Chapter 7: Finding Kira

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Noshiko stood afar, watching Kira and Edward fight against the skinwalkers.  Edward grunts as he blocks two skinwalkers from attacking him.  But, it seemed that they were more focused on Kira than him.  Kira dodges several swipes of the spears, but they were so much more stronger than she was.  Edward flips backwards in the air and manages to kick one of the skinwalkers in the chest, sending her flying backwards.  One of the skinwalkers flicks dirt in Kira's eyes, blinding her for a mere second, but that was all they needed.  Two of the skinwalkers cornered Edward, knocking his swords from his hands, so he was forced to use hand on hand combat.  He was good, but they were better.  One got him in the face with the spear, sending him to the ground.  He tries to get up, but he feels the sharp edge of the spear against his neck.  The other two skinwalkers continue to fight Kira till they had her sword knocked on to the ground and sent one of the spears into Kira's shoulder.  They pinned her to the boulder as she groans in pain.  Edward tries to move to protect her, but the skinwalker presses the spear harder to make sure he gets the point.

The three of them begin to study Kira, gazing into her soul. 

"She's frightened."  The hooded skinwalker says.

"But she's not frightened of us."  The white face skinwalker says.

"Of herself."  The braided Skinwalker says.

"And her mate, he carries much love for her." The hooded one looks over to Edward who glares at them.

"So much love."  The braided one says.

"He values her life more than his own.  Brave warrior." The hooded one says.

"But, you, the fox inside you would kill him in a heartbeat if he stood in your way."  The white face one says to Kira.

Kira's eyes mist at that, she would kill Edward? 

"Can you help her?" Noshiko asks.

The hooded one tilts her head at Kira, "We can try."

"If not, she stays."  The braided one says.

"What...What does that mean?" Kira frowns in confusion.

"If we can't help you, you'll stay and become one of us." The hooded one says.

"A Skinwalker."  The braided one says.

"You'll walk with us under the sun through the dust." The white face one says.

"Forever."  The braided one states.

Kira gasps in shock.  Forever?  She would become one of them?  What about Edward?  The pack?  Her friends?

The white face one removes her spear from Edward's neck and the braided one jerks her spear out of Kira's shoulder.  Edward slowly gets up and walks up to Kira, pulling her into his arms, she holds on to him tightly.  She didn't want to become a skinwalker, but she had to get the fox tamed before it gets worse. 


(Josie's outfit ^^^^)

After talking to Kira's father, Stiles, Scott, and Josie figured out where Kira was.  They were all determined to bring her and Edward back.  Stiles worked on his jeep to make sure it could run for their long drive.  Josie and Scott packed up a bag for each other.  They headed downstairs and sees Liam.  Josie frowns at him and Scott looks at him in shock.  Liam looks at both of them scared to death.

"They're alive."  He stutters.  "I mean the Chimeras.  Some of them, not all of them."

"I know."  Scott says.

"Oh, you do?"

"Yeah."  Josie nods.

Scott sighs, "I...I'm sorry, we can't talk right now, Liam."  Scott says and reaches for Josie's hand, walking with her to the door, but Liam stops them.

"It was Theo."  Liam stutters.  "He's the one who brought them back, and now they're with him.
Like they're his pack."

"We know."  Josie says and Scott moves to the door, but Liam stops them again.

"Hayden's one of them."  Liam says.

Josie and Scott turn to face Liam, "Hayden?"  Josie asks in confusion.

"She's okay?"  Scott asks.

"She's alive.  I'm not sure she's totally okay, but she's definitely alive."  Liam says, shrugging.

"That's good."  Scott says.  He was happy that Hayden was alive. 

"Good?  That's great." Josie praises. 

"Where are you guys going?"  Liam asks.

"To get Kira."  Scott says.

"Her dad told us that her mom took her out to New Mexico, to this place called Shiprock.  They're trying to figure out a way to help her, but it's dangerous."  Josie says.

"So we're gonna go find her and bring her back."  Scott says.

