16. Nolan

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It was eerily quiet at the campus cafeteria today. The crowd seemed to had been worn down by the New year parties, everyone's head was hung low and some even had eye bags.

I shook my head and checked the assignment for one last time for any errors before turning it in. Finally, I could rest now, not that I wasn't resting before. The difference is, I can rest worry free now. I stretched my arms and yawned. I checked the time and it was past twelve, almost time for lunch. My stomach grumbled, stating the same.

I was about to call out Jake but stopped and scowled at his unusual behavior. He had been on his phone earlier and now wasn't, but the cheeky, ear-to-ear smile was still plastered across his face. I got chills seeing him like that. "Don't smile like that, you're creeping me out."

"Then don't look, asshole," he said indifferently. He looked like what people would call a ‘fool in love’. I cringed seeing him act so out of character. Jake and expressions didn't belong together.

"Why are you this happy?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. It was obvious why he was happy but I, like a dumb still asked him. "Because my pathetic love life is not so pathetic anymore,” he smirked.

I scoffed. "You're still hung up on that. That's quite petty of you.” I agree it was wrong of me to say that and I apologized as well. How long was he going to hold that?

"Says the stuck-up jerk," he said, pinning me with a lazy stare.

"Don't call me that." I glared at him. More than anything, I hated when people called me a stuck up. I was anything but that and I was sure everyone around me would agree.

Jake's gaze averted behind me and his eyes suddenly lit up. I knew who it was just from the shine in his eyes. I looked behind me to see Asher, Ruby and Amelia coming towards us. I had a hunch that Kayra wouldn't be with them and she wasn't. I figured that she would be avoiding me and I was sure it was because she remembers that night. She must be embarrassed beyond belief. I bit my lips to contain my smile, thinking about her reactions. I can't let go of this chance to tease her.

I stood up and everyone gave me a questioning look, so I excused myself from there saying 'I need to get some fresh air'. On the way, I stopped by the counter and ordered a sandwich for lunch. While waiting, I noticed the butterscotch caramel cake sitting on the counter. It's her favorite.

I left the cafeteria and hurried towards that place. I knew where she would be, after all there were only a few places in the campus she frequented. As I walked closer to the place, I spotted two familiar and large maple trees, a rough pebble pathway, and thorny bushes. After going through these, I saw a swing of rope and wooden plank, hanging on another maple tree which was a bit smaller than the previous ones. And there she was sitting on it, swinging lightly. That was her hideout, which she found but more like she created by doing the necessary cleaning.

I found out about this place before when she used to disappear often and never returned until late. When I came here before and even now, I could tell that this place felt like her. It was just like Kayra.

The leaves danced with the breeze, creating a rustling sound and the sparkling sunlight penetrated through the branches and fell upon the ground, forming beautiful shadows. But I didn't care about them, not when she was here for me to think about.

I sneaked from behind and lightly tapped on her left shoulder. I swiftly sneaked in front of her, as she turned around to see where I tapped. Her eyes visibly widened and breath hitched when she turned back and our faces were just an inch away from each other.

Getting this close to her wasn't my intention, I just wanted to surprise her but it looks like the plan backfired. My own heart was behaving out of control now. It pounded with so much intensity that the outside voices melted and the only thing I could hear and feel were her soft breaths and flickering of lashes.

My calm face was in complete contrast with the chaos in my heart. I stared deep in her chocolate orbs, trying to find something, anything. I wanted to know if I was the only one in this mess. Ineffable but beautiful mess.

"What the hell!” She frowned and leaned back. I regained my posture and cleared my throat, my heart still beating an irregular rhythm.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, looking away. I suppressed a wide grin from forming when I noticed the red on the tips of her ears. Cute.

"Umm, swinging, I suppose.” I took a seat beside her on the swing. The wooden plank was big enough for two people to sit. I wonder who made this swing in here, away from the people. Either he wanted solitude or was in love. When there is one person, it's solitude and when there are two, it's romance. It was perfect for a secret rendezvous as well.

"And who said you could do that?" Her nostrils flared. They always did whenever she was irritated, angry or on the verge of bursting, either in rage or tears. In this situation, the former seemed likely.

I ignored her question. "Oh, I brought you something." I searched my bag for a few minutes as she watched with a frown on her face. Her eyes stayed stuck on my bag until I pulled out a small bottle from within and extended it towards her. It was a tiny bottle containing white pills. The confusion on her face made me mess with her even more.

“What is this?” She asked, eyeing the tiny bottle in my hand. I suppressed my laugh and maintained a straight face. "Poison."

The face she made after hearing it was worth capturing. Wide eyes boring into mine, dropped jaw and frozen body. I bit my lips to contain the laughter. I can't laugh right now, this is getting more interesting.

I smiled, a wicked one. "I thought you'd want to die after what you did on New year's night. So, I brought you this." I pointed at the bottle in my hand, which was supposed to be poison but was not. The white pills were vitamin tablets, which I took for my skin, nothing harmful.

"God, Nolan! Are you telling me to die?" She snatched the vitamins from my hand and glared at me with shock. If she'd read the label on the bottle, she'd know. But if she wasn't bothering to read then I wouldn't bother to tell the truth.

"Of course not, why would I say that? By the way, the dogs on the streets wished you a happy new year too." I shrugged but deep down I was dying, trying to control my laughter. The images of her drunk self flashed before my eyes.

"Do you understand their language? Figures. You are one of them after all,” she scoffed. Oh, even her insults sound so sweet.

"Give me my hoodie back. The one I put on you. You were practically nake-" she pressed her palm on my lips, cutting me off. Her palm dug deeper on my mouth as I struggled to speak. This must be the most embarrassing part for her to react like this.

