Chapter 6: Reunite

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Liam and Mason kept watch on Corey since they've finished working on the library.  Corey just placed the last chair up and started announce his leaving. 

"He's leaving.  What's the plan?"  Liam asks Mason.

"I have a date with him on Saturday.  I thought that was the plan."  Mason says, confused.

"You were supposed to ask about Theo.  We can't wait until Saturday."  Liam says, exasperatedly.

"Sorry, but Theo leading an evil Chimera pack wasn't exactly a natural progression to the conversation."  Mason says sarcastically.

Sighs annoyingly, "Fine.  I'll talk to him."  Liam says and turns, but to their horror, Corey was gone. 

On the other side of the school, Theo casually walks into the school and into the hallways, sensing for his packmate.  He was close, he could feel him.  He walks in front of an empty hallway and looks around. 

"You don't have to hide from me, Corey."

Emerging from the lockers, Corey reappears, blending back into his original state, he sighs and walks up to Theo, "I was trying to do something nice."

"You were trying to do something normal.  But you don't have to be normal anymore, and you definitely don't have to be nice."  Theo says.

"Well, I'm not going to hurt them."  Corey frowns.

"Look, I don't want you to.  In fact, they don't know it yet, but we're going to protect them.  Just like I'm going to protect you.  So you're going to come with me and you're gonna do everything that I tell you, because I know you don't want to die again.  Do you, Corey?"

Corey slowly shakes his head 'No.'


Theo pats his back and together they leave the school.


Scott, Josie, and Stiles headed back to the communication towers to search for more clues.  Mainly, how the creature managed to get inside the building without being spotted by the security cameras.  Stiles waves his flash light around on one side while Scott searches the other side.  Josie opens her senses for anything. 

Scott shines his light on a large machine tower that was covered with blood and claw marks.  He looks down at the bloody puddle and notices something. 

"You see that?"  Stiles asks.

Scott and Josie look over to where he was talking about, but neither of them could see what he meant.

"I see blood."  Scott says.

"Look where it leads to."  Stiles points out.

Scott leans down and looks behind the machine and sees something.  He quickly moves to lift the machine, but struggles.  He was still very weak.  He worries that he could be losing the wolf inside him.  He grunts loudly as he keeps struggling.  Josie moves to one side and Stiles moves to the other and all three of them struggle to lift the machine up. 

Scott pants, he was glad Stiles was back and helping him.  He turns when he hears Josie's gasp.  The three of them look at a broken gate that led to the sewers.  It's obviously the creature came from there. 


"Corey's not texting me back."  Mason frantically calls and texts Corey, but Corey wouldn't answer either one. 

"Because he left with Theo." Liam says bitterly as they stand in the hallways.  He could smell the strong scent of Theo's cologne.

"Are you sure?" Mason asks, pacing over to him.

"He was here."

"Well then, we should do something, right? We should tell someone."

Liam looks down in guilt, he knew what Mason was asking for, but he wasn't ready to face Scott.

"Liam, you have to tell him." Mason begs.

"You think he'll even talk to me?"

"You're his Beta.  Doesn't he have to?"

Liam scoffs, "Where would I even start? 'Sorry for trying to kill you'? 'Sorry for leaving you for dead so that Theo could kill you'?"

"If, if you start off with sorry, the rest probably won't even matter."  Mason shrugs.


A female nurse looks over to Lydia who still remains in a catatonic state, starring up at the ceiling, at nothing.  She doesn't buy it one bit that Lydia is catatonic.  She waves her hand over Lydia's face, snapping her fingers to get a reaction, but nothing.

The nurse sighs, bored with her, "I have been here a long time, Lydia.  You think I haven't seen this before? I know when patients are pretending.  Manipulating to get what they want."  She grips Lydia's chin, "You're not getting out of here.  Someone as dangerous as you are? We can keep you here for the rest of your life."  The nurse smirks and gets up to walk out.

Inside Lydia's mind, she was up.  Lost in her own state, she sees an old friend she never thought she would see again.  Meredith. 

"You have to wake up."  Meredith says as they both look over to Lydia's body.

"What if I can't?"  Lydia asks, fear in her voice.

"Then you won't be able to help your friends and they'll die without you."  Meredith says.

"How am I supposed to help them like this?"  Lydia scoffs.