"I'll come with you."  Liam steps forward, but Scott steps back, shaking his head.

"Nah, you can't." Scott heads for the door as Josie stutters a protest.

"Let me help.  Let me do something.  Just tell me what I can do."

"Don't do anything."  Scott says over his shoulder and headed out the door.

Josie sighs and turns to Liam, "I know it was the supermoon and I know it was Theo's doing, just give him some time.  Ok?"  She asks.

Liam looks down sadly, but nods.  He flinches when he feels her hug him.  But, returns the hug, sighing against her neck.  "Don't worry, Liam.  He's going to need you.  We're all are."  She pulls away and turns to the door, but looks back as she sees his confused face.

"You smell different."  He says.

She smirks and flashes her red eyes, "A lot has happened during the supermoon." 

Liam's eyes widen in shock, but he smiles small at her.  She turns and heads out the door and meets Scott outside with Stiles. 

"So, what did he want?"  Stiles asks.

Scott grabs the light and holds it up for Stiles, "To help."

"You gonna let him?"  Stiles asks.

Scott shrugs, "Eventually, I guess."

"Okay, but shouldn't he be a little higher on your priority list right now? I mean, since he's the only other actual werewolf, your only actual Beta."  Stiles says as he continues to work on his jeep.

"You didn't see the way that he came at me.  You didn't see the look in his eyes." Scott says.

"Well, I've been with you on a full moon, so I've seen that look."

Scott sighs and looks down, he feels Josie's hand on his back, giving him a comforting rub, sending her powers through him. 

"Scott, you have to give him a chance.  You can't blame him for being an emotional wreck, especially during the supermoon.  If it was me, you would possibly do the same thing.  He was just concerned for his mate."  She says. 

Stiles stutters, "Mate?"

"Oh, my god, you guys are more blind than a bat.  Liam and Hayden are mates.  Couldn't you tell?  The way he was so protective of her, how much love he has for her?  They're mates."  She points out. 

Scott and Stiles' eyes widen in realization, "That's why he was so aggressive, the supermoon was just fuel to the fire."  Stiles says.

"But, still...what if it happens again?" Scott asks.

"You want to get the band back together, Scott, you don't leave out the drummer."  Stiles says and moves around to turn on the engine.  It roars to life and he runs around to look down at his work.  "Success! Yes!"  He shuts the hood and the three of them get into the jeep, well, when Josie opens the back, it was loaded with antifreeze jugs.  When Scott looks behind him, he frowns in concern at Stiles.  "It's a minor leak.  Very minor."  Stiles waves it off.

"Come on, Jo.  Sit up here with me."  Scott says and helps Josie to sit  on his lap in the front. 

They take off down the road, and Stiles' 'minor' leak was actually a major one as they track antifreeze everywhere they drove. 


Theo lands with a crouch in between two school buses, and slowly gets up, looking all around his surroundings. 

"Did you see it?"  Tracy asks as she walks up next to him.

"It was too fast."  He says, still eyeing around the courtyard.

"But it's here?"  She asks.

Theo nods, "Yeah.  So keep your distance.  Look, we're not trying to catch it.  Not yet."  Theo explains.

Suddenly, they head a loud growling in the distance, it almost sounded like it was coming from inside the school.  They pace to the doors and slowly slip inside, carefully walking down the hallways.  Theo stops at a row of lockers, senses mercury in the air.  He call forth his wolf to see the mercury and sees a message written on the lockers, 'Damnatio Memoriae'.

"It's the same message, isn't it? What are they trying to tell it?"  Tracy asks.

"Trying to get it to remember who it was."  Theo says as he pushes back the wolf.

"But isn't it just a teenager like us? Isn't it just a kid underneath?"  Tracy asks.

"They don't care about that.  The Doctors, they needed a body because they couldn't resurrect the Beast out of thin air.  That kid underneath, whoever it is, just a side effect.  All the Doctors care about is the Beast."  Theo says.

"So what happens if it does remember?"  Tracy asks.

