Chapter 3

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There was a moment of silence as Rosa sat quietly. They had managed through the storm luckily, but she hadn't gotten away with her dangerous act. Now she sat in the captain's office.

" Rosa," Morgan started as he stopped his pacing and looked at her." What were you thinking?"
" There was a knot in the rope sir." She replied as she looked up at him.
" And why did you not let one of the men take care of it?"
" I was capable of doing it myself, I'm not made of glass."

Morgan gave a 'hmph' and looked down at her. She was still soaked. Her clothes stuck to her curves and her hair to her face. His eyes trailed a little lower.

" You say your father was a pirate?" He asked as he reached for the pendant around her neck. Rosa tensed but didn't dare to tear her gaze away from him.

" Yes sir."

His eyes narrowed as he flipped the coin between his fingers.
" What happened to him?"
" He went to Pirate's Bay-"
" Is that not where the beast lays?" He asked as he glanced up at her. She nodded before continuing on.

" He went to destroy it and take the treasure. He never made it back." She finished with her voice suddenly going weak.

" What was his name?"

Rosa paused for a moment and kept her mouth shut. Morgan waited patiently for her answer, but he already knew it. He wanted to hear her say it.
" Captain!" Eduardo spoke as he bursted through the door. " We shall be docking soon."
Morgan nodded and moved away from Rosa. " Alright. Rosa go and shower. Make a note that we must buy her some clothes that aren't as . . . revealing."

Rosa noticed his flirtatious smile and glanced down. Her entire shirt had gone see- through and showed what laid underneath it. With a blush she quickly covered her chest and stood, shoving the chair back.

" You perverted old man." She growled. He only gave her a wink which made her cheeks flame even redder.
" Men are such disgusting pigs." She huffed as she shoved her way through the door.

Rosa began to strip free of her soaked clothes and stepped into the shower. The rest of the men had already showered so there shouldn't be a problem with any peeping eyes.

She gave a tug and her hair fell free of it's ponytail. The water began to run through and wash away all the salt and sweat from her body. It simply felt marvelous.

Her mind flashed back to the days where she would fight and haul everything around her father's ship. The crew was always so happy and constantly sang to make the voyage pass by. She couldn't help but the words escape her lips.

" The navy would never have a lass at sea, ah where santo anno.

So I went in search of piracy, along the coast of mexico."

She had been so into singing that she hadn't even heard the sound of foot steps coming down the hall.

" And now we sail the southern seas, ah where santo anno.

And we'll have those navy lads on their knees, along the coast of mexico."

" Rosa hurry up, we about to dock-"

Rosa screamed and quickly tried to cover herself.
" This ship is filled with nothing but perverts!" She yelled. Russell blushed and quickly turned around.
" I saw nothing I swear! Just you're legs!"
" You liar!" She continued as she threw her soaked clothes at the back of his head.
" What's with the screaming- whoa what's going on here?" Nathan asked.
" Get out! Nothing is going on!" Rosa pleaded as she hid behind the wall and pushed herself in the corner.

" Wow Russell, I never you would be this type of man."
" I'm not! I just came to give her some old clothes." He explained as he held out a pile of clothes. Rosa quickly snatched them and got dressed. She looked absolutely ridiculous. She was practically drowning in them.

" I'm going to slaughter every single man on the ship." She muttered as she began to walk up onto the deck. All she wanted was to get some clothes then go exploring. Anything to get her away from these men.

Rosa felt her lungs get crushed as the store owner began to lace up her corset. Even though it restricted her breathing it was better than those clothes that were five sizes too big for her.
" Alright there ya go."
She stepped away and stood in front of a mirror. She would need something that wouldn't get in the way so she chose black trousers that fit snug to her body. Her chemise was a settling white that settled around her shoulders, crimson skirt settled on her hips that started at one hip and ended at the other, leaving the front exposed and out of her way. Then to finish it off a black corset sat around her waist. It was perfect.
Rosa tossed the woman the money and walked out of the store feel refreshed. She felt powerful with her cutlasses at her sides, now all she needed was a pistol.