"You learned to fight, didn't you?"  Meredith asks.

"Only a little."  Lydia shrugs.

"You learned more than you think you did, and faster than an ordinary person could."  Meredith says.

"But that doesn't matter now." Lydia shakes her head.

"It does.  Because I'll teach you the rest.  I'm going to show you how to use your voice.  How to use it as a weapon." 


Scott, Josie, and Stiles walk through the dark tunnels, searching for anything.  Stiles had an idea and turns on his black light, aiming for the floor.  There is was...a trail of mercury.  Together they follow the trail and came across a clue.  A sign.  Words written in mercury. 

"What is that?"  Josie asks, frowning.

"It looks like Latin."  Stiles says.

Scott gets out his cell and turns on the camera, "Hold up that light.  I'm gonna get a picture of it."  Suddenly, the light was jiggling around, "Stiles, hold the light still."

Stiles suddenly falls to his feet, gripping his neck, groaning in pain.  Scott and Josie looks down, frowning in confusion, then slowly look up and sees Tracy standing next next to them, hissing at them both.  She swipes at Josie, but Josie dodges her and punches her in the face.  Tracy growls loudly, but Josie lets out a louder growl as she transforms into her alpha. 

(I tried to transform Josie into a wolf Teen Wolf Style...not sure it came out good enough...what do you think?)

Tracy frowns in fear, surprised with this.  But, she didn't care.  She charges at both of them, swiping her claws at them.  She gets Josie in the arm, smirking in triumph, but instead of falling to the ground in paralysis.  Josie roars and scratches her back across her stomach.  Scott grabs Tracy and throws her against the wall, but Tracy does a flip over the wall and tries to swipe at Scott's back, but Josie grabs her hand and twists it till the bones crack.  Tracy lets out a loud scream of pain. 

Stiles watches the fight going on and sees Josh sneaking up behind them, electricity shooting from his hands. 

"Behind you!" He yells. 

Scott ducks while Josie shoves Tracy's claws into Josh's abdomen.  Tracy flies backwards from the shock and Josh lands hard next to Stiles, paralyzed. 

"Sucks, doesn't it?" Stiles says sarcastically to a stiffed Josh.

Josie growls lowly and looks over to next to Scott.  Scott growls at the wall, knowing that Josie senses what he does too. 

Corey blends back into his original state, shaking in fear at the both of them.  Josie snarls and Scott growls. 

"Okay!" Theo calls out, walking around a corner.  "Maybe they're not ready to take on an Alpha.  Let alone two.  Especially one that can smell fear."  He glares at Corey.

Scott and Josie transform back to human, glaring at Theo. 

"They got fangs."  Corey points out, still scared.  Tracy walks up next to Corey, already healing from the blows and scratches Josie gave her.  Theo gestures at Corey and Tracy to pick up Josh.

"What did you do?"  Scott frowns at him.

"I found some new friends.  I don't take rejection well."

"Bitch." Josie coughs. 

Theo snarls at her and she just gives him an innocent look.  He looks down and smirks at Stiles, who was still paralyzed.

"Hey, Theo!"  Stiles fake cheers.

"Stiles."  Theo frowns when he sees the light still shinning on the words and slams his foot down to break them up.  "You're going to leave here thinking that you need to worry about me.  But you're wrong."  He walks around Scott and Josie, moving over to his pack.  "We're actually back on the same side."

Josie scoffs loudly. 

"Because that thing..."  He gestures up above.  Meaning the creature that's roaming the streets. "That's what we need to worry about.  Your pack and mine."  He glares at her again. 

"Don't make me make you piss your pants again."  She growls at him.

Stiles snorts in laughter. 

She smirks remembering the smell of piss after she roared in his face and scratched his car.

"We're gonna go back to school and pretend like we're normal teenagers, but at night, we're going to be fighting for our lives."

"What is it?"  Stiles asks.

"It's not a Chimera."  Theo says.

"But it's just a kid underneath.  Someone like us."  Scott says.

Theo shakes his head, "Not anymore."  He turns and leaves with his pack. 

Josie sighs and folds her arms over her chest, the scratch from Tracy was already healing, but still, that annoyed her. 

"Um, a little help here."  Stiles mutters.


Pounding on the door of the vet's, Liam frantically searches for Scott and Josie.

