Chapter 5: The Chimera Pack

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(Josie's Outfit for the day ^^^^ Also this chapter will have a little bit of smut)

Since they didn't get the chance to talk to Stiles, Scott decided to try Malia the next day.  Josie holds on to Scott tightly as they ride off to Malia's house.  Mr. Tate was at work, so they could talk to Malia alone.  Scott reaches and holds on to Josie arm as she wraps around him tightly.  It felt good to have her back.  What was going on with her, that was a mystery.  Once they deal with the dread doctors, he has a feeling things will come together.  Just hope it will be good. 

They pull up to Malia's house and Malia comes out the door, not in a good mood. 

"You didn't have to come all the way out here."  She tells them once Scott shuts the engine off and helps Josie off the bike. 

"You weren't answering your phone."  Scott says. 

"We need help."  Josie says as she and Scott walk up on to the porch and stand in front of Malia. 

"I can't help you.  Not right now."  Malia shakes her head. 

"What if I told you that you're the only one that I have left?"  Scott says.

"You're not going to want my help." She still argues.

"Anything that happened between us..." Scott tries again but she cuts him off.

"I'm talking about something that's going to happen.  Something I'm going to do.  And you're not going to like me much after I do it." 

Scott frowns and listens, "Is that why I hear two other heartbeats in there?"

"And why yours is beating so fast?"  Josie asks. 

Malia sighs sadly, her eyes mists, "Scott, Josie, go home.  I can't help."

Josie sighs and turns to Scott, "Meet me later, ok?"  She asks.

He looks at Malia and back down to Josie, he could feel she needed one on one with Malia.  He nods and heads for his bike. 

"Josie..." Malia protests, but Josie glares at her. 

"I know."  She says.

Scott frowns in confusion, but Josie gives him a smile and nods.  Scott could feel her comfort and assurance.  She watches him get on his bike and ride off. 

Josie turns to Malia, "This is about your mom isn't it?" 

Malia swallows hard and looks down in guilt, "Um, yeah.  Just so you know, I'm not alone.  I've been trying to find information about her and I think I found a source." 

"This source, are they reliable?" Josie asks. 

"Yes.  Come on."  Malia gestures her to come inside.  When Josie follows her in, she sees Braedon holding on to some guy in a lock.

"Did you get anything out of him?"  Malia asks.

"Not yet.  Hey, Josie."  Braedon smiles. 

"Hey, Brae.  Need help?"  Josie asks.

"Nah, but, help yourself."  She chuckles. 

Josie reaches and grips the man by his neck holding him in the air.  The guy gags and grips Josie's arm, trying to get out of her grip, but she was too strong for him. 

Braedon frowns in shock and looks over to Malia who waves it off, "Long story."

Josie shoves him against the wall and Braedon and Malia help her. 

"You think you can make me talk? I am Spetsnaz.  Soviet Special Forces.  In battle, we kill our own wounded.  You could tear out my fingernails, cut my lips with razors.  I'll still say nothing."  The guy smirks as he struggles. 

"Ew, dude, that's just gross." Josie grimaces in disgust. 

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but your section is out of work and broke, right?" Braedon asks.

"You won't get a word out of me."  The man scoffs.

"What if we paid you $10,000?"  Braedon asks.

The man stops struggling, thinks about it. Not a bad price.  Before they knew it, he was let go and counting the money that Braedon gave him.

"The Desert Wolf was last seen close to the Canadian border.  She won't travel by plane.  She will stay away from surveillance cameras when she can."  He explains.

"Then we still have some time."  Braedon says. 

"There's another reason she won't fly.  She's not traveling alone."

"What do you mean?"  Malia asks, confused.

"She has a hostage.  An animal doctor."

Malia and Josie look at each other in shock, "Deaton."  They gasps.

"She won't hurt him.  Not till she gets what she wants."  Braedon says.

"And that would be me."  Malia says bitterly.

"What does the Desert Wolf even look like?  If she's on her way here, I would like to know who we're dealing with here."  Josie says.

Braedon gets out her cellphone and flips through the pictures, "This is the most recent photo of the Desert Wolf.  When she killed a drug dealer named Lopez." 

Josie looks over to the phone and sees a very familiar face.  Flashbacks of the night when she was 6 invaded her mind.  The sound of that woman roaring at her father, the blue eyes.  Cold eyes. 

"Josie, you ok?" Malia asks. 

"You look like you've seen a ghost, sweets."  The man says.

Malia and Braedon glare at him to shut up and turn back to Josie who was pale and shaking. 

"That's her." She gasps.

"Who?  What are you talking about?" Malia asks. 

"Malia, your mom was my dad's mate.  She's the reason why my dad nearly killed me." 

Now, Malia went pale. 


Liam met up with Mason at the school and told him what he saw at the club.  Josh and Theo. 

