Chapter 2: Finding the Nemeton

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Liam was still bothered about Hayden's death. He needed to find out if anyone has found them and her body. Someone needs to find them. So, Hayden can be at peace. He asks Mason to take him to the hospital so he could speak to his stepdad. They find him in the hallway and ask him if they had any bodies come in.

"No, there have not been any other bodies brought in tonight, thank God." Dr. Geyer says as they pass a corner.

"No one named Hayden?" Liam asks.

Dr. Geyer sighs and turns to Mason, "Mason, take him home. It's 6:00 in the morning."

Liam sighs, "Dad, you're sure there have been no other dead bodies?"

Frustrated, Dr. Geyer lets out a disbelief scoff, "Both of you. Home. Now." He warns and heads back to his rounds.

Liam sighs with Mason, Mason looks over to Liam, knowing where this is going, "We're not going home, are we?"

"No." Liam shakes his head.

"Well, we both know where Hayden's body is. And if you want to find her, you're going to have to find the Nemeton." Mason says.

Liam nods and begins to head out the door, "Okay. Let's find the Nemeton."

Groaning, Mason lets out a sigh, "I need to learn to shut up." He face palms himself and follows Liam.


Stiles heads for the car and Scott and Josie follow him. As soon as Stiles gets in the car, he locks the door on them. Scott yanks on the door handle and frowns at Stiles. Stiles wouldn't even look at him.

"Stiles?" Scott asks, confused.

"Yeah, I can do the rest myself." Stiles says, not looking at either of them.

Josie moves to the driver's side window, "Stiles, we can help. Please."

"You don't even know where to start." Scott protests. "All we know it's another chimera." He stammers.

"Do you even know where you're headed?" Josie asks.

Stiles lets out a bitter sigh and starts the car.

"Come on. Let us help. We can find the clues that you can't." Scott pleads.

Stiles begins to move the car, but Scott jumps in front of it causing him to slam on his breaks.

"You can't do this alone, okay. You need me. You need all of us. I can get more help. I can text Liam." Scott begs.

Stiles scoffs, "Liam just tried to kill you."

"Okay, then at least let me help. Let Josie and me help." Scott begs.

"You believed him?" Stiles asks. Him, meaning Theo.

"You trusted him, too." Scott says.

Josie places her hand on the window, Stiles couldn't help but look at her, he wasn't mad at her like he was at Scott. "Theo got to all of us. He used us to get what he wanted. He hurt Lydia." Her eyes mists. "He got your dad hurt. He deserves to pay." Her eyes glow in anger.

Stiles sighs and turns back to Scott, "You know, you don't even know the real story."

Scott shakes his head, "I don't need to. All that matters right now is your dad. Come on, Stiles. We survived an Alpha pack, a Dark Druid, professional assassins. We can survive Dread Doctors and Chimeras, too."

"And we're better at it together. Like a pack. Like friends. A family. Stiles," Josie gains his attention. "Please, don't let your anger at Scott cloud over what really matters. Saving your dad and defeating the Dread Doctors. We need each other. You know that. We need to work together and find the Chimera." She says.

Scott nods in agreement and looks at Stiles with pleading eyes.

Stiles sighs and looks over at Scott, she was right. Despite how angry he was at Scott, he had to put his feelings aside and work together to save his dad.

"We're not looking for a missing Chimera. We're looking for a missing teenager."


Liam and Mason headed to the school library. They had to start somewhere to figure out where they could find the Nemeton. But, when Liam stepped into the library, memories of last night haunted his mind. The fury he felt, the power of the moon clouded him. He felt so guilty. He hopes Scott can forgive him, but he should steer clear of Scott and Josie for a while. Oh, boy, Josie. She must hate him so much for trying to kill Scott. One thing that bothered him, that howl he heard last night. It powerful. It wasn't Scott's. But, it was someone who was powerful enough to make his wolf bow into submission for it. He needed to ask others about it. Liam walks through the library, everywhere he looked, it reminded him about the fight. He could hear the growls, the roars. Scott groaning in pain. Feel the warm blood cool against his skin. When he got near the broken table, Mason heads for the shelves and finds a book that could help. But when he looks up, he sees Liam's hard face that carried so much pain. The sight of Scott covering himself, trying to protect himself from his swipes, that was all he could see. He practically could hear Scott calling out for Liam to get him to stop.


Liam snaps out of his thoughts when Mason speaks up, holding a book which was a world map. Liam sighs and moves towards a table when Mason slaps the book on top of the wood. He flips through the pages till he finds what he's looking for.

"All right. This is the one. You see these." He points at a map of Beacon Hills. "These are Ley Lines. They're mapped according to telluric currents."

"Stiles said that he and Lydia were looking at the intersections." Liam says.

"Probably....This one." They both follow the lines till their fingers meet in the middle of Beacon Hills. The woods.

"But they never found it. They kept going out there to look, but they said the Nemeton has to want to be found." Liam says.

"It's a supernatural tree that has to want to be found in order for you to see it?" Mason asks in disbelief.