Theo shakes his head, "I'm not sure.  The thing probably doesn't even know it turns back to human during the day."

The two of them move near a corner of the hallway, "I read that the Beast of Gevaudan killed 113 people.  Is that true?"  Tracy asks.

"No."  Theo shakes his head, then smirks.  "The Doctors told me it was closer to 500."

Suddenly, they hear a door opening and shut, Tracy moves to the front of the hallway and calls her kanima side.  Together they walk slowly down the hall, and suddenly, the dread doctors appears in front of them.  Tracy swipes her claws at one of the doctor's face and scratches his mask, but he smacks her in the face, sending her slamming against the locker with a painful grunt.  Tracy groans in pain as she lies on the floor.

"Leave."  The surgeon says.

"Where is it?"  Theo asks, ignoring the warning in the surgeon's voice.

"You already have your pack."  The surgeon says. 

"It wasn't enough.  Look at my eyes."  Theo shows them his yellow wolf eyes.  "They look red to you? I'm not an Alpha.  I'm not even a real werewolf."  Theo says frustrated as he pushes back the wolf.

Suddenly, loud thudding footsteps were made from behind the doctors.  Low growling was made from another hallway, metal creaking and a loud thud.  From the hallway, a locker door was thrown across the floor.  The footsteps begin to grow louder.  From behind the doctors, there stood the beast.  It's head nearly touched the 10 foot ceiling.  It growled loudly as it walked slowly on it's back legs.  Tracy gasps as she sees it, eyeing it's height.  Theo's eyes slowly move up and up.  Fear crept inside him as he slowly backs away. 

Tracy's eyes widen as she sees a severed head in the beast's hand.  Theo frowns when he sees a jacket in the other hand.  It looked familiar.   The beast stops and stands near them, snarling down at them both.  With a loud roar, the sound of the beast echoed through the hallways, lockers rattled with the roar.  Theo and Tracy cover their ears at the loud sound.  Soon, it was over.  The beast was gone and so were the doctors. 

"Come on."  Theo says to Tracy and paces to where the beast came from.  Tracy gets up and follows him.

"What if it comes back?"  She asks.

"It's long gone.  Did you see what it had in its hand?"  He asks.

"The head?"  She asks.

"Besides that..." He turns the corner and sees a row of lockers were torn into.  Theo slowly walks towards the lockers, the one in the middle was the only one that was touched. 

"Who's locker is that?" Tracy asks.

He knew exactly who's locker it was, but, she couldn't be the beast...could she?  Would explain how she became a wolf. 



Kira groans in pain as the braided skinwalker tends to her wound.  Places a skin hide over her wound.  Edward sits in the shadows, watching them. 

"This will speed the healing."  The skinwalker says.

"You could've just not thrown a spear into me."  Kira says, bitterly as she sits up.

"You had a sword.  You could have used it."  The skinwalker points out.

"I thought I did."  Kira scoffs.

"You were afraid to use the sword.  I showed you I wasn't afraid to use the spear." 

The skinwalker gets up and grabs her spear, heading out of the teepee, but runs into Noshiko.  She looks at her with no emotion, but Noshiko was scared, not of her, but for her daughter. 

Kira moves and Edward helps her, holding her in his arms.  She pants, the pain in her shoulder was terrible, but the skinwalker was right, she could feel it healing. 

"What happens now?"  Kira asks.

Noshiko looks down to where Kira was sitting, the symbol on the dirt.  A red circle with white, red, and black feather lines.

"They're going to test you.  Tonight.  It's not going to be easy."  Noshiko says.

"Have they mentioned anything about fixing her?"  Edward asks, running a hand over Kira's head, stroking her hair and face.

"They have their methods.  It takes time."

"How much time? Days?"  Kira asks.

Noshkio moves to kneel in front of the two of them, "Months or years."

Edward had a look of dread, but Kira scoffs, "Are you kidding?"  She asks incredulous.

"Don't think I take this lightly, Kira."  Noshiko shakes her head.

