Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Chasing the No-Maj (And an unexpected sibling visit)

"Are you kidding me?" Tina groaned, as she held the arm of Newt as he looked around the city. "Of all things, a No-Maj had to get it."

"Can we stick with muggle?" Rosemary sighed, as she held her backpack tight, and found her hand intertwined with Newt's. As she realized it, she blushed and moved her hand away.

Newt looked at her at her sudden flick of movement but his gaze went back to what he was looking at again. His bright blue eyes searching the city, for any clues of the muggle from a while ago.

Then at the corner of Rosemary's vision, she saw smoke trailing at a corner. "Guys.. I think I know something." She murmured, as Tina gasped when she saw what Rosemary was seeing.

There were crowds of muggles outside a building. They were in a midst of a heated conversation.

A series of "What's that?", "Is it the beast?", and "Oh My God." filled the background, as the three squeezed in the big crowd.

"It's nothing but a mere gas explosion." The man tried to lessen the commotion that was starting to stir amidst the noisy group.

Rosemary stayed quiet as she tried to wiggle herself in the crowd. She was following Newt who flicked his wand at a man, and scrambled the words that he was saying.

Rosemary hid the wand in her pocket, as she squeezed her way outside the crowd and tailgated Newt as he went in the building.

"Newt?" She called out as she went up the stairs. Rosemary didn't bother to check if Tina even followed them.

"Newt..?" She whispered softly as she saw Newt with an open suitcase, and the Kowalski dude slumped on the wall. Rosemary clamps her mouth in a terrorizing and haunting look.

"They're loose." was all Newt said before Tina came up, and was beside Rosemary at a mere second.

Newt first flicked his wand and the walls fixed itself, then approached the muggle slowly, and at a sudden moment, a creature squealed out of Kowalski's chest and scrambled around. "Woah!" Rosemary stumbled and was caught by Newt, who also caught the creature in mid-air with his other free hand.

Tina panicked when she saw a bite on the neck of Kowalski. Newt brandished his wand out and pointed it at the muggle, as he was about to Obliviate his memories.

"Wait! Don't do it." Tina said with an infuriated look plastered on her face, as she checked his bite. It was bleeding, and Rosemary looked away because it makes her vomit when she sees blood.

"First, you get mad at me for not Obliviating the muggle, I mean, No-Maj's memory, but now, you get mad at me for almost Obliviating the muggle's memory." He sighed, as he spoke quickly. Rosemary just stared.

"He's ill." Tina said simply as she helped Kowalski get up from his spot. He groaned in pain. "Is it just a dream?" He slurred softly, as Newt helped Tina bring Kowalski on their shoulders. Rosemary stood awkwardly, like as if she was no help.

"Rosemary?" She turned to the voice of Newt, who looked at her with his brilliant blue eyes, which were filled with worry and concern.

"Yeah. Coming." Rosemary muttered and went on her way, without looking at Newt's expression as she left.


"Come on!" Tina hissed as we passed the busy streets of New York. "Be quiet, okay?" She told the two of them. Rosemary nodded, while Newt said or did nothing in reply.

Tina sighed as she went in the building, they went up the stairs when she heard a voice call out. "Tina!"

Newt stopped Kowalski from walking, and Rosemary almost stumbled at their sudden halt. A hush fell down at the four of them. Tina started to talk to the voice in a swift manner, that Rosemary couldn't even make out what they were saying or talking about.

Tina then signaled Kowalski to open the door. He obliged at once and they were inside of what it seems like a room. A living room.

There were clothes that were being hung by an invisible rope and was drying. Kowalski's eyes widened when he saw them. Rosemary swore that she saw that he had a smile on his face.

"Hey, Tina." Rosemary turned to the sound of a seductive and soft voice that made Kowalski turn. There in the corner, was a young woman with curly golden locks of hair that was neatly cut. And she was wearing practically no shirt, or pants whatsoever.

Newt looked uncomfortable, and turns away, but Kowalski, on the other hand, has widened eyes filled with awe.

