Chapter 3: Catching a Hellhound

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Malia stops at a pipe, blood was smeared over the metal.  Using a finger, she catches a drop and takes a big whiff. 

"This is Noah's.  He was here.  I think he's close."  She says. 

Scott and Josie move close to a tunnel.  Josie notices how familiar it was. 

"Guys I think we've been down tunnels like this before like when we were trying to find Liam and Hayden."  Scott says.  Stiles walks over to see the tunnel, shrugging, like he wasn't interested.

"Okay, so what?"  Stiles scoffs.

"Maybe, it means we're closer than we think.  Maybe there's something else down here.  Something that we haven't found yet."  Josie says.

"Yeah, nothing that helps my dad."  Stiles says irritated.  "Look, we can't just be standing around here waiting for something to..."

Suddenly, Noah emerges from the shadows and charges at Stiles.  Sending him flying against the wall, bumping his head and knocking him out.

"Stiles." Scott shouts with worry.

Falling back into his dream about his mom's funeral and hearing his dad calling out to him, Stiles could hear him as if he was there.

"Stiles, you need to get up.  Come on.  You gotta get up now.  You need to get up."  He could feel his dad's hand on his shoulder.  He could see his younger self looking over his shoulder and up into his dad's eyes with such sadness.  He reaches out to feel his hand, but Scott grabs it and tries to shake him out of his daze.


"Hey.  You still got me."  Sheriff says.  His younger self nods and Sheriff pulls him in for a comforting hug as he finally gets up on to his feet. 

Slowly, everything starts to fade to black then Stiles sees himself back in the tunnels with the others.  Gasping awake, Stiles jerks up and Scott helps him to his feet. 

"You okay?"  Scott asks. 

"Yeah, fine."

The two of them look over and see Malia holding him down, growling with her teeth bared and Josie was glaring at him with her red eyes. 

"Let me go, please, please."  Noah gasps out as he struggles against her.  "They're coming." 

Distant cackling was made from the other tunnels.  Scott and Stiles look down the tunnel, hearing them draw closer and closer. 

Malia finally lets go of him, but Noah gets to his feet as fast as he can to get away.  But this time, Stiles charges him and holds him up against the wall. 

"You're not going anywhere."  Stiles grunts out as he holds him down.  Anger seeps into his core.  He finally has the chimera. 

"I said I don't remember."  Noah whimpers and struggles against his hold.

"You don't remember anything?"  Josie asks.

"No.  Not when it happens.  Not when I change."  Noah shakes his head.

"You clawed my dad half to death, okay, and now it's poisoning him.  You're gonna start remembering every detail right now."  Stiles growls.

"Scott, I hear them."  Malia says as she stands next to him.

"Yeah, I do, too.  Hey, Stiles, get him out of here.  Go to the hospital.  Figure out a way to save your dad."  Scott calls out.

"We're not gonna be able to stop them."  Malia shakes her head.

"But we can slow them down.  Stiles, go.  Josie go with him." 

"Oh, no, I'm not going."  Josie protests.

"Stiles might need help if Noah transforms again.  Go, please."  Scott says.

Sighing in frustration, Josie helps Stiles with Noah and together, they take off into the tunnels where they came from.  Stile grunts as he yanks Noah as they go. 

As they left, Scott groans as sees the blood staining his shirt again.  Malia looks over to him with worry, then they both snap their heads towards the tunnels and sees the dread doctors walking towards them. 

"We're gonna be okay."  Scott says.

"Scott, we're gonna die down here."  Malia says worriedly.

"No, we're not."  Scott shakes his head.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because you're not the only one that I called."  He smirks.

As if time was perfect, a voice speaks up from behind them. 

"Get down."  Chris Argent says as he cocks his huge gun and points it at the Doctors. 

Scott and Malia dive out of the way and Chris starts shooting the doctors.  But, the surgeon lifts up his electrical glove and formed a protective shield.  The bullet ricocheted off the shield and exploded against the wall near them.  Chris frowns and shoots again.  But the surgeon keeps blocking his shots. 

Chris looks over to Scott and Malia, "Run."

Scott and Malia take off behind Chris and Chris walks backwards, still shooting then takes off with them. 

Stiles, Noah, and Josie run as fast as they can till they get to a locked gate.  Stiles yanks on the gate and looks at the lock in frustration. 

"Let me try.  I'm still new at this werewolf business, but I can try."  Josie says.

Stiles nods and moves out of the way for her.  She grips the lock and starts pulling as hard as she could. 

"We better hurry." Noah speaks up and lifts his hand.  Bones start protrude from his writs and hand.  "I'm starting to transform again." 

Josie growls as her eyes begin to change into her Alpha eyes.  Growling louder, she yanks the lock off with sheer force.  Panting in relief, she pushes the wolf back and yanks off the chain, looking back at them.  "Let's go." 

Stiles was looking at Noah's hand.  The bone.  One of them was broken off.  That's it!


Melissa runs through the hospital and sees Dr. Geyer with Sarah. 

"Dr. Geyer!"  She shouts, gaining their attention.  She stops in front of them, panting.  "We have to open him up." 

"What?"  Dr. Geyer was confused.

"There's something inside him.  Something that we didn't see."

"Melissa, we can't just open him up."  Dr. Geyer shakes his head.

"It's a piece of bone.  He's being poisoned by bone marrow.  I know it doesn't make any sense, I know what it sounds like, but you have to open him up.  Do it now." Melissa begs.

Against his better judgement, he does what she says.  To his amazement, he found the bone.  After closing up Sheriff and putting him on medication to treat the marrow poisoning, he began to get better. 

Scott, Chris, and Malia came through the hospital doors, meeting Melissa at the receptionist desk.  She gets up and gives them a knowing smile.  All of them sigh in relief, smiling.  Josie comes around the corner and paces to Scott's arms.  He gladly takes her in his arms. 