"Mom, years?"  Kira asks again, shocked with this information.

"You're a Kitsune.  You have centuries."

"What about my friends?  The pack?" Kira asks.

"If this part of you becomes too powerful, it will consume you.  Do you understand what that means? You won't even exist anymore." Noshiko explains.

"So this is it? This is all I've got? I pass their test and then I can spend a couple months, or if I'm really lucky, years, learning from a couple of crazy, half-naked women carrying spears and wearing animal pelts."  Kira says, still freaked out.

"You carry a sword and you wear a leather jacket.  We're not so different from them."  Noshiko says.

Edward wraps his arms tighter around Kira, comforting her, "What if they can't help me? Do I really become one of them?" Kira asks.

"If you become a Skinwalker and stay with them, it could keep you alive.  It could be the only thing that saves you."

"And I'm never leaving you.  It took me years to find my mate, I can wait as long as it takes if it'll help you."

Kira sighs, placing her hand on top of Edwards, and looks back at her mom, "All the myths about Skinwalkers say they're evil."  She says.

Noshiko smiles sadly, she didn't want her daughter to be one of the skinwalkers, but she wanted her to be better, to have a life with Edward without any fatal consequences.

"They say the same thing about Kitsune." Noshiko says. 

Edward gives her a small smile and kisses the top of Kira's head. 


On the road to New Mexico, Scott, Stiles, and Josie were close to getting to their destination, but God, the heat was too much for them.  Josie takes a swig of her water, it was already luke warm, but it was water at least.  Stiles' face was already red and Scott was trying to keep himself busy looking up those words they found in the sewers.  He sighs and shuts the book in his hand and sighs, not liking the heat.

"Man, I think the Jeep's overheating again." 

"Probably."  Stiles says as he wipes his sweaty brow.

"Should we pull over and put more antifreeze in it?"  Josie asks.

Stiles sighs, "No, we can just turn the heat on."  He turns on the heat, making it worse. 

Josie sighs and fans herself while Scott rolls the window down, "How about this?"  Josie calls the wind and has it blowing on the three of them. 

"That's a little better." Scott sighs in relief when he feels the cool air. 

"You find anything yet?"  Stiles asks, referring to the book.

"They're mostly the same stuff you already knew. 'Damnatio memoriae was a Roman practice, a government decree to destroy the images of the damned.  And they would scratch off their names from inscriptions, chisel their face off of statues.  The Romans believed it was a punishment worse than death'." Scott reads aloud.

"Being forgotten."  Stiles says. 

Josie nibbles on her thumbnail as she listens, this all sounded so familiar to her.

"Listen to this.  'Damnatio Memoriae, was later used on a serial killer in 1598, known as the Demon Tailor.  He lured children into his shop in Paris where he would kill them and boil the flesh off their bones to eat.  The courts believed the crimes so horrible, they ordered all the documents destroyed.  To this day, no one knows his real name'." Scott says. 

Josie gags at the thought of those poor children.

"So the Dread Doctors resurrected a killer who was so bad that he had to literally be erased from history."  She says, rubbing her stomach as it begins to churns.

"A killer that became a werewolf."  Scott says. 

"Which probably made him a better killer. That's great."  Stiles says sarcastically, and presses on the gas harder.

Josie groans, clutching her stomach.

"Josie, you ok?" Scott asks, worriedly.

"Stiles, I think it's a good time to pull over and add more antifreeze."  She groans out.

"Why?"  Stiles asks, confused.

"Cause I'm about to throw up."  She gags and covers her mouth as bile rises up. 

Stiles shouts in surprise, swirling the jeep around till he finally pulls over.  Josie jumps out of Scott's lap and rushes to a bush, vomiting into the bush. 

Stiles grimaces and sighs, he gets out of the car and gets a jug from the backseat, "I'll fill it up." 

Scott lets out a long breath and gets a cloth from the bags, wets it with leftover water from the bottles.  After Josie was done, she pants and slowly gets up, her stomach still hurts, but they had to go on.  "I thought wolves don't get sick."  She mutters.