"Yeah." Liam nods.

Mason breaks out into a big smile, "That's awesome. We should just make a copy..." He gets cut off when Liam tears out the page from the book. All Mason could do was just stare at the book in shock, he couldn't believe Liam just did that.


They were moving Lydia to Eichen House, Parrish watches them carry her on a stretcher and loaded her up in an ambulance, Natalie hops in and sits near Lydia.

"I'm going to find a way to get her out of there."  Parrish declares. 

Natalie looks over to him. 

"Even if I have to break through the walls."  Parrish promises before they shut the doors. 

"Good luck with that Deputy." The doctor smirks and hops into the passenger's side.  As he shuts the door, in the side mirror, the doctor's appearance changes into Dr. Valack. 

Dr.  Valack snaps on his seat belt and turns to the rude orderly. 

"She's a pretty little thing, isn't she?"  The orderly smirks. 

"That pretty little thing could  shatter your skull with her voice if someone decided to teach her how."  Dr. Valack says.  The orderly starts the car and drives off to Eichen House.

Parrish watches in despair as they take away Lydia. With a look of determine, he swears he will do all in his power to get her out of that place.


Stiles drove Scott and Josie to his house and together the three of them do their research and keep an eye out for any reports. Scott and Josie were sitting on the bed while Stiles looked up reports. Scott couldn't keep his eyes off of Josie. She was an Alpha. Like him. But, she was still learning to be a wolf. She looks at him and calls her wolf, showing him her eyes.

"I still can't believe it." He shakes his head in wonderment.

"I can't either." She chuckles and pushes back her wolf. "There's still a lot to learn. It's so powerful to control." She picks at her fingernails.

"I've never seen a werewolf so in control like you.  A new one, at least." Scott smiles.  "You have more control than I did when I was first bitten."

She scoffs, "I'm still having trouble with a few things. Like..." She flings out her hand, trying to call the wolf to sprout claws. Nothing.

"You're trying, too hard. Just let it happen." He shows her how to sprout claws.

She sighs and let's it go. With a fling of her hand, her claws came out. She smiles big, "Yay, I did it." She laughs. "I know anger is one of the things that can help with bringing the wolf forward. And I got a lot of anger for Theo."

"Me too." He sighs and pulls her into his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder, "I'm sorry...for not believing you. I don't know why I couldn't believe. What I saw and what he said...I let it cloud me."

She sighs and turns to look at him, "I forgive you. But, if this happens again, I'm shoving my foot up your ass. Try to remember our bond. We carry one that's stronger than any other. My love for you will just keep growing and making me blind from other men. I only want you. And that future we have in store for us." She smiles.

He nods and kisses her softly, "I love you, air bender."

Giggling, "I love you, too, wolf man."

"Does your mom know? About you being a wolf? Let alone, an Alpha?" He asks.

"Oh, yeah, she knows. After what happened to Hayden..." She looks down sadly. "She came home and found me...transformed. I'm so grateful I didn't attack her...or Fizgig. But, I did scare him. He's ok now though. After I managed transform back to human, I went to find him. Poor guy was hiding in the coat closet near the door. I took my time to let him get use to me, and figure out that it was still me...just...more." She laughs softly. "She helped me find my own anchor." She smiles.

"Oh, yeah? Who?" He smirks.

"Harry Styles." She giggles when he growls lowly. "I'm kidding. It's you. You're my anchor."

"Sneak. You're lucky I love you." He kisses her cheek and hugs her tight.

"Ok, break up the love, we got something." Stiles says as he walks over to them. They both get up fast off the bed. "There was a call a few hours ago about a sophomore from Beacon High who never came home last night."

"What's his name?" Scott asks.

"Noah Patrick." Stiles says.

Josie looks at a list of names he had on the board, she points to Noah's name and taps it. They headed over to the school to get a something from Noah's locker. Scott yanks on the combination lock and pulls it off. He opens the locker and takes out a jacket. He holds it up, "Now we can catch his scent." He throws it to Malia.

Stiles looks at him bitterly, "You called her."

"We need all the help that we can get. I should be calling everyone." Scott says.

"And I know what this kid looks like." Malia says, then stiffens when she takes a deep breath. She looks over at Josie with wide eyes. "What happened?" She exclaims.

"What?" Josie asks.

"You're a werewolf." Malia says.

"It just...happened." Josie shrugs.

"Wait. Was that you last night? The howl?"

"I guess. I'm new at this." Josie says.

Malia laughs excitedly, "This is amazing. Finally, someone besides Scott and Liam, I got someone to go on runs with me." She smiles. "Let me see your eyes."

Josie laughs and shows her.

"Oh, my god. You're an Alpha?" Malia stutters.

"Deaton warned us that this was possible. Josie is the Alpha Female. Our Luna." Scott says.

Malia gasps, "Wow."

"How do I do the scent search thing?" Josie ask.

Malia hands her the jacket, "Take a deep breath. Focus on the different smells. You should be able to separate them. Just focus."