"Shut up!" Kayra whisper-yelled as if anybody was here to listen. She looked desperate to bury that incident. Kayra withdrew her hand and pulled her own hair, groaning. Her brows knitted together, jaw ticked, disheveled hair and eyes glaring at me. She looked cute and funny at the same time. The amount of times I suppressed my laugh today was unhealthy.

A grin spread across my face as I tried to fix her hair. Unconsciously. "You should at least look neat when they find your body. You know, for photos."

She didn't hear me as she seemed taken aback by my touch and my actions halted at the realization. My eyes met hers, which were already looking at me. The strong glares from earlier were replaced with soft confusion. Suddenly, I became hyper-aware of my surroundings and time seemed to had slowed down. The soft breeze, light swinging and her deep breaths. The moment stretched long and hard between us. None of us looked away, as if we were under a spell. An enchanting spell, which drowned us in each other's eyes. The magic was sinking in.

Suddenly, we heard a phone buzzing. It was hers. The spell broke and magic disappeared. Everything returned back to as it was. She checked the caller and hurriedly hid the phone screen. What was she hiding? Her suspicious behavior was getting even more suspicious when she stood up and left the swing, which she fought so hard for.

She went in front of the bushes behind the tree and answered the call. I knew eavesdropping was wrong but I wasn't exactly doing it. I tried to reason my actions, thinking she was the one who was talking loudly, it's not my fault that I could hear everything. Very clearly.

"Yes, Ruby told me about you."

"Mhm-hm. Tonight sounds good."

"Okay, let's meet there."

"No no, you don't have to pick me up. I'll go there.”

"Yeah, Bye."

She returned back to the swing and began packing her stuff, without even sparing me a glance. I grabbed her hand when she was leaving, this time voluntarily.

She turned around with confusion plastered all over her face and glanced at where my hand held hers and then at my face. "Are you going on a date?" I asked. The question was out of the blue. Her entire conversation on the phone didn't even mention a date but I still felt the need to ask her. Her bucket list from last time flashed before my eyes, making me feel uneasy. Our eyes intertwined and I dreaded her answer. I wished she'd simply deny it or even call me crazy for asking her that but she never did it.

"Yes." One word was enough for my grip on her wrist to tighten, not enough to hurt her but just to tell her to not go. But I am sure she wouldn't understand. We stayed like that for a few seconds before my eyes stung and it made me realize how pathetic I was behaving. I let go of her hand instantly and walked away from there.


Ever since I left Kayra behind at the swing, my thoughts were nothing but about her. She was going on a date, but with whom? I heard her say Ruby told her about him, so it means Ruby was playing the matchmaker for Kayra.

As far as I knew Ruby, she wouldn't set her up with a guy she wouldn't know. And…she wouldn't know anyone outside the college. So, it's someone I know but who can it be? I paced back and forth in my room with my head down pondering the same thing over and over again, playing the detective.

"Who can it be?" I mumbled to myself but it was audible enough for two people in my room.

"What?" I heard Asher and my head snapped towards him. Ruby was Asher’s girlfriend, so he must know something. I thought about asking him about this. Of course, indirectly. I wouldn't risk telling him about Kayra.

"Hey, Asher! Do you know the guys in our Uni who are currently single?" I asked him. In response, he just narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips. I stared at him as he looked deep in thought.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

I slightly flinched when his eyes grew bigger and he gasped loudly while covering his mouth. "Are you gay?"

“What?” I frowned. How did he even come to that conclusion?

"You just asked me to set you up,” he pointed his finger at me. I seriously couldn't understand how his brain worked. "When did I ask that?"

"Your question says it all.” He shrugged. What the hell is wrong with him? Asking him about this was a bad idea. I should've known after the first time, that moron never knows anything.

"Stop overusing your brain, Asher.” I sighed.

"You know, I'll support you right?" Asher came to me and grabbed my hand. He was testing my patience, self-control, restraint and everything.

"Leave," I said with a straight face. He still stood there with my hand in his own hands and those ridiculous round eyes.

"Now." He still wouldn't budge. So I, myself, escorted that huge piece of disappointment, who I call my friend, outside in a rather unfriendly manner.

That punk was bringing out my brother's voice from within me, which was extremely rare. I shut the door after kicking him out and sighed. I was wrong. Asking him just anything is a bad idea.

"Do you want me to ask Amy?" Jake, who was silent the whole time, suddenly spoke. Two things were clear, first, he knew and second, he was flaunting that Amy was his girlfriend now. There was a small smirk dancing on his lips and it irritated the hell out of me but I couldn't let this opportunity go. "Fine. Ask her."


"Ask Amelia about Kayra's date." My fists clenched, when he leaned back and crossed his legs. "Please. People say please when they need help.” I stayed quiet for a while. I knew where this was going. Normally, Jake wouldn't mess with anyone like this, then why was he trying to piss me off now.  Well, everyone has been acting out of character lately, including me.

I stayed quiet, contemplating what had gotten into him. "I won't ask her then," he shrugged.

"Okay, fine. Please." Desperate was the right term to describe my current condition. I needed him and he needed me to plead. So, I had to plead.

"I didn't hear you." He acted like he didn't hear me but I noticed that nasty smirk dancing on his lips which fucked my nerves.

"You are so petty."

"I learned from the best. Now say it. In complete sentence."

"Please. Ask Amelia about Kayra's date," I said with gritted teeth. He must've noticed to not tick me further as he composed himself. Jake's original personality returned and he turned serious again.

He nodded. "Good. I'll text you when I find something," saying he left. He better find the guy after making me plead like that. But it seemed unimportant that I did something that I wouldn't ever do over the issue of Kayra going on a date with someone else.

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