"They don't, but I don't think nausea counts as a sickness.  The heat and the story, it's understandable." Scott says and pats her face with wet cloth.  She sighs at the feel of the water. 

She laughs at a thought, "Imagine doing this almost everyday when we have kids." She says. 

Scott laughs, "That's something I'm actually looking forward to.  I don't like that you're not feeling well, but, if it means for our kids, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're comfortable." 

She laughs, "Don't say that, I might hold your word for that and it'll come back and bite you in the ass."  She smiles. 

He gives her a smile back and wraps an arm around her, helping her back to the jeep.

Scott helps Stiles with the jeep, Josie reaches into her bag for mouthwash and rinses her mouth out twice.  Sighing, the mint was helping her stomach.

"Better?"  Stiles asks as he shuts the hood.

"Getting there."  Josie nods.

"Let's move these jugs, so she can rest in the back."  Scott says as he and Stiles begin to move the jugs around so Josie could lie down in the backseats.  Scott places the wet cloth over her head and lets her rest. 

"What if she's having a heatstroke?"  Stiles asks, "It might not be a good idea to let her sleep." 

"No, as long as we keep her hydrated and keep the cloth on her, she'll be ok.  We'll just keep checking on her." Scott says and takes the keys from Stiles before he could protest.  "I'll drive.  You've been driving since we left last night."  He gets into the driver's side and Stiles sighs as he gets into the passenger's side. 

They take off back on the road towards Shiprock. 

"You still not talking to Malia?"  Scott asks, breaking the ice.

"Uh, she's not talking to me.  Or anyone, I guess." Stiles sighs.

"Except Josie.  She's the only one Malia trusts."  Scott points out. 

"Cause they share issues with the Desert Wolf."  Stiles says.

"I think I know why.  I think she found her mother."  Scott says.

"Her mother, as in The Desert Wolf?  The same Desert Wolf we just talked about?"  Stiles asks.


Stiles rubs his face, "I knew she was still looking.  She erased her name off my board, but I just I knew she never stopped.  Plus, Josie..." He stops and looks over to Josie who was sleeping, then looks back to Scott.

"What?"  Scott asks, confused and concerned.

"Scott, did Josie tell you about what Malia saw during the accident on the road with Theo?"  Stiles asks.

"Yeah, she told me a few days ago."  Scott nods.

Stiles breaths a sigh of relief, "Then you know that Malia saw the Desert Wolf shooting at her and her family, which caused the accident." 

"Yeah.  Josie is hiding something.  We went to Malia's house a while back, she went in to talk to Malia.  She didn't tell me what they talked about.  'Malia isn't ready to talk about it, when she's ready, she'll open up'.  That's what Josie says, but...When we was at her house, I'm pretty sure Braeden, was there, too."  Scott says. 

"Braeden? What, did you catch her scent?"  Stiles asks.

"Actually, it was her motorcycle.  I smelled her exhaust."

Stiles sighs, "What the hell do you think they're gonna do?"

"Something that Malia doesn't want to tell us about, so probably something bad." Scott says.

"Oh, my God.  You already know, don't you? It's like It's the chemosignals, right?"

Scott nods and sighs, "Aggression."  He says as he grips the wheel.

"How much?"  Stiles asks.

"I think she's gonna kill her.  She's gonna kill her mother."  Scott says.

Stiles looks at him, eyes widening slowly. 

They both jump as they feel the engine begin to sputter.  Josie mutters as she's awaken by the sound and sits up. 

"What's happening?"  She mumbles.

"Um...Yeah, we're out of gas."  Stiles mutters.  "It's out of gas."

"It says we have half a tank."  Scott frowns as he reads the gauge. 

"Yeah, not necessarily."  Stiles mutters.

"You didn't fix the gas gauge, didn't you?" Scott asks, looking at him in shock.  Josie groans and covers her face. 

"Not necessarily."

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