"Josie."  Josie looks up and sees Chris.  She smiles at him. 

"Scott filled me in with everything.  You can hear me?"  He asks. 

She nods, "Did he tell you about...the other thing?"  She asks.

"Basically, he told me you somehow got your hearing back and we got these killer doctors who are turning innocent kids into supernatural creatures.  And that they did something to you during your surgery when you had that transplant years ago."

Josie looks around and flashes her other eyes at him, "What about this?" She asks.

Chris's eyes widen in shock, "That part I wasn't informed."  He turns to Scott in anger.  "What did you do to her?" He grabs Scott's shirt roughly.

"Chris!" Josie gets in between him and Scott, holding a hand up.  Her eyes back to normal.  "It wasn't Scott.  Deaton told us this was bound to happen.  It was a rare chance, but it happened.  With the bond growing every second, the power of it managed to connect our souls as one.  Meaning since Scott is a true Alpha, I became an Alpha Female." She explains.

Chris sighs, taking in all this information, "This wasn't the life I wanted you to have.  As much as I am happy that you have your hearing back, I didn't want this to be the cost of that.  I think your body has been preparing for your transformation since then.  Deaton said the hair follicles healed right?  Your healing abilities were growing from there." 

"There's something else about the Dread Doctors.  They believe that Josie is someone of great importance to them.  A reincarnation of a woman they know."  Scott adds.

"Do you know who?"  Chris asks.

"Someone named Diana." Scott says.

"Diana Roux.  I had a dream on the night of the super moon.  A man and Diana were...hmm..." Josie blushes.  Everyone gets the idea.  "He proposed to her.  To marriage.  With this ring."  She holds up her hand showing Chris the ring.  Chris's eyes widen, recognizing that ring.  "He called her Diana Roux." 

"That's impossible." Chris mutters. 


Chris looks up at them, shaking his head, "Nothing.  Um, the name is familiar, I'll do research and see if I can find anything."  He says.

Josie eyes him, she could hear his heartbeat.  He wasn't lying, but it did jump when she showed him the ring. 


Stiles fell asleep against Sheriff's bed, they say he was fine now, but he hasn't woken up yet.  As Stiles slept, Sheriff begins to stir in his sleep.  Opening his eyes, he's welcome to the sight of his son sleeping on the edge of the bed with his arms as his pillow.  Sighing, he lifts his hand and touches Stiles' shoulder, stirring Stiles from his slumber.  He looks up and sees his dad awake, smiling down at him.

"It's okay, Stiles.  You still got me."  Sheriff assures him.

Stiles lets out an exhale, so relieved that his dad was going to be ok.


Hayden and Theo roamed together through the tunnels.  Looking for Noah. 

"He was here."  Hayden says.

"What else can you tell me?"  Theo asks her.

"Why don't you tell me how I know that?"  Hayden asks.

"Noah's part Berserker.  You're part jaguar.  You'll be drawn to each other." Theo explains.

"Is that why I'm here with you?" Hayden asks.

"I saved your life." 

Hayden stiffens and begins to look around, shuddering as she feels something.


"I think he's dying.  That means they're going to find him."

Theo sighs in frustration, "Probably already have."

And he was right.  After Noah ran from Stiles and Josie, he hid back in the tunnels, mercury dripped from his lips with the black ooze.  Wasn't long till the doctors found him.

Theo and Hayden found a trail of mercury, he dips his fingers into a drop, inhaling sharply in disappointment, "We could've used him."

"For what?"  Hayden asks.

Theo shakes his head then looks up, stiffening at the sight, they both rise to their feet and stare at the wall in front of them.  On the wall was a small circle inside of a bigger one.  Like Scott's tattoo. 

"What is that?"  She asks.

"A symbol.  The symbol of an Alpha and his pack."  He says.

"Whose pack?" 



Dr. Valack's voice fills Lydia's ears as she continues to lie in that bed.

"It was more than a symbol, wasn't it? It was a promise to reunite them." 

"Yes."  Lydia says.

"But has Scott done it yet? Will he be coming for you?"

Suddenly a bell buzzes, sending them an alert.  Lydia gasps and stiffens, knowing who that is. 

"Someone's coming."  Dr. Valack turns back to Lydia. "But it's not Scott."

Theo and his pack walk slowly down the halls, drawing closer to Lydia's cell.  Dr. Valack walks out of the cell and stands in their way.

"You don't wanna do this, Theo.  She's safe in here.  The Dread Doctors don't know how important she is yet."

Theo smirks and looks over to Tracy.  Tracy growls with a sinister smile and charges at Valack, slamming him into the wall and holds him against it. 

Theo and the others move into the cell, looking down at Lydia.  Theo frowns at the condition she was in.

"She doesn't look good."  Josh smirks.

Corey moves to look at her closer, noticing the hole, "She has a hole in her head.  It's not a good look for anyone." 

Theo moves and turns Lydia's head to see the hole clearly, he shakes his head in disgust, "I can't believe this is actually a medical establishment.  Pick her up.  We're getting her out of here."  He orders his pack.

"Now what would a pack of Chimeras want with a Banshee?"  Valack speaks up in curiosity as Tracy continues to hold him.

"I don't want a Banshee.  I'm looking for a Hellhound."  Theo smirks. 

Right on cue, Parrish, in full Hellhound form grips on to the gated door, fire blazing all over his body, his eyes glowing bright orange as his clawed hands grip on to the metal.  The fire was so strong, it practically melted the steel, causing the door to crumble and fall off the hinges.

Valack smirks, "You wanted a Hellhound...I think you found one." 

Theo moves and sees Parrish growling at him with such anger.  He lets out a louder growl at Theo, showing his sharp fangs.

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