Chapter 4

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Russell never once said a word to anyone about his discovery. But now he couldn't help but find himself constantly stealing a look at her. To think she was the daughter of the Captain Barbosa couldn't register in his head.

" Nathan this is amazing." Rosa smiled as she took a bite of her food.
" As if you would expect anything else?"
Russell picked at his food then took a bite. He should be enjoying the feast, not focusing on her.
" Rosalindaaa," Thomas cooed with a hiccup," Will you sing that song you sang at the tavern."
" I don't know Thomas . . ."
Thomas's eyes began to swell with tears and his lip quivered. No, anything to keep him from crying. So she quickly agreed, getting thankful looks from the rest of the crew. Grabbing a lantern, she held it up to her face to add an effect. The light bounced of her skin and reflected in her eyes. It made her look beautiful.

" Gather weary travelers, I have a tale to tell.

It might just save your lives but only if you listen well.

Cause there before the breakers, and just around the way . . ." She paused for a moment and glanced around. " There's a sign that says "Beware the beast of pirate's bay.""

Her tune began to pick up.

" Some say he's a guppy, A kid thrown in the sea.

He ates so many sailors, now he's bigger than a tree.

His teeth are sharp as scissors,his claws they are like knives. And if you think he's ugly wait until you see his insides!"

Rosa seemed to slowly catch the attention of all the men, including Morgan. Her voice wasn't that did it, it was her emotion she put behind it. Her hand signals and her movements all added up. It was as if she had been a story teller all her life.

" Some say he's a serpent that came straight from hell.

To eat the souls of pirates and other ne'rr-do-wells.

Some don't believe it but as me I've got a hunch." She slowly snuck up behind Thomas. " Cause they use to have some pirates here-" Then she grasped at his shoulders and scarred him," But he ate them all for lunch!"

Slowly even Russell found himself tapping his foot to the beat of the song as she continued on. Then suddenly the daring look in her eyes softened as she sat back down with her legs crossed. She leaned one arm against the table and leaned in, drawing her cutlass and waving it in a teasing way.

" Now the tavern's empty, and there's only you and me.

And if you care I'd like to share how this song came to be.

So come a little closer if you really want to know.

This very sad and woeful tale happened so long ago."

Russell suddenly found himself sitting on the edge of his seat, waiting for her tale to continue.

" Well, I was just a little girl when I went to Pirate's Bay.

And there I saw a creature that was very much dismayed.

With a harpoon in his dorsal fin and a hook stuck in his side,

This mighty whale was in such pain, we both began to cry.

" I pushed!" She slammed her cutlass into the wood." and I shoved," She continued, stomping down on the floor, making them all jump." But he wouldn't give way.

Into the deeper waters off our shallow Pirate's Bay.

All I could do to help him was to keep people away.

So I wrote the sign that said, "Beware of Pirate's Bay!" "

Morgan raised his hands and clapped along with the rest of his men. Despite her playful attitude he could see the hurt in her eyes. The more he looked at her the more he began to see the resemblance. The curve of her nose, the high cheek bones and height. It all was obvious to him now.
" Eduardo," He started abruptly," Set a path to Pirate's Bay."

Rosa froze in her tracks and her smile disappeared from her face.

" Why cap?"
" I want to see what this song is all about. " He shrugged. " Is that all ok with you?"
They all nodded.

" Rosa? Is that alright with you?"

Rosa fisted her skirt in her hands. He was toying with her and she knew it.
" Of course captain." She said with a fake smile. " Lets go."

Rosa stood and leaned against the brim of the ship. The fog began to roll in and disguise the sea they way she loved when she was younger. The others had gone to sleep a long time ago so she took the advantage to get some time to herself.

In her mind Rosa began to remember memories on sailing along her father's ship. The men would train her to fight with her fists, blades, a bullet, anything they could think of and soon she became their prestige. She remembered how her father would take her up to the crows nest every night to watch the sunset. His arm always around her shoulder and a smile always on his face. Then one day he gave her his necklace.