"Scott, I need to talk to you! Scott?"  He calls out, continues his pounding.

He turns as he hears a car pulling up to the building, he was honestly surprised to see who is was. 

"What are you doing here?"  Liam asks the figure as they step out of the car.

"Looking for you." Hayden says as she shuts the door and moves up closer to him. 

"Is that okay with Theo?"  Liam scoffs.

Hayden sighs, "Probably not."

"Why are you here?"  Liam asks.

"Because you are." 

Liam's heart skips a beat, god she was so beautiful.  He misses her so much.  He wants to tell her about them being mates, but he didn't want to scare her away.  He didn't want to lose her...not again.  He walks over to her and stands in front of her.

She looks down, not sure what to say, but she needed to know, "Did you really almost kill Scott to save me?'

"It was a supermoon.  But...Yeah, I guess I did."  he looks down in shame.

"That's really screwed up, Liam.  He's one of your best friends."  She frowns at him.

"Yeah, now you're with Theo who told me to kill him."  He scoffs.

She folds her arms over her chest, trying to figure things out, "Something's different now.  I don't know why, but ever since coming back, nothing feels the same.  Nothing feels right."

"Nothing?" He frowns.

"Except for you."  She touches his shoulder, dragging her hand down over to his heart.  "You're the only thing that feels the same."  She drops her hand and sighs, "The only thing that feels right.  I guess I just want to know how you feel about me."

He didn't know what to say.  The sparks he felt as she touched him, it always made his heart speed up.  Realizing he wasn't saying anything, he was scared when she started to turn around.  He reaches out and gently grabs her wrist, and pulls her close.  He smiles and leans in to kiss her gently, sliding his tongue into her mouth, passion filling into every kiss they share together.  He missed her so badly.  He missed her kiss.  She cups his cheeks as he wraps his arms around her waist, holding her tight against him.


In the sewers, Scott and Josie help Stiles to sit up against the wall.  Stiles lies there panting, hoping he can get moving soon. 

Scott sighs and sits next to Stiles while Josie stands in front of them, looking at them both, "He knew what it meant and I can't remember the words."  Scott says, angry at Theo.

"Damnatio Memoriae."  Josie says, then her eyes widen, "Oh, dear god, how do I know this crap?!"  She covers her mouth and paces in front of them.  "I'm sick and tired of knowing things I'm not suppose to know.  I saw the words, but I couldn't pronounce them in my head.  How in the hell did I know how to pronounce it?"

"It means the condemnation of memory, right?"  Stiles asks her.

"Um, yeah.  And I don't even know Latin."  She says, biting her nails.

"I think it also means that whatever the Dread Doctors created, whatever this last Chimera really is, it's not something new.  It's something old.  Really old." Stiles explains to them.

"So they didn't create a new creature."  Scott puts it together.

"They resurrected one."  Josie finishes for them.


In the dark room in a lonely apartment, the floor littered with tissues stained with black ooze.  Sitting in his wheelchair with the tissues surrounding him, Gerard Argent stares off into the widow above then smirks as he hears the door slowly opening.  From the mirror he could see Chris Argent walking into the room carrying a case with him. 

"Nothing pleases me more than a surprise visit."  Gerard says, his voice old and raspy, lips and nose still stained from the ooze that continues to spew from his orifices.  He is constantly reminded every second he spits into a tissue how Scott tricked him a few years ago with the bite and lacing his medication with Mountain Ash. 

"Do you know why I'm here?"

Gerard turns his wheelchair so he could face Chris, spitting into another tissue, "I have heard rumors.  A few bits of gossip manage to reach even this dark corner of Beacon Hills."  Gerard says.

Chris places the case on a table and slowly opens it, pulling out a plant, Yellow Wolfsbane.  Gerad's eyes widen in shock.

"How long have you had that?"

Chris didn't answer, but simply throws it to the floor.  Gerard struggles to get out of his wheelchair, falling on the floor.  He gobbles up the wolfsbane, consuming it into his body.  Grunting and groaning, he feels the poison of the mountain ash finally leaving his body.  He spits one last time, but this time, it was blood. 

Gerard looks up at Chris in shock, yet relief that he was back to normal, he gets up to his feet, wiping away the blood, "All this to help Scott?"

"Not just Scott.  You remember Josie, right?  That little girl who spent time with us in Tennessee?"  Chris asks.

