Happy once again

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"Alright everyone, off." Sam said as the kids 'Aw' in sadness. Macie giggled as the kids climbed down from Sam's back. The little boys scattered to chase some of the little girls while Hailey and Lily ran together away from Aiden who was close by.

Macie climbed down as well but was soon picked up again. "And you, have a lot of smiling to make up for." Sam added, now back in his human form. Macie held onto Sam as they walked into his house.

The house was pretty huge. It had a living room and a kitchen while it also had a bedroom and a guest room. "Wow." Macie stared in awe taking in the entire house. "It's huge."

"You think that's huge? Wait til you see the basement." Sam carried Macie into the guest room which surprisingly was filled with all kinds of girly stuff. Macie gasped out of pure delight as Sam chuckled. "I had it done after I met you." Macie blushed as Sam snuggled into Macie's neck. Macie squealed and tried to push his head out of her neck. "Sammy! That tickles."

"I know." Sam smirked and tossed her onto the bed. Macie giggled the entire time. "Why do you insist on throwing me?" She yelled while Sam sat on the bed with her. "Because I know you're gonna land on something soft. Plus, you're actually very light." Sam also stated. Macie giggled again as Sam brushed his finger up her cheek. "You're so adorable."

"Sam, stop making me blush." Macie replied while covering her face. "Hey, where's my pretty girl?" Sam said as he pulled her towards him by her feet and started to plant kisses on Macie's belly. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SAMMY EHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!" Macie laughed as Sam chuckled under her belly. "I wanna see my adorable little girl. Yes I do. Where is she? Come on." Sam continued to tease as Macie laughed harder due to it. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!" Sam then started to blow infinite raspberries on Macie's tummy. "AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OKAY OKAY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sammy stopped his small tickle torture as Macie slowly revealed her face. "There she is." Sam exclaimed giving Macie a big wet and slobbery kiss on the bridge of her nose. Macie squealed. "SAMMY!" Sam stopped kissing her as Macie wiped off his slobber. "You're so gross."

"And you're so cute."

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