"Queenie, please put on some clothes." Tina sighed as she went to where Queenie stood. "Sure." replied the other girl, as she flicked her wand and dressed herself with a black laced dress. And it fit her well.

"He looks ill." Queenie then approached Kowalski, who was staring. Wasn't it impolite to stare? Rosemary thought in her mind.

"He needs food." She concluded. Tina sighed. "He was bitten with whatever that creature was-, wait, I forgot." Tina paused and gestured at Queenie. "Guys, this is Queenie Goldstein, my sister." She introduced with a curt nod.

Queenie nodded at the Newt and Rosemary. "Mr. Newton Scamander and Ms. Rosemary Graves, pleasure to meet you." She said. Rosemary stopped in her tracks. "How do you know my name? I didn't say it, did I?" She asked.

Queenie chuckled in joy. Newt looked at her. "A Legilimens." He murmured. Queenie looked pleased. "Yes, I am one. We are never fond with your kind, though." She admitted with a shy smile, then she turned to Kowalski.

"He really needs food, Tina." Kowalski was looking at Queenie, who gave him a smile. "Honey, you are sick. Don't you worry. I cook good food." She smiled.

Kowalski nodded and slumped on the chair, and was smiling happily. Rosemary just looked away at the window, with Newt Scamander beside her, looking out too.

Tina just stared with a stern look at her face, when Queenie started to flick her wand, and plates started to float in the air, going towards the table.

Rosemary watched as Queenie mixed the spices in the air, when Newt held her hand. "Huh?" She reacted. He turned to her. "Later." The word left his lips in a soft volume, and Rosemary decided not to push him.

Queenie prepared a delicious-looking delicacy and set it on the table. Newt was turning to leave when Queenie called his attention. "Mr. Scamander? Don't you want to eat?"

Newt, looking embarrassed, replied. "Uh, no. I am actually fine..." His sentence trailed off when he saw Tina's stern look, and Kowalski's "Stay, man, food looks good." look.

He turned to Rosemary, who just shrugged and sat on a spare chair. Newt sighed and took the seat beside Rosemary Graves.

Kowalski was the first to dig in the food, and he and Queenie had a lovely conversation together. But Rosemary, Newt, and Tina just sat there in awkward silence.

Queenie first noticed her sister's look and turned quiet. "I wasn't flirting." She said, with a hint of disappointment in her voice. Tina sighed. "I didn't say anything, Queenie." She said, as she stood up. "I'll clean up."

Newt stood too, and turned to leave but Tina spoke. "Mr. Scamander, aren't you staying for the night?" She said.


Moments later, Newt, Kowalski, and Rosemary were in a room together.

Rosemary offered to sleep on the floor, and she was now positioned on the floor, sitting. At least she had a pillow to rest on.

Tina then opened the door, dressed in pajamas. "I brought some... hot drinks for you guys." She said, as she gave Kowalski his drink, Rosemary hers, and she set Newt's drink down with a bang on the desktable.

Rosemary sipped her drink, and inhaled the holy chocolate goodness. It was hot cocoa. "Hey, Mr. Scamander." Kowalski called out.

"It's hot cocoa." He said, as Rosemary heard him slurp his drink. Rosemary sipped her drink slowly, trying not to burn herself from the heat.

Suddenly, Newt got up from the bed, and set his suitcase down. He opened the case and went inside it.

Kowalski let out a scream, and Rosemary turned to him in confusion, but she tried hard not to laugh.

Rosemary heard footsteps go back up, and his hand stuck up, and called out. Rosemary then knew what he meant.

She didn't bother to check if Kowalski noticed it or not, and went inside the suitcase, only to be overwhelmed by a blanket of darkness,

And Rosemary fell.

So... You guys may ask. "Rey! Two chapters in one day?! Thank you! Well, to be honest with you guys, I'm stuck somewhere with only one friend of mine, and I do not want to converse with the others. So... Boredom pushed me to write this chapter. Hope ya like it :)

~ Reyhanne Starkfelt ~

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