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„He really changed the PIN?" A woman hissed and wiped the hair out of her face staring at the wooden door in front of her. The woman was clearly pregnant, presenting the baby womb proudly in her checkered dress. „He couldn't change it into something super hard, right? Hana isn't someone who can remembers numbers very well." The woman, who obviously related to the Coghlan siblings sighed and typed in another set of numbers until the numbers finally clicked.

A high pitched chuckle left the woman's lips while she entered the now empty flat. The woman knew that Hoseok was in university at this time and Hana was on a school trip. As their aunt, Shin Goeun knew about the schedule of the kids.

Shin Goeun was never fond of her brothers children and especially Hana Coghlan got on her nerves faster than anyone. With her asthma she always needed help and medical advice and Goeun thought that was stupid. Even as an adult she was thinking very teenage-like.

Auntie Shin entered the siblings flat and looked around, scoffing. „Clean. I thought they'd make a humongous mess." She scoffed and looked around.

The main reason of her visit was money. More specifically Hana's money. Auntie Shin and her husband were to buy a house and they were missing only a few bucks. Goeun knew that the Coghlan siblings had a passbook somewhere around the house. „They're not that stupid, right?" Auntie Shin asked when she lifted the cover of a box finding a blue passbook. „Seriously? Those kids are so dumb!" The woman chuckled and picked up the book before sitting down on the couch due to the heavy breathing. She settled her hands on her stomach before peaking into the passbook. „Let's see how much money my stupid brother gave those punks..." Auntie Shin hummed and opened the book.

The first few pages seemed boring to the pregnant woman, showing only a small amount of money until she suddenly flips a page and was presented to a large number of Zero's. „Oh wow!" Auntie Shin grinned. „Her illness sure is practical for getting money." Goeun laughed and stood up, pressing the passbook to her stomach before walking towards the door that suddenly opened.

Humming a popular song from the radio, Hoseok entered the flat only to find his pregnant aunt standing in the middle of the hallway. „Eh?" Hoseok started pointing at his aunt. „Auntie Shin?" He asked confused until his eyes set on the passbook in her hands. Her scoffed. „Are you serious?" He asked and pointed at the book in his aunts hands. „Thats mine and Hana's." Hoseok simply said. Goeun laughed. „Hoseok-ah", she smiled, stretching out her hand to pet her nephew. He cocked an eyebrow. „There's so much money on that bank account. You and especially Hana don't need that much!" She laughed and Hoseok rolled his eyes. He already had enough of his aunts stupid talking. She was ten years older than him but not acting that way at all.

„I need that money." Hoseok said and Auntie Shin rolled her eyes. „You earn enough in your part time job. Tell Hana to get one as well." Goeun simply said and Hoseok lost his patience. „I need that freaking money for when Hana needs medical help!" He yelled and Goeun took a step back.

She rolled her eyes.

„Hana doesn't need that much money. She eventually dies from her illness. Now let me go through."

Triggered by his aunts words, Hoseok slammed the door shut and walked up to the woman he hated to have as a relative. „I don't know how you can be related to my father at all but if you ever talk about Hana that way again I make sure Appa make you and Uncle regret it. And now give me the passbook."

With a frown Auntie Shin hands the passbook back to Hoseok. „Don't you dare to speak to me like that!" She hissed when Hoseok softly pushed her through the doorframe into the hallway. „I'm pregnant!" She yelled but Hoseok slammed the door shut in her face and kicked her out. He immediately searched for a new hiding place for the passbook before changing the doors PIN and texting his father about his encounter with his furious aunt.

Auntie Shin on the other hand walked home to her husband who came up with a lovely idea on how the two of them will still have the chance to get the siblings money. Mr. Shin rested his chin on his hands and looked up to his wife. „We just have to get your brother to agree on letting us be Hana's guardian." Mr. Shin spoke and Auntie Shin nodded. „We have to let him know that due to university Hoseok won't be able to look after Hana that well and with her health she needs a lot of help!" Mr. Shin grinned and Auntie Shin nodded aggressively before texting her brother. But with the answer of Mr. Coghlan this clever plan of Mr. Shin completely aborted.

„Yeobo!" Goeun said and turned her phone to her husband. „My brother is visiting." She gasped quietly and Mr. Shin sighed. „Well I guess that's the end of our plan?" Mr. Shin said and Auntie Shin broke out in tears. „I hate those kids."

A/N: A little filler-chapter to get to know more about the family of Hana and why poor Hoseok has to struggle so much. Their aunt and uncle are seriously no joke. Next chapter will come as soon as possible.

— Inês, 2017.08.27

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