Josie takes the jacket and breathes in the scents. Cologne, soap, shaving cream, sweat. She found it and nods.


Mason and Liam made it to the woods and to the spot they located on the map, but they found nothing.

"This is it. There should be a clearing here. Maybe the clearing doesn't want to be found either." Mason says.

Liam sighs in defeat and squats on the ground, he pounds his fist in frustration on the dirt and looks around, Mason sits down next to him, "I couldn't save her."

"No one could. I was standing right there. Melissa did everything medically possible..." Mason sighs and Liam cuts him off.

"While I was trying to kill Scott." Liam says sadly.

"You can't take all the blame. I mean, there was, like, 800 extenuating circumstances." Mason says.

"It wasn't just the moon." Liam shakes his head.

"Then it was losing Hayden. In fear, anger, and Theo took advantage of it." Mason says, sighing.

"Or maybe it was just me." Liam says.

"Liam, you're a werewolf. There was a full moon, a Super moon. And you can't let yourself..." Mason stops and started to have an idea. He gets up to his feet and looks around.

"What?" Liam asks.

"The Nemeton's a beacon for supernatural creatures, right?" Mason asks.


"So what if it takes a supernatural creature to find it." Mason suggests.

"I am a supernatural creature and I can't find anything." Liam scoffs.

"But you've been looking with your human eyes." Mason says.

Liam sighs and closes his eyes, calling forth the wolf. He opens his eyes and with his wolf eyes, there it was. "Mason..." His eyes widen as they go back to normal.

"What? What?" Mason asks.

Liam grabs him and pulls him to what he sees, "Look."

"I don't see any..." Mason freezes when he finally sees the Nemeton. And the bodies of the chimera. His eyes widen at the sight. "Intense."


The scent led Scott, Josie, Malia, and Stiles to the old abandon train tunnels. They walk down some steps to walk on the gravel and tracks. Scott, Josie, and Malia walked ahead, but Stiles trailed behind, keeping his distance from Malia. Scott and Josie look back and forth at the two of them and frowned in confusion.

"He didn't want you to call me, did he?" Malia asks Scott.

"No." Scott shakes his head.

"Is it that bad?" Josie asks.

"We kind of broke up, I guess." Malia shrugs.

Josie sighs sadly and pulls her in for a small hug, "I'm sorry." She whispers.

"Yeah, we kind of broke up, too." Scott says. Malia frowns in confusion. "I..I mean Stiles and I. Not Josie and I. He's..." Scott stutters.

"It was Theo. He tricked us all." Josie sighs.

Malia gives her a hard look and shuts herself down.

"Hey, you can tell me what's going on with you. I mean besides Stiles." Scott asks. "You can talk to me."

"I said I'd help find this kid and I'm doing it to save Stiles' dad. Don't ask me to talk." Malia says as she walks, locating the scent.

"Well, I'm not asking. I'm offering. I'm just saying it's okay if you want to." Scott says, gently.

Malia sighs, "I know." Then she goes down into a hole. Scott, Josie, and Stiles follow along and see tunnels all around, but Malia stops in the middle.

"I got it. I got his scent." She praises and follows the scent.


Dr. Geyer just got done checking on Sheriff's vitals and he was just frustrated with the results. He paces out of the room and finds Melissa outside the room, "Melissa, that man in there is dying and I don't know how to save him. I went to Harvard Med. I have degrees lining the wall of my office. And I don't have the slightest clue what's going on here. If you know something about this that I don't..."

Melissa looks surprised, "Me?"

"Yes, you. Nothing seems to faze you. And not to sound accusatory, but it's like you know something." Dr. Geyer says.

Melissa sighs, "Knowing something is different from understanding it. Yeah, I could tell you things, really bizarre things. But right now I can't tell you anything that is gonna save his life." Melissa says.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Dr. Geyer was completely baffled.

"Keep him alive. For as long as we can." Melissa sighs.

Lying in the hospital bed, Sheriff breaths come out labored as black veins cover his entire body. Loading his body full of poison.


Liam and Mason look around the Nemeton, trying to find Hayden's body. But...she was gone!

"There's only four here." Liam says as he counts the bodies.

"That means four Chimeras are missing." Mason says.

"I only care about one. Hayden's alive. She has to be." Liam says, joy and happiness filled his soul, but worry was also there. Where was she if she wasn't here?

"Okay, maybe you're right. Either way, we gotta tell someone about this. We get the cops down here and they can figure out who's dead, who's alive and who's whatever. Sound good?" Mason asks.

Before Liam could respond, bright lights erupt from the darkness, blinding them and freezing them in their spot. They hear voices and try to cover their eyes to see who it was.

"You two. Stay right where you are." It was the cops. They could hear the radio chatter and sees Hayden's sister, Valerie.

"That's it. That's where I found the bodies." A very familiar voice speaks up. Stepping into the light, it was Hayden, frowning at them both. "Four of them." Liam looks at her, in shock but he was so happy to see her. Yet...something was different about her. Why wasn't she happy to see him?

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