Chapter 4

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"Lads.... we travelled.. in the time.." John says shocked. George starts panicking "WE - WE- WE - WHAT!?" George says scared and panicking. Paul tries to calm George down "George. relax. please.. - we go back.. I promise you." Paul tries to sound calm while he's shocked. John feels a bit scared "I.. died..?" John says almost whispering. "I'm sorry John.." the girl says with regret "It's alright.. - What's your name..?" John says shocked and tries to change the subject. "My name is Emma.." the girl says shy and shocked. John nods "Beautiful name." John says. Emma blushes. John looks around "The house is same.. but everything is different.." John says sad. "I had too.. I'm sorry John." Emma says sad. "Someone who wants something to drink maybe?" asks Emma awkward. The guys nods. George is still freaked out. "Do you have something to eat for George..?" Paul asks. Emma nods "I think I do have." Emma answered Paul. She walks to the kitchen. The boys are following her. Paul drags George by his arm. "Sit down please" Emma says friendly while she is still shocked. "Let I tell about where you are right now." Emma says, the boys nods "you are in 2013 Liverpool. This might be the house of John's aunt Mimi." Emma says. "2013...." Ringo whispers shocked. "I understand you will freak out cause it's different and everything like that. But believe me. I'm shocked like you. I mean, I would never have expect this!" Emma says. John nods. "20...13....." Ringo repeats slowly and slightly shocked when he starts to realise it. "You guys stay here in this house.. till we know how to bring you back." Emma starts talking again. "Can't we go outside?" John asks. "Only with a disguise you can outside John.." Emma answers John, he nods back. Paul tries to calm George down with a cookie. "Tell me if you guys need something, anyway please stay in this house, I don't want see how the whole world notices that you guys are here." Emma tells. the 4 boys nods.

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