"I went to the club looking for Hayden, and there's Josh.  Standing there.  Completely alive.  Just like Hayden.  Because of Theo."  He rambles.

"Theo brought them both back.  That's what he's doing.  He's, he's building a pack.  His own pack of dead Chimeras."  Mason gasps. 

"They both looked pretty alive to me.  But they're not the same.  There was something about Hayden.  There's something wrong about her." Liam says, frowning in confusion. 

"Maybe that's what dying does to you.  What if it, what if it like darkens your soul.  What if they're all evil now?"  Mason suggests.

They both jump when Corey comes through the school doors, smiling at them.  Corey was suppose to be dead...he was alive!  They both look at him in shock.

"Hey, guys! Are you volunteering for the library clean-up, too?"

They both drop their shocked looks and put on straight faces, nodding and stuttering,

"Yeah."  "Yes.  Yeah."

They both follow Corey into the library and help around a little but they need answers.  Liam persuades Mason to talk to him, get some information out of him.  Mason was hesitant, but Liam was insistent. 

Mason walks over and stands next to Corey, Corey turns and sees him, smiling big at Mason.

"So...You're alive."  Mason says, awkwardly.

"Yeah." Corey looks at him weirdly but smiles at how nervous Mason was. Mason blushes and scratches his neck and looks over at Liam who was covering his face and shaking his head unbelievably.

"That must have been pretty difficult to explain to your parents."  Mason stammers as he turns back to Corey.

"Not really.  They didn't notice me much before that.  I think they're just glad 'cause they think they can sue the hospital now."  Corey scoffs and laughs.

"They gotta be happy you're alive, though?"  Mason asks. 

"Are you?"  Corey asks, smirking.

"Me? Yeah, I'm...Alive is definitely better than dead.  You know, much better."  Mason laughs meekly.

"You have no idea what to say to me, do you?"  Corey laughs at how cute Mason was being.

"Not really, no."  Mason laughs, blushing.

"Can I ask you a question then?"  Corey smiles.

"Yeah, sure."  Mason nods.

"What are you doing Saturday night?"  Corey smirks. 

Mason's eyes widen and his blush deepens.  He couldn't believe Corey just asked him out.  He was both excited....and scared.


At the hospital, Stiles was staying with his dad till he was back on his feet.  As he was getting food from the vending machines, the nurses were transporting another body down to the morgue, he heard it was the body from the communication towers.  He quickly gets his food and heads back to his dad's room.  He sits on the chair and grabs his dad's laptop as he rests in bed.  While he was typing away on the keyboard, Sheriff stirs awake and turns to see Stiles on the laptop. 

Frowning at his son, "Is that my laptop?"

"Yep."  Stiles says simply, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Do you have my password?"  Sheriff asks in disbelief.

"I have all your passwords.  You know they just brought in another body from last night?" 

Sheriff grunts and turns over to his other side to try and reach for his laptop, "Yeah, I was hoping you wouldn't find out.  Now give me my damn computer."

Stiles moves out of the way, trying to find information, "Hang on, hang on.  I think there's some footage missing.  Or something missing in the footage."  He mutters as he goes through the security footage that was sent in as evidence.

"I think there's something missing in your head."  Sheriff mutters and reaches again, but Stiles moves out of the way.

"You need your rest."  Stiles says and frowns when he plays the footage.  His eyes widen as he watches the video and sees the beast.


Hayden had to tag along with her sister again at the station.  She waits boredly at the bench as she fills in her report about last night. 

The male deputy leans over her shoulder, reads her report and scoffs, "You're really turning this in?"

"I know what I saw."  Valerie says determined.

"'Deputy was attacked by an enormous animal of undetermined species'.  Yeah, that makes things clear."  He scoffs and leaves. 

Valerie rolls her eyes and gets up, Hayden shoots out of her seat, "Are we leaving?"  She says hopefully.

"Not yet.  And don't move."  Valerie warns her sister and goes off. 

Hayden sighs in frustration and sits back down.  Her head snaps up as she senses someone here, someone calling her.  She gets up and follows a scent that leads her to the cells and someone she didn't want to see right now, "You shouldn't be here."

"Why not? My record's spotless."  Theo smirks and she walks closer to him.  "Are you going to tell me what you saw last night?"

"It was exactly like the painting.  Exactly what you said." 

He wasn't too happy with this, but...he still had a plan, "Have you told anyone else?"  He asks.

"I didn't think you'd want me to."  Hayden looks down.

"You're right."  Theo looks over to her with a small smirk.

"But I don't know why."  Hayden says, frustrated.

"And you don't have to.  Look, that thing out there is going to kill a lot of people.  But it's not going to kill us.  Not if we're together."  Theo assures her.

