Chapter 5

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after a long while, George has calmed down. he looks around and notices the laptop "Emma.. what is that?" George asks and he points to the laptop. "It's a laptop George. you can do really much with it. writing, looking for pictures watching films, finding information, listening to music. Do you want I show you?" Emma asks George, he nods. Emma stands up and walks to the Laptop. she picks it up and brings it over to George. George looks strange to the Laptop. Emma starts the laptop "What.. are you doing with it?" George asks. "I start it." Emma answers .

Ringo stands up. He notices a narrow TV. "What are you doing Ringo?" Paul asks to him. "I see a flat screen..." Ringo answers and he walks over to the TV. "Rings.. why are you looking to that screen?" Paul asks. Ringo shrugs, he notices the 'on' button. he clicks on it and terror slightly when the TV goes on and is in the middle of a heavy metal concert. Ringo runs outside. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" screams Ringo.

Emma stands up and runs after Ringo. Ringo has stopped running his eyes widen when he sees a totally different Liverpool. Emma grabs Ringo's arm "I know it changed." Emma says while she drags Ringo back inside. Paul stands in front of the door with widen eyes looking to the street. Emma takes with her other hand Paul and drag them in house so she can close the door. Than she walks over to the TV and set it off. Ringo is about to pass out cause of all what he just saw, but Paul holds him on his feet. "I know it has changed a lot.." Emma says to Paul and Ringo, and they nod back. "I want to go back.." George says he's about to break down, John comforts George and happily George doesn't break down. "You can't so far I know. Please keep calm and try to have a nice time here.." Emma says.

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