"What about her?" Gerard frowns, remember that sweet little girl who baked him cookies and hugged him, loved him like she was part of the family.  He also remembers her father.  He knew what he was and what she was.  But they weren't wolves, no reason to hate them.  Doubt she remembers him now. 

Chris moves over to him and takes out his cell, he shows a picture of Josie, all grown up.  Gerad's eyes widen in shock, "Impossible." 

"She's a spitting image of Diana Roux.  The woman our family protected and failed.  And she is just like her.  She carries the power."  Gerad's eyes harden in fear and shock, yet amused how time was repeating for them again.  Hopefully, not as bad as it was 3 centuries ago.  "You know about the Dread Doctors, don't you?" Chris eyes him, putting his cell back into his pocket.

Watching Chris with a close eye, "So they did succeed?"  Gerard asks.

"Tell me what it is."  Chris demands.

"Oh, not what it is.  What it was.  A monster whose only purpose was to kill.  Not for sustenance, not for revenge, not for any rational impulse other than the drive to end life wherever it's found.  It also has a rather personal connection to our family."  Gerard hints at Chris. 

Chris's face changes from a hard look to a look of purse shock, "La Bate."

"The Beast of Gevaudan."  Gerard smirks at him.


Scott begins to draw his symbol on the dirt covered ground in the sewers. 

"We need help.  If Theo's got his own pack now then we need ours."  Scott explains to Stiles.

"We have to get the others back." Josie says, rubbing her forehead.

"The others?"  Stiles scoffs, "You mean Kira who's currently battling a homicidal fox spirit inside of her, with Edward in tow, Malia who isn't even speaking to either one of us, Lydia who's stuck in Eichen House, and Liam who almost killed you?"

"Malia has a good reason why she's not talking to either of you.  She still talks to me, but she just have a personal mission."  Josie explains.

Stiles frowns at him, "The Desert Wolf?"  He asks.

Josie nods, "Whom I just discovered was my dad's mate.  Who she rejected and made him go crazy enough to nearly kill me and my mom." Stiles' eyes widen as his brows shoot up in surprise.  Josie waves it off, "Long story."

"They're also known as our best friends."  Scott says.

Stiles sighs, "Okay, how?"

"One by one."  Scott says, gesturing at Stiles to finish the symbol.

"You're not seriously going to make me do it?" Stiles scoffs.

"You're part of the pack, right?"

Stiles looks up at Josie who gave him a curious brow, he sighs and reaches out, "Okay."  He watches Josie kneel down and puts her hand below were his were and together they form a larger circle inside of Scott's smaller circle.

"We're in this together." She says, placing her hand over Stiles, Scott places his over hers.  Stiles gives them a small smile, "As a pack." He says. 

Scott and Josie help Stiles to his feet.  He was gaining feeling back in his arms, but his legs were still numbed. 

"We need to find Kira and Edward."  Josie says.

"We will."  Scott says, determined.

"I still hate that tattoo."  Stiles mutters.

"I know." Scott laughs.


In the desert of New Mexico, Noshiko drives her, Kira, and Edward in the middle of the desert, searching for their source of help.

"How do we find them?"  Kira asks as the three of them look around the desert, the wind blowing dirt all around them.

"Skinwalkers are powerful shapeshifters and not particularly welcoming to strangers on their land.  They'll find us."  Noshiko says.

Edward eyes the boulders, rocks, and caves around them, for any sign of life or hint of their existence.  Kira's breathing picks up as she sees a hand busting through the dirt.

"Mom...I think they already have."  Her voice shakes. 

Edward grips on to the handles of his swords as he watches three women erupt slowly from the earth.

All covered in dirt, war paint, fur of animals.  Carrying huge spears made from the bones of animals.  They look over to them with a hard look, challenging them. 

"Kira.  Edward. Take out your swords."  Noshiko says.

Kira snatches out her sword, holds it up to take her stand.  Edward pulls out his swords, swishing them in the air and holds them in front of him, for protection. 

Kira looks at them, watching one with the hood watching her with a tilt of her head.  She must sense Kira's fear of them.  Edward carried only fear for his mate, his life meant nothing to him.  Only the life of Kira mattered in his heart.  Kira knew she needed to do this.  To tame the fox inside her.

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