Remember Rosalinda, always be strong and never aim to rule the sea for she will fight against you. You must love her and respect everything she gives you. If you should get stuck in a storm it is to protect you, should you have clear skies it is urge you forward. Never forget that about her.

She always believed that was the reason why he was chosen to be Pirate King. That was why she aimed so much to be like him. She was happy that she finally had her chance to go to Pirate's Bay but at the same time she grew worry with nerves. What was she to expect? And then once she got there what would she do to return respect to his name?

Rosa sighed and began to turn. Maybe some sleep would help. But then that plan was pushed back.

Hooks began to clap onto the edge of the ship one by one. A pirate began to raise himself up and over when she punched him and sent him toppling over. Another began to raise and she drew her pistol and shot. But then another and another began to climb aboard. She shot as many as she could while she began to back up.
" Wake up you lazy asses! We've been ambushed!" She yelled as she shot again. It wasn't a second later that the men all showed up on the deck with their weapons drawn. Rosa went to shoot again as a pirate closed in on her but nothing happened.

" Shit." She growled. She was out of bullets. He swung and she latched onto his wrist, knocking the butt of her gun into his head before moving on. With her gun empty she stowed it away and pulled out her cutlasses to fight a near by pirate. She struggled slightly but managed to push through, that was, one came up from behind and snatched up her.

" A woman on board eh? Must be the cap's girl, lets go!"

They didn't even have a chance to take a step before she kicked weapon from the first pirate's hand then in the face. Quickly, she stomped the foot of the man who was holding her followed by and elbow to the face. Once she was free she went to step forward but he managed to grab the back of her shirt and pull her overboard with him.

Rosa felt her body slam into the water and desperately tried to swim for the surface. She barely had a chance to gasp for breath before he was on her again. His landed a hit on her cheek before pushing her underwater. Her breath began to escape her the more and more she struggled. Her vision was unclear and all she could do was swing her cutlasses blindly. When she heard the scream above the water she knew she had managed to do some damage. The pirate squirmed in pain as his blood stained in the water. With a kick his boot collided with her temple. He swam for his boat for safety and never once look back for Rosa. Her body went limp and the last thing she saw were ships beginning to grow smaller and smaller.

Above the sea the pirates began to push back by one step at a time. They had tried to fight but failed.
" Alright! Their retreating!" Thomas cried happily. Russell felt his heart flutter with pride. Of course they were retreating, no one won a fight against the Sirius.

" Nathan what's wrong?" Eduardo asked as he put his gun back in its holster. Nathan looked around then furred his brows. A voice was missing.

" Where's Rosa?"

Russell's heart skipped a beat as he ran to the side of the ship. He squinted his eyes to search the sea. Then he saw the blood.
" She fell over board." Christopher announced as he looked over the edge of the ship with Russell. " Wait, Russell what are you doing?"

Russell already had his boots off and a foot propped on the edge of the boat, ready to jump.
" Russell you can't just jump over board to save her." Eduardo said as he pulled him back. He began to fight and struggle to break free of his grip and when he did, they all ganged up on him.
" Russell we will find another way." Thomas pleaded as he held tight onto his arm. He couldn't just let her sink to the bottom of the sea. By the time they had thought of another plan she would be dead. Just the thought of her pale, soaked and lifeless made his heart break. He just couldn't do it. He slammed his foot into Eduardo's, elbowed Thomas's and Christopher's chest and shoved past Nathan and Morgan before running towards the sea. They didn't even have a chance to recover before he leaped and dove into the water below. He had to protect her, he just had to.

Russell swam around desperately in search for her before he came back up for air. Taking a deep breath again, he dove back under. Then there she was. Her eyes were closed and her lips beginning to turn blue. She was so far down . . .

He pushed himself to swim as fast as he could with his lungs burning. His arm stretched out and he finally reached her as she settled on a rock. His arms wrapped around her and held her lifeless body close to his. He didn't have much air left but at least he died trying. He gathered up all his energy and pushed himself off the rock as far as his legs could take him. But it still seemed like the surface was so far. He just had to keep swimming, he just had to keep swimming . . .

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