Hayden sighs, then jumps when her cell vibrates, it was Valerie.  'WHAT PART OF DO NOT MOVE DO YOU NOT GET??'  She was very mad.  Hayden begins to leave but, Theo snatches out to grab her arm. 

"Anything else you want to tell me?"  Theo asks, eyeing her.

Hayden shakes her head, "Not really."

He didn't believe her, he knew she was hiding something and that made him very angry, "Look, I don't want this to sound like a warning, and I definitely don't want it to sound like a threat.  But you can't hide anything from me, Hayden.  Remember that."  He lets her go and watches her go back to where her sister was.


Josie went back to Scott's and she had to tell him everything.  No more secrets.  She told him that Theo knows about the desert wolf and what happened at the gym.  And that Malia is trying to get outside help to find her before the desert wolf finds her.  And not to mention, that the desert wolf is her father's mate. 

"What?!"  He exclaims. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you.  Malia made me promise not to tell, and we weren't exactly on good speaking terms around that time, so don't get pissed off at me."  She shouts. 

He sighs, "You're right, I'm sorry for yelling.  Theo, I can't believe I trusted that bastard."  He groans and clutches his chest. 

She gets up real fast and pushes him to the bathroom, "Take off your shirt."  She says and gets the first aid kit.  He does as she says and hisses when she gently pulls off the gauze, she gasps at the sight.  "Oh, Scott." 

"How come you're not feeling it?"  He grits as she applies alcohol on the wound.

She puts the cotton ball down and lifts her shirt, "Oh, I am."  She shows him an ugly bruise on chest.  His eye's widen at the sight.  Not just the sight of her beautiful, perfect breasts being covered with her bra, but the bruise.  It was dark purple and red all over. 

She pushes the shirt down and goes back to caring for her mate.  She tries to be as gentle as she could without hurting him.  Scott bites out a groan and grips the sink tightly.  She looks up at him with such sadness, she wishes she could just take away his pain.  She wondered...She puts the cotton ball into the trashcan and applies a new gauze then places her hand on his cheek, pulling him down for a gentle kiss.  She winces as she feels the pain entering her body, black veins covering her lips and cheeks, but she doesn't care.  She wanted his pain gone.  He pulls away gently, breaking the kiss and frowning at her. 

"Why did you do that?"  He asks, frowning as he feels the pain leaving him.

She smiles at him, "Because I love you." 

(Ha! See what I did? Ok, adding a bit of smut now...)

Scott looks deep into those beautiful green eyes, he smiles slowly and kisses her again, deeply.  He pushes her against the sink, making her sit at the edge as he pulls her closer against him.  They share kisses full of passion and love, feeling their bond grow stronger.  Their lust for each other.  Josie wraps her arms around his neck, her breathing picking up as she moans softly against his lips.  She misses the feel of him.  Their skin against skin moments. Their lovemaking.  Scott pants against her lips and moans softly, trailing his kisses down to her neck.  He push her shirt up frantically, pulling it off and over her head, exposing her midnight blue bra.  He trails his lips lower down to her collar bone, down to the top of her breast...

"WOAH! I see you guys are back together now."  Stiles exclaims from behind them with his eyes covered.

"STILES!" Josie growls in frustration and grabs her shirt off the floor, covering herself as Scott jumps off her and covers his hard on. 

"Sorry.  Sorry.  Are you guys dressed now?"  He asks, still covering his eyes.

Scott puts his shirt back on and Josie pulls her shirt on, "Yes, Stiles."  She bites out and places her hands on her hips, pissed that he just ruined a hot moment.

"Sorry, again." He removes his hand from his eyes, standing their awkwardly.  "So, Still not healing?"  he gestures to the gauze he saw on Scott's chest.

"Sometimes it just takes a little longer."  Scott pants out, trying to control his hard on, thinking thoughts that could bring it down.

"What are you doing here?" Josie asks. 

"Ah, you two heard about the guy who got killed out at the communication towers, right? I think I may have figured something out."  Stiles says as he gets his cell out.

Scott and Josie look at Stiles in surprise, "What, you want our help?"

Stiles sighs, Yeah, well you said you two can find the clues that I can't." 

Scott nods, smiling a little, Josie could feel Scott's happiness as if it was her own.  She was happy that Stiles was coming back into the pack.  But, baby steps of course.  For all of them. 

"Here, take a look." Stiles shows the footage from the security cameras. All three of them look into the screen.  "This is when the technician first arrived.  You see him going in? Then Deputy Clark goes in.  Then something really big and really fast comes charging out.  And now comes Clark.  Eventually, technician's body is carried out by paramedics."  Stiles explains. 

"Okay, what am I missing?"  Scott says, clueless.

"Two people go in.  Three come out."  Josie points out.

Stiles nods, "I checked all the footage.  Not a single person enters that building before the technician the entire day.  So where does that something really big and really fast come from?"

"There's another way in."  Scott's eyes widen.

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