room, then stops to look out the door when he hears someone coming. He quickly shuts the door, trying to figure out what to do. They were getting closer! He looks up and sees them looking into the room. He gets to the door and meets the orderlies and shoves them hard. Sending them against the wall. He gets out of the room and slams the door shut. With a powerful swipe, he punches off the card reader with a roar. He turns to face the nurses, half transformed and lets out a loud roar, exposing his fangs at them.

They get up and fight him, but Liam was powerful than they were. He punches one in the stomach, slamming him into the glass wall of the cell. Knocking him out cold. The other, he dodges a punch and flips him over, slamming him to the ground.

Panting in triumph, Liam smirks as he looks down at the nurses who were out. He turns and his smirks drops as he sees a bigger nurse coming towards him. Practically growling at him.

"Oh, sh..."

In Meredith's mind, Scott continues to watch Lydia clutch her head as the screams continue to fill inside her. She rocks back and forth trying to control it, but another wave jolts through her body and she lets out a scream of pain.

"She doesn't have much time." Meredith says as she stands next to Scott.

"What's happening to her?" He asks.

"She's being consumed by her power. Dr. Valack thinks it's worth it if she can answer the question." Meredith says.

"What question?" Scott asks as he continues to watch Lydia.

Meredith turns to look at him, "Who is the Beast?"

Scott snaps his head towards Meredith in surprise, "She can answer that?"

She shakes her head, "Not yet. Not until the screams in her head are loud enough to kill her."

Scott turns back to Lydia, "How do I get to her?"

"You can't. You won't be able to get past the mountain ash. But someone else might be able to."

"Who?" He asks.

Meredith turns to look at Scott again, "The Hellhound."

"You mean Parrish?" Scott ask as he turns to look at Meredith in confusion.

"They're connected. Find the Hellhound, and he'll find the Banshee."

Scott looks over to Lydia, watching as another wave of pain shoots through her body, screaming out into the heavens.

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