She turned and began to walk through the streets in search of a merchant who sold what she needed. Finally she settled one a simple pistol that wasn't too high in price. All she needed was something that could shoot, especially if she planned on going to Pirate's Bay. So she picked out a thigh halter and positioned it so it hid behind her skirts. The element of surprise was a pirate's best weapon.

" Hey Rosa, we are stopping into a tavern. The captain requested you come with us." Russell spoke as he walked up to her.
" Alright, I'm coming."

They began to make their way through the crowd. Russell was tall and had some what of a broad frame, he could cut through the people easily. Rosa however, staggered behind slightly.
" Hey! Watch it!" She snapped as a man bumped into her. Her comment didn't even phase him. Instead he continued on, pushing his a young boy down along the way.
" Russell wait." She called out. She stopped and looked back at the boy who sat in the street crying. She couldn't just leave him there. She walked up and knelt down on one knee to his height. He looked up, his bright blue eyes stained with tears.

" Are you alright?" She asked gently. He sniffled and held out his palm. She took it into her hands and spotted at a small scratch.

" He just pushed me down." He managed to say between his sniffling. Russell watched her pick the boy up and sit him down on her knee, holding him close.

" No need to cry." She continued to speak in a comforting tone. Rosa grasped his tiny hand and brought his palm to her lips and planted a gentle kiss.
" Does that feel better?" She asked. He nodded quickly with a smile.

" Good, now no more crying. " She said, reaching out and wiping his tears away with her thumb. Russell took notice of her gentle touch. It was so different than the woman he saw aboard the ship.
The boy gave her a thank you and hugged her tight around her neck. He pulled back and she ruffled his hair playfully. His eyes drifted down and caught a glance of her necklace.

" Captain Barbosa." He gasped. Russell's ears twitched. Surely he heard that wrong.

Rosa's heart began to pound as she quickly shushed him.

" No, it's just a treasure piece." She lied. The boy looked at her with a questioning look.
" Are you sure?"
" Yes, I am." She pushed." Now go on and get out of this crowd."

It was as if the name was never even mentioned. He just nodded then ran off happily. Rosa finally let her breath go and stood up. When she walked she wouldn't even look up at Russell. She had only hoped he hadn't heard. If the crew were to find out the they might just leave her where she was and abandon her.

" Here hold on." Russell spoke as he reached out for her hand. " I can't afford to loose you.

Rosa felt her cheeks heat up as he led her to the tavern. She became painfully aware of how warm his hand was . . . and how much she liked it. But her moment of romance soon disappeared as they walked up to the tavern and walked inside. The body heat made it cramped and stuffy and the smell of booze reeked in her nose. Her hand squeezed even tighter in hope to find some sense of comfort.

" Geez what were you two doing? Making out?" Nathan teased.
" A kid fell and I helped him." Rosa intervened before anyone had a chance to comment.
" She's already fitting into the crew!" Morgan boasted loudly.

Rosa sat down nervously between he and Russell. She couldn't help but constantly look over her shoulder in fear anyone heard the name the kid had cried out. It wasn't tell after a good hour did she finally relax. Tiredness over came her and her muscles loosened. Her eyes suddenly became heavy and she just couldn't resist it anymore. She gave into her tiredness and fell asleep.

" Alright, wake her up. It's time to get back to the ship." Morgan commanded as he stood. Russell looked down at her. The look on her face was too peaceful to disturb.

" I'll carry her." He spoke before anyone could shake her awake.
" That's unlike you." Christopher commented. Russell slipped an arm around her waist and under her legs before he lifted her up.
" I think Russell has the hots for her." Eduardo teased. Russell felt his anger grow and went to yell when Rosa stirred with a moan. He bit his lip and turned to head out the tavern. He'll have to yell at him another time.

Russell some how managed to open his door after many attempts. He walked in and gave his door a quick kick to shut it before laying her down in his bed. She instantly huddled into the mattress and turned onto her side. Her necklace began to slide out and exposed itself.

He bent and held it in his hands. Any pirate would know this coin like the back of his hand. He had heard right. This was Captain Calico Barbosa's necklace, the Pirate King before Morgan had claimed the title, and the girl who was aboard their ship was his daughter.

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